I earned a Ph.D. in history in 1993 from University of Oklahoma. My dissertation dealt with Swedish relations with Lenape Indians in the New Sweden colony in eastern North America during the middle of the 17th century, compared with concurrent contacts between Sami people and the Swedish Crown.
I have a background as a secondary school teacher and love teaching, but in recent years my time has been filled with other tasks. I have created and taught many courses on undergraduate as well as graduate levels focusing on indigenous histories and rights, American history, colonialism and cultural encounters, gender and sexuality, and on theories and methods in historical studies. Many of these courses have been team taught with colleagues from other disciplines, such as comparative literature, gender studies, law, and religious studies.
Cultural encounters, gender, and postcolonial perspectives, as well as oral history and the uses of history form the focus of my research interests. Borders, or margins, are the words that best characterize my research. I have focused on colonialism, cultural encounters and gender to investigate what happens when people meet and draw lines that differentiate, create, and alter relations between collectives and individuals. Margins and border-crossing is of great relevance to questions of gender and colonization. For one thing, it is apparent that in colonial settings Europeans paid great attention to the regulation of gender relations and marriages. For another, margins form a good tool for thinking about and illuminating women and gender in historical source materials.
My research primarily concerns Native American history and is focused on different aspects of cultural encounters from the 17th century until the present. The historical experiences of other indigenous peoples, such as the Sami people of Northern Scandinavia, offer comparisons that I have found to be useful. Although I have mostly researched periods prior to 1800 it is apparent that notions formed during the early modern period significantly influence present-day academic divisions as well as general perceptions regarding races, ethnic groups, genders, and cultures. History and anthropology as disciplines, as well as formations of knowledge and theories of history, thus become important objects of study. So do the uses of and struggles for history, as well as oral (other-than-written) sources and their relations to the written record.
Building the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, which was established in 2012, has led to an increased focus on Nordic colonialism. I collaborate with scholars from all the Nordic countries in describing and interrogating the participation and complicity of the Nordic region in European colonial expansion and its consequences for contemporary relations.
My most recent projects focus on the concurrent histories of Swedish/Scandinavian emigrants and indigenous nations in North America during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, with responsibility for Sustainability and Equality, 2021-2023
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 2016-2020
Research Director for Linnaeus University Centre: Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, 2012-2016
Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, from 2014
My research groups
Cluster for Colonial Connections and Comparisons The Research Cluster for Colonial Connections and Comparisons aims to uncover the complex links that operated within and across the borders of empires,…
Cluster for Nordic Colonialism The Research Cluster for Nordic Colonialism within the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies investigated how the European…
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Borderlands of Swedish-Indigenous Encounters Swedish-Indigenous encounters focuses on the concurrent histories of Swedish and other Scandinavian emigrants and Indigenous nations in North…
Project: Captain Jack's riding whip – Swedish emigrants and indigenous peoples in North America A riding whip belonging to the Modoc leader Captain Jack is one the treasures at the Ethnographic Museum…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Fur, G., Hennessey, J. (2020). Introduktion : Svensk kolonialism, Sverige och kolonialism eller svenskar och kolonialism?. Historisk Tidskrift. 140 (3). 375-384.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2019). Different ways of seeing 'savagery' : Two Nordic travellers in 18th-century North America. History of the Human Sciences. 32 (4). 43-62.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2019). 'The earrings:' friendship across ethnic and gendered boundaries in the American West. Women's History Review. 28 (1). 23-41.
Status: Published -
Fur, G., Naum, M., Nordin, J.M. (2016). Intersecting Worlds : New Sweden's Transatlantic Entanglements. Journal of Transnational American Studies. 7 (1). 1-22.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2016). Colonial Fantasies : American Indians, indigenous peoples, and a Swedish discourse of innocence. National Identities. 18 (1). 11-33.
Status: Published -
Brydon, D., Forsgren, P., Fur, G. (2014). Culture bound and unbound : concurrent voices and claims in postcolonial places. Culture Unbound : Journal of Current Cultural Research. 6. 1253-1257.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2014). Indians and immigrants : entangled histories. Journal of American Ethnic History. 33 (3 Special Issue). 55-76.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2013). Möten och ansvar. Scandia. 79 (2). 36-45.
Status: Published -
Ipsen, P., Fur, G. (2009). Introduction : special issue on Scandinavian colonialism. Itinerario : International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction. 33 (2). 7-16.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2009). "The US of America". Speech at the NAAS conference in Tampere, 2007.. American Studies in Scandinavia. 40 (1-2). 63-79.
Status: Published -
Fur, G., Ipsen, P. (2009). Introduction : Special issue on Scandinavian Colonialism. Itinerario : International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction. 33 (2). 7-16.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2006). Reading Margins: Colonial Encounters in Sapmi and Lenapehoking in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Feminist studies. 32 (3). 491-521.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (1999). Ädla vildar, grymma barbarer och postmoderna historier. Historisk Tidskrift. (4). 637-653.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (1998). Gränsöverskridande kvinnor och svenska män. : Kön och sexualitet på gränsen mellan samiskt och svenskt i tidigmodern tid.. Kvinnovetenskaplig Tidskrift. 19 (1). 49-64.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (1996). Kvinnobyar och män i kvinnokläder. : Genus och sexualitet i indianernas Nordamerika.. Lambda Nordica. 2 (2). 7-23.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (1989). The Making of a Legend : Joe Hill and the I.W.W.. Swedish-American Historical Quarterly. 40 (3). 101-113.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Fur, G. (2019). Painting Culture, Painting Nature : Stephen Mopope, Oscar Jacobson, and the Development of Indian Art in Oklahoma. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Fur, G. (2022). West of the forbidden path : Authority and autonomy in Indigenous-Moravian encounters in the Ohio Country.. To Take Us Lands Away : Essays in Honour of Margaret R. Hunt. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 241-257.
- Fur, G. (2022). Afterword : Concurrent Events and Entanglements in a Nordic-AmericanBorderland. Finnish settler colonialism in North America : rethinking Finnish experiences in transnational spaces. Helsinki University Press. 285-292.
- Fur, G. (2021). Captain Jack's Whip and Borderlands of Swedish-Indigenous Encounters. Swedish-American Borderlands : New Histories of Transatlantic Relations. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 192-210.
- Fur, G. (2017). Concurrences as a Methodology for Discerning Concurrent Histories. Concurrent Imaginaries, Postcolonial worlds : Toward Revised Histories. Brill Academic Publishers. 33-57.
- Brydon, D., Forsgren, P., Fur, G. (2017). What Reading for Concurrences Offers Postcolonial Studies. Concurrent Imaginaries, Postcolonial Worlds : Toward Revisited Histories. Brill Academic Publishers. 3-32.
- Fur, G. (2016). Att sona det förflutna. De historiska relationerna mellan Svenska kyrkan och samerna : En vetenskaplig antologi, band 1. Skellefteå, Artos & Norma bokförlag. 153-190.
- Fur, G. (2016). Indians and Immigrants : Entangled Histories. Immigrant Identity and the Politics of Citizenship : A collection of articles from the Journal of American Ethnic History. University of Illinois Press.
- Fur, G. (2016). Kolonisation och kulturmöten under 1600- och 1700-talen. De historiska relationerna mellan Svenska kyrkan och samerna : En vetenskaplig antologi, band 1. Skellefteå, Artos & Norma bokförlag. 241-282.
- Fur, G. (2016). Always Already Cosmopolitan : Indigenous People and Swedish Modernity. European Cosmopolitanism : Colonial Histories and Postcolonial Societies. London, Routledge. 65-81.
- Fur, G. (2015). "But in Itself, the Law is Only White" : Knowledge Claims and Universality in the History of Cultural Encounters. Fugitive Knowledge : The Loss and Preservation of Knowledge in Cultural Contact Zones. Münster New York, Waxmann Verlag. 29-49.
- Svalastog, A.L., Fur, G. (2015). Introduction. Visions of Sápmi. Røros, Arthub Publisher. 7-15.
- Fur, G. (2015). Dealing with the wrongs of history?. Visions of Sápmi. Røros, Arthub Publisher. 129-147.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Brydon, D., Forsgren, P., Fur, G. (2017). Concurrent Imaginaries, Postcolonial Worlds : Toward Revised Histories. Brill Academic Publishers. 325.
- Svalastog, A.L., Fur, G. (2015). Visions of Sápmi. Røros, Arthub Publisher. 200.
Article, book review (Refereed)
Fur, G. (2012). [Review of] Gender and Sexuality in Indigenous North America, 1400–1850. Ed. by Sandra Slater and Fay A. Yarbrough. (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2011. viii, 202 pp.). Journal of American History. 99 (1). 288-289.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Fur, G. (2010). Om kulturmöten och sammanflätade historier : Gunlög Fur läser Cherie Moraga. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap. (4). 62-66.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2005). Tjej eller fotbollsspelare? : Om kropp, kön och identitet i det sena 1900-talet.. Idrottsforum.org. (2005-02-28).
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2004). Romantic Relations: : Swedish Attitudes towards Indians during the Twentieth Century.. Swedish-American Historical Quarterly. LV (3). 145-164.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2000). Swedes and Indians : realities and illusions. SINAS-News. 25 (1). 4-8.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (1992). Saami and Lenapes meet Swedish colonizers in the Seventeenth century. Readings in Saami history, culture and language. 3 (14). 41-62.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Fur, G. (1997). Contacts between the Saamis and the Swedish state in the 17th and 18th centuries. State and minorities : a symposium on national processes in Russia and Scandinavia, Ekaterinburg, March 1996. 61-72.
Book (Other academic)
- Fur, G. (2009). A Nation of Women. : Gender and Colonial Encounters Among the Delaware Indians.. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Fur, G. (2006). Colonialism in the Margins. : Cultural Encounters in New Sweden and Lapland.. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden and Boston.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Fur, G. (2022). Nasafjäll - en vandring i tid och rum. Litteraturen i arbete : Vänskrift till Peter Forsgren. Växjö, Trolltrumma. 77-87.
- Fur, G. (2021). Foreword [to Finnish Colonial Encounters : From Anti-Imperial to Cultural Colonialism and Complicity]. Finnish Colonial Encounters : From Anti-Imperial to Cultural Colonialism and Complicity. Palgrave Macmillan. v-ix.
- Fur, G. (2015). Jakobsson upptäcker Amerika : Svenskar möter kiowaindianer 1915-2015. Årsbok MMXV : Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 131-144.
- Fur, G. (2014). En atlantisk värld. En samtidig världshistoria. Studentlitteratur AB. 636-660.
- Fur, G. (2013). Tillhör samerna den svenska historien?. Samer : Om Nordmalingdomen och om ett urfolks rättigheter och identitet. Norsborg, Recito. 169-183.
- Fur, G. (2013). Colonialism and Swedish History : Unthinkable Connections?. Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity : Small Time Agents in a Gobal Arena. Springer. 17-36.
- Fur, G. (2013). Indianer reser österut : - eller osagerna och giraffen. Resor i tid och rum : Festskrift till Margareta Petersson. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 134-153.
- Fur, G. (2012). De l’étranger á l’ascendant : les perceptions suédoises des Samis á l’èpoque moderne (1630-1740). Figures du Nord : Scandinavie, Groenland et Sibérie. Perceptions et représentations des espaces septentrionaux du Moyen Âge au XVIIIe siècle. Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 117-133.
- Fur, G. (2010). Om äktenskap och kolonisation. Det politiska äktenskapet : 400 års historia om familj och reproduktion. Stockholm, Makadam Förlag. 295-329.
- Fur, G. (2009). Likhet eller skillnad : pedagogikens demokratiska dilemma. Högskolepedagogik : att vara professionell som lärare i högskolan. Stockholm, Liber. 199-215.
- Fur, G. (2009). Andreas Hesselius, Pehr Kalm och synen på indianer. Svenska möten : Hemma och på resa. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 42-63.
- Fur, G. (2007). Weibe-Town and the Delawares-as-Women: : Gender Crossing and Same-Sex Relations in Eighteenth-Century Northeastern Indian Culture.. Long Before Stonewall. : Histories of Same-Sex Sexuality in Early America.. New York University Press, New York. 32-50.
- Fur, G. (2006). Historiska marginaler – genusforskarens arbetsfält?. Feministiska interventioner: berättelser om och från en annan värld.. 393.
- Fur, G. (2006). The Struggle for Civilised Marriages in Early Modern Sweden and Colonial North America. Collisions of Cultures and Identities. : Settlers and Indigenous Peoples. RMIT Publising, Melbourne.
- Fur, G. (2005). Invandrare och samer. Signums svenska kulturhistoria : Stormaktstiden. Lund, Bokförlaget Signum. 349-373.
- Fur, G. (2002). Könsgränser och kulturgränser. Makalösa kvinnor : Könsöverskridare i myt och verklighet. Stockholm, Alfabeta/Anamma. 157-192.
- Fur, G. (2002). Kampen om orden : indianer, muntlig historia och det skriftliga källmaterialet. Hembygden & världen : festskrift till Ulf Beijbom. Växjö, Svenska emigrantinstitutet. 195-206.
- Fur, G. (2002). "Some Women are Wiser than Some Men." : Gender and Native American History.. Clearing a Path: : Theorizing the Past in Native American Studies. New York and London, Routledge. 75-103.
- Fur, G. (2000). Monument, minnen och maskerader - eller vem tillhör historien?. Makten över minnet : historiekultur i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur. 34-49.
- Fur, G. (1997). Konsten att se. Historiska etyder : en vänbok till Stellan Dahlgren. Uppsala, Uppsala universitet, Historiska institutionen. 83-94.
- Fur, G. (1996). Svenskarnas uppfattning om samer från stormaktstiden till 1700-talets mitt. Främlingen : dröm eller hot. Nationalmuseum. 34-44.
- Fur, G. (1993). De äro barbarorum barbarissimi : svenskars möte med indianer och samer på 1600-talet. Makt & vardag : hur man styrde, levde och tänkte under svensk stormaktstid. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlantis. 289-306.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Fur, G., Engsbråten, E. (2009). Svenska möten : Hemma och på resa.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Fur, G. (2024). Richard W. Pointer. Pacifist Prophet : Papunhank and the Quest for Peace in Early America. American Historical Review. Oxford University Press. 129 (2). 757-758.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2021). [Review of] Beyond Settler Time. Temporal Sovereignty and Indigenous Self-determination : by Mark Rifkin, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2017, 277 pp., $26.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-8223-6297-5. National Identities. Taylor & Francis. 23 (2). 212-215.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2021). [Review of] Angel De Cora, Karen Thronson, and the Art of Place : How Two Midwestern Women Used Art to Negotiate Migration and Dispossession. The Western historical quarterly. Oxford University Press. 52 (2). 219-220.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2020). How difficult it is to do right : Review of: Sanela Bajramovic, Hierarchical sisterhood: Supporting women’s peacebuilding through Swedish aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina 1993–2013, Örebro Studies in History 19 (Örebro: Örebro University 2018). 322 s.. Historisk Tidskrift. Svenska Historiska Föreningen. 140 (1). 152-158.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2016). Matthias Middell & Lluis Roura (red.), Transnational challenges to national history writing : (New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2013). 533 s.. Historisk Tidskrift. 136 (2). 280-284.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2016). [ Review of ] A Lenape among the Quakers: The Life of Hannah Freeman. Journal of The Early Republic. 36 (1). 184-187.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2015). Encounter on the Great Plains : Scandinavian Settlers and the Dispossession of Dakota Indians, 1890-1930.. Journal of American Ethnic History. 35 (1). 110-111.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2015). Ensidigt om Amerikas födelse : Recension av Michael Azar, Amerikas födelse. Feministiskt Perspektiv.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2014). [review of:] Andrew Newman, On records: Delaware Indians, colonists, and the media of history and memory. American Historical Review. 119 (2). 515-516.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2009). Review of Peoples of the River Valleys: The Odyssey of the Delaware Indians, by Amy Schutt. Journal of Moravian History. (6). 130-131.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2009). Review of Indigenous Peoples. Self-Determination, Knowledge, Indigeneity, ed. Henry Minde. Scandinavian Journal of History. 34 (2). 211-214.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2007). Review of Buried Indians. Digging Up the Past in a Midwestern Town, by Laurie Hovell McMillin. American Studies in Scandinavia. 39 (1). 109-110.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Anrup, R., Fareld, V., Fornäs, J., Frisk, S., Fur, G., et al. (2013). Centrala universitetsvärden hotas av bolagiseringsidén. Dagens Nyheter. (22 oktober). A6.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2008). "Att skapa ordning". Ord & Bild. (2). 8.
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2008). Tillhör samerna den svenska historien?. HumaNetten. (22).
Status: Published -
Fur, G. (2001). Native Americans - from compensation to casinos. HumaNetten. (8).
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Fur, G. (2005). Invandrare och samer. Signums svenska kulturhistoria. : Stormaktstiden. Atlantis, Stockholm. 349-373.
- Fur, G. (1999). Svar på tal : indianer och samer bemöter europeisk kolonisation. Universitet 2000 : föreläsningar hållna under humanistdagarna 15-16 oktober 1999, Institutionen för humaniora, Växjö universitet. Växjö, Växjö universitet. 20-28.