Goran Basic is associate professor of sociology and senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Learning, Linnaeus University. His research concerns social and pedagogical processes and collaborations among different actors in school, university, youth care, social care, police, and coast guard. He has also written articles on post-war society and carried out an evaluation of several projects in juvenile care, analysed policing practices in the Baltic Sea area, and the experiences of young people who have lived through a war and been placed in HVB homes (residential care homes for children and young people) in Sweden, as well as experiences of institutional staff who work with these young people on a daily basis. In the school context, analyses have focused on vulnerable categories of students, such as newly arrived students and students who use alcohol and drugs. Special analytical focus in Basic's research is on the functions of the context and its impact on the non-professional actor in the relationship (child, youth, pupil, student, service user, parent, traveller, suspect, civilian, refugee, prisoner). Basic is working on a number of collaborations with stakeholders within and outside academia.
Sociology, educational sciences, pedagogy, sociology of education, criminology, social work, social pedagogy, pedagogic counselling, special needs education, theory of science, research methods, peace and conflict studies, social psychology, Balkan history, teacher training, education at third-cycle level, supervisor for students and PhD students.
Basic has worked as a course director at different academic education levels and has been a regular member of the management team for the first-cycle programme in criminology at Lund University, the first-cycle programme in social pedagogy at Linnaeus University and faculty meeting for doctoral supervisors in pedagogy at Linnaeus University. His teaching has included course, planning and assessment responsibility, lectures, supervision of students and doctoral students and examination of individual assignments and group work.
Currently conducting studies on:
- early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in criminality;
- interests and expectations regarding continued studies at university level in relation to: proximity to studies, academic environment, selection of courses and programmes, and presence of research;
- the achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in work with upper secondary school students who use alcohol and drugs;
- the possibilities, obstacles, identities, and collaboration in work with newly arrived upper secondary school students;
- narratives by young people who have experienced war, taken refuge in Sweden, and been taken into custody and placed in institutions, and narratives by institutional staff about the daily work with these young people with war experience.
Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Linköping). (20240101- ).
Ethical Advisory Board in South East Sweden, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Linnaeus University, Region Kalmar county and Region Blekinge (20210616- ).
Coordinator for the Centre for School Development, Linnaeus University (2018-2019).
Faculty meeting for doctoral supervisors in pedagogy, Linnaeus University (September 2018- ).
External expert commissions:
European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Union (2024).
Research Council of Lithuania (RCL), Republic of Lithuania (2021- ).
Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Netherland (2023).
Irish Research Council, Republic of Ireland (2023).
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Serra Hunter Programme, Kingdom of Spain (2022).
International Health and Science Institute, Commonwealth of Australia (2021).
University of Agriculture, Peshawar-Pakistan (2021).
Högskolan Väst, Sweden (2021).
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada (2020-2021).
Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Republic of Slovenia (2020-2021).
Sveriges Radio, Sweden (2020).
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK Research and Innovation, United Kingdom (2019).
National Science Center Poland (NCN), Polish Ministry for Science and Higher Education, Republic of Poland (2019).
The Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Research Funding Agency in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Kingdom of Belgium (2019).
”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, Kingdom of Spain (2019).
Polytechnic of Požega, Department of Social Sciences, Republic of Croatia (2019).
Editorial board:
Studies in Teaching and Education (2022-)
Criminal Justice Issues (2021-)
Pedagogical Sciences: Theory and Practice (2020-)
Advances in Education Sciences Journal (2019-)
Journal of Criminal Justice and Security (2017-)
Temida (2017-)
Proceedings at the Faculty of Law in Tuzla (2015-)
Social Behavior Research & Health (2017-2020)
Studies in Media and Communication (2016)
Review of European Studies (2016)
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation (2016)
Urban Analysis (2015)
Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic research (2015)
Economic and Social Analysis Journal of Southern Caucasus (2015)
World Journal of Social Science Research (2015-2016)
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (2014-2016)
Peer reviewer of journal articles:
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Journal of Education and Learning
Journal of Pedagogy
Education Inquiry
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
Review of Education Pedagogy and Cultural Studies
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Education Sciences
Educational Research and Reviews
Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique
Educational Psychology
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige
Högre utbildning
Cooperation and Conflict
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
International Sociology
European Journal of Social Work
Nordic Journal of Criminology
Journal of Global Security Studies
Croatian review of rehabilitation research
Advances in Pediatric Research
Violence Against Women
Journal of Youth Studies
Behavioral Sciences
Social Inclusion
Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing
Journal of Applied Security Research
East European Politics
Journal of Primary Health Care & General Practice
Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology
Psychology of Violence
Insight Turkey
Journal of Criminal Justice and Security
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift
Studies in Media and Communication
Review of European Studies
Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation
Urban Analysis
Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic research
Economic and Social Analysis Journal of Southern Caucasus
Asian Journal of Criminology
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Tuzli (Proceedings at the Faculty of Law in Tuzla)
World Journal of Social Science Research
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Basic is also a project manager for a number of research projects and member of scientific boards for numerous national and international conferences.
Main research and teaching areas
Keywords: Sociology, Pedagogy, Sociology of Education, Social Work, Education Sciences, Criminology, Society, Treatment Pedagogics, Special Pedagogy, Education, Learning, Pedagogic Counselling, Special Needs Education, Substance Abuse Treatment, Refugee, Migration, Migrant, Diaspora, Unaccompanied Child Refugees, Multilinguality, Language Learning, Language Development, Category, Social Pedagogy, Inclusion, Integration, Achievement, Obstacle, School, Student, Possibilities, Trust, Motivation, Involvement, Practice, Interprofessional Collaboration, Social Care, Child Care, Knowledge, Epistemology, Critical Pedagogy, Expectation, Variation, Participation, Recognition, Newly Arrived Immigrant, Disintegration, Responsibility, Rhetoric, Representation, Social Construction, Interactionist Theory and Analysis, Ethnography, Narrative Analysis, Social Constructivism, Discourse, War Sociology, Social Psychology, Conflict Sociology, Peace and Conflict Studies, Ethnicity, Victimology, Strategic Communication, Collaboration, Juvenile Care, Prison and Probation Service, Social Service, Reconciliation, Concentration Camp, Sociological Theory, Theory of Science, Research Methods, Police, Coast Guard, Border Guard, Operational Work, Intelligence Work, Identity, Morality, Balkan History, Ethnic Conflicts, War, Youth, Institution, Interviews, Field Work, Stigma, Social Comparison, Symbolic Interaction, Ethics, Ethnomethodology, Religion, Nationality, Transition, Coordination, Document, Youngster, Project, Coordinator, Triad, Accounting Through Comparison, Role, Struggle, Alliance, Conflict, Conflict Point of Interest, Team, Dyad, Anomie, Moral Panics, Ideology, Norm Resolution, Success Points of Interest, Child Welfare System, Collaboration Identity, Coherent Triads, Successful Collaboration, Neo-fascism, Culture, Peace, Genocide, Clero-Nationalism, Clericalisation, Tolerance, Populism, Alien Criminal, Extermination, Systematized War Violence, Organized War Violence, Verbal Emphasis, Collective Identity, Ethnic Identity, Ethnonational Identity, Post-Genocide Society, Social Capital, Lifelong Learning, Actor, Coexistence Learning, Destruction, Field, Habitus, Peace Learning, Reconciliation Learning, Social Phenomenon, Crimes Against Humans, Crimes Against Humanity, Denial of Genocide, War Violence, Interpersonal Interaction, Narrative, Peace Potential, Cosmopolitan Education, Collaborative Triad, Intersectional Perspective, Reanalysis, Inclusive Educational Spaces, Social Pedagogical Recognition, Interactional Analysis, Social Pedagogical Analysis, Space Dynamic in School, Social Pedagogical Development, Dramatisation, Teacher, Educator, Pupil, Success, Obstacles, Educational Cooperation, Social Pedagogical Space, Enemy, Intelligence Police Work, Interactionism, Ritual, In-group, Mentality, Construction of the Other, Stereotype, Russia, Operational Police Work, Field Note, Qualitative Interview, Document Analysis, Verbal Portrayal, Oral Portrayal, Substance Abuse Problem, Interactive Advantage, Cementing of Position, Oral Representation, Health Promotion, Prevention, Remediation Efforts, School Obstacle, Upper-secondary School Context, Treatment Context, School Success, Interactive Ritual, Humiliated Self, Disruptive Peaceful Interaction, Disruptive Non-Power-Based Interaction, Interaction Involving Wartime Exercise of Power, Loss of Identity, Mortification, Self-Realization, Norm, Moral, Deviant, Oral Account, Dramatization, Second Language Teacher, Mother Tongue Teacher, Special Education Teacher, Headmaster, Counselor, Language Introduction Program, Swedish as a Second Language, Mother Tongue Study Supervisor, Subject Teacher, Higher Education Teaching, Social Pedagogical Practice, Supervisor Role, Doctoral Student Role, Social Meaning, Pedagogical Meaning, Interculturalism, Multilingualism, Social Pedagogical Identity, Intercultural Pedagogy, Education Dynamic, Intercultural Education, Social Pedagogical Monitoring, Social Pedagogical Control, Interactions of Power, Insignificant Power-wielding Other, Meaningfulness, Reliability, Rejection, Self-esteem, Self-awareness, Victim Identity, Social Pedagogical Order, Social Pedagogical Disorder, Teaching, Pedagogical Work, Language Development Approach, Secondary Empirical Material, Social Recognition, Pedagogical Recognition, Sociocultural Perspective, Competent Teacher, Educationally Competent Actor, Emotional Labour, Role Conflict, Teachers and High School Staff Members, Crime Prevention, Alcohol and Drug Use in Swedish High Schools, Recontextualisation, Empty Signifier, Semantic Mess, Attribution of Responsibility, Removal of Responsibility, Professional Identity of Teachers, Co-existence, Peaceful Potential, Power, Global Knowledge Society, Neoliberalism, Ethnopolitics, Invisible Child, Boundary Work, Gut Feeling, Grassroots Bureaucrat, Gap Between Organisations, Complex Collaboration, Cultural Production of Differences, Logic of Naming Differences, Pedagogy of Work, Enquiry-based Learning, Cooperative Learning, Democratic Self-government, Pedagogy of Emancipation, Ideological Dimension of the War, Symbolic Dimension of the War, Institutional Analysis, Critical Analysis of Discourse, Democracy, Phenomenology, Social World, Pedagogical World, Ethnomethodological Dynamics, Verbal Interaction, Verbal Tension, Orientation Point in the Narrative, School Practice, Teacher Identities, Student Identities, Student Health Work, Justice, Intercultural Perspectives, Work situation, Utilization of Student Resources, Higher Education, Prospective Students, Rural Location, Linguistic Discourse Analysis, Discursive Dynamics.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Early coordinated initiatives for children who may be vulnerable to, or find themselves involved in, criminality The objective of this study is to discuss and analyze cooperation processes in…
Project: Future students’ perspectives on higher education The aim of this research project is to identify and analyse descriptions by future higher education students’ concerning interests and…
Project: School as a protection factor The aim of this project is to identify and analyse achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in senior high school work with students who use…
Project: School success for newly arrived students: possibilities, obstacles, identities and collaboration This project will fill knowledge gaps about the situations of newly arrived children and…
Project: Youth with war experiences in institutional care The purpose of the study is to analyse narratives by young people that have experienced war, taken refuge in Sweden, and been taken into…
My completed research projects
Project: Definitions of successful intelligence and operational police work This project will analyse how the police, border guards and coastguard define successful intelligence and operational police…
Project: Successful collaboration Previous collaboration research shows that problems and conflicts sometimes arise as a part of collaboration. This project analysed successful cooperation.
Project: War anomie In this project, the obscure practices and rhetoric of the war is analysed, the emotions and moral of the war, human interaction during horrific captivity and escape but also the…
Project: War sociology – renewed analysis of ethnographic material from Bosnia This project analyses verbally depicted experiences of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2024). Ideology, war, and genocide – the empirical case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. 1-16.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Björkum, K., Basic, G. (2024). Future students’ stories about higher education : an ethnomethodologically inspired analysis of described interests. Cogent Education. 11 (1). 1-13.
Status: Published -
Hammerin, Z., Basic, G. (2024). Health in everyday teaching practice in Sweden : a social pedagogical analysis of high school teachers’ descriptions. International Journal of Social Pedagogy. 13 (1). 1-12.
Status: Published -
Delić, Z., Basic, G. (2024). Genocide, joint criminal enterprise, and reconciliation : Interactional analysis of a post-war society in the context of legitimizing transitional capitalism. Cogent Social Sciences. 10 (1).
Status: Published -
Björkum, K., Basic, G. (2024). Conditions for higher education study : the perspectives of prospective students from rural areas. Educational research (Windsor. Print).
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2023). Post-genocide Society and Pedagogy : Analysis of Bosnian–Herzegovinian Post-war Society. Advances in Education Sciences. 5 (1). 4-49.
Status: Published -
Olsson, L., Färdig, B., Basic, G. (2023). Interactions of Power and Social Pedagogical Recognition : An Analysis of Narratives of Pupils Who Use Alcohol and Drugs in an Upper Secondary School Context in Sweden. Education Sciences. 13 (3).
Status: Published -
Kesak, H., Basic, G. (2023). Interculturalism, ethnicity, and multilingualism in upper secondary school : an analysis of social pedagogical identities during pedagogical work with newly arrived students in Sweden. Intercultural Education. 34 (2). 180-198.
Status: Published -
Hammerin, Z., Bergnéhr, D., Basic, G. (2023). A floating concept and blurred teacher responsibilities : Local interpretations of health promotion work in Swedish upper secondary schools. Cogent Education. 10 (2).
Status: Published -
Yakhlef, S., Basic, G. (2023). Working with pupils who use alcohol and drugs : emotional labour and crime prevention of Swedish high school staff members. European Journal of Social Work. 1-12.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Nilsson, C., Svensson, A., Basic, G. (2023). Pre-school teachers’ professional identity and multilingual children : An interactionist analysis of pre-school teachers’ practical work with multilingual children’s language development. Cogent Education. 10 (1).
Status: Published -
Medegård, E., Henrixon, K., Basic, G. (2022). Successes and obstacles in the work of upper-secondary schools with newly arrived students : A constructivist-inspired analysis of teachers’ verbal accounts regarding their schools’ organizational and practical work. Journal of Pedagogy. 13 (1). 5-29.
Status: Published -
Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2022). Anomie and collaboration in intelligence and operational police and border guard work in the Baltic Sea area : in-group mentality and construction of the other. Policing & society. 32 (9). 1103-1123.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2022). Symbolic Interaction, Power, and War : Narratives of Unaccompanied Young Refugees with War Experiences in Institutional Care in Sweden. Societies. 12 (3).
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2021). Ethical issues in doctoral supervision : An analysis of inherent conflicts and roles in supervision practice. Advances in Education Science. 3 (2). 17-48.
Status: Published -
Johnsson, A., Blivik, G., Basic, G. (2021). Newly arrived parents and collaboration in Swedish school context: an interactionally and ethnomethodologically inspired analysis. Education. 141 (3). 127-144.
Status: Published -
Basic, G., Lokareva, G.V., Stadnichenko, N.V. (2021). Inclusive Educational Spaces and Social Pedagogical Recognition : Interaction- and Social-Pedagogy-Inspired Analysis of Space Dynamics in Compulsory, Upper-Secondary and Post-Secondary Education. Education Sciences. 11 (11).
Status: Published -
Greve, R., Andersson, C., Basic, G. (2021). Interactive advantage, cementing of positions, and social pedagogical recognition : a narratively inspired analysis of professional actors' oral representations of health promotion, prevention, and remediation efforts. Pedagogical Sciences: Theory and Practice. 39 (3). 91-102.
Status: Published -
Basic, G., Matsuda, Y. (2020). Inclusion and obstacles in the Swedish social pedagogical context : an analysis of narratives on working with unaccompanied refugee minors with wartime experiences in institutional care. Croatian review of rehabilitation research. 56 (1). 1-18.
Status: Published -
Basic, G., Delić, Z., Sofradzija, H. (2019). Ideology of neo-fascism, education, and culture of peace : the empirical case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Critical Education. 10 (6). 1-20.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2019). Coherent triads and successful inter-professional collaboration : narratives of professional actors in the Swedish child welfare system. Nordic Social Work Research. 9 (3). 235-249.
Status: Published -
Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2019). Post-Genocide Society, Social Capital, and Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning : An Analysis of the Empirical Example of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Social Sciences and Education Research Review. 6 (2). 31-62.
Status: Published -
Björk, K., Danielsson, E., Basic, G. (2019). Collaboration and identity work : a linguistic discourse analysis of immigrant students’ presentations concerning different teachers’ roles in a school context. Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies. 41 (1). 26-47.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2018). Social pedagogical work with unaccompanied young refugees with experiences of war in institutional care in Sweden: an ethnography-inspired analysis of the narratives of young persons and institution personnel. Social Sciences and Education Research Review. 5 (2). 6-29.
Status: Published -
Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2018). Genocide in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina : a sociological and pedagogical analysis of crimes against humans and against humanity during and after the war. Criminal Justice Issues : Journal for Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies. XVIII (5-6). 37-58.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2018). Definicije počinitelja ratnog nasilja i žrtve: Sociološka analiza nasilja u koncentracijskim logorima za vrijeme rata u Bosni i Hercegovini : (Definitions of the perpetrator of war violence and the victim: Sociological analysis of violence in concentration camp during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Proceedings of the Faculty of Law in Tuzla. 4 (2). 44-73.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2018). Definitions of Violence : Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 33 (13). 2073-2097.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2018). Konstruktion av normupplösning och moralisk panik. Etnografisk analys av underrättelse-, operativt polis- och gränsbevakningsarbete (Construction of norm resolution and moral panics. Ethnographic analysis concerning intelligence and operational police and border guards’ work). Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing. 4 (1). 50-69.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2018). Successful Collaboration in Social Care Practice : Beneficial Success Points of Interest for the Young Person in Swedish Juvenile Care. Journal of Comparative Social Work. 13 (2). 56-77.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2018). Observed successful collaboration in social work practice: coherent triads in Swedish juvenile care : [Observerad framgångsrik samverkan i socialt arbete. Samstämmiga triader inom svensk ungdomsvård]. European Journal of Social Work. 21 (2). 193-206.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2017). Concentration Camp Rituals : Narratives of Former Bosnian Detainees. Humanity & Society. 41 (1). 73-94.
Status: Published -
Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2017). Policing Migration : Described and Observed Cooperation Experiences of Police and Border Guards in the Baltic Sea Area. Journal of Applied Security Research. 12 (1). 117-140.
Status: Published -
Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2016). Risk, Safety and Freedom of Movement: In Airplane and Ferry Passenger Stories in the Northern Baltic Sea Region. Journal of Criminal Justice and Security. 18 (2). 175-193.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2015). Definitioner av våld i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien. Sociologisk forskning. 52 (4). 341-361.
Status: Published -
Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2015). Protecting European Borders : Changing Border Police Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area. Social Studies. 3 (9). 5-24.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2015). Conditions for Reconciliation : Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Criminal Justice and Security. 17 (2). 107-126.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2015). Pomirenje i nepomirljivost u pričama preživjelih poslije rata u Bosni i Hercegovini : Reconciliation and Implacability in Narratives of Survivors after the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.. Criminal Justice Issues : Journal for Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies. 15 (1-2). 75-96.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2015). Constructing “Ideal Victim” Stories of Bosnian War Survivors. Social Inclusion. 3 (4). 25-37.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2015). Ethnic monitoring and social control : Descriptions from juveniles in juvenile care institutions. Nordic Social Work Research. 5 (1). 20-34.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2015). Idealna žrtva i nadmetanje za dobijanje statusa žrtve u pričama preživjelih rata u Bosni i Hercegovini : Ideal victim and competition for victimhood in the stories of the survivors of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Temida. 18 (2). 7-30.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2014). Konkurrensen om offerrollen i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. 55 (2). 203-228.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2014). Concentration Camp Rituals: An Extreme Case of Insecurity : Rituali u koncentracionim logorima: ekstremni slučaj nesigurnosti. Criminal Justice Issues : Journal for Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies. 14 (5-6). 21-33.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2013). Ritualer i koncentrationslägret : Avståndstagande, moral och anpassning i före detta lägerfångars berättelser från Bosnien. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 115 (3). 225-243.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2013). Förlåtelse, försoning och oförsonlighet i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien. Sociologisk forskning. 50 (1). 51-68.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2013). A case of what? : Methodological lessons from a reanalysis of conflicts within Swedish Juvenile Care. Journal of Comparative Social Work. 8 (2). 222-250.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Björkum, K., Basic, G. (2024). Future students’ stories about higher education : an ethnomethodologically inspired analysis of described interests. Sociologidagarna 2024 Göteborg, 13-15 mars : Övergång eller undergång. 88-88.
- Sofradžija, H., Basic, G. (2024). Nepovratna digitalizacija društva – Tehnološka preobrazba svijeta [Irreversible digitalization of society – Technological transformation of the world]. Međunarodna interdiscipIinarna naučna Konferencija: NEPOVRATNA DIGITALIZACIJA DRUŠTVA - TEHNOKULTURA (”International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference: IRREVERSIBLE DIGITALIZATION OF SOCIETY - TECHNOCULTURE”).
- Björkum, K., Basic, G. (2024). Future students’ perspectives on higher education : A linguistic discourse analysis of described conditions. Sociologidagarna 2024, 13-15 mars : övergång eller undergång. 86-86.
- Basic, G., Olsson, L., Färdig, B. (2024). Interactions of power and social pedagogical recognition : an analysis of narratives in an upper-secondary school context in Sweden. The 10th International Scientific Conference. Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences – ERFCON2023, Zagreb, Croatia, 20230505-20230507. 67-81.
- Hammerin, Z., Basic, G. (2024). The Role Of The Teacher In Working With Student Health Care : A Student Perspective. 2st online scientific conference ICT in Life : Book of Abstracts. 12-12.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G. (2024). Emotionellt lönearbete, rollkonflikt och brottsprevention i svensk gymnasieskola : Personalens upplevelser av att undervisa elever som använder alkohol och droger. Sociologidagarna 2024, Göteborg 13-15 mars : övergång eller undergång. 120-120.
- Basic, G. (2024). Ethical issues in doctoral supervision : An analysis of inherent conflicts and roles in supervision practice. The 10th International Scientific Conference. Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences – ERFCON2023. Zagreb, Croatia, 20230505-20230507.. 82-92.
- Björkum, K., Basic, G. (2024). Future students’ perspectives on higher education. A social pedagogical analysis. 2st online scientific conference ICT in Life : Book of Abstracts. 13-13.
- Kesak, H., Basic, G. (2023). Interculturalism, ethnicity, and multilingualism in upper secondary school: an analysis of social pedagogical identities during pedagogical work with students newly arrived in Sweden. .
- Olsson, L., Färdig, B., Basic, G. (2023). Interactions of power and social pedagogical recognition : an analysis of narratives of pupils who use alcohol and drugs in an upper-secondary school context in Sweden. Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies. The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology.
- Hammerin, Z., Basic, G. (2023). The Conscious Use of Relationship - How Teachers Promote Student Health in Their Everyday Teaching. European Conference on Educational Research, ECER.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G. (2023). Crime prevention and emotion work in Swedish high schools regarding pupils with substance abuse. .
- Basic, G., Matsuda, Y. (2022). Inclusion and obstacles : a social pedagogical analysis of narratives concerning work with unaccompanied young refugees with experiences of war in institutional care in Sweden. Social Pedagogy and Social Education : Creating Hope in Dystopia. 6-23.
- Greve, R., Andersson, C., Basic, G. (2022). Interactive advantage, cementing of positions, and social pedagogical recognition – a narratively inspired analysis of professional actors’ oral representations of health promotion, prevention, and remediation efforts targeting young people who use alcohol and narcotics. Social Pedagogy and Social Education : Creating Hope in Dystopia. 67-84.
- Kesak, H., Basic, G. (2022). Interculturality, Ethnicity and Multilingualism in Upper-Secondary Schools : An analysis of opportunities and obstacles in organisational and practical activities with newly arrived migrant students. Presented at: Bortom krisen (”Beyond the crisis”), Uppsala University and Swedish Sociological Association, Uppsala, Sweden (20220316-20220318)..
- Medegård, E., Henrixon, K., Basic, G. (2022). Teachers’ verbal accounts regarding their schools’ organizational and practical work with newly arrived students : a constructivist inspired analysis. Presented at: Bortom krisen (”Beyond the crisis”), Uppsala University and Swedish Sociological Association, Uppsala, Sweden (20220316-20220318)..
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2022). Social pedagogy, ethnography, and theoretical sources of inspiration : Analysis of empirical sequences from the social pedagogical context in Sweden. Social Pedagogy and Social Education: Creating Hope in Dystopia. 24-40.
- Greve, R., Andersson, C., Basic, G. (2022). Health promotion, prevention, and remediation efforts : a narratively inspired analysis of professional actors’ oral representations. Presented at: Bortom krisen (”Beyond the crisis”), Uppsala University and Swedish Sociological Association, Uppsala, Sweden (20220316-20220318)..
- Basic, G., Wästerfors, D. (2021). War and challenges for contemporary criminology : an ethnography-inspired analysis of the narratives of unaccompanied young refugees with war experiences in institutional care in Sweden. (Il)legal organizations and crime. Challenges for contemporary criminology. 21st Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. 203-204.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G. (2021). School as a protection factor and crime prevention arena. (Il)legal organizations and crime. Challenges for contemporary criminology. 21st Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. 15-15.
- Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2021). War Violence, Conflict of Values, and Populism. Socio-Cultural Analysis of Bosnian–Herzegovinian Post-Genocide Society. Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality.
- Bergnéhr, D., Basic, G., Hammerin, Z. (2021). Health promotion as part of the teaching profession?. Hope and education, NERA 2021.
- Basic, G., Lokareva, G.V., Stadnichenko, N.V. (2021). Including educational space and social pedagogical recognition : interactional and social pedagogical inspired analysis of space dynamics in compulsory, upper-secondary and post-secondary education. Nationell specialpedagogisk konferens. Inkludering i etikens motljus (”National special education conference in Sweden. Inclusion in the backlight of ethics”), Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.
- Basic, G., Matsuda, Y. (2021). Inequalities, Discrimination and Inclusion : Expectations and Variations in Social Pedagogical Work with Unaccompanied Young Refugees in Institutional Care in Sweden. Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality.
- Kesak, H., Basic, G. (2021). Interculturality and Multilingualism in Upper-Secondary Schools : An analysis of opportunities and obstacles in organisational and practical activities with newly arrived migrant students. Nationell specialpedagogisk konferens. Inkludering i etikens motljus (”National special education conference in Sweden. Inclusion in the backlight of ethics”), Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden..
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2021). Anomie and collaboration in intelligence and operational police and border guard work in the Baltic Sea area : In-group mentality and construction of the Other. Police Education: Altius – Fortius – Diutius, 8th Nordic Police Research Conference.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G. (2021). Obstacles, Achievements, And Collaboration In Swedish High School Work With Students Consuming Alcohol And Narcotics : Accounts Of Teachers, Nurses, And School Counsellors. Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, the 15th European Sociological Association Conference. 2-2.
- Basic, G., Wästerfors, D. (2021). Symbolic Interaction, Power, And War. An Ethnography-inspired Analysis Of The Narratives Of Unaccompanied Young Refugees With War Experiences In Institutional Care In Sweden. Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures, the 15th European Sociological Association Conference. 1-2.
- Basic, G., Lokareva, G.V., Stadnichenko, N.V. (2021). Including educational space and social pedagogical recognition : analysis of space dynamicsin compulsory, upper-secondary and post-secondary education. Child and Youth Studies Conference, University West, November 4-5 2021, THE CONVENTION OF THE RIGHTS OF THECHILD, Book of abstracts. 10-10.
- Basic, G., Medegård, E., Henrixon, K. (2021). Successes and obstacles in the work of upper-secondary schools with newly arrived students : a constructivist-inspired analysis of teachers’ verbal accounts regarding their schools’ organizational and practical work. Hope and education, NERA 2021. 22-22.
- Hammerin, Z., Basic, G., Bergnéhr, D. (2021). What is health promotion in Swedish upper secondary school? : An analysis of how the teacher comes across in student health plans. 3rd World Conference on Teaching and Education : WORLDCTE.
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2020). Accounts of unaccompanied young refugees, young persons with drug- and crime-related problems and members of staff at the institutions working with these young people. Analysis of the various symbols used in interpersonal interactions. .
- Basic, G. (2020). Expectations and variations in social pedagogical work: an analysis of narratives concerning work with unaccompanied young refugees with experiences of war in institutional care in Sweden [标题:社会教学工作的期望和变化:对与无人陪伴的年轻难民的工作经历的叙事分析]. .
- Basic, G. (2020). Education for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence / Obrazovanje za kulturu mira i nenasilja. The third International Victimology Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina ”Education for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence”. 9-10 & 39-40.
- Nilsson, C., Svensson, A., Basic, G. (2020). Interactionist Analysis of Professional Identities in Pre-school Context. .
- Basic, G. (2020). Unaccompanied young refugees with war experiences in institutional care in Sweden. A Weberian-inspired analysis of power relations in the narratives of young persons. SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION SOCIETY AND POLITICS : Book of abstracts. 1-74.
- Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2020). War Sociology, Criminology and Sociology of Knowledge : Analysis of Bosnian–Herzegovinian Post-genocide Society. .
- Johnsson, A., Blivik, G., Basic, G. (2019). Newly arrived parents and collaboration in Swedish school – an interactionally and ethnomethodologically inspired analysis of proposed collaborative alliances and triads. Presented at: National special education conference in Sweden, 20191113-20191114, Örebro, Sweden.
- Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2019). Post-genocide Society, Criminology, and Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning : An Analysis of the Empirical Example of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology : ConverGENT, Convergent roads, bridges and new pathways in criminology. Book of Abstracts. 315-316.
- Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2018). Crimes Against Humans and Crimes Against Humanity : Analysis of Documents Produced During Trials at Tribunals After the War in North-West Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of Abstracts. Crimes Against Humans and Crimes against Humanity. Implications for Modern Criminology. 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, European Society of Criminology and University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (20180829-20180901)..
- Basic, G. (2018). Language and creativity : unaccompanied young refugees with experiences of war in institutional care in Sweden. New creative approaches in social sciences : the proceedings of CIL 2018: Fifth Edition of International Conference of Humanities and Social Sciences - Creativity, Imaginary, Language, Craiova, Romania, 24-25 May 2018. 9-23.
- Basic, G., Johnsson, A., Blivik, G. (2018). Nyanlända föräldrar och samverkan i svensk grundskola. En interaktionistiskt och etnometodologiskt inspirerad analys av framställda samverkansallianser och triader (Newly arrived parents and collaboration in Swedish elementary school. An interactionally and ethnomethodologically inspired analysis of proposed collaborative alliances and triads). . 7-7.
- Basic, G., Nilsson, C., Svensson, A. (2018). Förskollärarnas yrkesidentitet och deras praktiska arbete med flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling (Pre-school teachers’ professional identity and their practical work with multilingual children’s language development). . 9-9.
- Basic, G., Doumas, K., Ekberg, M.S. (2018). Unaccompanied young refugees with experiences of war in institutional care in Sweden : A social pedagogical analysis of the narratives of young persons and institution personnel. Social Pedagogy and Social Education : Bridging Traditions and Innovations. International Conference, Puebla, Mexico, February 22-24, 2018 : Pedagogía Social y Educación Social : Conectando Tradiciones e Innovaciones. Congreso Internacional, Puebla, México, 22-24 de febrero, 2018. 12-23.
- Basic, G., Wästerfors, D., Hugo, M., Ekberg, M.S., Alm, M., et al. (2017). School as a protection factor : An analysis of achievements, obstacles, collaboration, and identities in senior high school work with students who use alcohol and drugs. Book of Abstracts : The 9th International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 17 – 19 May, 2017. 107-108.
- Basic, G., Delić, Z., Sofradzija, H. (2017). Obrazovanje za kulturu mira kao viktimološki odgovor na uspon ideologija neofašizma : Education for the Culture of Peace as Victimological Response to the Rise of Ideology of Neo-Fascism. ”Ambassadors of Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina” : The Second International Scientific Conference of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina : "Ambasadori mira u Bosni i Hercegovini“ : Druga međunarodna naučna viktimološka konferencija u Bosni i Hercegovini. 22-32.
- Basic, G. (2017). (Un)Making Europe: Anomie in Intelligence and Operational Police and Border Guard Work in the Baltic Sea Area. (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, the 13th European Sociological Association Conference. 928-928.
- Basic, G. (2017). Definicije počinitelja ratnog nasilja i žrtve. Analitički model za analizu rituala ratnog nasilja u koncentracionim logorima tokom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini : Definitions of the perpetrator of war violence and the victim. Analytical model for analysis concerning rituals of war violence in concentration camp during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ”Ambassadors of Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina” : The Second International Scientific Conference of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina : "Ambasadori mira u Bosni i Hercegovini“ : Druga međunarodna naučna viktimološka konferencija u Bosni i Hercegovini. 16-21.
- Basic, G., Delić, Z. (2017). Ideologija, politika i genocid kao izvor prisilnih migracija : [ Ideology, politics and genocide as sources of forced migrations ]. Zbornik radova Simpozija : Migracije Stanovništva - Fenomen izbjeglištva. 37-56.
- Basic, G. (2017). Observed Coherent Triads in Swedish Social Work Practice. Analysis of Observed Successful Collaboration Beneficial for Clients in Swedish Juvenile Care. BOOK of ABSTRACTS, EUSSSI 2017, The 8th Conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Studying Everyday Life: Generic Dimensions of Interactionist Inquiry. 9-10.
- Basic, G. (2017). Društvo i anomija. Sociološka analiza obavještajnog i operativnog policijskog rada i rada granične službe u oblasti Baltičkog mora (Society and anomie. Sociological analysis of intelligence and operational police and border guard work in the Baltic Sea area). ZBORNIK RADOVA ANOMIJA DRUŠTVA I POSLJEDICE. 31-40.
- Basic, G. (2016). War, migration and ethnicity : Young immigrants with war experiences in institutional care. Abstract book. Knowledge-Making Practices and Sociology’s Global Challenge. The 28th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, University of Helsinki, Finland, 11-13th August, 2016. 35-35.
- Basic, G. (2016). War Violence, Sexual War Violence and Victimhood in Reconciliation Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Linking Theory and Practice: The Conduct of Sociology. : 87th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association.. 10-10.
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2016). Border management, cooperation and control in the Baltic Sea area. Book of abstracts. International Conference on Migration, Irregularisation and Activism, Malmö, June 15-16, 2016. 43-43.
- Basic, G. (2016). Health Care, Ethnicity and War : Young Immigrants with War Experiences in Institutional Care in Sweden. World Congress on Health and Medical Sociology. Keynote Forum. Las Vegas, USA (20160919-20160920). 39-39.
- Basic, G. (2016). Omhändertagna barn och ungdomar med krigserfarenheter. En sociologisk studie av unga invandrares stigman och sociala jämförelser : Children and youth with war experiences in institutional care. A sociological study of young immigrants’ stigma and social comparisons. Sociologidagarna 2016. Överskridande sociologi, Abstracts. Uppsala, March 10-12,. 31 & 59.
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2015). Collaboration Obstacles and Success : Described and Observed Experiences of Police and Border Guards’ in the Baltic Sea Area. Criminology as unitas multiplex: Theoretical, epistemological and methodological developments. Book of abstracts, 15th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. 137-137.
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2015). Identity Work and Construction of Safety : In the stories of passengers in the Northern part of the Baltic Sea region. Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination. Abstract book. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association. 1521-1521.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G. (2015). Policing Borders through Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area. Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination. Abstract book. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association.. 1548-1549.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2015). Protecting European Borders : Changing Border Police Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area. How the International Migration is Shaping the Contemporary Society. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Albanian Institute of Sociology (AIS). 104-105.
- Basic, G. (2015). Coherent Triads and Collaboration Identities in Swedish Youth Care. International Conference on Innovation and Research in Arts and Humanities, Institute of Mobin Cultural Ambassadors, Istanbul, Turkey (20150827). 1-18.
- Basic, G. (2015). Definitions of War Violence and Genocide : Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After Communism. East and West Under Scrutiny. Book of Abstracts of the Fifth International Conference, Craiova, Romania, April 24-25. 72-73.
- Basic, G. (2015). Ekstremni slučaj krize: Definicije ratnog nasilja u pričama preživjelih poslije rata u Bosni i Hercegovini : Extreme Case of Crisis: Definitions of War Violence in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Crisis Management Days. 8th International Scientific Conference. University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia (20150514-20150515). 104-104.
- Basic, G. (2015). Definitions of War Violence and Reconciliation in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina : Definicije ratnog nasilja i pomirenje u pričama preživjelih poslije rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ambassadors of Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. First International Scientific and Professional Conference of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, March 3-4, 2015. 17-28.
- Basic, G. (2015). Definitions of War Violence and Reconciliation in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina : Definicije ratnog nasilja i pomirenje u pričama preživjelih poslije rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ambassadors of Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Abstract book, First International Scientific and Professional Conference of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina, March 3-4, 2015.. 9-9.
- Basic, G. (2015). Construction of morally correct actions : In the stories of violence during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. DO THE RIGHT THING! Anthropology and morality. SANT-konferens 2015, Lund, Sweden, April 17-19, 2015. 27-28.
- Basic, G. (2015). Extreme Case of Crisis: Definitions of War Violence in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina : Ekstremni slučaj krize: Definicije ratnog nasilja u pričama preživjelih iz rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Crisis Management Days. 8th International Scientific Conference. University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia (20150514-20150515). 499-510.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2015). Freedom of Movement : Passengers´ Experiences of Safety and Border control in the Baltic Sea Area. . 1-60.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2015). Successful Collaboration and Collaboration Obstacles in Police, Border and Coast Guard Cooperation. . 1-74.
- Basic, G. (2015). War Violence, Victimhood and Reconciliation : in Stories of Bosnian War Survivors. ‘I too, remember dust’: Peace-building, Politics & the Arts. Conference, Winchester, England, September 7-8, 2015. 1-15.
- Basic, G. (2015). Extreme case of insecurity : Violence narratives of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Researching security: Approaches, concepts and policies, Vol 4. International Scientific Conference, Ohrid, June 2-3, 2015.. 216-233.
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2015). Border Guard Cooperation : Creating Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area. Abstracts. Interactive Borderland? Re-thinking networks and organizations in Europe, Annual Conference IRTG "Baltic Borderlands", Riga, September 25-26, 2015. 11-13.
- Basic, G. (2015). Coherent Triads in Swedish Youth Care. Contemporary Youth Contemporary Risk. Book of abstracts, Journal of Youth Studies Conference, Copenhagen, 30 March - 1 April, 2015. 155-155.
- Basic, G. (2015). Coherent Triads : Observed Successful Collaboration in Youth Care. Creativity in Social Sciences. Proceedings of CIL 2015: Second Edition of International Conference of Humanities and Social Sciences - Creativity, Imaginary, Language. Ed. Claudiu Marian Bunăiaşu, Elena Rodica Opran, Dan Valeriu Voinea.. 91-105.
- Basic, G. (2015). Religion, Violence and Genocide : In Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Religion and Violence. Book of abstracts. International Conference, Tetova, Macedonia, October 16-18, 2015. 21-21.
- Basic, G. (2015). Extreme Case of Crisis: Definitions of War Violence in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina : Ekstremni slučaj krize: Definicije ratnog nasilja u pričama preživjelih poslije rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Crisis Management Days. 8th International Scientific Conference, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Velika Gorica, Croatia (20150514-20150515). 104-105.
- Basic, G., Yakhlef, S. (2015). Researching Security : Collaboration Obstacles and Success in Described and Observed Experiences of Police and Border Guards' in the Baltic Sea Area. Researching Security: Approaches, Concepts and Policies. Vol 1. International Scientific Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 2-3, 2015.. 24-41.
- Basic, G. (2014). Ethnic monitoring and social control : Descriptions from juveniles in juvenile care institutions. Ett inkluderande samhälle? En inkluderande sociologi? Sociologidagarna 2014, Göteborg, March 13-15, 2014. 6-6.
- Basic, G. (2014). Reconciliation and implacability : Narratives of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Balkans in the New Millennium: From Balkanization to EUtopia. Third International Conference of the Balkans Sociological Forum, Tetovo and Skopje, Macedonia, June 20-22, 2014. 51-51.
- Basic, G. (2014). Reconciliation and Implacability : Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Understanding Professionalism, Trust, and Legitimacy. Conference Proceedings, The Tenth Biennial International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 15-17, 2014. Editors: Gorazd Meško Aleš Bučar Ručman Bernarda Tominc Branko Ažman.. 201-204.
- Basic, G. (2014). Different Categories of Victims and Competition for Victimhood in the Stories after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Victims' protection: International law, national legislations and practice. Book of abstracts. Fifth Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, November 27-28, 2014. 15-15.
- Basic, G. (2014). Ethnic monitoring and social control in juvenile care institutions. Exploring Blind Spots. 27th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, Lund, Sweden, August 14-16, 2014. 25-25.
- Basic, G. (2014). Narratives after the Bosnian War : Competition for Victimhood. Democracy, Citizenship and Urban Violence. 2nd Annual Conference of Urban Research and Development Society, Dhaka, March 12-13, 2014. 3-3.
- Basic, G. (2014). Narratives of Former Bosnian Detainees : Concentration Camp Rituals. Sigurnost urbanih sredina (”The Security of Urban Areas”), Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina, May 16, 2014. 145-146.
- Basic, G. (2014). Priče bivših bosanskih logoraša: Rituali u koncentracionim logorima : Narratives of Former Bosnian Detainees: Concentration Camp Rituals. Sigurnost urbanih sredina. (”The Security of Urban Areas”), Sarajevo University, Sarajevo, Bosnien och Hercegovina (20140516). 145-146.
- Basic, G. (2014). Reconciliation Narratives of Survivors from War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. International Conference on Community Empowerment, Coping, Resilience and Hope. Book of abstracts. Edited by: Venkat Pulla, Radha R Chada, Bharath Bhushan Mamidi, Vinita Pandey, Subhash Chandra Mamidi. Hyderabad, India, December 14-16, 2014. 32-32.
- Basic, G. (2014). Concentration camp rituals : Narratives of former Bosnian detainees. Ett inkluderande samhälle? En inkluderande sociologi? Sociologidagarna 2014, Göteborg, March 13-15, 2014.
- Basic, G. (2014). Različite kategorije žrtava i nadmetanje za dobijanje statusa žrtve u pričama preživjelih rata u Bosni i Hercegovini : [ Different Categories of Victims and Competition for Victimhood in the Stories after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ]. Victims' protection: International law, national legislations and practice. Book of abstracts. The Fifth Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Victimology Society of Serbia, Beograd, Serbia (20141127-20141128). 15-16.
- Basic, G. (2014). When Collaboration Becomes a Struggle : [ Samverkan blir kamp ]. Institutionsvård i fokus.
- Basic, G. (2013). Concentration Camp Rituals : Narrative of Former Bosnian Detainees. Crisis, Critique and Change. Abstract book. 11th European Sociological Association Conference, Turin, Italy, August 28-31, 2013. 404-404.
- Basic, G. (2013). Reconciliation and implacability: Narratives of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina : [ Pomirenje i nepomirivost: Priče onih koji su preživljeli rat u Bosni i Hercegovini ]. Place and Perspectives of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies in Contemporary Settings, Sarajevo University, Sarajevo, Bosnien och Hercegovina (20130516). 8-8.
- Basic, G. (2013). Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Implacability in Narratives of Survivors after the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Crisis, Critique and Change. Abstract book. 11th European Sociological Association Conference, Turin, Italy, August 28-31, 2013. 1146-1147.
- Basic, G. (2013). Pomirenje i nepomirivost: Priče onih koji su preživljeli rat u Bosni i Hercegovini : [ Reconciliation and implacability: Narratives of survivors from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ]. Place and Perspectives of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies in Contemporary Settings, Sarajevo University, Sarajevo, Bosnien och Hercegovina (20130516). 8-8.
- Basic, G. (2013). Stories after the Bosnian War : Competition for Victimhood. Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Forensic Science & Criminalistics Research (FSCR), Singapore, December 9-10, 2013. 68-77.
- Basic, G. (2012). What is this a case of? : Methodological lessons from a reanalysis of conflicts within the Swedish Juvenile Care. Curiosity and serendipity: A conference on qualitative methods in the social sciences. Abstracts. ESA RN20 Midterm Conference, Lund, Sweden, September 20-21, 2012. 48-48.
- Basic, G. (2011). Detecting Triads in a Swedish Juvenile Care Project. Social Relations in Turbulent Times. Abstract book. 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Geneva, Switzerland, September 7-10, 2011. 441-441.
Book (Refereed)
- Basic, G. (2016). Krigets sociologi: Analyser av krigsvåld, koncentrationsläger, offerskap och försoning : [Sociology of War: Analysis of war violence, concentration camps, victimhood and reconciliation]. Malmö, Bokbox Förlag.
- Basic, G. (2015). När samverkan får erkännande : Beskrivna och observerade erfarenheter från ungdomsvården. Bokbox förlag.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2015). Project Turnstone : Freedom of Movement and Passenger Experiences with Safety and Border Control in the Baltic Sea Area. Lund, Lund University.
- Yakhlef, S., Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2015). Project Turnstone : Successful Collaboration and Collaboration Obstacles in Police, Border, and Coast Guard Cooperation. Lund, Lund University.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Kesak, H., Basic, G. (2024). Möjligheter och hinder med studiehandledning på modersmål för nyanlända (Opportunities and obstacles with native language study guidance for newly arrived students). Mångfaldens möten: Interkulturalitet, utbildning och lärande : (Meetings of diversity: Interculturality, education and learning). Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 213-233.
- Basic, G. (2023). Från krig till byråkrati – ungdomars erfarenhet av flykt : (From war to bureaucracy – young people's experience of flight). Den empiriska glädjen. En vänbok till Malin Åkerström : (The empirical pleasure. A Festschrift for Malin Åkerström). Lund, Lunds universitet, Sociologiska institutionen.. 161-171.
- Basic, G. (2015). Reconciliation Narratives of Survivors from War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some Aspects of Community Empowerment and Resilience. New Delhi, Allied Publishers Group. 189-205.
- Basic, G. (2015). Stories of Sexualized War Violence after the Bosnian war. Femicide. Targeting of Women in Conflict. A Global Issue That Demands Action. Volume III. Vienna, The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). 102-105.
- Basic, G. (2015). Victimhood, Forgiveness and Reconciliation : in Stories of Bosnian War Survivors. Forgiveness : Social Significance, Health Impact and Psychological Effects. Hauppauge, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. 105-130.
- Basic, G. (2013). Etnifierad övervakning och social kontroll på ungdomsvårdsinstitutioner. Den sorterande ordningsmakten : Studier av etnicitet och polisiär kontroll. Malmö, Bokbox Förlag. 177-200.
- Basic, G. (2009). Mödrars röster om samordnare i ungdomsvården. Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? : En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng”. Stockholm, Statens Institutionsstyrelse. 119-153.
- Basic, G., Åkerström, M. (2009). Röster från socialtjänsten. Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? : En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng”. Stockholm, Statens Institutionsstyrelse. 193-223.
- Basic, G. (2009). Ungdomarnas beskrivningar : Uppskattning, kritik och förväntningar. Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? : En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng”. Stockholm, Statens Institutionsstyrelse. 49-118.
- Basic, G. (2009). Projektet utifrån institutionspersonalens perspektiv. Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? : En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng”. Stockholm, Statens Institutionsstyrelse. 155-191.
Report (Refereed)
- Mallén, A., Basic, G., Burcar Alm, V. (2023). Trygga barnet - tidiga samordnade insatser för barn som kan hamna i kriminalitet. Lund University, Sweden. 98.
- Basic, G. (2010). Etnicitet i ungdomsvården : Yrkesverksammas och ungdomarnas muntliga framställningar. Stockholm, Statens institutionsstyrelse. 84.
- Basic, G. (2009). Engagerad fixare eller ytterligare en person som ”bara pratar”? : Mödrars röster om samordnare i ungdomsvården. Lund, Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behavior. 54.
- Basic, G. (2009). Uppskattning, kritik och jämförelse - Projektet utifrån institutionspersonalens perspektiv. Lund, Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behavior. 58.
- Basic, G. (2009). Vi är fortfarande kompetenta! : Röster från socialtjänsten om ett samarbetsprojekt i ungdomsvården. Lund, Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behavior. 50.
- Basic, G. (2009). Uppskattning, kritik och förväntan - i ungdomars berättelser om ett samarbetsprojekt i ungdomsvården. Lund, Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behavior. 87.
- Basic, G., Thelander, J., Åkerström, M. (2009). Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng” : [ A “Treatment Chain” for Young People or the Professionals? A Process Evaluation of the “Counteract Violence and Gangs” – Project in Sweden ]. Stockholm, Statens institutionsstyrelse. 315.
- Basic, G. (2007). Skulle jag grilla lamm med dig? : Försoning och oförsonlighet i före detta lägerfångars berättelser. Lund, Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behavior at Lund University. 66.
- Basic, G. (2005). Krig och brott : Definitioner av kriminalitet i ett bosniskt efterkrigssamhälle. Lund, Network for Research in Criminology and Deviant Behavior at Lund University. 68.
Article, book review (Refereed)
Basic, G. (2023). [Book Review]: Savina Sirik, Negotiating Memories. Survivor Narratives of Victimhood in Post-Conflict Cambodia, University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Global Studies, Peace and Development Research, Doctoral Thesis (Book - Monograph). Journal for General Social Issues. 32 (2). 369-376.
Status: Published -
Basic, G. (2022). BOOK REVIEW: BARBARA PISKER, KRITICKA PRAVNA TEORIJA:IZVORI, ZNACAJKE I DOSEZI, VELEUCILIŠTE U POŽEGI, POŽEGA, 2022.. Pravni vjesnik (Journal of Law). Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. 38 (3-4). 203-204.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Basic, G. (2014). [ Review of ] Teksta Udžbenika "Restorativna Pravda", by Azra Adžajlić-Dedović. Restorativna pravda. Sarajevo, Office Shop. 15-15.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Basic, G. (2012). Samverkan blir kamp : En sociologisk analys av ett projekt i ungdomsvården. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Lunds universitet. 287.
Report (Other academic)
- Basic, G. (2009). Etnicitet i ungdomsvården – förslag till fortsatt värdegrundsarbete. 76.
- Basic, G. (2009). Institutionsplacerade ungdomars berättelser om samordnarna i ungdomsvården. 83.
- Basic, G. (2008). Vi är fortfarande kompetenta! : Röster från socialtjänsten om ett samarbetsprojekt i ungdomsvården. 44.
- Basic, G. (2008). Vad är ett krig - och vad gör det med samhället?. 19.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Basic, G. (2019). Book Review: Contract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq: Sierra Leonean Labor Migrants at U.S. Military Bases. By Kevin J. A. Thomas. Montreal: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2017. Pp. viii+243. $110.00 (cloth); $34.95 (paper). American Journal of Sociology. Chicago, USA, University of Chicago Press. 125 (1). 314-316.
Status: Published
Other (Other academic)
- Basic, G. (2015). Folkmord och försoning. Göteborg, Göteborgs universitet. 12.
- Basic, G. (2008). Om etniska enklaver och samhällsförändringar efter ett krig.
- Basic, G. (2008). Fältarbete och nya frågeställningar – exemplet Bosnien.