Jesper Andreasson holds a PhD in Sociology and is professor in sport science. Andreasson has extensive experience of working with ethnography and different internet methods. His research can mainly be positioned within health-, gender/masculinity studies and cultural sociology, and he has published extensively within the area of doping, embodiment, family life and more. Recent books are Prostate Cancer, Sexual Health and Ageing Masculinities. Exploring the Achilles´ Heel of Men (2024, co-authored with T, Johansson); Online Doping. The Digital Ecosystem and Cyborgification of Drug Cultures (2023, co-authored with A, Henning); Performance Cultures and Doped Bodies. Challenging Categories, Gender Norms, and Policy Responses (2021, co-authored with A, Henning); Fitness Doing. Trajectories, Gender, Bodies and Health (2020, co-authored with T, Johansson).
Andreasson is in charge of a Linnaeus university´s PhD programme in sport science, teaches at the graduate and postgraduate levels, mainly in the areas of research methods, sport science and social theory.
Book (Refereed)
- Mattsson, C., Johansson, T., Andreasson, J. (2025). Countering right wing extremism in education : Schooling in the racist badland. London, Routledge.
- Mattsson, C., Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). En resa till hjärtlandet : Landsbygd, vardagsrasism och skolans demokratiuppdrag. Göteborg, Stockholm, Makadam Förlag.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Prostate Cancer, Sexual Health, and Ageing Masculinities : Exploring the Achilles’ Heel of Men. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Andreasson, J., Henning, A. (2023). Online Doping : The Digital Ecosystem and Cyborgification of Drug Cultures. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). Hegemony and Sport : Power Through Culture in Theory and Practice. Champaigne, IL, Common Ground Publishing.
- Andreasson, J., Henning, A.D. (2021). Performance Cultures and Doped Bodies : Challenging categories, gender norms, and policy responses. Champaign, IL, Common Ground Publishing.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2020). Fitness Doping : Trajectories, Gender, Bodies and Health. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Extreme Sports, Extreme Bodies : Gender, Identities & Bodies in Motion. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Johansson, T., Andreasson, J. (2017). Fatherhood in Transition : Masculinity, Identity and Everyday Life. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2014). The Global Gym : Gender, Health and Pedagogies. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan.
Book (Other academic)
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Handbok för uppsatsskrivande : Att genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning och presentera sina resultat. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Det vetenskapliga arbetets grunder. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Danemalm Jägervall, C., Rindhagen, C. (2024). Livet efter prostatacancer : Manlighet, identitet och sexuell hälsa. Kalmar, Stevali.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Vetenskapsteori : En introduktion. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Vetenskapsteori : Grunder och tillämpning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2022). Den perfekta mannen? : Maskulinitet och kropp i omvandling. Göteborg, Bokförlaget Korpen.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2020). Vetenskapsteori : Grunder och tillämpning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2015). Fitnessrevolutionen : Kropp, hälsa och gymkulturens globalisering. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P., Andreasson, J., Herz, M. (2024). Precariousness, Sport Participation and Hope Among Young People After Rejections in the Swedish Asylum Process. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 14 (3).
Status: Published -
Sverkersson, E., Andreasson, J., Henning, A. (2024). Women’s risk assessments and the gendering of online IPED cultures and communities. Drugs : education prevention and policy. 31 (4). 422-430.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Theorising masculinity, ageing, and the lived body : the case of prostate cancer. Culture, Health and Sexuality.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Johansson, T., Andreasson, J., Millings, R. (2024). “When I think about Shortfield, I think about mosquitos, and neo-Nazis” : Students’ narratives of racism, sexism, and intolerance in rural Swedish schools. Journal of Rural Studies. 105.
Status: Published -
Mattsson, C., Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Into that whiteness – how explicit racism is excused by teachers’ colour-blind antiracism. Whiteness and Education. 1-17.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Mattsson, C., Johansson, T., Andreasson, J. (2024). Schooling in the racist badlands : Health team professionals’ understanding of the problem of racist opinions and practices among students. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 68 (3). 447-460.
Status: Published -
Herz, M., Andreasson, J., Andréasson, F. (2023). The precariousness of asylum-seekers’ care and support : Informal care within and because of the immigration process. International Journal of Care and Caring. 7 (1). 50-66.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Danemalm-Jägervall, C. (2023). Prostate Cancer and the Emotionology of Masculinity : Joking, Intellectualization, and the Reconstruction of Gender. Journal of Men's Studies. 31 (3). 500-518.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Danemalm-Jägervall, C. (2023). Men’s Achilles’ heel : Prostate cancer and the reconstruction of masculinity. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 25 (12). 1675-1689.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Danemalm-Jägervall, C. (2023). “The Dick Is Probably a Bit Overrated” : Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives on Masculinity following Treatment for Prostate Cancer. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities. 4 (2). 67-87.
Status: Published -
Rindhagen, C., Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2023). In the Absence of Testosterone : Hormonal Treatment, Masculinity, and Health among Prostate Cancer Patients Engaging in an Exercise Programme. Social Sciences. 12 (7).
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Tarrant, A., Johansson, T., Ladlow, L. (2023). Perceptions of gender equality and engaged fatherhood among young fathers : parenthood and the welfare state in Sweden and the UK. Families, Relationships and Societies. 12 (3). 323-340.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Herz, M. (2022). Family practices, deportability and administrative violence : an ethnographic study on asylum seekers' family life in the Swedish migration context. Families, Relationships and Societies. 11 (2). 157-174.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Henning, A.D. (2022). Challenging Hegemony Through Narrative : Centering Women’s Experiences and Establishing a Sis-Science Culture Through a Women-Only Doping Forum. Communication & Sport. 10 (4). 708-729.
Status: Published -
Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). Preventing, producing, or reducing harm? : Fitness doping risk and enabling environments.. Drugs : education prevention and policy. 29 (1). 95-104.
Status: Published -
Tarrant, A., Ladlow, L., Johansson, T., Andreasson, J., Way, L. (2022). The Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown Policies on Young Fathers : Comparative Insights from the UK and Sweden. Social Policy and Society. 1-11.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). ’There’s a new sheriff in town’ : the Rodchenkov Act, anti-dopism, and the hegemony of WADA in international sport. Sport in Society : Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce. 25 (6). 1160-1175.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Henning, A.D. (2022). “Falling down the Rabbit Fuck Hole” : Spectacular Masculinities, Hypersexuality, and the Real in an Online Doping Community. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities. 3 (2). 76-97.
Status: Published -
Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2021). New frontiers in IPEDs and polydrug use : Knowledge gaps and new perspectives. Performance Enhancement & Health. 9 (3-4).
Status: Published -
Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2021). "Yay, Another Lady Starting a Log!" : Women's Fitness Doping and the Gendered Space of an Online Doping Forum. Communication & Sport. 9 (6). 988-1007.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2021). Negotiating female fitness doping : Gender, identity and transgressions. Sport in Society : Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce. 24 (3). 323-339.
Status: Published -
Andersson, K., Andreasson, J. (2021). Being a Group Fitness Instructor during the COVID-19 Crisis : Navigating Professional Identity, Social Distancing, and Community. Social Sciences. 10 (4).
Status: Published -
Henning, A., Mclean, K., Andreasson, J., Dimeo, P. (2021). Risk and enabling environments in sport : Systematic doping as harm reduction. International journal of drug policy. 9.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2021). Welcome to “Planet Porno” : Masculinity, Sexuality, and Fitness Doping. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities, and Masculinities. 2 (1). 9-30.
Status: Published -
Sverkersson, E., Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2020). 'Sis Science' and Fitness Doping : Ethnopharmacology, Gender and Risk. Social Sciences. 9 (4).
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2020). (Un)Becoming a Fitness Doper : Negotiating the Meaning of Illicit drug use in a Gym and Fitness Context. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 44 (1). 93-109.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Becoming a half-time parent : Fatherhood after divorce. Journal of Family Studies. 25 (1). 2-17.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Bodybuilding and Fitness Doping in Transition. Historical Transformations and Contemporary Challenges. Social Sciences. 8 (3).
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Triathlon Bodies in Motion : Reconceptualizing Feelings of Pain, Nausea and Disgust in the Ironman Triathlon. Body & Society. 25 (2). 119-146.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Henning, A.D. (2019). Glocal fitness doping : Policy, practice and prevention in the United States and Sweden. Performance Enhancement & Health. 6 (3-4). 103-110.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Negotiating violence : mixed martial arts as a spectacle and sport. Sport in Society : Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce. 22 (7). 1183-1197.
Status: Published -
Andréasson, F., Andreasson, J., Hanson, E. (2018). Developing a carer identity and negotiating everyday life through social networking sites : An explorative study on identity constructions in an online Swedish carer community. Ageing & Society. 38 (11). 2304-2324.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2018). Glocalised fitness : the franchising of a physical movement, fitness professionalism and gender. Leisure/ Loisir. 42 (3). 301-321.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Danielsson, T. (2018). Becoming an Ironman triathlete : Extreme exercise, gender equality and the family puzzle. Sport in Society : Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce. 21 (9). 1351-1363.
Status: Published -
Johansson, T., Andreasson, J. (2017). The Web of Loneliness : A Netnographic Study of Narratives of Being Alone in an Online Context. Social Sciences. 6 (3).
Status: Published -
Johansson, T., Andreasson, J., Mattsson, C. (2017). From Subcultures to Common Culture : Bodybuilders, Skinheads, and the Normalization of the Marginal. SAGE Open. 7 (2). 1-9.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2017). It All Starts Now! : Gay Men and Fatherhood in Sweden. Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 13 (5). 478-497.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2017). The new fitness geography : the globalisation of Japanese gym and fitness culture. Leisure Studies. 36 (3). 383-394.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2016). Global narratives of fatherhood : Fathering and masculinity on the Internet. International Review of Sociology. 26 (3). 482-496.
Status: Published -
Johansson, T., Andreasson, J. (2016). The Gym and the Beach : Globalization, Situated Bodies, and Australian Fitness. Journal of contemporary ethnography. 45 (2). 143-167.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Tugetam, Å., Bergman, P. (2016). Keeping Death at Bay through Health Negotiation : Older Adults' Understanding of Health and Life within Gym and Fitness Culture. Activities, Adaptation & Aging. 40 (3). 200-218.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2016). Online doping : The new self-help culture of ethnopharmacology. Sport in Society : Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce. 19 (7). 957-972.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2016). ‘Doing for group exercise what McDonald's did for hamburgers’ : Les Mills, and the fitness professional as global traveller. Sport, Education and Society. 21 (2). 148-165.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2016). Gender, Fitness Doping and the Genetic Max : The Ambivalent Construction of Muscular Masculinities in an Online Community. Social Sciences. 5 (1). 1-13.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2015). Reconceptualising the Gender of Fitness Doping : Performing and Negotiating Masculinity through Drug-Use Practices. Social Sciences. 4. 546-562.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2015). From exercise to "exertainment" : Body techniques and body philosophies within a differentiated fitness culture. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum. 6. 27-45.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2014). ‘Shut up and squat!’ : Learning body knowledge within the gym. Ethnography and Education. 9 (1). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2014). The Fitness Revolution : Historical Transformations in the Global Gym and Fitness Culture.. Sport Science Review. XXIII (3-4). 91-112.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2013). Female Fitness in the Blogosphere : Gender, Health, and the Body. SAGE Open. 3 (July-September). 1-10.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2013). Between Performance and Beauty : Towards a sociological understanding of trajectories to drug use in a gym and bodybuilding context.. Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum. 4. 69-90.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2013). The Health Guru : Masculinity and Fitness Coaching in the Blogosphere. Journal of Men's Studies. 21 (3). 277-290.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Lalander, P. (2007). Mellan idrottslig disciplin och gränslöst supande. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 24 (5). 461-480.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2005). Pojkflickan, fotbollsflatan och alla andra. Myt och verklighet i svensk damfotboll. I Kulturella Perspektiv. Svensk etnologisk tidsskrift, nr 1:2005. Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Andreasson, J., Carlsson, B. (2022). Sport, dominance, hegemonic culture, and rebellion : an introduction. Sport in Society : Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce. 25 (6). 1103-1105.
Status: Published -
Andersson, K., Andreasson, J. (2021). Being a Group Fitness Instructor during the COVID-19 Crisis : Navigating Professional Identity, Social Distancing, and Community - A Summary. sport science forum. (June 17).
Status: Published -
Forss, C., Andreasson, J. (2017). Att äga konversationen : Linnea Claeson om idrott, näthat och motmakt. sport science forum. (September 19).
Status: Published -
Andréasson, F., Andreasson, J., Hanson, E. (2017). Developing a carer identity and negotiating everyday life through social networking sites. Innovation in Aging. 1 (Suppl_1). 465-466.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Danielsson, T. (2016). Elitmotionärens vardag - familjeliv, tidspussel och extremidrott. Idrottsforskning. (18 maj).
Status: Published -
Stenberg, E., Andreasson, J. (2016). Ett idrottsvetenskapligt glastak?. sport science forum. (September 9).
Status: Published -
Tugetam, Å., Andreasson, J. (2015). Stor potential i gymträning för äldre. Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning. 2.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2014). Gymkulturen balanserar på könsgränserna. Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning. 4. 29-33.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2011). I viljan att prestera. Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning. 20 (3). 8-12.
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2010). Fotbollens arbetarklass. Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning. (4). 11-16.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Johansson, T., Andreasson, J. (2023). Divorced fathers in Sweden : Changed models of parenting and fatherhood. Men and welfare. New York, Routledge.
- Andersson, K., Andreasson, J., Vogl, U. (2022). Global Perspectives on Group Fitness Post Lockdown : Reflections of Les Mills’ Trainers. Restart : Sport After the Covid-19 Time Out. Common Ground Publishing.
- Vogl, U., Jacobs, G., Andersson, K., Andreasson, J. (2022). Choosing to stay fit? : Glocalized Ideologies of Health and Fitness during a Pandemic. Pandemic and Crisis Discourse : Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy.. Bloomsbury Academic. 453-470.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). Cultural Manspreading in Doping Environments : Theorizing the Gendering of Doping Spaces, Sexualities, and the Social. Doping in Sport and Fitness. Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 195-214.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). Conclusion : Doping Unbound. Doping in Sport and Fitness (Research in the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 16). Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 253-261.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). Introduction : Unbinding Doping Contexts. Doping in Sport and Fitness. Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1-14.
- Andreasson, J., Mogensen, K.H. (2021). The Ecstatic Pump and the Logic of Pain : Learning Processes and Embodiment in Fitness Culture. Learning Movements : New Perspectives of Movement Education. Routledge.
- Andersson, K., Vogl, U., Andreasson, J. (2021). Working out Covid-19 : Being a Les Mills Instructor and Managing Health in Times of Quarantine. Time Out : Global Perspectives on Sport and the Covid-19 Lockdown. Common Ground Publishing. 107-118.
- Larsson, H., Andreasson, J. (2020). Sport and Masculinities in Sweden : Performance and the Notion of Gender Equality. The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Sport. Palgrave Macmillan. 465-481.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2020). ”Som en canvas i blod” : Mixed martial arts som skådespel och sport. Sport management, del 3 : Idrottens marknader och konsumtionskultur. SISU idrottsböcker. 132-149.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2017). Doped Manhood : Negotiating Fitness Doping and Masculinity in an Online Community. Marginalized Masculinities : Contexts, Continuities and Change. New York and London, Routledge.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Magnusson, L. (2020). Violent Youth Radicalisation in Sweden : The issue and the YEIP prevent model. New directions in preventing youth radicalisation : Comparative and summary findings from the youth empowerment and innovation project (YEIP). London, IARS Publications. 88-94.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Magnusson, L. (2019). Marginalisation, Radicalisation and Prevention in Sweden : Implementing Policy Measures Through GLM-Based and Youth-Led Research. Violent youth radicalisation : Youth-led evidence from the UK, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Portugal,Sweden and Italy. London, IARS Publications. 60-67.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Magnusson, L. (2018). Våldsbejakande extremism och radikalisering: En översikt : [Violent extremism and radicalization: an overview]. Young, Marginalised but not Radicalised : A comparative study of positive approaches to youth radicalisation. London, IARS Publications. 152-175.
- Andreasson, J., Redelius, K. (2018). Unga kroppar i rörelse : Om ideal och hälsonormer i föreningsidrott och gymkultur. Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap : Grundläggande perspektiv. Stockholm, Liber. 338-349.
- Andreasson, J. (2009). 'Vi spelar också i Allsvenskan'. : Kvinnors idrottsliga förutsättningar under omvandling.. Uppbrott : Brytpunkter och övergångar i tid och rum. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar. 75-90.
- Andreasson, J. (2005). Mellan svett och mascara : Masculinitet i ett kvinnligt fotbollslag. Manlighetens omvandlingar : ungdom, sexualitet och kön i heteronormativitetens gränstrakter. Göteborg, Daidalos. 21-40.
- Andreasson, J. (2003). Brudar, bärs och bögar : maskulinitet och sexualitet i en enkönad miljö. Sexualitetens omvandlingar : politisk lesbiskhet, unga kristna och machokulturer. Göteborg, Daidalos. 25-46.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Andreasson, J., Henning, A. (2024). Rethinking Sport and Social Issues. Basel, MDPI. 208.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2023). Doping in Sport and Fitness.. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 261.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Andreasson, J. (2007). Idrottens kön. Genus, kropp och sexualitet i lagidrottens vardag. Doctoral Thesis. 267.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Andreasson, J. (2018). Muskler, maskulinitet och motionsdoping. sport science forum. (October 25).
Status: Published -
Andreasson, J. (2014). Bodybuilding in practice and in representation : A subcultural and subjective odyssey. sport science forum. (11 mars).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2024). Theorizing masculinity, ageing and the lived body : The case of prostate cancer. Presented at European sociological association (ESA) 16th conference, Porto, Portugal, August 27-30, 2024.
- Rindhagen, C., Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2023). In the absence of testosterone : Hormonal treatment, masculinity, and health among prostate cancer patients in physical training. Presented at Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) årliga Idrottsvetenskapliga konferens, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 23-24, 2023.
- Andreasson, J., Sverkersson, E. (2019). A new doping demography? : Female PIED users in the context of online communication. International Network of Doping Research, 2019 Conference, WADA’s 20th Anniversary, 22.-23. August 2019, Aarhus University, Denmark : Book of Abstracts. 8-8.
- Andreasson, J. (2019). (Un)Becoming a fitness doper : Negotiating the meaning of illicit drug use in a gym and fitness context. International Network of Doping Research, 2019 Conference, WADA’s 20th Anniversary, 22.-23. August 2019, Aarhus University, Denmark : Book of Abstracts. 8-8.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). (Un)Becoming a Fitness Doper. : Negotiating the meaning of illicit drug use in a gym and fitness context. Narrowing paths - transgressive routes : Youth in changing times: new forms of inequality, risk and resistance. 23-23.
- Andreasson, J., Sverkersson, E. (2019). Female Fitness Doping : A new doping demography. Narrowing paths - transgressive routes. Youth in changing times : new forms of inequality, risk and resistance : Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS) in Aarhus 14 - 16 August 2019. 22-23.
- Andreasson, J. (2019). Doping Trajectories : Becoming and Unbecoming a Fitness Doper. INDR 8th International Conference, WADA's 20th Anniversary : 22-23 August, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Andreasson, J., Sverkersson, E. (2019). Fitness doping and the female body : Negotiating gender and contesting the limits of the body through drug use practices. Narrowing paths-transgressive routes : Youth in changing times: new forms of inequality, risk and resistance.
- Andreasson, J. (2017). Negotiating Manhood : Doping and the mainstreaming of online marginal masculinities. Presented at: International Network for Doping Research (INDR), Aarhus, August 24-25, 2017..
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T., Mattsson, C. (2016). From subcultures to common culture : Bodybuilders, skinheads and the normalization of the marginal. Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS), Youth Moves. Voices, Spaces, Subjectivities. Trollhättan, Sweden, 15-17 june, 2016.
- Danielsson, T., Andreasson, J. (2016). IRONMAN triathlon. : Familjeliv, tidspussel och extremidrott. SVEBI, 16-17 november.
- Andreasson, J. (2015). Reconceptualising the gender of fitness doping : Performing and negotiating masculinity through drug-use practices. Evaluating the Unintended Effects of Anti-Doping, 27-28 August, 2015.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2015). Online Doping. Paper presented at the Journal of youth studies conference, March 30-April 1, 2015, Copenhagen.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Andreasson, J. (2024). Online Risk, Offline Harm : Social Consequences of Doping in Sweden. Presented at International Conference on Doping and Public Health, June 17-18, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Parks Pieper, L., Andreasson, J., Vest Christiansen, A., Møller, V. (2022). "Whose Sport Is It? A Debate on Gender, Equality, and Fairness in Sport and Society". Presented at: Whose Body Is it? Sport and the Problem of Autonomy. Thirteen international Conference on Sport & Society, AArhus, Denmark, 30 June-1 July 2022.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). Recalibrating doping. Presented at: Whose Body is it? Sport and the Problem of Autonomy. Thirteen international Conference on Sport & Society, Aarhus, Denmark, 30 June-1 July, 2022.
- Andreasson, J. (2022). Online Doping : Kroppsideal och genus i digitala dopinggemenskaper. Presented at: Doping - Det dolda samhällsproblemet.
- Andreasson, J. (2019). Fitness dopning : Kroppsideal, dopningskultur och genus. Samtal om samhällsideal, machokultur och dopning.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2019). Women’s Fitness Doping in the Context of Online Communication : Motivation, Experimentation and Gendered Spaces. .
- Andreasson, J. (2019). Gym- och Fitnessdopning. : Kropp, genus och en föränderlig dopningsdemografi. .
- Andreasson, J., Sverkersson, E. (2019). Pumping up the ego : Biographical studies on young people's doping trajectories. IPEDs and Polydrug Use.
- Andreasson, J. (2016). Steroider på nätet : Att använda sociala medier för att diskutera och legitimera dopning. Presented at: DrogFOKUS 2016, nationell konferens om alkohol, narkotika, dopning och tobak, 13-20 Oktober, 2016.
- Andreasson, J. (2015). The Global Gym. .
- Andreasson, J. (2014). Smärta, pump och förkroppsligade läroprocesser på gymmet. .
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2013). The Global Gym : Gender, Health and Pedagogies. .
- Andreasson, J. (2012). Idrott och jämställdhet. .
- Andreasson, J. (2009). Idrottens kön. .
- Andreasson, J. (2008). Kön och åldrande. .
- Andreasson, J. (2007). Idrott, kön och klass. .
- Andreasson, J. (2007). Idrott, kropp och jämställdhet. .
Report (Refereed)
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Fitness doping and gym culture. FORTE. 8+4.
- Andreasson, J., Johansson, T. (2019). Fitnessdopning och gymkultur. FORTE. 8+4.
Report (Other academic)
- Andreasson, J., Lalander, P. (2003). Det statliga kasinot. Mellan myt och verklighet. SoRAD, Forskningsrapport nr. 13.
- Andreasson, J. (2001). Huset : Utvärdering av verksamheten på Ungdomens Hus i Kalmar. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar.
Other (Other academic)
- Andreasson, J., Henning, A.D. (2022). Gym Culture and IPEDs : The pre-history of IPEDs and the golden era of bodybuilding, 1900-1980s. Meso-Rx International.
- Andreasson, J., Henning, A.D. (2022). Fitness Culture and IPEDs : Crisis, revolution, and the digital push, 1990-2020. Meso-Rx International.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2022). “Oh my, the bigger and more fuller clit is amazing” : Reclaiming the female body through a women-only forum. MESO-Rx International.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2021). Anti-Doping : Producing Health or Harm?. MESO-Rx International.
- Henning, A.D., Andreasson, J. (2021). Dude, make some space : Women’s experiences in an online steroid community. MESO-Rx International.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ahmadi, F., Andréasson, F., Andreasson, J., Bayati, Z., Bečević, Z., et al. (2019). Remissyttrande över utkast till lagrådsremiss : Förlängning av lagen om tillfälliga begränsningar av möjligheten att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige (Dnr Ju2019/00509/L7). 8.