Gustav Wollentz
Senior lecturerI am an archaeologist with a particular focus on critical heritage studies. I defended my dissertation in 2018 at Kiel University in Germany on the subject of difficult heritage. Thereafter, I worked as a project leader, researcher and director at the Nordic Centre of Heritage Learning and Creativity (NCK) in Östersund, Sweden, where questions concerning learning and pedagogy in the heritage sector were central. Since February 2024, I have been working as a university lecturer at Linnaeus University.
I am the manager for the program, Kulturarv i samtid och framtid, and teach several of the program's courses. I also teach in archeology I, II and III.
My research is broad but mainly belongs in the field of critical heritage studies. I did my PhD dissertation on difficult heritage, where I conducted field work in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Sweden, examining questions concerning memory, identity, time and place in relation to difficult heritage.
After my PhD thesis, I have mainly been focusng on three areas:
1). Heritage futures, with a focus on how the heritage sector can become more future-conscious and how the future is already present in shaping different types of heritage. In connection to this, I have worked with ICCROM where we applied tools from Strategic Foresight to anticipate different types of futures for the heritage sector on a global level.
2). Cultural heritage and learning, with a focus on heritage pedagogy, co-creation, learning through social spaces, and digital tools for learning and participation.
3). Cultural heritage and diversity, with a focus on how the heritage sector can become better at being relevant in an increasingly diverse present and future, where traditional approaches to what cultural heritage is tend to be exclusionary. Questions concerning the concept of belonging and the role that heritage can play in creating a sense of home are essential here.
My research groups
Centre for Applied Heritage Applied heritage is about the potential of heritage to transform society. The Centre for Applied Heritage at Linnaeus University aims at advancing academic research and…
UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures Building global capacity for futures thinking among heritage professionals
Article in journal (Refereed)
Wollentz, G., Djupdræt, M.B., Hansen, A., Sonne, L., Banik, V.K. (2023). The museum as a social space and a place for lifelong learning. Nordisk Museologi. 34 (2). 23-42.
Status: Published -
Jonsson Malm, C., Wollentz, G., Petersson, B. (2022). The difficult heritage of Sandby borg - exploring memories, ideas and narratives of a 1500 year old massacre. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 28 (11-12). 1271-1285.
Status: Published -
Högberg, A., Wollentz, G., Holtorf, C. (2022). Framtidsmedvetande på museer : Några svenska länsmuseer i fokus. Nordisk Museologi. 34 (2). 5-22.
Status: Published -
Wollentz, G., Kuhlefelt, H. (2021). Heritage as a process of connecting : Pluralism and diversity in Nordic and Baltic museums. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 27 (6). 554-569.
Status: Published -
Wollentz, G. (2020). The Cultural Heritage as a Resource in Conflict Resolution – Possibilities and challenges. Cadernos do LEPAARQ (UFPEL). 17 (34). 74-90.
Status: Published -
Wollentz, G., Barišić, M., Sammar, N. (2019). Youth activism and dignity in post-war Mostar : envisioning a shared future through heritage. Space & Polity. 23 (2). 197-215.
Status: Published -
Wollentz, G. (2017). Prehistoric Violence as Difficult Heritage: Sandby Borg : A Place of Avoidance and Belonging. Current Swedish Archaeology. 25 (1). 199-226.
Status: Published -
Högberg, A., Holtorf, C., May, S., Wollentz, G. (2017). No future in archaeological heritage management?. World archaeology. 49 (5). 639-647.
Status: Published -
Wollentz, G. (2017). Making a home in Mostar : heritage and the temporalities of belonging. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 23 (10). 928-945.
Status: Published -
Wollentz, G. (2012). To be buried inside a long-forgotten world : Studying the reuse of passage graves wearing "Bronze Age glasses". Current Swedish Archaeology. 20. 169-202.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Papmehl-Dufay, L., Wollentz, G. (2012). Möte med en storhög. Populär arkeologi. 2. 24-25.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Wollentz, G. (2020). Landscapes of Difficult Heritage. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
Book (Other academic)
- Wollentz, G. (2023). Digital Pedagogy at Museums for Increased Participation and Co-creation : A Handbook for Museum Professionals. Jamtili förlag.
- Heritage, A., Iwasaki, A., Wollentz, G. (2023). Anticipating Futures for Heritage : ICCROM Foresight Initiative Horizon Scan Study 2021. International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Wollentz, G. (2024). Coping with the Gazimestan Monument in Kosovo : Unraveling the Temporalities of Difficult Heritage. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Wollentz, G. (2020). An Archaeology of Reclaiming Memories – Possibilities and Pitfalls. Places of Memory : Spatialised Practices of Remembrance from Prehistory to Today. Oxford, Archaeopress. 150-158.
- Wollentz, G., May, S., Holtorf, C., Högberg, A. (2020). Toxic heritage : Uncertain and unsafe. Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 294-312.
- Wollentz, G. (2019). Conflicted memorials and the need to look forward. The interplay between remembering and forgetting in Mostar and on the Kosovo Field. Memorials in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict : From History to Heritage. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 159-182.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Kuhlefelt, H., Wollentz, G. (2022). Professionalising volunteer management in museums and archives : Reflections from NCK. Nordic Figurations of Volunteering. Östersund, Jamtli förlag. 215-227.
- Wollentz, G., Ribeiro, A. (2020). Ethics in the Practice of Archaeology and the Making of Heritage : Understanding beyond the Material. Past Societies : Human Development in Landscapes. Leiden, Sidestone Press. 191-202.
- Horn, C., Wollentz, G. (2019). Who is in charge here? : Material culture, landscapes, and symmetry. Past landscapes : The dynamics of interaction between society, landscape, and culture. Human development in landscape. Leiden, Sidestone Press. 107-129.
- Papmehl-Dufay, L., Wollentz, G. (2016). Risinge hög : Delundersökning av en storhög på Öland. Forntid längs ostkusten 4 : Blankaholmsseminariet år 2012-2014. Västervik, Västerviks museum i samarbete med Tjustbygdens kulturhistoriska förening och Studiefrämjandet. 111-139.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Sonne, L., Hansen, A., Banik, V.K., Wollentz, G., Djupdræt, M.B. (2023). Development, Test, and Evaluation of New Continuing Education for Museum Staff in Scandinavia. New Challenges – New Learning –New Possibilities : Proceedings from the 9th Nordic Conferenceon Adult Education and Learning. 139-161.
Report (Refereed)
- Wollentz, G., Heritage, A., Morel, H., Forgesson, S., Iwasaki, A., et al. (2023). Future Trends on Cultural Heritage Research & Innovation. ARCHE Consortium. 218.
Report (Other academic)
- Wollentz, G., Kuhlefelt, H., Eriksson-Bergström, S., Lundström, C., Tegnhed, E., et al. (2024). Volunteering at Archives - a mapping of volunteer management at archives in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Östersund, Nordiskt centrum för kulturarvspedagogik. 145.
- Wollentz, G. (2023). Increasing future awareness in the cultural heritage sector using the SoPHIA model. Linnaeus University, Department of Cultural Sciences. 43.
- Wollentz, G. (2021). Hur framtidsmedvetna är svenska länsmuseer?. Linnéuniversitetet. 15.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Wollentz, G., Brandt Djupdræt, M., Hansen, A., Sonne, L. (2021). Museet som ett socialt rum och en plats för lärande. Östersund, Jamtli förlag. 151.
- Horn, C., Wollentz, G., Di Maida, G., Haug, A. (2020). Places of memory : spatialised practices of remembrance from prehistory to today. Archaeopress. 158.
- Harrison, R., Desilvey, C., Holtorf, C., Macdonald, S., Bartolini, N., et al. (2020). Heritage Futures : Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. London, UCL Press. 567.
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Holtorf, C., Frid, P., Brodén, K., Dahlgren, C., Jansson, R., et al. (2021). Tillbaka till framtiden. Växjö och Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press.
Utställningsyta 4x4x2,2 meter. Faktatavlor, interaktiv datorsimulering av framtidsvisioner, konstnärlig tolkning av forskningsområdet Heritage futures, fotovägg samt TV-skärmar med filmer och animering om forskningen.