Hafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir
Associate professorHafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir is an associate professor in Care Science. She defended her PhD thesis: EXPOSURE TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DURING PREGNANCY-Impact on outcome, midwives awareness, women's experience and prevalence in the south of Sweden, in May 23rd, 2014 at Malmö University.
Background: Hafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir is registered nurse (from Iceland) as well as registered midwife (from Lund University, Sweden) and has a long working experience as a midwife. She have been operative in the Academy since year 2005, working first as a Lecturer and later as a Senior Lecturer. She have been dividing her working time between the role as a Senior Lecturer and as a researcher in Nursing Science at Malmö University between the years 2015-2020. As a senior lecturer she earned the title as an associate professor in September 2019.
Hafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir is a member and active in several international research networks where The Nursing Network on Violence Against Women (NNVAWI) is the network in which she has been/is most active and researchers have gathered around issues of violence against women.
Hafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir main areas of teaching have been in research methods, supervising on different levels as well as in reproductive health and intimate partner violence. She has a solid experience as a supervisor on all levels from Bachelor of Sciences to higher education (PhD). Her research is mainly focusing on interpersonal violence with a special focus on domestic violence to pregnant women, new mothers and their child-(ren). She is particularly experienced in quantitative research study design (Longitudinal Cohort-and Cross-sectional studies) but also skilled in qualitative research designs as well as Grounded Theory. She has also taught research methods in the departments post-graduate programs.
Hafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir has been PI in two research projects; Exposed to Domestic Violence - mothers and foetus/child health and Expectant and new fathers / partners, health and lifestyles.
Ongoing project in collaboration with Icelandic researchers: Pregnant women‘ health and life-experiences during COVID-19 and their use of World Wide Web to seek information to get support
This project aims to gain knowledge about the frequency of domestic violence during COVID-19 pandemic and the mental health of pregnant women. The results will be compared with previous studies and see if there is an increase or not. It will also be examined whether pregnant women use digital solutions during pregnancy, and whether services to them in this area need to be increased in the future.
Co-workers are: Ástþóra Kristinsdóttir, RN, RM, Msc at Development Centre for Primary Healthcare in Iceland (DCPHI). Linda Bára Lýðsdóttir, Associate professor and Director of MSc in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Reykjavik University, Iceland. Rannveig Sigurvinsdóttir, Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Reykjavik University, Iceland.
Selected publications
Finnbogadottir, H., Henriksen, L., Hegaard, H.K., Halldórsdóttir, S., Paavilainen, E., et al. (2024). The Consequences of A History of Violence on Women's Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Nordic Countries : A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Sage Publications. 25 (5). 3555-3570.
Status: Published -
Annborn, A., Finnbogadottir, H. (2022). Obstetric violence a qualitative interview study. Midwifery. 105.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Baird, K., Thies-Lagergren, L. (2020). Birth outcomes in a Swedish population of women reporting a history of violence including domestic violence during pregnancy : a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 20.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A., Wann-Hansson, C. (2016). Prevalence and incidence of domestic violence during pregnancy and associated risk factors : a longitudinal cohort study in the south of Sweden. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A. (2016). Increasing prevalence and incidence of domestic violence during the pregnancy and one and a half year postpartum, as well as risk factors : a longitudinal cohort study in Southern Sweden. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A., Wann-Hansson, C. (2014). Struggling to survive for the sake of the unborn baby : a grounded theory model of exposure to intimate partner violence during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 14.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A., Wann-Hansson, C. (2014). Prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy and related risk factors : a cross-sectional study in southern Sweden. BMC Women's Health. 14.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A. (2012). Midwives' awareness and experiences regarding domestic violence among pregnant women in southern Sweden. Midwifery. 28 (2). 181-189.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hordiienko, Y., Fagerström, C., Finnbogadottir, H.R. (2024). Patient involvement in interdisciplinary bedside rounds from nursing and medical students' perceptions. A Swedish qualitative interview study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 38 (4). 1050-1060.
Status: Published -
Annborn, A., Finnbogadottir, H. (2022). Obstetric violence a qualitative interview study. Midwifery. 105.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Persson, E.K. (2022). Risk for partners' depression and anxiety during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum : A longitudinal cohort study. European Journal of Midwifery. 6.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Torkelsson, E., Christensen, C.B., Persson, E. (2020). Midwives experience of meeting pregnant women who are exposed to Intimate Partner Violence at in hospital prenatal ward : A qualitative study. European Journal of Midwifery. 4.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Baird, K., Thies-Lagergren, L. (2020). Birth outcomes in a Swedish population of women reporting a history of violence including domestic violence during pregnancy : a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 20.
Status: Published -
Kruljac, M., Finnbogadottir, H., Bobjer, J., Giraldi, A., Fugl-Meyer, K., et al. (2020). Symptoms of sexual dysfunction among men from infertile couples : prevalence and association with testosterone deficiency. Andrology. 8 (1). 160-165.
Status: Published -
Bohm, M., Lilja, G., Finnbogadottir, H., Cronberg, T., Undén, J., et al. (2019). Detailed analysis of health-related quality of life after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 135 (February). 197-204.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Persson, E.K. (2019). Lifestyle factors, self-reported health and sense of coherence among fathers/partners in relation to risk for depression and anxiety in early pregnancy. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 33 (2). 436-445.
Status: Published -
Johansson, C., Finnbogadottir, H. (2019). First-time mothers’ satisfaction with their birth experience – a cross-sectional study. Midwifery. 79 (December).
Status: Published -
Sunnqvist, C., Sjöström, K., Finnbogadottir, H. (2019). Depressive symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum in women and use of antidepressant treatment : a longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Women's Health. 11. 109-117.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Mellgren, C. (2017). The degree of suffering among pregnant women with a history of violence, help-seeking, and police reporting. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. 13. 23-28.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Thies-Lagergren, L. (2017). Breastfeeding in the context of domestic violence : a cross sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 73 (12). 3209-3219.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Moghaddassi, M.N., Stenzelius, K. (2016). Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise after Delivery with or without the Biofeedback Method : An Intervention Study. Journal of Women's Health Care. 5 (2).
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A., Wann-Hansson, C. (2016). Prevalence and incidence of domestic violence during pregnancy and associated risk factors : a longitudinal cohort study in the south of Sweden. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A. (2016). Increasing prevalence and incidence of domestic violence during the pregnancy and one and a half year postpartum, as well as risk factors : a longitudinal cohort study in Southern Sweden. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A., Wann-Hansson, C. (2014). Struggling to survive for the sake of the unborn baby : a grounded theory model of exposure to intimate partner violence during pregnancy. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 14.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A., Wann-Hansson, C. (2014). Prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy and related risk factors : a cross-sectional study in southern Sweden. BMC Women's Health. 14.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dykes, A. (2012). Midwives' awareness and experiences regarding domestic violence among pregnant women in southern Sweden. Midwifery. 28 (2). 181-189.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Dejin-Karlsson, E., Dykes, A. (2011). A multi-centre cohort study shows no association between experienced violence and labour dystocia in nulliparous women at term. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 11.
Status: Published -
Finnbogadottir, H., Crang Svalenius, E., Persson, E.K. (2003). Expectant first-time fathers’ experiences of pregnancy. Midwifery. 19 (2). 96-105.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Finnbogadottir, H., Henriksen, L., Hegaard, H.K., Halldórsdóttir, S., Paavilainen, E., et al. (2024). The Consequences of A History of Violence on Women's Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Nordic Countries : A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Sage Publications. 25 (5). 3555-3570.
Status: Published -
Ljungbeck, B., Sjögren Forss, K., Finnbogadottir, H., Carlson, E. (2021). Content in nurse practitioner education : A scoping review. Nurse Education Today. Elsevier. 98.
Status: Published -
Ljungbeck, B., Sjögren Forss, K., Finnbogadottir, H., Carlson, E. (2019). Curricula and learning objectives in nurse practitioner programmes : a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. 9 (7).
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Finnbogadottir, H. (2014). Exposure to domestic violence during pregnancy : impact on outcome, midwives' awareness, women's experience and prevalence in the south of Sweden. Doctoral Thesis. Malmö University. 141.