In my research, I specialise in computational simulations in the applied mechanics field, initially focusing on large-scale building simulations and later incorporating fracture mechanics into my studies. I conducted experiments and simulations on steel, polymer, and wood structures, comparing results and developing insights for the employment of computational design. I also study micromechanical simulations for biobased materials, aiming for sustainability and circular economy alignment.
I am involved in teaching on various levels, including the Technical Foundation year, undergraduate courses in 3D-CAD and Computer-Aided Engineering, and the Introduction to Mechanical Engineering course. I am course responsible for the Technical Foundation year and Computer-Aided Engineering.
I have also supervised multiple students' bachelor's thesis projects (2MT330) in the Mechanical Engineering program and am co-supervising a PhD student.
I also offer opportunities for postdocs, PhD students, visiting scholars, and interns to work on projects focused on the multiscale computational models of structures made from biocomposites. If this interests you, do not hesitate to send me your CV so together we can contribute to the field of computational mechanics.