Göran Petersson
Professor emeritusEmeritus Professor (MD, PhD) in Health Informatics (target on drug utilization). Director of the eHealth Institute 2007-2018. Guest researcher at the Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI), University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) 1985, 1990-91. Associate Professor at Lund University since 1994 with specialization in Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat diseases).
Göran Petersson has worked with educating and developing research in IT support, medical informatics and multimedia at Lund University, the Council for Higher Education at the Swedish Agency for Higher Education and for Medcal (Collaborative and Active Learning in Medicine, Odontology and Veterinary Medicine). He has also worked on web based education in medicine, health care and international affairs at Distum, the Swedish Net University Agency, and the Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education, where he was a member of the International Committee. Previous member of Efquel´s Board of Directors in Brusells (European Foundation for Quality in eLearning). Acted as Guest Lecturer with emphasis on medical simulation training at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Linköping University. Previous Chairman of the Swedish Association for Medical Informatics (www.sfmi.se) and the Swedish Medical Society Language Committee. Carried out assignments on behalf of the National Board of Health and Welfare on research and management on project National Information Structure (NI). Expert in the National group for internetbased support and treatment (https://skl.se/halsasjukvard/ehalsa/internetbaseratstodochbehandling/nationellkompetensgrupp.5095.html).
Previous member of the Scientific Advisory Board, the Medical Products Agency (MPA). Previous Member of the National Council for eHealth for eHealth at Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Member of the Regional Council of Kalmar R & D Committee. Chairman of the Swedish Association of the Swedish Medical Society Committee for eHealth (http://www.sls.se/halsa--sjukvard/ehalsa/).
Supervises research and education regarding the use of digital support in health care and clinical informatics.
My research groups
E-health – Improved Data to and from Patients The research in the e-health area within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) will result in novel ways for…
eHealth Institute Linnaeus University researches, evaluates, educates and collaborates with the surrounding society within e-health. Read more about our program and courses, ongoing research projects…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Qvarfordt, M., Throfast, V., Petersson, G., Hammar, T., Hellström, L. (2021). Web-based education of the elderly improves drug utilization literacy : a randomized controlled trial. Health Informatics Journal. 27 (1). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Johansson Östbring, M., Eriksson, T., Petersson, G., Hellström, L. (2021). Effects of a pharmaceutical care intervention on clinical outcomes and patient adherence in coronary heart disease - the MIMeRiC randomized controlled trial. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 21 (1).
Status: Published -
Throfast, V., Hellström, L., Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G., Ericson, L. (2019). e-Learning for the elderly on drug utilization : a pilot study. Health Informatics Journal. 25 (2). 227-239.
Status: Published -
Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Petersson, G., Bath, P. (2018). Factors influencing the quality of vital signs data in electronic health records : a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 27 (5-6). 1276-1286.
Status: Published -
Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Bath, P.A. (2018). Vital sign documentation in electronic records : the development of workarounds. Health Informatics Journal. 24 (2). 206-215.
Status: Published -
Johansson Östbring, M., Eriksson, T., Petersson, G., Hellström, L. (2018). Motivational Interviewing and Medication Review in Coronary Heart Disease (MIMeRiC) : Intervention Development and Protocol for the Process Evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols. 7 (1). 1-12.
Status: Published -
Johansson Östbring, M., Eriksson, T., Petersson, G., Hellström, L. (2018). Motivational Interviewing and Medication Review in Coronary Heart Disease (MIMeRiC) : Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating Effects on Clinical Outcomes, Adherence, and Quality of Life. JMIR Research Protocols. 7 (2). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Ericson, L., Hovstadius, B., Carlsson, M., Petersson, G., Wanby, P. (2017). A cost analysis of systematic vitamin D supplementation in the elderly versus supplementation based on assessed requirements. Journal of Aging Research and Healthcare. 2 (2). 13-22.
Status: Published -
Ericson, L., Hammar, T., Schönström, N., Petersson, G. (2017). Stakeholder consensus on the purpose of clinical evaluation of electronic health records is required. Health Policy and Technology. 6 (2). 152-160.
Status: Published -
Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Bath, P. (2016). Recording signs of deterioration in acute patients : The documentation of vital signs within electronic health records in patients who suffered in-hospital cardiac arrest. Health Informatics Journal. 22 (1). 21-33.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Wanby, P., Brudin, L., Lexne, E., Mathold, K., et al. (2016). Older Swedish Adults with High Self-Perceived Health Show Optimal 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels Whereas Vitamin D Status Is Low in Patients with High Disease Burden. Nutrients. 8 (11).
Status: Published -
Hammar, T., Ohlson, M., Hanson, E., Petersson, G. (2015). Implementation of information systems at pharmacies – a case study from the re-regulated pharmacy market in Sweden. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 11 (2). E85-E99.
Status: Published -
Hammar, T., Lidström, B., Petersson, G., Gustafson, Y., Eiermann, B. (2015). Potential drug-related problems detected by electronic expert support system : physicians’ views on clinical relevance. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 37 (5). 941-948.
Status: Published -
Hammar, T., Ekedahl, A., Petersson, G. (2014). Implementation of a shared medication list : physicians’ views on availability, accuracy and confidentiality. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 36 (5). 933-942.
Status: Published -
Semark, B., Petersson, G., Engström, S., Arvidsson, E., Nilsson, G. (2014). Participation in decision making when starting long-term medication : patients´ experiences. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare. 2 (3). 282-289.
Status: Published -
Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Saveman, B., Nilsson, G. (2014). Using advanced mobile devices in nursing practice - the views of nurses and nursing students. Health Informatics Journal. 20 (3). 220-231.
Status: Published -
Johansson Östbring, M., Eriksson, T., Petersson, G., Hellström, L. (2014). Medication beliefs and self-reported adherence - results of a pharmacist’s consultation : A pilot study. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice. 21 (2). 102-107.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G., Hellström, L., Ericson, L. (2014). Trends in Inappropriate Drug Therapy Prescription in the Elderly in Sweden from 2006 to 2013 : Assessment Using National Indicators. Drugs & Aging. 31 (5). 379-386.
Status: Published -
Hammar, T., Hovstadius, B., Lidström, B., Petersson, G., Eiermann, B. (2014). Potential drug related problems detected by electronic expert support system in patients with multi-dose drug dispensing.. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 36 (5). 943-952.
Status: Published -
Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2013). Nursing students' experience of using a personal digital assistant (PDA) in clinical practice : an intervention study. Nurse Education Today. 33 (10). 1246-1251.
Status: Published -
Semark, B., Engström, S., Brudin, L., Tågerud, S., Fredlund, K., et al. (2013). Factors influencing the prescription of drugs of different price levels. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 22 (3). 286-293.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G. (2013). The impact of increasing polypharmacy on prescribed drug expenditure : A register-based study in Sweden 2005-2009.. Health Policy. 109 (2). 166-174.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G. (2012). Factors leading to excessive polypharmacy.. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 28 (2). 159-172.
Status: Published -
Öhlund, S., Åstrand, B., Petersson, G. (2012). Improving interoperability in ePrescribing. Interactive Journal of Medical Research. 1 (2).
Status: Published -
Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Saveman, B., Nilsson, G. (2012). Experience of mobile devices in nursing practice. Vård i Norden. 32 (4). 50-54.
Status: Published -
Hellström, L., Höglund, P., Bondesson, Å., Petersson, G., Eriksson, T. (2012). Clinical implementation of systematic medication reconciliation and review as part of the Lund Integrated Medicines Management model – impact on all cause emergency department revisits. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 37 (6). 686-692.
Status: Published -
Ekman, E., Petersson, G., Tågerud, S., Bäckström, M. (2012). Awareness among nurses about reporting of adverse drug reactions in Sweden. Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety. 4. 61-66.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Åstrand, B., Petersson, G., Persson, U. (2011). Acquisition cost of dispensed drugs for individuals with multiple medications – a register-based study. Health Policy. 101 (2). 153-161.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G. (2011). Non-adherence to drug therapy and drug acquisition costs in a national population : a patient-based register study. BMC Health Services Research. 11.
Status: Published -
Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2011). Experience of using a personal digital assistant in nursing practice – a single case study. Journal of Nursing Management. 19 (7). 855-862.
Status: Published -
Östlund, M., Dahlbäck, N., Petersson, G. (2011). 3D visualisation as a communicative aid in pharmaceutical advice-giving over distance. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 13 (3).
Status: Published -
Hammar, T., Nyström, S., Petersson, G., Åstrand, B., Rydberg, T. (2011). Patients satisfied with e-prescribing in Sweden: a survey of a nationwide implementation. Journal of pharmaceutical health services research. 2 (2). 97-105.
Status: Published -
Jäderlund, L., Rudebeck, C.E., Petersson, G. (2011). Usability of computerized physician order entry in primary care : assessing ePrescribing with a new evaluation model. Informatics in Primary Care. 19 (3). 161-168.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G. (2011). Adherence, therapeutic intensity, and the number of dispensed drugs. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 20 (12). 1255-1261.
Status: Published -
Lexne, E., Johansson, E., Petersson, G., Gustafsson, L.L. (2010). Effektiv och säker läkemedelsterapi kräver bättre IT-system. Enkät till läkemedelskommittéernas ordförande visar på brister. Läkartidningen. 107 (3). 102-105.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Tågerud, S., Petersson, G., Åstrand, B. (2010). Prevalence and therapeutic intensity of dispensed drug groups for individuals with multiple medications : a register-based study of 2.2 million individuals. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. 1 (4). 145-155.
Status: Published -
Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2010). Personal digital assistant with a barcode reader - a medical decision support system for nurses in home care.. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 79 (4). 232-242.
Status: Published -
Jöud, A., Sandholm, A., Alseby, L., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2010). Feasibility of a computerized male urethral catheterization simulator.. Nurse Education in Practice. 10 (2). 70-75.
Status: Published -
Stevenson-Ågren, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Johansson, P. (2010). Nurses' experience of using electronic patient records in everyday practice : a literature review. Health Informatics Journal. 16 (1). 63-72.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Åstrand, B., Petersson, G. (2010). Assessment of regional variation in polypharmacy. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 19 (4). 375-383.
Status: Published -
Hammar, T., Nyström, S., Petersson, G., Rydberg, T., Åstrand, B. (2010). Swedish pharmacists value ePrescribing : a survey of a nation-wide implementation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. 1 (1). 23-32.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Hovstadius, K., Åstrand, B., Petersson, G. (2010). Increasing polypharmacy : an individual-based study of the Swedish population 2005-2008.. BMC Clinical Pharmacology. 10. Article ID: 16.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Bath, P. (2010). Evaluation and implementation of e-health and health information initiatives: international perspectives. Health Informatics Journal. 16 (3). 161-163.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, E., Olsson, M., Petersson, G., Silén, C. (2010). Learning Features in Computer Simulation Skills Training. Nurse Education in Practice. 10 (5). 268-273.
Status: Published -
Hovstadius, B., Åstrand, B., Petersson, G. (2009). Dispensed drugs and multiple medications in the Swedish population : an individual-based register study. BMC Clinical Pharmacology. 9 (May). Article number: 11.
Status: Published -
Hellström, L., Waern, K., Montelius, E., Åstrand, B., Rydberg, T., et al. (2009). Physicians' attitudes towards ePrescribing : evaluation of a Swedish full-scale implementation. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 9 (August). Article number: 37.
Status: Published -
Steinschaden, T., Petersson, G., Åstrand, B. (2009). Physicians’ attitudes towards ePrescribing : A comparative web survey in Austria and Sweden. Informatics in Primary Care. 17 (4). 241-248.
Status: Published -
Åstrand, B., Montelius, E., Petersson, G., Ekedahl, A. (2009). Assessment of ePrescription quality : an observational study at three mail-order pharmacies. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 9 (1). Article number: 8.
Status: Published -
Montelius, E., Åstrand, B., Hovstadius, B., Petersson, G. (2008). Individuals Appreciate Having Their Medication Record on the Web : A Survey of Attitudes to a National Pharmacy Register. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 10 (4). e35.
Status: Published -
Umefjord, G., Sandström, H., Malker, H., Petersson, G. (2008). Medical text-based consultations on the Internet: a 4-year study. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 77. 114-121.
Status: Published -
Åstrand, E., Åstrand, B., Antonov, K., Petersson, G. (2007). Erratum : Potential drug interactions during a three-decade study. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 63 (11). 1095.
Status: Published -
Berglund, M., Nilsson, C., Révay, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2007). Nurses´ and nurse students´demands of functions and usability in a PDA. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 76. 530-537.
Status: Published -
Åstrand, E., Åstrand, B., Antonov, K., Petersson, G. (2007). Potential drug interactions during a three-decade study period : a cross-sectional study of a prescription register. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 63 (9). 851-859.
Status: Published -
Åstrand, B., Åstrand, E., Antonov, K., Petersson, G. (2006). Detection of potential drug interactions : a model for a national pharmacy register. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 62 (9). 749-756.
Status: Published -
Umefjord, G., Hamberg, K., Malker, H., Petersson, G. (2006). The use of an Internet-based Ask the Doctor Service involving family physicians: evaluation by a web survey. Family practice. 23 (2). 159-166.
Status: Published -
Umefjord, G., Malker, H., Olofsson, N., Hensjö, L., Petersson, G. (2004). Primary care physicians’ experiences of carrying out consultations on the internet. Informatics in Primary Care. 12 (2). 85-90.
Status: Published -
Umefjord, G., Petersson, G., Hamberg, K. (2003). Reasons for consulting a doctor on the internet : Web Survey of Users of an Ask the Doctor Service. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 5 (4).
Status: Published -
Brattmo, M., Lindberg, S., Wihl, J., Petersson, G., Malm, L. (2002). Allergic rhinitis and atopy in 18-year-old students. American Journal of Rhinology. 16. 323-327.
Status: Published -
Åkerlund, L., Hulting, A., Petersson, G. (2001). Dysphonia - Illustrating a nationwide initiative to provide students with high quality e-learning resources. Callaborate. 6. 1-4.
Status: Published -
Josefsson, M., Becker, M., Stroman, F., Brenner, D., Petersson, G. (1998). Effect of recombinant neutral endopeptidase (EC on neuropeptide-mediated nasal fluid secretion and plasma exudation in the rat. American Journal of Rhinology. 12. 135-141.
Status: Published -
Dørup, J., Bach-Gansmo, E., Booth, A., Krarup, J.N., Petersson, G., et al. (1998). World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) Guidelines for using computers in medical education. Medical Education. 32 (Revised 2001). 205-208.
Status: Published -
Rydmark, M., Jalling, H., Petersson, G., Philip, F. (1998). Production of CAL programs in medicine, odontology and veterinary medicine in Sweden. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 50. 251-255.
Status: Published -
Wihl, J., Baumgarten, C.R., Petersson, G. (1995). Contralateral differences among biomarkers determined by a modified nasal lavage technique after unilateral allergen challenge. Allergy. 50. 308-315.
Status: Published -
Lindell, E., Svensjö, E., Malm, L., Petersson, G. (1995). Tachykinin-induced nasal fluid secretion and plasma exudation in the rat: effects of peptidase inhibition. Neuropeptides. 28. 309-315.
Status: Published -
Bacci, E., Bertrand, C., Geppetti, P., Baker, J., Nadel, J., et al. (1993). Budesonide inhibits plasma extravasation induced by capsaicin and by substance P in the rat nasal mucosa. Regulatory Peptides. 49. 159-166.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Bacci, E., Mcdonald, D.M., Nadel, J.A. (1993). Neurogenic plasma extravasation in the rat nasal mucosa is potentiated by peptidase inhibitors. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Experimental Therapeutics. 264 (1). 509-514.
Status: Published -
Bertrand, C., Geppetti, P., Baker, J., Petersson, G., Piedimonte, G., et al. (1993). Role of peptidases and NK1 receptors in vascular extravasation induced by bradykinin in rat nasal mucosa. Journal of Applied Physiology. 74. 2456-2461.
Status: Published -
Piedimonte, G., Hoffman, J.I.E., Husseini, W.K., Bertrand, C., Snider, R.M., et al. (1993). Neurogenic vasodilation in the rat nasal mucosa involves neurokinin1 tachykinin receptors. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Experimental Therapeutics. 265. 36-40.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Ekman, R., Malm, L. (1990). Substance P and calcitonin-gene related peptide in nasal secretions after antigen challenge in man. American Journal of Rhinology. 4. 163-167.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Svensjö, E. (1990). Nasal mucosal permeability after methacholine, substance P, and capsaicin. International Journal of Microcirculation: Clinical and Experimental. 9 (5). 205-212.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Malm, L., Rosengren, E., Håkanson, R. (1989). Hyperosmolarity but not histamine evokes secretion of nasal fluid in the rat. European Journal of Pharmacology. 161. 37-43.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Malm, L., Ekman, R., Håkanson, R. (1989). Capsaicin evokes increased secretion of nasal fluid and depletes substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from the nasal mucosa in the rat. British Journal of Pharmacology. 98. 930-936.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Mccaffrey, T.V., Malm, L. (1989). Substance P and nasal secretion in dog, rat, and man. Annals of Allergy. 62. 410-414.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G. (1989). Substance P evokes nasal secretion in the rat: mode of action. American Journal of Rhinology. 3. 77-81.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G., Dreborg, S., Ingestad, R. (1986). Clinical history, skin prick test and RAST in the diagnosis of birch and timothy pollinosis. Allergy. 41. 398-407.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Bravo, G., Laitinen, M., Levin, M., Löwe, W., Petersson, G. (2017). Big Data in Cross-Disciplinary Research : J.UCS Focused Topic. Journal of universal computer science (Online). 23 (11). 1035-1037.
Status: Published -
Johansson Östbring, M., Eriksson, T., Petersson, G., Hellström, L. (2014). Patient-centered medication review in coronary heart disease : impact on beliefs about medicines. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 13. S15-S15.
Status: Published -
Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Bath, P.A. (2013). Variable documentation of vital signs in an electronic health record in patients at risk of in-hospital cardiac arrest could pose a threat to patient safety. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 12. S55-S56.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G. (2003). Klarar vi att uttrycka oss tydligt i tal och skrift, med eller utan dator? [Do we manage to express ourselves explicitly in writing and speaking, with or without a computer?]. Läkartidningen. 18.
Status: Published -
Lindgren, S., Egidius, H., Mare, K., Petersson, G., Hammar, M. (2001). Fortbildning skall utgå från den kliniska verkligheten. Det krävs mod att se både de starka och de svaga sidorna i yrkessituationen [Continuing should be a part of the clinical reality. Courage is required to see both the strong and the weak sides of the professional situation]. Läkartidningen. 25. 3002-6.
Status: Published -
Malm, L., Petersson, G., Wihl, J. (1999). Consensus conference of Allergic Rhinitis in Childhood. Allergy Suppl. 53.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G. (1998). Modern IT förändrar läkaryrkets utövning [Modern IT changes the medical profession]. Läkartidningen. 95. 20-24.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G. (1995). Allergy practice and the otolaryngologist. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. 3. 218-223.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G. (1992). The clinical role of neuropeptides in rhinitis. Otolaryngology Update, University of California, San Francisco. 185-190.
Status: Published -
Arin, M., Petersson, G. (1977). Attityder kring psykiatri - en minienkät. MOTPOL - tidskrift för sjukvårdsdebatt. 8. 152-153.
Status: Published -
Donnér, M., Edholm, B., Jeppsson, A., Petersson, G., Sjöhagen, K., et al. (1976). Är de stomiopererade "vandrande dass"?. Landstingens tidskrift. 11. 28-30.
Status: Published -
Petersson, G. (1975). MFT måste stå på egna ben. Medicinska Föreningarnas Tidskrift. 8-9.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Gottliebsen, K., Petersson, G. (2020). Limited evidence of benefits of patient operated intelligent primary care triage tools : findings of a literature review. BMJ Health & Care Informatics. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. 27 (1). 1-7.
Status: Published -
Lindquist, A., Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Saveman, B., Nilsson, G. (2008). The Use of the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Among Personnel and Students in Health Care : a Review.. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 10 (4). e31.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Other academic)
Petersson, G. (1992). Pathophysiology of the nasal mucosa. Rhinology. Supplement. 14. 47-51.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Petersson, G. (2006). Språkets roll inom vården, i Medicinens språk (The Language of Medicin)(in Swedish). Liber AB.
- Fogelberg, M., Petersson, G. (2006). Medicinens språk. Stockholm, Liber AB.
- Petersson, G., Utbult, M. (2002). Nätverka för nätlärande inom medicin, vård och omsorg. Distum.
- Petersson, G., Utbult, M. (2000). Nordisk medicinsk utbildning i informationssamhället - en on-line learning community?. Högskoleverket.
- Petersson, G., Rydmark, M. (1996). Medicinsk informatik. Stockholm, Liber.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Petersson, G. (1989). Nasal secretion and sensory neuromediators. Doctoral Thesis. 1-38.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Petersson, G., Rydmark, M., Thurin, A. (2021). Medicinsk informatik i vård och kunskapsbildning. Medicinsk informatik. Stockholm, Liber. 12-33.
- Petersson, G. (2021). Hållbar digitalisering för hälsan. Medicinsk informatik. Stockholm, Liber. 430-443.
- Petersson, G., Cordewener, B., Whistlecroft, L. (2004). From the first to the second decade of EKMA: reflections and recommendations. Evaluation in e-learning: the European Academic Software Award. Université Montpellier III. 89-96.
- Petersson, G. (2004). Experiences from the European Academic Software Award; year 2002. Evaluation in e-learning: the European Academic Software Award. Université Montpellier III. 43-60.
- Petersson, G. (2002). Knowmobile guides the implementation of technology in medical education. Knowmobile - knowledge access in distributed training. Mobile opportunities for medical students. Norway, InterMedia University of Oslo.
- Petersson, G. (1996). Datorstödd inlärning. Medicinsk informatik. Stockholm, Liber. 240-256.
- Petersson, G., Rydmark, M. (1996). Medicinsk informatik inom vård och utbildning. Medicinsk informatik. Stockholm, Liber. 1-20.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Caporuscio, M., Weyns, D., Andersson, J., Axelsson, C., Petersson, G. (2017). IoT-enabled Physical Telerehabilitation Platform. Proccedings of the International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems : Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms. 112-119.
- Stevenson-Ågren, J., Petersson, G., Israelsson, J., Bath, P. (2017). Reasons for poor vital sign documentation in electronic health records: A qualitative study. European Society of Cardiology Congress, Barcelona, 26-30 August, 2017.
- Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Bath, P. (2015). Documentation of vital signs in electronic records : the development of workarounds. Health informatics for enhancing health and well-being : Proceedings of the seventeenth International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, York, UK 24-26 June 2015.
- Broberg Danielsson, H., Nilsson, A., Petersson, G. (2014). Utvärdering av eHälsa - 10 års erfarenhet. Vitalis - Nordens ledande eHälsomöte 2014 : Vetenskapliga papers presenterade vid Vitalis konferens, Svenska Mässan, Göteborg, 8-10 april 2014.
- Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2009). A mobile medicine decision support system for district nurses.. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics : Connecting Health and Humans - Proceedings of NI2009 - The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics. 516-520.
- Johansson, P., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G. (2009). A mobile pharmaceutical decision support system – a useful tool for district nurses? (Conference, poster abstract). The 14th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR 2009).
- Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2008). A mobile pharmaceutical decision support system – a useful tool for district nurses?. .
- Petersson, G., Algers, A., Fransson, T., Lagergren, F., Nilsson, A., et al. (2008). Impact of outreach in e-learning: role of an international committee of an national agency. .
- Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2008). A mobile pharmaceutical decision support system – a useful tool for district nurses? (Conferense abstract). Scandinavian Health Informatics and Terminology Conference 2008 Proceedings.
- Sandholm, A., Fritzson, P., Arora, V., Delp, S., Petersson, G., et al. (2007). 11th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biomedical Engineering and Computing 2007. IFMBE Proceedings, 11th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biomedical Engineering and Computing 16.
- Åstrand, B., Hovstadius, B., Antonov, K., Petersson, G. (2007). The Swedish National Pharmacy Register. MEDINFO 2007 : Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics – Building Sustainable Health Systems. 345-349.
- Sandholm, A., Fritzson, P., Arora, V., Delp, S., Petersson, G. (2007). The Gait E-Book – Development of Effective Participatory Learning using Simulation and Active Electronic Books. . 685-688.
- Johansson, P., Lindquist, A., Saveman, B., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2007). Handdator för sjuksköterskor – en studie om innehåll, funktioner och användbarhet (Konferens abstrakt). Scandinavian Health Informatics and Terminology Conference 2007 Proceedings.
- Sandholm, A., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Fritzson, P. (2006). Towards a flexible general training simulator platform based on Modelica. 7th Conference on Simulation and Modelling of the Scandinavian Simulation Society SIMS2006.
- Petersson, G. (1995). Multimedia in Medicine: Swedish experience of production and evaluation. Proceedings First International Workshop on Evaluation Methods and Quality Criteria for Multimedia Applications, ACM Multimedia.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Bath, P. (2014). Dokumentation av vitalparametrar i datorjournaler : En risk för patientsäkerheten?. VITALIS - Nordens ledande eHälsomöte : Vetenskapliga papers presenterade vid Vitalis konferens, Svenska Mässan, Göteborg, 8-10 april 2014.
- Stevenson-Ågren, J., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G., Bath, P. (2013). Documentation of vital signs in electronic health records : issues for patient safety. Proceedings of the sixteenth International Symposium for Health Information management Research, ISHIMR 2013 : Exploiting Health Informatics for Connected, Collaborative and Customized Patient Care. 153-154.
- Stevenson-Ågren, J., Israelsson, J., Nilsson, G., Petersson, G., Bath, P. (2011). Electronic patient record and documentation of deterioration in patients at risk of in-hospital cardiac arrest : pilot study. ISHIMR 2011 : Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, 8-9 September 2011, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2008). Handdator för sjuksköterskestudenter – ett hjälpmedel inom verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Nätverk och utveckling (NU2008). Lärande i en ny tid - samtal om undervisning i högre utbildning. Proceedings NU2008.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Semark, B., Brudin, L., Tågerud, S., Petersson, G., Peterson, U. Self-rated health and educational level among elderly with depressive and physical disorders.
Patent (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
- Petersson, G. (2003). Att lära på nätet – intryck och reflektioner från EASA2002/Netlearning2002. Rådet för högre utbildning, Högskoleverket.
- Petersson, G. (1995). Utbildning i medicinsk informatik. Rapport från de nationella Ämneskonferenserna i Medicinsk Informatik. 1-9.
Report (Other academic)
- Weyns, D., Caporuscio, M., Axelsson, C., Petersson, G. (2017). BoConnect – Reliable Assistive Technologies to Empower Elderly People to Live Independently Longer. 2.
- Axelsson, C., Byrman, G., Petersson, G., Skoglund, A., Stevenson-Ågren, J. (2016). "Det kan bli så mycket fel" : Förstudie om barnmorskors upplevelser av kommunikation med gravida kvinnor utan funktionell behärskning av svenska.. Kalmar/Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 15.
- Pun, B., Axelsson, C., Petersson, G. (2014). Nationellt register födoämnesreaktioner : en förstudie. eHälsoinstitutet, Linnéuniversitet. 17.
- Ericson, L., Schönström, N., Petersson, G. (2014). Klinisk utvärdering av medicinska informationssystem : Fokus på elektroniska patientjournalsystem. eHälsoinstitutet, Linnéuniversitetet. 49.
- Hammar, T., Petersson, G. (2012). Receptexpeditionssystem i Sverige. eHälsoinstitutet, Linnéuniversitetet. 43.
- Johansson, P., Petersson, G., Nilsson, G. (2009). LIF e-reader: Utvärderingsrapport slutversion 2009-02-03. eHälsoinstitutet, Högskolan i Kalmar.
- Wærn, K., Hellström, L., Petersson, G. (2008). Förskrivares uppfattningar om e-recept : och möjliga orsaker till avvikelser vid e-receptförskrivning. Kalmar, eHälsoinstitutet, Högskolan i Kalmar. 89.
- Petersson, G. (2006). Annual report 2005, eHealth Institute, Department of Health and Behavioral Science. University of Kalmar.
- Petersson, G. (2005). Digitala lärresurser – samlingar på nätet i Distansutbildning i Frankrike – rapport från studieresa oktober 2005. Myndigheten för Sveriges Nätuniversitet.
- Petersson, G. (2005). Förutsättningar och utmaningar för Bayern i Distansutbildning i Schweiz och Bayern – rapport från studieresa oktober 2004. Myndigheten för Sveriges Nätuniversitet.
- Petersson, G. (2005). Regionalt perspektiv på e-lärande i Distansutbildning i Frankrike - rapport från studieresa oktober 2005. Myndigheten för Sveriges Nätuniversitet.
- Petersson, G., Ahlin, K., Attström, R., Boberg, J., Fors, U., et al. (2004). Förnyelse av medicinska grundutbildningar genom teknik- och mediastöd. Slutrapport från Medcal, Rådets för högre utbildnings kommitté för kollaborativt och aktivt lärande inom medicin, odontologi och veterinärmedicin åren 1993-2003, Rådet för högre utbildning, Högskoleverket. 1- 41.
- Petersson, G. (2003). Framtidens IT inom vård och omsorg – tankar om hur den kommer att se ut och vad som behövs för att lyckas. Landstingsförbundet, Svenska Kommunförbundet, Carelink.
- Petersson, G. (2003). EASA - a forum for a golden standard for medical educational multimedia?. UK, LTSN-01 Newsletter January 2003 (Learning and teaching support network in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine).
- Holm-Sjögren, L., Carlsson, G., Hållberg, Å., Lebolt, L., Malmqvist, G., et al. (2001). Utveckling av nätburen flexibel utbildning inom hälso- och sjukvård och omsorg. Carelink. 1-40.
- Westin, T., Petersson, G., Sobin, J. (1997). Informationsteknik för kommunikation. I Produktionsinriktad sjukvårdsorganisation. Trygghetsfonden. 5-6.
- Wihl, J., Petersson, G., Malm, L. (1996). Möjliga samband mellan miljö, defekter i nässlemhinnan och frekvensen av allergier i de övre luftvägarna hos skolungdom. Arbetsmiljöfonden.
- Petersson, G. (1995). Allergisk rinit, astma, quality of life och informationsteknologi vid ACACI-möte. pro Medico. 13-14.
- Petersson, G., Engquist, S., Hellström, S. (1995). Målbeskrivning för öron-, näs- och halskursen. Utbildningskollegiet inom öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar. 1-18.
- Petersson, G. (1994). Computer Assisted Learning in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine in Sweden. Stockholm, Council for the Renewal of Undergraduate Education. 1-27.
- Petersson, G. (1993). Att lägga näsan i blöt eller i rödpeppar i Rom. Lund, TIKA-information. 20-21.
- Petersson, G. (1992). Kongressrapport: 15:e Internationella Rinologkongressen i Tokyo. Lund, TIKA-information. 17-19.
- Petersson, G., Petersson, M. (1992). Välfärdens utmaningar i San Francisco. Lund, TIKA-information. 10-12.
- Petersson, G. (1990). Kongressrapport: XVII Nordiske Kongress i Allergologi. Lund, TIKA-information. 15, 23.
- Petersson, G. (1987). Rapport från forsknings- och studievistelse vid Cardiovascular Research Institute, Moffit Hospital, University of California, San Francisco. Svensk Otolaryngologisk Förenings Tidskrift. 7-8.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Petersson, G., Rydmark, M., Thurin, A. (2021). Medicinsk informatik. Stockholm, Liber. 455.