Article in journal (Refereed)
Sim, T.G., Swindles, G.T., Morris, P.J., Baird, A.J., V. Gallego-Sala, A., et al . (2023). Regional variability in peatland burning at mid-to high-latitudes during the Holocene . Quaternary Science Reviews . 305.
Status: Published
Bennike, O., Colgan, W., Hedenäs, L., Heiri, O., Lemdahl, G. , et al . (2023). An Early Pleistocene interglacial deposit at Pingorsuit, North-West Greenland . Boreas . 52 (1). 27-41.
Status: Published
Dendievel, A., Argant, J., Dietre, B., Delrieu, F., Jouannic, G., et al . (2022). Multi-proxy study of the Pialeloup Bog (SE Massif Central, France) reveals long-term human environmental changes affecting peat ecosystems during the Holocene . Quaternary International . 636. 118-133.
Status: Published
Pilotto, F., Dynesius, M., Lemdahl, G. , Buckland, P.C., Buckland, P.I. (2021). The European palaeoecological record of Swedish red-listed beetles . Biological Conservation . 260.
Status: Published
Cui, Q. , Gaillard, M. , Vanniere, B., Colombaroli, D., Lemdahl, G. , et al . (2020). Evaluating fossil charcoal representation in small peat bogs : Detailed Holocene fire records from southern Sweden . The Holocene . 30 (11). 1540-1551.
Status: Published
Fägerström, C., Buckland, P.I., Lemdahl, G. , Karsten, P., Lagerås, P., et al . (2020). Insects and other invertebrate remains from the coffin of a 17th century bishop in Lund Minster, S Sweden . Journal of Archaeological Science : Reports . 31.
Status: Published
Bennike, O., Hedenäs, L., High, K., Korshoj, J.S., Lemdahl, G. , et al . (2019). New interglacial deposits from Copenhagen, Denmark : marine Isotope Stage 7 . Boreas . 48 (1). 107-118.
Status: Published
Möller, P., Benediktsson, I.O., Anjar, J., Bennike, O., Bernhardson, M., et al . (2019). Data set on sedimentology, palaeoecology and chronology of Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits on the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia . Data in Brief . 25. 1-35.
Status: Published
Bennike, O., Hedenas, L., Lemdahl, G. , Wiberg-Larsen, P. (2018). A multiproxy macrofossil record of Eemian palaeoenvironments from Klaksvik, the Faroe Islands . Boreas . 47 (1). 106-113.
Status: Published
Houmark-Nielsen, M., Bennike, O., Lemdahl, G. , Luethgens, C. (2016). Evidence of ameliorated Middle Weichselian climate and sub-arctic environment in the western Baltic region : coring lake sediments at Klintholm, MOn, Denmark . Boreas . 45 (2). 347-359.
Status: Published
Cui, Q. , Gaillard, M. , Olsson, F., Greisman, A. , Lemdahl, G. , et al . (2015). A case study of the role of climate, humans, and ecological setting in Holocene fire history of northwestern Europe . Science China. Earth Sciences . 58 (2). 195-210.
Status: Published
Cui, Q. , Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Stenberg, L., Sugita, S. , et al . (2014). Historical land-use and landscape change in southern Sweden and implications for present and future biodiversity . Ecology and Evolution . 4 (18). 3555-3570.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. , Buckland, P.I., Mortensen, M.F. (2014). Lateglacial insect assemblages from the Palaeolithic site Slotseng : New evidence concerning climate and environment in SW Denmark . Quaternary International . 341. 172-183.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. , Broström, A., Hedenäs, L., Arvidsson, K., Holmgren, S., et al . (2013). Eemian and Early Weichselian environments in southern Sweden: a multi-proxy study of till-covered organic deposits from the Småland peneplain. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 28 (7). 705-719.
Status: Published
Cui, Q. , Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Sugita, S. , Greisman, A. , et al . (2013). The role of tree composition in Holocene fire history of the hemiboreal and southern boreal zones of southern Sweden, as revealed by the application of the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm : Implications for biodiversity and climate-change issues . The Holocene . 23 (12). 1747-1763.
Status: Published
Olsson, F. , Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Greisman, A. , Lanos, P., et al . (2010). A continuous record of fire covering the last 10500 calendar years from souther Sweden : The role of climate and human activities . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology . 291. 128-141.
Status: Published
Olsson, F., Lemdahl, G. (2010). A forest history for the last 10 900 years at the site Storasjö, southern Sweden – implications from beetle assemblages. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 25 (8). 1211-1221.
Status: Published
Gustavsson, G., Lemdahl, G. , Gaillard, M. (2009). Abrupt forest ecosystem change in SW Sweden during the late Holocene . The Holocene . 19 (5). 691-702.
Status: Published
Olsson, F. , Lemdahl, G. (2009). A continuous Holocene beetle record from the site Stavsåkra, southern Sweden: implications for the last 10 600 years of forest and land use history . Journal of Quaternary Science . 24 (6). 612-626.
Status: Published
Behre, K.E., Holzer, A., Lemdahl, G. (2005). Botanical macro-remains and insects from the Eemian and Weichselian site of Oerel (northwest Germany) and their evidence for the history of climate . Vegetation history and archaeobotany . 14 (1). 31-53.
Status: Published
Hajdas, I., Bonani, G., Hadorn, P., Thew, N., Coope, G., et al . (2004). Radiocarbon and absolute chronology of the Late-Glacial record from Hauterive/Rouges-Terres, Lake Neuchdtel (CH) . Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B : Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms . 223. 308-312.
Status: Published
Birks, H., Battarbee, R., Birks, H., Bradshaw, E., Brooks, S., et al . (2000). The development of the aquatic ecosytem at Kråkenes Lake, western Norway, during the late glacial and early Holocene - a synthesis. . Journal of Paleolimnology . 23 (1). 91-114.
Status: Published
Amman, B., Birks, H., Brooks, S., Eicher, U., Von Grafenstein, U., et al . (2000). Quantification of biotic responses to rapid climatic changes around the Younger Dryas – a synthesis. . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology . 159 (3-4). 313-347.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (2000). Lateglacial and Early Holocene insect assemblages from sites at different altitudes in the Swiss Alps - implications on climate and environment. . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology . 159 (3-4). 293-312.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (2000). Late-glacial and early-Holocene Coleoptera assemblages as indicators of local environment and climate at Kråkenes Lake, western Norway. . Journal of Paleolimnology . 23 (1). 57-66.
Status: Published
Gedda, B., Lemdahl, G. , Gaillard, M. (1999). Lateglacial and Early Holocene environments inferred from a tufa deposit at Fyledalen, S. Sweden . GFF . 121. 33-41.
Status: Published
Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. , Lowe, J., Walkling, A. (1998). Temperature gradients in northern Europe during the last glacial-Holocene transition (14-9 14 C kyr BP) interpreted from coleopteran assemblages. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 13 (5). 419-433.
Status: Published
Björck, S., Walker, M., Cwynar, L., Johnsen, S., Knudsen, K., et al . (1998). An event stratigraphy for the Last Termination in the North Atlantic region based on the Greenland Ice-core record: a proposal by the INTIMATE group. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 13 (4). 283-292.
Status: Published
Witte, H., Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. , Lowe, J. (1998). Regression coefficients of thermal gradients in northwestern Europe during the last glacial-Holocene transition using beetle MCR data. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 13 (5). 435-445.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (1997). Early Weichselian insect faunas from northern Sweden - climatic and environmental implications. . Arctic and Alpine Research . 29 (1). 63-74.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. , Gustavsson, G. (1997). Lateglacial and Middle Holocene Coleoptera assemblages from coastal environments in South-Western Sweden. . Entomologisk Tidskrift . 118 (4). 177-187.
Status: Published
Birks, H., Battarbee, R., Beerling, D., Birks, H., Brooks, S., et al . (1996). The Kråkenes Late-glacial Palaeoenvironmental Project. . Journal of Paleolimnology . 15 (3). 281-286.
Status: Published
Björck, S., Kromer, B., Johnsen, S., Bennike, O., Hammarlund, D., et al . (1996). Synchronized terrestrial-atmospheric deglacial records around the North Atlantic. . Science . 274 (5290). 1155-1160.
Status: Published
Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. (1996). Validations for the use of beetle remains as reliable indicators of Quaternary climates: a reply to the criticisms by Johan Andersen. . Journal of Biogeography . 23 (1). 115-120.
Status: Published
Hellqvist, M., Lemdahl, G. (1996). Insect assemblages and local environment in the medieval town of Uppsala, Sweden. . Journal of Archaeological Science . 23 (6). 873-881.
Status: Published
Ingolfsson, O., Rögnvaldsson, F., Bergsten, H., Hedenäs, L., Lemdahl, G. , et al . (1995). Late Quaternary glacial- and environmental history of Kongsøya, Central northern Barents Sea, Svalbard. . Polar Research . 14 (2). 123-139.
Status: Published
Wastegård, S., Aronsson, M., Hedenäs, L., Johansson, K., Lemdahl, G. , et al . (1995). Late Quaternary stratigraphy at Ranstad, Västergötland, southern Sweden. In: Landscape and Life. Studies in honour of Urve Miller. . PACT (Strasbourg) . 50. 97-108.
Status: Published
Wohlfarth, B., Lemdahl, G. , Olsson, S., Persson, T., Snowball, I., et al . (1995). Early Holocene environment on Bjørnøya (Svalbard) inferred from multidisciplinary lake sediment studies. . Polar Research . 14 (2). 253-275.
Status: Published
Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. (1995). Regional differences in the Lateglacial climate of northern Europe based on coleopteran analysis. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 10 (4). 391-395.
Status: Published
Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. (1994). Early Holocene coastal environments and climate in southeast Sweden: a reconstruction based on macrofossils from submarine deposits . The Holocene . 4. 53-68.
Status: Published
Berglund, B.E., Björck, S., Lemdahl, G. , Bergsten, H., Nordberg, K., et al . (1994). Late Weichselian environmental change in southern Sweden and Denmark . Journal of Quaternary Science . 9 (2). 127-132.
Status: Published
Wohlfarth, B., Björck, S., Holmqvist, B., Lemdahl, G. , Ising, J. (1994). Ice recession and depositional environment in the Blekinge archipelago of the Baltic Ice Lake. . GFF . 116 (1). 3-12.
Status: Published
Hammarlund, D., Lemdahl, G. (1994). A Late Weichselian stable isotope stratigraphy compared with biostratigraphic data. A case study from southern Sweden. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 9 (1). 13-31.
Status: Published
Bondestam, K., Vasari, A., Vasari, Y., Lemdahl, G. , Eskonen, K. (1994). Younger Dryas and Preboreal in Salpausselkä foreland, Finnish Karelia. . Dissertationes Botanicae . 234. 161-206.
Status: Published
Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. (1994). Lateglacial insect assemblages from Grand-Marais, southwestern Switzerland - climatic implications and comparison with pollen and plant macrofossil data . Dissertationes botanicae . 234. 287-308.
Status: Published
Wohlfart, B., Björck, S., Possnert, G., Lemdahl, G. , Brunnberg, L., et al . (1993). Problems of AMS dating the Swedish varved clays of the last glacial-interglacial transition and the potential and difficulties of calibrating Late Weichselian "absolute" chronologies. . Boreas . 22 (2). 113-128.
Status: Published
Nilsson, A., Pettersson, R., Lemdahl, G. (1993). Macroptery in altitudinal specialists versus brachyptery in generalists - a paradox of alpine Scandinavian carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). . Journal of Biogeography . 20 (2). 227-234.
Status: Published
Birks, H., Lemdahl, G. , Svendsen, J., Landvik, J. (1993). Palaeoecology of a late-Alleröd peat bed at Godoy, western Norway. . Journal of Quaternary Science . 8. 147-159.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (1991). Late Vistulian insect assemblages from Zabinko, western Poland. . Boreas . 20 (1). 71-77.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (1991). A rapid climatic change at the end of the Younger Dryas in S. Sweden - palaeoclimatic and palaeo-environmental reconstructions based on fossil insect assemblages. . Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology . 83. 313-331.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (1990). Water-surfaces as insect traps and some consequences for palaeoentomology. . Quaternary Newsletter . 62. 26-29.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. , Persson, T. (1989). Late Weichselian biostratigraphy at Mickelsmossen, Skåne, southern Sweden. . Geologiska föreningens i Stockholm förhandlingar . 111. 251-259.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (1988). Insect remains from an Allröd peat at lake Bysjön, South Sweden. . Boreas . 17. 265-266.
Status: Published
Gabus, J., Lemdahl, G. , Weidmann, M. (1987). Sur l'âge des terrasses lémaniques au SW de Lausanne . Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles . 293. 419-429.
Status: Published
Lemdahl, G. (1983). Beetle remains from the refuse layer of the bog site Ageröd V . Acta Archaeologica . 12. 169-172.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Gaillard, M. , Cui, Q. , Lemdahl, G. , Trondman, A. (2015). The potential of pollen-based quantitative vegetation reconstructions in studies of past human settlements and use of resources – examples from Europe . Geophysical Research Abstracts .
Gaillard, M. , Cui, Q. , Fyfe, R., Lemdahl, G. , Mazier, F., et al . (2014). From land cover-climate relationships at the subcontinental scale to land cover-environment relationships at the regional and local spatial scale – the contribution of pollen-based quantitative reconstructions of vegetation cover using the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm approach . Towards a more accurate quantification of human-environment interactions in the past : Open PAGES Focus 4 Workshop Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions University of Leuven, Belgium 3-7 February 2014 . 25-26.
Cui, Q. , Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Olsson, F. , Sugita, S. (2010). Holocene local forest history at two sites in Småland, southern Sweden : Insights from quantitative reconstruction using the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm . . 4325.
Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Greisman, A. , Olsson, F. , Wäglind, J. (2007). The role of fire and other disturbances in the Holocene forest dynamics and ecosystem diversity of southern Sweden – the combined effect of human impact and climate change . Quaternary International 131 .
Lowe, J., Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. , Walker, M. (1995). The Younger Dryas climate signal in land records from NW Europe. . The Younger Dryas : proceedings of a workshop at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on 11-13 April 1994 . 3-25.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
Borzenkova, I., Zorita, E., Borisova, O., Kalnina, L., Kisieliene, D., et al . (2015). Climate Change During the Holocene (Past 12,000 Years) . Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin . Springer. 25-49.
Hadorn, P., Thew, N., Russell Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. , Hajdas, I., et al . (2002). A Late-Glacial and Early Holocene environment and climate history for the Neuchâtel region (CH) . Équilibres et ruptures dans les ecosystemes depuis 20 000 ans en Europe de l’Ouest . Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. 75-90.
Lemdahl, G. (1997). Late Weichselian and Early Holocene colonisation of beetle faunas in S Sweden . Studies in quaternary entomology : an inordinate fondness for insects . Chichester, John Wiley on behalf of the Quaternary Research Association. 153-164.
Lemdahl, G. (1995). Insect remains from the Alvastra pile dwelling : Appendix . Alvastra pile dwelling : paleoethnobotanical studies . Stockholm, Lund University Press. 97-99.
Lemdahl, G. , Göransson, H. (1988). Geological investigations at Skateholm. . The Skateholm project. 1. Man and environment : interdisciplinary studies . Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 20-26.
Lemdahl, G. (1988). A Postglacial insect fauna from Järavallen, Skateholm, Southern Sweden. . The Skateholm project. 1. Man and environment : interdisciplinary studies . Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 46-50.
Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. (1988). Plant macrofossil analysis - a lagoonal landscape during Atlantic and Early Subboreal time. . The Skateholm project. 1. Man and environment : interdisciplinary studies . Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 34-38.
Gaillard, M. , Göransson, H., Håkansson, H., Lemdahl, G. (1988). The palaeoenvironment at Järavallen-Skateholm (South Sweden) during Atlantic and Early Subboreal time on basis of pollen-, macrofossil-, diatom- and insect- analyses. . The Skateholm Project. 1. Man and environment: interdisciplinary studies . Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 52-55.
Berglund, B., Lemdahl, G. , Liedberg-Jönsson, B., Persson, T. (1984). Biotic responce to climatic changes during the time span 13 000 - 10 000 BP. - A case study from SW Sweden. . Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millenial Basis . D. Reidel Publishing Group. 25-36.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Möller, P., Benediktsson, I.O., Anjar, J., Bennike, O., Bernhardson, M., et al . (2019). Glacial history and palaeo-environmental change of southern Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia, during the Middle and Late Pleistocene . Earth-Science Reviews . Elsevier. 196.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Conference paper (Other academic)
Lemdahl, G. , Gustavsson, G., Olsson, F., Gaillard, M. (2010). Fossil insects may provide unique information on structures and disturbances in past forest ecosystems – examples from Holocene studies in southern Sweden. . Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-5140, 2010 .
Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Mazier, F. (2009). The Holocene history of shallow lakes of the Great Alvar, Öland, Baltic Sea, southern Sweden. . .
Gaillard, M. , Greisman, A. , Hellman, S. , Lemdahl, G. , Van Geel, B. (2005). Late Holocene climate change in southern Sweden: Do land-cover changes during the last 3000 calendar years matter? . Extended abstract, HOLIVAR Workshop .
Gaillard, M. , Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. , Sugita, S. (2004). Summary of Working Group B deliberations: Ecosystem dynamics under changing climate – some illustrative cases from the past. . The ESS Bulletin: Special Issue: Climate risk and vulnerability : vol 2, iss. 2 . 89-93.
Lemdahl, G. (2002). Holocene forest environments in southern Sweden and wood living insects. .
Hadorn, P., Thew, N., Coope, G., Lemdahl, G. , Hajdas, I. (2000). Late-Glacial and Early Holocene environment and climate history of the Neuchâtel region, Switzerland. .
Lemdahl, G. (1988). Fossil insects from alpine lakes in the Abisko area: Holocene climate and faunal change. .
Book (Other academic)
Larsson, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Lidén, K. (2014). Paths towards a new world : Neolithic Sweden . Oxford, Oxbow Books.
Larsson, M. , Lemdahl, G. , Lidén, K. (2012). Mot en ny värld : Yngre stenålder i Sverige 4000-1700 f.KR . Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
Lemdahl, G. , Coope, G.R. (2013). BEETLE RECORDS : Late Pleistocene of Europe . Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science . Elsevier. 200-206.
Lemdahl, G. , Coope, G. (2007). BEETLE RECORDS : Late Pleistocene of Europe . Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science . Elsevier. 190-196.
Gaillard, M. , Lemdahl, G. (1988). Plant-Macrofossil Analysis (Seeds and Fruits) at Skateholm-Järavallen, Southern Sweden. A Lagoonal Landscape During Atlantic and Early Subboreal Time . The Skateholm project. 1, Man and environment : interdisciplinary studies . Acta Regiae Societatis Humanorium Litterarum Lundensis LXXIX. 34-38.
Other (Other academic)
Johansson, P., Olsson, F., Lemdahl, G. (2004). Late Holocene history of a pine heath forest on northern Öland, S. Sweden .
Gaillard, M. , Göransson, H., Håkansson, H., Lemdahl, G. (1988). The Palaeoenvironment at Skateholm-Järavallen (Southern Sweden) During Atlantic and Subboreal Time on the Basis of Pollen-, Macrofossil-, Diatom- and Insect-Analyses . Acta Regiae Societatis Humanorium Litterarum Lundensis LXXIX.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Gaillard, M. , Greisman, A. , Lemdahl, G. , Olsson, F. , Skoglund, P. The role of climate, human impact and fire on forestdynamics, landscape development and biodiversity during the last 10,500 calendar years in southern Sweden : a synthesis ofthe multiproxy study of Stavsåkra bog .
Monday, November 22, 2021