Fredrik Hjorth

Fredrik Hjorth

Senior lecturer, acting head of department
Faculty Office of Technology Faculty of Technology
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Maritime safety has been an area with an increased focus over the last 50 years. Initially, there was a technical emphasis on equipment on board and on the construction of vessels, followed by training and certification of crews. Nowadays, there is an increased focus on the human element both on board vessels and within shore-based organizations affecting maritime safety. The emphasis on inspection of vessels has over the years increased via its port state control function. The port states have both an opportunity and an obligation to inspect visiting foreign vessels in order to verify the compliance of international standards and agreements. My thesis examines the Swedish Port state control inspectors’ perceptions of their role in working for increased maritime safety. Do they feel free to use their experience and professional knowledge in order to interpret regulations and specific solutions on board a vessel? Or, do they feel constrained by organizational demands and the vast number of points in a checklist? My thesis aims to increase the knowledge of the work situation for inspectors conducting Port state control. It also aims to pinpoint some important aspects of central issues that affect maritime safety in Sweden.


Chapter in book (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)