Hanna Palmér
Professor, deputy vice-chancellor for the teacher educationsTeaching
I teach mathematics education in preschool teacher education. I am managing the master programme in mathematics education.
My research is focused on mathematics teaching and learning in preschool, preschool class and primary school. Of special interest is problem solving in mathematics, digital technology in mathematics education and entrepreneurial competences. I am also interested in the professional identity development of mathematics teachers.
My research groups
Mathematics Education In the Mathematics Education research group we conduct both theoretical and applied research. The group participates in national and international collaboration with researchers…
The Digi Group We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Exploring Six-year-olds’ Meaning-making in different Subjects This project aims to provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about how teachers’ lesson design and pupils’ use of…
Project: Study of Scaling Up and Modeling early number Innovation (SUMI) The aim of the project is to develop a model for implementing a scientifically based innovation on mathematics for children 1-3…
Project: Successful Integration of Problem formulation in Preschool-class (FiP) The aim of this project is to study how problem formulation can be successfully implemented in early mathematics to…
Project: The Makings of a Mathematics Teacher In this project, we investigate the development of student teachers', mathematics teachers', and mathematics teacher educators’ professional identities…
My completed research projects
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
Project: Play-based didactics The purpose of this project is to, in collaboration between university and preschool, further develop theory about play-based preschool didactics.
Project: Problem solving as starting point for mathematics in preschool class The aim of this project was to investigate if and how problem solving can be a starting point for the teaching of…
Seed project: Detecting ’signs of learning’ in six-year-olds’ meaning making about science through digital tools The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2025). Enhancing Swedish Toddlers’ Learning Opportunities Through Interactions with Pictures and Narrative Designed for Numerical Learning Purposes. Early Childhood Education Journal. 53. 37-48.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2024). Making toddlers’ numerical competence visible : without relying solely on verbal utterances. Early years. 1-15.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2024). The challenges of mathematizing in Swedish early childhood education. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research. 13 (2). 167-186.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Björklund, C., Landgren, L. (2024). Matematikundervisning i förskolan – toddlare urskiljer kardinalitet genom att spela lotto. Forskning om undervisning och lärande. 12 (3). 7-21.
Status: Published -
Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2024). An Exploration of How Multimodally Designed Teaching and the Creation of Digital Animations can Contribute to Six-Year-Olds' Meaning Making in Chemistry. Education Sciences. 14 (1).
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Division i förskoleklassen genom problemlösning och problemformulering. Forskning om undervisning och lärande. 12 (2). 46-67.
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2024). How is students’ participation in a problem-solving project reflected in their drawings of a mathematics classroom?. LUMAT : International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education. 9 (2).
Status: Published -
Walla, M., Palmér, H. (2024). Utveckling av matematikundervisning som främjar likvärdighet i förskoleklass.. Forskning om undervisning och lärande. 12 (2). 8-30.
Status: Published -
Gardesten, M., Palmér, H. (2023). Students’ participation in mathematics in inclusive classrooms : a study of the enacted mathematical and relational knowing of teachers. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 1-22.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2023). The Teaching of Numbers in Common Preschool Activities : A Delicate Balancing Act. Early Childhood Education Journal. 51. 971-980.
Status: Published -
Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2023). Matematisering i lek på vetenskaplig grund. Nordisk Barnehageforskning. 20 (2). 29-50.
Status: Published -
Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Young Pupils’ Joint Creation of Multimodal Fairy Tales Using Analogue and Digital Resources. Education Sciences. 13 (6).
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Danielsson, K., Patron, E., Wernholm, M. (2023). Förskoleklasselever utforskar kombinatorik genom digitala animeringar. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning. 17 (4). 87-104.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2023). Young Students Exploring Measurement Through Problem Solving and Problem Posing. The Mathematics Educator. 31 (1). 30-54.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2022). Divergence in Interviews with Children : Improving Research Quality. Designs for Learning. 14 (1). 52-57.
Status: Published -
Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2022). Teaching toddlers the meaning of numbers : connecting modes of mathematical representations in book reading. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 110. 525-544.
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2021). Enhancing young children's understanding of a combinatorial task by using a duo of digital and physical artefacts. Early years. 41 (2-3). 218-231.
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2021). Young students’ views on problem solving versus problem posing. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society. 2 (1). 1-13.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2021). Teachers participation in practice based research : a methodological retrospect. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD : [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education]. 26 (3-4). 113-130.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2020). When Students’ and Teachers’ Views on Good Mathematics Teaching Limit Co-teaching in Mathematics. Education, Language and Sociology Research. 1 (2). 66-76.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2020). Young students posing problem-solving tasks : what does posing a similar task imply to students?. ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education. 52 (4). 743-752.
Status: Published -
Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2020). Preschoolers’ reasoning about numbers in picture books. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 22 (3). 195-213.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2019). Collective and individual perspectives on preschool mathematics within a professional development programme. International Journal of Early Years Education. 27 (3). 306-321.
Status: Published -
Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2019). I mötet mellan lekens frihet och undervisningens målorientering i förskolan.. Forskning om undervisning och lärande. 7 (1). 64-85.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Maria, J. (2018). Combining entrepreneurship and mathematics in primary school : what happens?. Education Inquiry. 9 (4). 331-346.
Status: Published -
Björklund, C., Magnusson, M., Palmér, H. (2018). Teachers’ involvement in children’s mathematizing : beyond dichotomization between play and teaching. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 26 (4). 469-480.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2018). Problem solving in early mathematics teaching : a way to promote creativity?. Creative Education. 9 (12). 1775-1793.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2018). The role of and connection between systematization and representation when young children work on a combinatorial task. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 26 (4). 562-573.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2017). Collective but Diverse : Preschool Teachers Networking to Develop Toddler Mathematics. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development. 19 (3). 3-16.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2017). Programming in preschool : with a focus on learning mathematics. International Research in Early Childhood Education. 8 (1). 75-87.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Roos, H. (2017). What is implied when researchers claim to use a theory?. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 40 (5). 471-479.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2016). Different perspectives on possible – desirable – plausible mathematics learning in preschool. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. 21 (4). 177-191.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2016). Professional Primary School Teacher Identity Development : a pursuit in line with an unexpressed Image. Teacher Development. 20 (5). 682-700.
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2016). Young children exploring probability : with focus on their documentations. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD : [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education]. 21 (4). 95-114.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H., Henriksson, J., Hussein, R. (2016). Integrating Mathematical Learning During Caregiving Routines : A Study of Toddlers in Swedish Preschools. Early Childhood Education Journal. 44 (1). 79-87.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2015). Using tablet computers in preschool : How does the design of applications influence participation, interaction and dialogues?. International Journal of Early Years Education. 23 (4). 365-381.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2012). (In)consistent? The mathematics teaching of a novice primary school teacher.. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. 17 (3-4). 141-157.
Status: Published -
Palmér, H. (2010). Identity development in limbo : teacher transition from education to teaching. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk. 15 (4). 101-122.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Patron, E., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., et al. (2024). To develop a multimodal learning design with digital tools. .
- Wernholm, M., Patron, E., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Exploring hybrid learning activities with six-year-olds. Programme of Symposia.
- Van Bommel, J., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Sandwiches : Problem solving on combinatorics in early mathematics education. The 6th POEM conference: A Mathematics Education Perspective on early Mathematics Learning between the Poles of Instruction and Construction, Bari, Italy 20-21 May 2024.
- Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Sexåringars meningsskapande i kemi genom multimodal undervisning som inkluderar skapande av digitala animationer. .
- Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2023). An exploration of how multimodal teaching and the creation of digital animations contribute to six-year-olds' meaning-making in chemistry. .
- Danielsson, K., Wernholm, M., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Pupils creating digital animations in the early years of schooling. Designing Futures the 11th international conference on multimodality : Book of abstracts London Conference. 76-77.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2023). Young Students’ Choice of Representation When Solving a Problem-Solving Task on Combinatorics. Teaching Mathematics as tobe Meaningful – Foregrounding Play and Children’s Perspectives : Results from the POEM5 Conference, 2022. 119-129.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2023). Experience a sense of being, becoming and belonging to an educational design project as professional development.. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). : Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME..
- Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Pupils creating digital animations in the early years of schooling. .
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2023). The Real World of Toddler Mathematics. Teaching Mathematics as tobe Meaningful – Foregrounding Play and Children’s Perspectives : Results fromthePOEM5 Conference, 2022. 221-232.
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2023). Five minutes : Young students' understanding of time. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) : Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.
- Björklund, C., Palmér, H., Landgren, L. (2022). Who or how many are missing? : Toddlers experiencing numerical meaning in a game. The relation between mathematics education research and teachers’ professional development : Proceedings of MADIF 13 The thirteenth research conference of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Växjö, March 29–30, 2022. 11-22.
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2022). Toddlers' ways of experiencing the meaning embedded in the question "How many years are you?. Proceedings of the Twelfth Congressof the European Society for Researchin Mathematics Education. 2240-2247.
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2022). Dividing cookies : What do students discern?. The relation between mathematics education research and teachers’ professional development : Proceedings of MADIF 13 The thirteenth research conference of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Växjö, March 29–30, 2022. 33-44.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Danielsson, K., Patron, E., Wernholm, M. (2022). Six-year-olds create digital animations to reinforce mathematical problem solving. Book of Abstracts ‘Cultures of play: Actors, Affordances and Arenas’ Glasgow, Scotland 23rd – 26th August 2022.
- Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2021). Designing a tool for exploring toddlers’ numerical competencies in preschool. Sustainable mathematics education in a digitalized world : Proceedings of MADIF12. The twelfth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Växjö, January 14–15, 2020 . 1-11.
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2020). Framing Mathematics Teaching with Narratives : The Ambiguity of Goldilocks. Mathematics Education in the Early Years : Result from the POEM4 Conference, 2018. 249-262.
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2020). Toddlers exploring structural elements in play. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. 2331-2338.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2018). Young student's feelings towards problem-solving tasks : What does "success" imply?. Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education : The Role of Beliefs in the Classroom. 69-78.
- Palmér, H. (2018). How to understand changes in novice mathematics teachers' talk about good mathematics teaching?. Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education : The Role of Beliefs in the Classroom. 127-136.
- Helenius, O., Palmér, H. (2017). Student Teachers’ Visions of Good Mathematics Teaching and its (dis)connection to Practice. ICT in mathematics education: the future and the realities : Proceedings of MADIF 10 The tenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Karlstad, January 26–27, 2016.
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2017). How do preschool teachers characterize their own mathematics teaching in terms of design and content?. Proceeding of the tenth congress of the European society for research in mathematics education (CERME10, February 1-5, 2017). 1885-1892.
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2017). Paper or and digital : a study of combinatorics in preschool class. Nordic Research in Mathematics Education : Papers of NORMA 17.
- Björklund, C., Magnusson, M., Palmér, H. (2017). Playing to learn or learning as a prerequisite to play? : an example of mathematical learning content. NERA 2017 Abstracts: Learning and education – material conditions and consequences : 23-25 March 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Palmér, H., Karlsson, L. (2017). Primary School Students' Images of Problem Solving in Mathematics. Teaching and Learning in Maths Classrooms : Emerging Themes in Affect-Related Research: Teachers' Beliefs, Students' Engagement and Social Interaction. 27-35.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2017). Exploring the role of representations when young children solve a combinatorial task. ICT in mathematics education: the future and the realities : Proceedings of MADIF 10 The tenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Karlstad, January 26–27, 2016.
- Palmér, H. (2016). What Happens when Entrepreneurship Enters Mathematics Lessons?. Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. 27-34.
- Palmér, H., Johansson, M., Karlsson, L. (2016). Teaching for entrepreneurial and mathematical competences : teachers stepping out of their comfort zone. Proceeding of the MAVI-22 Conference, Växjö, Sweden.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2015). How to Solve it : Students' Communication when Problem Solving in Groups. Nordic research in mathematics education : Proceedings of NORMA14, Turku, June 3–6, 2014. 329-338.
- Palmér, H. (2015). Primary School Teachers' Image of a Mathematics Teacher. Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education : Results of the 19th MAVI Conference. 121-132.
- Roos, H., Palmér, H. (2015). Communities of practice : exploring the diverse use of a theory. CERME9 Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. 2702-2708.
- Palmér, H. (2014). Inconsistency, Regression or Development? : The professional Identity of a Novice Primary School Mathematics Teacher. Development of Mathematics Teaching : Design, Scale, Effects. Proceeding of MADIF 9. The Ninth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar Umeå February 4-5, 2014. 107-116.
- Palmér, H. (2014). Just As Expected And Exactly The Opposite : Novice Primary School Mathematics Teachers’ Experience Of Practicing Teachers. ECER 2014, The Past, the Present and the Future of Educational Research : Network: 24. Mathematics Education Research.
- Palmér, H. (2014). Just as expected and exactly the opposite : Novice primary school mathematics teachers’ experience of practicing teachers. Current State of Research on Mathematical Beliefs XX : Proceedings of the MAVI-20 Conference September 29 – October 1, 2014, Falun, Sweden. 151-162.
- Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2013). What is possible to learn? : Using ipads in teaching mathematics in preschool. Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. : Mathematics learning across the life span.. 425-432.
- Palmér, H. (2013). Connecting Theories in a Case Study of Primary School Mathematics Teachers' Professional Identity Development. CERME8 (European Research in Mathematics Education), 6-10 Feb., 2013, Anatalya : WG Papers ; Different theoretical perspectives / approaches in research in mathematics education. 2850-2859.
- Palmér, H. (2013). (In)consistent? : The mathematics teaching of a novice primary school teacher. Current state of research on mathematical beliefs XVIII : Proceedings of the MAVI-18 Conference, September 12-15, 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 229-242.
- Palmér, H. (2012). Telling identities in self-recordings. Proceedings of Norma 11 : The sixth nordic conference on mathematics education in Reykjavik, May 11-14, 2011. 493-502.
- Palmér, H. (2012). Assessment as a tool in the professional identity development of novice mathematics teachers.. Proceedings of MADIF8 : Evaluation and Comparison of Mathematical Achievement: Dimensions and Perspectives. 161-170.
- Palmér, H. (2011). Variation is good - Math book is bad : Connecting typologies to dichotomous wording. Current State of Research on Mathematical Beliefs XVII. : Proceeding of the MAVI-17 Conference.
- Palmér, H. (2010). Konflikt mellan vision och möjlighet hos blivande lärare i matematik.. Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Cultural and Social Dimensions. : Proceedings of MADIF 7. 200-210.
- Palmér, H. (2010). Beliefs and knowledge for teaching Mathematics in school in the narratives of identity.. Proceedings of the conference MAVI-15: Ongoing research on mathematical beliefs Genoa: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Genova - Provincia di Genova.
- Palmér, H. (2009). The conflict emerge before graduation. PME33 : In search for theories in mathematics education. 439-439.
Book (Refereed)
- Pramling, N., Wallerstedt, C., Lagerlöf, P., Björklund, C., Kultti, A., et al. (2019). Play-responsive teaching in early childhood education. Springer.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Palmér, H. (2023). Children (aged 3-5 years) learning mathematics through programming, thinking and doing, or just doing?. Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools. Springer. 13-22.
- Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2023). Exploring Mixed Roles and Goals in Collaborative Research : The Example of Toddler Mathematics Education. Methodology for Research with Early Childhood Education and Care Professionals : Example Studies and Theoretical Elaboration. Springer. 33-43.
- Christiansen, I.M., De Ron, A., Ebbelind, A., Engström, S., Frisk, S., et al. (2021). The crosscurrents of Swedish mathematics teacher education. International perspectives on mathematics teacher education. Waxhaw, NC, USA, Information Age Publishing. 9-48.
- Palmér, H., Johansson, M., Karlsson, L. (2018). Teaching for entrepreneurial and mathematical competences : teachers stepping out of their comfort zone. Students' and Teachers' Values, Attitudes, Feelings and Beliefs in Mathematics Classrooms : Selected Papers from the 22nd MAVI Conference. Springer. 13-23.
- Kidron, I., Bosch, M., Monaghan, J., Palmér, H. (2018). Theoretical perspectives and approaches in mathematics education research. Developing Research in Mathematics Education : Twenty Years of Communication, Cooperation and Collaboration in Europe. Routledge. 254-268.
- Palmér, H. (2016). What is the difference? : Young children learning mathematics through problem solving. Mathematics Education in the Early Years : Results from the POEM2 Conference, 2014. Springer. 255-266.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C., Reikerås, E., Elofsson, J. (2023). Teaching Mathematics as tobe Meaningful – Foregrounding Play and Children’s Perspectives : Results from the POEM5 Conference, 2022. Springer. 260.
- Mattsson, L., Häggström, J., Carlsen, M., Kilhamn, C., Palmér, H., et al. (2022). The relation between mathematics education research and teachers’ professional development : Proceedings of MADIF13. The thirteenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Växjö, 2022. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF.
- Norén, E., Palmér, H., Cooke, A. (2017). Nordic Research in Mathematics Education : Papers of NORMA 17. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2015). From Solving Problems to Problem Solving : Primary School Teachers Developing Their Mathematics Teaching through Collaborative Professional Development. KAPET. 11 (1). 72-89.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Krainer, K., Palmér, H., Jaworski, B., Prediger, S., Boero, P., et al. (2020). ERME anniversary panel on the occasion of the 20th birthday of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. 81-98.
Book (Other academic)
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2019). Problemlösning som utgångspunkt : Matematikundervisning i förskoleklass. Stockholm, Liber.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2016). Problemlösning som utgångspunkt : Matematikundervisning i förskoleklass. Stockholm, Liber.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Meningsskapande i kemi genom multimodal undervisning. Att undervisa barn i skolstartsålder. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 129-142.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Lösa och formulera problemuppgifter i matematik. Att undervisa barn i skolstartsåldern. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 61-81.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Selander, S., Danielsson, K., Wernholm, M., et al. (2023). Bedömning i förskolan. Den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan för förskolan. Natur och kultur. 316-333.
- Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2022). Preschool Teachers’ Ways of Promoting Mathematical Learning in Picture Book Reading. Early Childhood Teachers‘ Professional Competence in Mathematics. Routledge. 187-205.
- Skott, J., Palmér, H. (2022). Att utveckla matematisk litteracitet. Didaktikens språk : Om skolundervisningens mål, innehåll och form. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 73-86.
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2022). När undervisning och lek flätas samman – matematikdidaktik för de yngre åldrarna. Didaktikens språk : Om skolundervisningens mål, innehåll och form. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 137-150.
- Ebbelind, A., Kjällander, S., Palmér, H. (2021). Matematik, digitalisering och programmering i förskolan. Programmering i skolmatematiken : möjligheter och utmaningar. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 73-87.
- Palmér, H. (2021). The impact of Teacher Education in School Practice : The professional Identity Development of a Novice Primary School Teacher of Mathematics. Understanding Teacher identity : The Complexities of Forming an Identity as Professional Teacher. Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 13-28.
- Palmér, H. (2020). Bedömning i yngre skolåldrar. Att planera, bedöma och ge återkoppling : stöd för undervisning. Stockholm, Skolverket. 34-43.
- Palmér, H. (2020). "Vi bestämmer att streck betyder paus" : matematik och programmering i förskolan. Innehållets didaktik i förskolan. Stockholm, Liber. 82-90.
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H., Liljekvist, Y. (2018). Matematikuppgifter : varför, vad, när, hur, och för vem?. Att bli lärare i matematik. Stockholm, Liber. 61-84.
- Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2017). Att undervisa i matematik i förskolan. Förskolan och barns utveckling : Grundbok för förskollärare. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 171-184.
- Palmér, H. (2015). Digitala verktyg i förskolans arbete med matematik. De yngsta barnens matematik. Stockholm, Liber. 151-158.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Palmér, H. (2013). To become, or not to become, a primary school mathematics teacher : A study of novice teachers’ professional identity development. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 247.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2019). Book Review: Building the foundation: Whole numbers in the primary grades. Maria G. Bartolini Bussi and Xu Hua Sun(Eds.) (2018) The 23rd ICMI study – new ICMI study series. Educational Studies in Mathematics. Springer. 100 (2). 193-199.
Status: Published
Other (Other academic)
- Helenius, O., Palmér, H., Sollervall, H., Lingefjärd, T. (2016). Digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen : [ ingår i Lärportalens modul Matematikundervisning med digitala verktyg I, åk 1-3, Del 1: Nätet som resurs ]. Stockholm, Skolverket. 8.
- Helenius, O., Palmér, H., Sollervall, H., Lingefjärd, T. (2016). Digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen : [ ingår i Lärportalens modul Matematikundervisning med digitala verktyg I, åk 4-6, Del 1: Nätet som resurs ]. Stockholm, Skolverket. 8.
- Palmér, H., Ryan, U., Helenius, O. (2015). Undersöka och upptäcka matematik med IKT. Skolverket. 12.
- Ulrika, R., Palmér, H., Ola, H. (2015). Att utgå ifrån elevernas digitala värld. Skolverket.
- Palmér, H., Helenius, O. (2015). Analys av digitala programvaror. Skolverket. 9.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2024). Förskoleklasselever ritar sin matematikundervisning : utfallet av problemlösningslektioner. Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning. (2).
Status: Published -
Pramling Samuelsson, I., Magnusson, L.O., Kjällander, S., Palmer, A., Eidevald, C., et al. (2024). 27 forskare i upprop mot skärmfri förskola. Förskolan.
Status: Published -
Kjällander, S., Walan, S., Nilsen, M., Petersen, P., Caiman, C., et al. (2023). ”Förskolan behöver en digitaliseringsstrategi”. Svenska Dagbladet. (2023-06-18).
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2020). Matematik i soffan. Tangenten : tidsskrift for matematikk i grunnskolen. 31 (4). 6-11.
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2016). Matematik i soffan : kombinatorik i förskoleklass. Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning. (3). 15-20.
Status: Published
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2020). Matematikundervisning i förskoleklass. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2016). Förskoleklassens Metodik: Upptäck och utforska matematik. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Palmér, H. (2019). Problemlösning genom programmering med och utan digitala verktyg. Digitalisering i förskolan på vetenskaplig grund. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 115-138.
- Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2012). Matematiklärande. Förskoleklassens Didaktik : Möjligheter och Utmaningar. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 134-184.
- Palmér, H. (2008). Är ett halvt kex lika många som ett helt kex?. Didaktiska Studier från förskola och skola.. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 19-40.
Collection (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Karlsson, L., Maria, J., Palmér, H. (2017). Entreprenöriellt lärande i matematik : Vad, hur, varför?. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 195.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Björklund, C., Palmér, H. (2020). Att få grepp om begrepp i matematik. Stockholm, Skolverket. 10.
- Palmér, H., Björklund, C. (2020). Bilderböcker som utgångspunkt för matematikundervisning. Stockholm, Skolverket. 8.
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H. (2019). Resonemang genom problemlösning. Stockholm, Skolverket.
- Palmér, H. (2019). Matematiska begrepp. Stockholm, Skolverket.
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2019). Tal och mönster. Skolverket.
Denna text handlar om undervisning och lärande av naturliga tal och mönster. Textens första del tar utgångspunkt i begreppet tal och vad en god begreppsförståelse för tal kan innebära för elever i förskoleklass. Därefter följer en del om mönster – vad är ett mönster i matematisk mening och vad kan det innebära för elever i förskoleklass att utforska och beskriva mönster?