I am Professor Emeritus of Art History and Visual Studies.
In my research, I have often been interested in how inner experiences, often referred to as affects, feelings or emotions, are visually represented. This has involved, for example, the Red Rebel Brigade's representation of grief in climate manifestations, photographs of well-being used in the treatment of people suffering from stress-related illness, and self-injury as both a visual physical expression of a person who feels bad and photographic documents of these. The material in my studies has mostly consisted of non-professional representations published on internet forums, social media or YouTube
In my latest research project, The Use of Nature in Black Metal, I am interested in how images of nature are used in the subgenre Atmospheric Black Metal (ABM). The project is interested in how “nature” in ABM represents different values, properties and states. Often these are idealized, in a similar way that environmentalists may use concepts such as Mother Earth, but within the cultures I study, “nature” can be given completely different meanings. The material for the study is based primarily on the covers of classic albums by Darkthrone, Immortal and Burzum, and later groups such as Afsky, Wolves in the Throne Room, Panopticon and Grima. I put “nature” in quotation marks because the concept, defined as something unaffected by humans, is not applicable during the Anthropocene.
Early in my research I became interested in bodily and scenic expressions, such as action art and performance: Multimodal expressions where different modes and media meet; for example visual, aural and bodily expressions, mediated as image, text and movement. As a member of the Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies research group, I am developing my research on these encounters and how media intertwine.
Mina mest citerade arbeten kommer från forskningsprojektet Smärtans semiotik, vilket kretsade kring fotografier av självskador publicerade på internet:
My most cited work comes from the Semiotics of Pain research project, which revolved around photographs of self-injury published on the internet:
My ongoing research projects
Project: Communication across Media Borders: The Limitations and Possibilities of Transmediation The project investigates how meaning is changed – corrupted or enhanced – when travelling among…
Project: Intermedial Ecocriticism: Transmediating the Anthropocene This project responds from a humanities perspective to an urgent societal challenge: how can the Anthropocene ecological crisis be…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Sternudd, H.T., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Gunnarsson, A.B. (2024). A room of your own : Photographs of situations of well-being taken by patients suffering from a stress-related illness. Visual Studies. 39 (4). 501-515.
Status: Published -
Gunnarsson, B., Wagman, P., Sternudd, H.T., Holmberg, S., Holmgren, K., et al. (2021). A study protocol of the photo-supported conversations about the well-being intervention (Be Well™) for people with stress related disorders. BMC Psychology. 9 (1).
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2020). Climate Anxiety on YouTube : Young people reflect on how to handle the climate crisis. Ekphrasis : Images, Cinema, Theory, Media. 24 (2). 97-123.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2018). Ellie’s first time : constructing self-cutting in a teen drama. Journal of Gender Studies. 27 (5). 574-588.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2017). I’m fine : Gender and modest displays of mental distress. HumaNetten. (38). 167-179.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2015). Digitalization and the Production of Feeling and Emotion : The Case of Words Cut into the Skin. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Film and Media Studies. 10 (1). 183-199.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2014). ‘I like to see blood’ : visuality and self-cutting. Visual Studies. 29 (1). 14-29.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2012). Photographs of self-injury : Production and reception in a group of self-injurers. Journal of Youth Studies. 15 (4). 421-436.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Gunnarsson, B., Hörberg, U., Wagman, P., Holmberg, S., Holmgren, K., et al. (2022). Be WellTM – an intervention using photo-supported conversations to promote well-being in people living with stress-related illness. Caring in a changing world.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2016). Learning from Transmediation. Transmediations! Communication across Media Borders : Abstracts : Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, October 13-15, 2016. 121-121.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2016). Having the voice of depression : an example of pathographic film narratives on YouTube. Presented at Storytelling, Illness and Medicine, 11th Global Meeting of the Health project : Monday 14th March – Wednesday 16th March 2016,Budapest, Hungary.
- Johansson, A., Sternudd, H.T. (2014). Ridiculing suffering on YouTube : digital parodies of Emo style. .
- Sternudd, H.T. (2013). Communicating emotions and pain in the digital age. .
- Sternudd, H.T., Johansson, A. (2013). The girl in the corner : aesthetics of suffering in a digitalized space. .
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Sternudd, H.T. (2024). Red Rebel Brigade : Känslor och estetik i klimatmobiliseringen. Ekologisk konstvetenskap. Huddinge, Södertörns högskola. 125-154.
- Sternudd, H.T., Wallin Wictorin, M. (2022). Establishing Art History in the Twenty-First Century : Karlstad and Växjö. Swedish art historiography : Institutionalization, identity, and practice. Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 109-113.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2020). The Logic of Cutting Yourself : From Senseless Chaos to Signifying Order. Transmediations : Communication Across Media Borders. London, Routledge. 139-163.
- Johansson, A., Sternudd, H.T. (2015). Iconography of suffering in social media : images of sitting girls. World suffering and quality of life. Dordrecht, Springer. 341-355.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Sternudd, H.T. (2023). Walking Wounded : Mediating self-cutting through images and texts. HumaNetten. (51). 227-258.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2008). Smärtans gobeläng : bilder av självskador. Valör. (2). 28-40.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2000). The Proposal: An Adjusted Sign Model for Action Art : The Example: Nitsch’s o. m. theatre. VISIO. 5 (3). 27-39.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Sternudd, H.T. (2023). Red Rebel Brigade’s spaces for climate action. .
- Sternudd, H.T. (2022). Red Rebel Brigade artivism som omställningsberättelse : Om känslor och estetik i klimatmobilisering. .
- Sternudd, H.T., Wallin Wictorin, M. (2019). Att etablera konstvetenskap i det 21:a århundradet : Exemplen Växjö och Karlstad. Hundra år av svensk konsthistoria – och sen? : 13-14 juni 2019, Humanistiska teatern, Campus Engelska parken, Uppsala.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2012). ‘because i am a canvas for pain’ : on trapped bodies in fields of representation. .
- Sternudd, H.T. (2011). Self-injury places in a semiotic perspective. .
- Sternudd, H.T. (2011). – So, why do you cut? Self-injury and Interpellation : the Case of Ellie Nash. .
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Sternudd, H.T. (2019). Voices of Depression : An Analysis of a Collective Narrative. Voices of Illness : Negotiating Meaning and Identity. Leiden; Boston, Brill Academic Publishers. 171-199.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2018). Skärande subjekt i svensk dagspress 1981-2002. Plats för makt : En vänbok till Monika Edgren. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 277-292.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2016). Having the Voice of Depression : An Example of Pathographic Film Narratives on YouTube. Narrating Illness : Prospects and Constraints. Oxford, Brill Academic Publishers. 221-234.
- Johansson, A., Sternudd, H.T. (2016). Ridiculing Suffering on YouTube : Digital Parodies of Emo Style. Blunt Traumas : Negotiating Suffering and Death. Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 31-40.
- Sternudd, H.T., Johansson, A. (2015). The Girl in the Corner : Aesthetics of Suffering in a Digitalized Space. Narratives of Suffering : Meaning and Experience in a Transcultural Approach. Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 105-115.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2014). Modes of pain : reflections on the self-injury experience. Painful conversations : making pain sens(e)ible. Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 147-165.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2011). Images of Pain : Self-Injurers’ Reflections on Photos of Self-Injury. Pain : Management, Expression, Interpretation. Oxford, United Kingdom, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 131-141.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2011). The Discourse of Cutting : Regaining Control and Meaning Making. How Does It Feel? : Making sense of Pain. Oxford, United Kingdom, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 75-98.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2010). The Discourse of Cutting : A Study of Visual Representations of Self-Injury on the Internet. Making Sense of Pain : Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford, United Kingdom, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 237-248.
- Sternudd, H.T. (2002). Bloody Art : Oh Lover Boy av Franko B ur ett semiotiskt perspektiv. Perspektiv på samtiden – samtida perspektiv : Forskning om det sena 1900-talets och det nya millenniets konst och visuella kultur. Stockholm, Stockholms universitets förlag. 114-121.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Sternudd, H.T. (2004). Excess och aktionskonst : en semiotisk analys av Hermann Nitschs Das 6-Tage-Spiel med betoning på första dagens Mittagsfinale. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Heterogénesis. 193.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Sternudd, H.T. (2014). Painful conversations : making pain sens(e)ible. Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 211.
- Sternudd, H.T., Tumini, A. (2011). How Does It Feel? : Making Sense of Pain. Oxford, Inter-Disciplinary Press. 206.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Sternudd, H.T. (2013). Ingmari, flickan och jag : Hans T Sternudd läser Simone de Beauvoir. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap. (2-3). 52-54.
Status: Published -
Sternudd, H.T. (2003). Till handling : ett halvsekel av svensk aktionskonst. Visslingar & Rop. 1 (15). 86-102.
Status: Published