Jalal Safipour
Associate professor
Department of Health and Caring Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
- Public health
- Research methods
- Statistic
- Medical sociology
- Contemporary illnesses
- Health behaviour
- Social determinants of health
- Health outcome measurement
- Adolescent health
International Coordinator.
My research groups
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Lindqvist, G., Safipour, J., Rolander, B., Knutsson, S. (2024). Nursing students' experiences of clinical practice at a clinical training centre during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning. 14 (3).
Status: Published -
Becker, P., Rask, M., Safipour, J., Gunnarsson, A.B. (2023). Selfcare Strategies Shown to Be Useful in Daily Life for Adults Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – A Systematic Review. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 44 (9). 825-833.
Status: Published -
Macedo, A.F., Hellström, A., Massof, R., Tuvesson, H., Rask, M., et al. (2022). Predictors of problems reported on the EQ-5D-3L dimensions among people with impaired vision in northern Portugal. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 20 (1).
Status: Published -
Lindqvist, G., Ge, L., Borg, C., Xiaoling, Z., Hongbo, X., et al. (2022). Nursing students' perceptions of their verbal and social interaction skills in Sweden and China during their first semester. Quality Advancement in Nursing Education QANEAFI. 8 (1). 1-20.
Status: Published -
Gunnarsson, H.E.M., Safipour, J., Elmqvist, C., Lindqvist, G. (2021). Different pain variables could independently predict anxiety and depression in subjects with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. 21 (2). 274-282.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J. (2020). On the use of theories in study of personal health behavior during epidemics/pandemics. SunKrist Sociology and Research Journal. 1 (2). 1-10.
Status: Published -
Hultsjö, S., Bachrach-Lindström, M., Safipour, J., Hadziabdic, E. (2019). “Cultural awareness requires more than theoretical education” : nursing students’ experiences. Nurse Education in Practice. 39. 73-79.
Status: Published -
Rask, M., Albinsson, G., Safipour, J., Wenneberg, S., Andersson, L., et al. (2018). Validation of the verbal and social interaction questionnaire for nursing students : the focus of nursing students in their relationship with patients. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 8 (4). 81-88.
Status: Published -
Higginbottom, G.M.A., Valianatos, H., Shankar, J., Safipour, J., Davey, C. (2018). Immigrant women’s food choices in pregnancy : perspectives from women of Chinese origin in Canada. Ethnicity and Health. 23 (5). 521-541.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Wenneberg, S., Hadziabdic, E. (2017). Experience of Education in the International Classroom : A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of International Students. 7 (3). 806-824.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Hadziabdic, E., Hultsjö, S., Bachrach-Lindström, M. (2017). Measuring nursing students’ cultural awareness : a cross-sectional study among three universities in southern Sweden. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 7 (1). 107-113.
Status: Published -
Higginbottom, G., Safipour, J., Yohani, S., O’brien, B., Mumtaz, Z., et al. (2016). An ethnographic investigation of the maternity healthcare experience of immigrants in rural and urban Alberta, Canada. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 16 (1). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Safipour, J., Bachrach-Lindström, M., Hultsjö, S. (2016). Swedish version of measuring cultural awareness in nursing students : validity and reliability test. BMC Nursing. 15.
Status: Published -
Higginbottom, G., Safipour, J. (2015). Access to Primary Health Care by New and Established Immigrants in Canada. Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health. 2 (5). 1-7.
Status: Published -
Woodgate, R.L., Safipour, J., Tailor, K. (2015). Canadian adolescents' perspectives of cancer risk : a qualitative study. Health Promotion International. 30 (3). 684-694.
Status: Published -
Higginbottom, G.M.A., Safipour, J., Yohani, S., O’brien, B., Mumtaz, Z., et al. (2015). An ethnographic study of communication challenges in maternity care for immigrant women in rural Alberta. Midwifery. 31 (2). 297-304.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Schopflocher, D., Higginbottom, G., Emami, G. (2013). Socioeconomic factors and mental health of Swedish adolescents–a cross-sectional study among Stockholm high-school students aged 15–19 years. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies. 8 (2). 120-134.
Status: Published -
Higginbottom, G., Safipour, J., Mumtaz, Z., Chiu, Y., Paton, P., et al. (2013). “I have to do what I believe” : Sudanese women’s beliefs and resistance to hegemonic practices at home and during experiences of maternity care in Canada. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 13 (51).
Status: Published -
Emami, A., Safipour, J. (2013). Constructing a questionnaire for assessment of awareness and acceptance of diversity in healthcare institutions. BMC Health Services Research. 13 (145).
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Higginbottom, G., Tessma, M., Emami, A. (2012). Migration status and self-reported health among high school students in Stockholm : A cross-sectional study. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies. 7 (2). 149-163.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Schopflocher, D., Higginbottom, G., Emami, A. (2011). Feelings of social alienation : a comparison of immigrant and non-immigrant Swedish youth. International journal of sociology and social policy. 31 (7/8). 456-468.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Schopflocher, D., Higginbottom, G., Emami, A. (2011). The mediating role of alienation in self reported health among Swedish Adolescents. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion. 2.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Tessma, M., Higginbottom, G., Emami, A. (2010). Measuring social alienation in adolescence : Translation and validation of the Jessor and Jessor Social Alienation Scale. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 51 (6). 517-524.
Status: Published