Jaume Nualart Vilaplana

Jaume Nualart Vilaplana

Research engineer
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Faculty of Technology
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I'm a research engineer at the project InfraVis. I'm part of the ISOVIS research group at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, LNU.

I’m a double PhD (Unibersity of Barcelona, and University of Canberra) and a former NICTA/Data61-CSIRO (Australia) scholarship-awarded and Postdoc research engineer at KULeuven (Belgium). Furthermore, I work in data visualization, new interfaces design and visual analysis as a coder and innovator. And with archives, artworks and digital heritage as a digital humanities' practitioner.


The last 4 years I teach at the Open University of Catalonia an online course of Data Visualization as part of the Data Sciences Master.


About projects and publications, please check https://research.nualart.cat/