Fredrik Falkenström
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Sun, Q., Zhang, C., Zhu, X., Wu, C., Ren, Z., et al. (2024). Outcome expectations and working alliance may be more important for patients from rural areas during the transition to college life : An exploratory within-patient analysis. Psychotherapy Research. 34 (5). 679-693.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F. (2024). Time-lagged panel models in psychotherapy process and mechanisms of change research : Methodological challenges and advances. Clinical Psychology Review. 110.
Status: Published -
Åkerman, A.E., Holmqvist, R., Falkenström, F., Mansfeldt, K., Östergren, O., et al. (2024). Experiences in the relationship between foster children and foster parents in specialized foster care : Thematic analysis conducted on five minute speech sample-data. Children and youth services review. 167.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, T., Svensson, M., Falkenström, F., Perrin, S., Johansson, H., et al. (2024). Effects of panic-specific cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic psychotherapies on work ability in a doubly randomised clinical trial. Psychotherapy Research. 34 (2). 137-149.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F., Bjeren, J., Björklund, F., Holmqvist, R., Ekeblad, A. (2024). Patient Attachment and Reflective Functioning as Predictors for Therapist In-Session Feelings. Journal of counseling psychology. 71 (3). 190-201.
Status: Published -
Sandell, R., Falkenström, F., Svensson, M., Nilsson, T., Johansson, H., et al. (2024). Moderators of short- and long-term outcomes in panic control treatment and panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Jacobsen, C.F., Falkenström, F., Castonguay, L., Nielsen, J., Lunn, S., et al. (2024). The Relationship Between Attachment Needs, Earned Secure Therapeutic Attachment and Outcome in Adult Psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 92 (7). 410-421.
Status: Published -
Fisher, H., Solomonov, N., Falkenström, F., Shahar, B., Shamay-Tsoory, S., et al. (2023). Therapists' oxytocin response mediates the association between patients' negative emotions and psychotherapy outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders. 338. 163-170.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F., Solomonov, N., Rubel, J. (2023). To Detrend, or Not to Detrend, That Is the Question? : The Effects of Detrending on Cross-Lagged Effects in Panel Models. Psychological methods.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Falkenström, F., Park, S., N. Mcintosh, C. (2023). Using Copulas to Enable Causal Inference from Non-Experimental Data : Tutorial and Simulation Studies. Psychological methods. 28 (2). 301-321.
Status: Published -
Åkerman, A.E., Holmqvist, R., Falkenström, F. (2023). What changes during specialized foster care? : A study on adaptive functioning and emotional and social problems. Child & Family Social Work. 28 (2). 405-416.
Status: Published -
Lauritzen, L.R., Faye Jacobsen, C., Nielsen, J., Lunn, S., Mathiesen, B.B., et al. (2023). Common factors, Responsiveness and Outcome in Psychotherapy (CROP) : Study protocol for a naturalistic prospective cohort study of psychotherapy in Denmark. BMJ Open. 13 (6).
Status: Published -
Alexandersson, K., Wagberg, M., Ekeblad, A., Holmqvist, R., Falkenström, F. (2023). Session-to-session effects of therapist adherence and facilitative conditions on symptom change in CBT and IPT for depression. Psychotherapy Research. 33 (1). 57-69.
Status: Published -
Lindqvist, K., Mechler, J., Falkenström, F., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., et al. (2023). Therapeutic Alliance Is Calming and Curing - The Interplay Between Alliance and Emotion Regulation as Predictors of Outcome in Internet-Based Treatments for Adolescent Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 91 (7). 426-437.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K.H., Thunberg, M., Munger, A., Andersson, G., Falkenström, F., et al. (2023). "It's ok that I feel like this" : a qualitative study of adolescents' and parents' experiences of facilitators, mechanisms of change and outcomes in a joint emotion regulation group skills training. BMC Psychiatry. 23 (1).
Status: Published -
Van Hoy, A., Rzeszutek, M., Pieta, M., Mestre, J.M., Rodriguez-Mora, A., et al. (2022). Burnout among psychotherapists : a cross-cultural value survey among 12 European countries during the coronavirus disease pandemic. Scientific Reports. 12 (1).
Status: Published -
Åkerman, A.E., Holmqvist, R., Frostell, A., Falkenström, F. (2022). Effects of Mentalization-based Interventions on Mental Health of Youths in Foster Care. Child Care in Practice. 28 (4). 536-549.
Status: Published -
Van Hoy, A., Rzeszutek, M., Pieta, M., Mestre, J.M., Rodriguez-Mora, A., et al. (2022). Subjective well-being among psychotherapists during the coronavirus disease pandemic : A cross-cultural survey from 12 european countries. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 154. 315-323.
Status: Published -
Mechler, J., Lindqvist, K., Carlbring, P., Topooco, N., Falkenström, F., et al. (2022). Therapist-guided internet-based psychodynamic therapy versus cognitive behavioural therapy for adolescent depression in Sweden : a randomised, clinical, non-inferiority trial. The Lancet Digital Health. 4 (8). E594-E603.
Status: Published -
Ekeblad, A., Dahlman, M., Pio, M., Malmquist, A., Falkenström, F. (2022). "What shall we focus on?" - A thematic analysis of what characterizes cognitive-behavior therapy sessions with high or low quality of working alliance. Psychotherapy Research. 32 (8). 1003-1015.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F., Holmqvist, R. (2022). Therapist in-session feelings predict change in depressive symptoms in interpersonal and brief relational psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research. 32 (5). 571-584.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F. (2022). Data Analytic Advances That Bridge the Scientist-Practitioner Gap. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 29 (3). 585-590.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F., Solomonov, N., Rubel, J.A. (2022). How to Model and Interpret Cross-Lagged Effects in Psychotherapy Mechanisms of Change Research : A Comparison of Multilevel and Structural Equation Models. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 90 (5). 446-458.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, T., Falkenström, F., Perrin, S., Svensson, M., Johansson, H., et al. (2021). Exploring termination setback in a psychodynamic therapy for panic disorder.. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 89 (9). 762-772.
Status: Published -
Nissen-Lie, H.A., Solbakken, O.A., Falkenström, F., Wampold, B.E., Holmqvist, R., et al. (2021). Does it make a difference to be more "on the same page"? Investigating the role of alliance convergence for outcomes in two different samples. Psychotherapy Research. 31 (5). 573-588.
Status: Published -
Svensson, M., Nilsson, T., Perrin, S., Johansson, H., Viborg, G., et al. (2021). The Effect of Patient's Choice of Cognitive Behavioural or Psychodynamic Therapy on Outcomes for Panic Disorder : A Doubly Randomised Controlled Preference Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 90 (2). 107-118.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F. (2021). Is the quality of the patient-therapist relationship a causal factor for therapy outcome?. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 75 (1:Sup 1). 53-53.
Status: Published -
Philips, B., Falkenström, F. (2021). What Research Evidence Is Valid for Psychotherapy Research?. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11.
Status: Published -
Sun, Q., Holmqvist Larsson, M., Falkenström, F. (2021). Separating the effects of alliance ruptures and improvements on outcome session-by-session using the asymmetric fixed-effect model. Journal of counseling psychology. 68 (6). 696-704.
Status: Published -
Wambua, G.N., Kumar, M., Falkenström, F., Cuijpers, P. (2020). Process and outcome of child psychotherapies offered in Kenya : a mixed methods study protocol on improving child mental health. BMC Psychiatry. 20 (1).
Status: Published -
Uckelstam, C., Holmqvist, R., Philips, B., Falkenström, F. (2020). A relational perspective on the association between working alliance and treatment outcome. Psychotherapy Research. 30 (1). 13-22.
Status: Published -
Solomonov, N., Falkenström, F., Gorman, B.S., Mccarthy, K.S., Milrod, B., et al. (2020). Differential effects of alliance and techniques on Panic-Specific Reflective Function and misinterpretation of bodily sensations in two treatments for panic. Psychotherapy Research. 30 (1). 97-111.
Status: Published -
Falkenström, F. (2003). A Buddhist contribution to the psychoanalytic psychology of self. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 84 (6). 1551-1568.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Falkenström, F. (2023). Causal inference in a complex world - Innovations and practical approaches for psychotherapy research. Psychotherapy Research. 33 (8). 989-990.
Status: Published