My research groups
Forest Management In the research field Forest Management, we address questions related to the sustainable use of forests, taking into account economic, social, and ecological aspects.
Forest Products The Forest Products research field conducts cutting-edge research in forest-derived raw materials and side streams, to promote the utilization of renewable materials and contribute to…
Small-scale Forestry The Small-scale forestry research group develops educational concepts and conducts research projects related to small-scale forestry and forest ownership. The Department of…
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hu, M., Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., et al. (2018). Growth layer and fibre orientation around knots in Norway spruce : a laboratory investigation. Wood Science and Technology. 52 (1). 7-27.
Status: Published -
Hallingbäck, H.R., Högberg, K., Säll, H., Lindeberg, J., Johansson, M., et al. (2018). Optimal timing of early genetic selection for sawn timber traits in Picea abies. European Journal of Forest Research. 137 (4). 553-564.
Status: Published -
Malmqvist, C., Wallin, E., Lindström, A., Säll, H. (2017). Differences in bud burst timing and bud freezing tolerance among interior and coastal seed sources of Douglas fir. Trees. 31 (6). 1987-1998.
Status: Published -
Wessels, C., Crafford, P., Dutoit, B., Grahn, T., Johansson, M., et al. (2016). Variation in physical and mechanical properties from three drought tolerant Eucalyptus species grown on the dry west coast of Southern Africa. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 74 (4). 563-575.
Status: Published -
Phiri, D., Ackerman, P., Wessels, B., Du Toit, B., Johansson, M., et al. (2015). Biomass equations for selected drought-tolerant eucalypts in South Africa. Southern Forests, a journal of forest science. 77 (4). 255-262.
Status: Published -
Högberg, K., Hallingbäck, H., Säll, H., Johansson, M., Jansson, G. (2014). The potential for the genetic improvement of sawn timber traits in Picea abies. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 44 (4). 273-280.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, B., Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S., Säll, H. (2007). A method for under bark detection of the wood grain angle radial dependence. Wood Material Science and Engineering. 2 (3,4). 118-129.
Status: Published -
Eklund, L., Säll, H., Linder, S. (2003). Enhanced growth and ethylene increases spiral grain formationin Picea abies and Abies balsamea trees. Trees. 17 (1). 81-86.
Status: Published -
Hannrup, B., Säll, H., Jansson, G. (2003). Genetic parameters for spiral grain in Scots pine and Norway spruce. Silvae Genetica. 52 (5-6). 215-220.
Status: Published -
Gjerdrum, P., Säll, H., Storö, H.M. (2002). Spiral grain in Norway spruce : constant change in grain angle in Scandinavian sawlogs. Forestry (London). 75 (2). 163-170.
Status: Published -
Eklund, L., Säll, H. (2000). The influence of wind on spiral grain formation in conifer trees. Trees. 14. 324-328.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hu, M., Briggert, A., Olsson, A., Johansson, M., Oscarsson, J., et al. (2016). Three dimensional growth layer geometry and fibre orientation around knots : a laboratory investigation. Proceedings of WCTE 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Adamopoulos, S., Säll, H., Sjöberg, S. (2016). Relationship between ultrasonic velocity and spiral grain in standing hybrid aspen trees. Proceedings of the Hardwood Conference, Eco-efficient Resource Wood with Special Focus on Hardwoods, 8-9 September, 2016, Sopron. 22-23.
- Säll, H. (2015). Spiral grain in trees from drought tolerant Eucalyptus species grown on dry land on the west coast of South Africa. Collection of Extended abstractsfor the International Symposium: Silviculture and Management of Dryland Forests, Stellenbosch, South Africa,16-19 March 2015. 87-89.
- Säll, H., Källsner, B., Olsson, A. (2007). Bending strength and stiffness of aspen sawn timber. Quality Control for Wood and Wood Products. 6.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Wessels, C., Crafford, P., Du Toit, B., Grahn, T., Johansson, M., et al. (2015). Lumber properties of three drought tolerant eucalyptus species grown in arid regions of south africa. IUFRO Symposium: Silviculture and Management of Dryland Forests,.
- Eklund, L., Säll, H., Kliger, R. (2000). Spiral grain from an environmental, genetic and economical point of view. The Tree.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Säll, H. (2002). Spiral Grain in Norway Spruce. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 171.
Report (Other academic)
- Johansson, M., Säll, H., Lundqvist, S. (2013). Properties of materials from Birch – Variations and relationships : Part 2. Mechanical and physical properties. Växjö, Linnaeus University. 42.
- Kliger, R., Säll, H. (2000). STUD: Improved Spruce Timber Utilizations : Prediction of Twist and Industrial Validation. Sub-task B9.1..
Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
- Säll, H., Dahlblom, O. (1999). Silviculture Influence on Spiral Grain in Norway Spruce. Biological Improvement of Wood Properties.