Johan Höglund
ProfessorDr Johan Höglund is Professor of English at the Department of Languages and a member of the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. He holds degrees from Brown University and Uppsala University. His research focuses the relationship between popular culture and Empire as it manifests during different eras and in different media, and on how fiction narrates the ongoing planetary emergency. He is currently concluding the project Militarizing the Anthropocene: Security, Militant Futures and American Climate Fiction funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. He is also the PI of the project Future Food Imaginaries in Global Climate Fiction. This project is funded by FORMAS, a Swedish research council for sustainability and studies how genre fiction set in climate-transformed futures imagines that human society will respond and adapt to the profound and imminent transformation of current food systems.
Johan teaches English Literature, American Literature, Literary Theory, Postcolonial Literature and the Anthropocene narrative on graduate and postgraduate courses. He also supervises and examines doctoral dissertations at Linnaeus University and other institutions.
Johan Höglund has published extensively on the relationship between imperialism and popular culture in a number of different contexts, including the late-Victorian era, the long history of US global expansion and decline, and the often unrecognized era of Nordic colonialism. He has also done work on fiction that speculate on how the planet and people will transform due to the climate emergency. He is the author of the monograph The American Imperial Gothic: Popular Culture, Empire, Violence (Ashgate, 2014), and editor and co-author of Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene (with Justin Edwards och Rune Graulund, Minnesota University Press, 2021), Nordic Gothic (with Maria Holmgren Troy, Yvonne Leffler och Sofia Wijkmark, Manchester UP, 2020), B-Movie Gothic: International Perspectives (with Justin D Edwards, Edinburgh University Press, 2018), Animal Horror Cinema: Genre, History and Criticism (with Katarina Gregersdotter and Nicklas Hållén, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), and Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires (with Tabish Khair, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). He has published extensively in journals such as Journal of Postcolonial Writing, Game Studies, English Literature in Transition, Continuum, and The European Journal of American Studies.
Johan Höglund is a part of the editorial board of Transtext(e)s Transcultures: Journal of Global Cultural Studies. He has edited several academic collections, and also served as guest editor for special issues on Nordic Colonialism for Scandinavian Studies (with Linda Andersson Burnett) and on the Contemporary Adventure Narrative for The Journal of Popular Culture (with Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet). He directs the LNU working group for innovation that is part of SIREUS, a project initiated by the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerse and aiming to increase collaboration between Sweden and the US.
My research groups
Center for Studies in Popular Culture (PoCuS) Center for Popular Culture Studies (PoCuS) is a center for research, education, and collaboration with popular culture at its center. We regard popular…
Cluster for Nordic Colonialism The Research Cluster for Nordic Colonialism within the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies investigated how the European…
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial…
The Cluster for Ecology, Culture and Coloniality (ECCo) In the age of climate emergency, global inequality, and – most recently – the uneven effects of pandemic illness, it is increasingly clear that…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Future Food Cultures in the Anthropocene The dominant global diet is a major contributor to the climate crisis. A transformation faces considerable practical problems, but is also a major…
Project: Intermedial Ecocriticism: Transmediating the Anthropocene This project responds from a humanities perspective to an urgent societal challenge: how can the Anthropocene ecological crisis be…
Project: Materialising Violence: Speculative Fiction and New Cultures of Resistance from Sub-Saharan Africa This project considers representations of socio-economic and -ecological violence in…
Project: Narratives of Empire In this project we study how postcolonial and decolonial ideas are conveyed in popular culture.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Höglund, J., Salmose, N. (2024). Climate diaspora and future food cultures in Snowpiercer(2013) and The Road (2009). Food, Culture, and Society : an international journal of multidisciplinary research. 27 (2). 310-325.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2022). The Adivasi and the undead : From (post)colonial carnage to Necrocene apocalypse in Betaal (2020). Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 58 (2). 199-211.
Status: Published -
Duncan, R., Höglund, J. (2021). Decolonising the COVID-19 pandemic : On Being in this Together. Approaching Religion. 11 (2). 115-131.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2020). Challenging ecoprecarity in Paolo Bacigalupi’s Ship Breaker trilogy. Journal of Postcolonial Writing. 56 (4). 447-459.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2019). Christina Larsdotter and the Swedish Postcolonial Novel. Scandinavian Studies. 91 (1-2). 238-258.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J., Andersson Burnett, L. (2019). Introduction : Nordic Colonialisms and Scandinavian Studies. Scandinavian Studies. 91 (1-2). 1-12.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2018). The Call of Adventure in Call of Duty : WWII. Journal of Popular Culture. 51 (6). 1453-1475.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J., Soltysik Monnet, A. (2018). Revisiting Adventure : Special Issue Introduction. Journal of Popular Culture. 51 (6). 1299-1311.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2017). Revenge of the Trolls : Norwegian (Post) Colonial Gothic. Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning. 117 (2). 115-129.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2017). Eat the Rich : Pandemic Horror Cinema. Transtext(e)s Transcultures 跨文本跨文化: Journal of Global Cultural Studies. 12. 1-13.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J., Willander, M. (2017). Black Hawk-Down : Adaptation and the Military-Entertainment Complex. Culture Unbound : Journal of Current Cultural Research. 9 (3). 365-389.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2015). Cell, Stephen King and the Imperial Gothic. Gothic Studies. 17 (2). 69-87.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2014). Magic Nodes and Proleptic Warfare in the Multiplayer Component of Battlefield 3. Game Studies. 14 (1).
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2013). Parables for the paranoid : affect and the war gothic. Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 27 (3). 397-407.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2013). Black Englishness and the Concurrent Voices of Richard Marsh in The Surprising Husband. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. 56 (3). 275-291.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2012). Catastrophic Transculturation in Dracula, The Strain and The Historian. Transnational Literature. 5 (1).
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2010). Hollywood and the Imperial Gothic. Foundation : The International Review of Science Fiction. (106).
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2009). Le gaming néo-colonial: géographie virtuelle et politique de l'espace dans Call of Duty 4. POLI: Politique de l'image. 1 (June). 39-49.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2008). Electronic Empire: Orientalism Revisited in the Military Shooter. Game Studies. 8 (1).
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2007). Taking up the White Man’s Burden? American Empire and the Question of History. The European Journal of American Studies. 3.
Status: Published -
Höglund, J. (2007). Apocalyptic London: the Construction and Destruction of the Heart of the Empire. The Literary London Journal. 5.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Höglund, J. (2019). Love in a time of Extinction : Precarity and Postcolonial Studies in the Anthropocene. International Workshop on Food and Representation : 29 - 30 October 2019, Monash University Malaysia.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Censorship, the US Department of Defense and the Popular War Film. La fabrique des imaginaires : Censure contre-discours et société technicienne : Manufacturing Imaginaries : Censorship, Counter-discourses and the Technical Society.
- Höglund, J. (2003). Electronic Anthologies and the Public Domain. .
Book (Refereed)
- Höglund, J. (2024). The American Climate Emergency Narrative : Origins, Developments and Imaginary Futures. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Höglund, J. (2014). The American Imperial Gothic : Popular Culture, Empire, Violence. Ashgate.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Höglund, J. (2024). Concurrences and the Planetary Emergency : Ursula K. Le Guin in the Capitalocene. History and Speculative Fiction. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 29-44.
- Höglund, J. (2023). Globalgothic, Viruses and Pandemics. The Edinburgh Companion to Globalgothic. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. 236-249.
- Holtorf, C., Höglund, J. (2022). Making Sense of Virtual Heritage : How Immersive Fitness Evokes a Past that Suits the Present. Virtual Interiorities : Book Three: Senses of Place and Space. ETC Press. 77-98.
- Höglund, J., Edwards, J.D., Graulund, R. (2022). Introduction: Gothic in the Anthropocene. Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. ix-xxvi.
- Höglund, J., Edwards, J.D., Graulund, R. (2022). Part II. Plantationocene. Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth : The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 105-110.
- Höglund, J. (2022). Maggie in the Necrocene. The Anthropocene and the Undead: Cultural Anxieties in the Contemporary Popular Imagination. Lanham, Lexington Books. 49-64.
- Höglund, J., Edwards, J.D., Graulund, R. (2022). Part III. Capitalocene. Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth : The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 169-174.
- Knobblock, I., Höglund, J. (2022). ”Im sïjhth årrodh naan bahha cirkusdjur – Jag vill inte vara ett jävla cirkusdjur” : Dekolonisering av det etnografiska skådespelet i Sameblod. Bilder av ras i svensk visuell kultur. Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 73-88.
- Höglund, J., Edwards, J.D., Graulund, R. (2022). Part 1. Anthropocene. Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth : The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 1-5.
- Höglund, J., Edwards, J.D., Graulund, R. (2022). Part IV. Chthulucene. Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth : The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 249-252.
- Höglund, J. (2022). Settlement and Imperialism. Cambridge Companion to American Horror. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 60-75.
- Höglund, J. (2022). The Anthropocene Within: Love and Extinction in M. R. Carey’s The Girl with All the Gifts and The Boy on the Bridge. Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 253-270.
- Höglund, J. (2021). Gothic, Neo-Imperialism and the War on Terror. The Cambridge History of the Gothic : Volume 3: Gothic in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 364-382.
- Höglund, J. (2021). Alligators in the Living Room : Terror and Horror in the Capitalocene. Haunted Nature Entanglements of the Human and the Nonhuman : Entanglements of the Human and the Nonhuman. London, Palgrave Macmillan. 115-134.
- Höglund, J. (2020). Indigenous Hauntings : Nordic Gothic and Colonialism. Nordic Gothic. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 125-146.
- Leffler, Y., Höglund, J. (2020). The past that Haunts the Present : The Rise of Nordic Gothic. Nordic Gothic. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 11-28.
- Höglund, J., Holmgren Troy, M., Leffler, Y., Wijkmark, S. (2020). Introduction. Nordic Gothic. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 1-10.
- Höglund, J. (2020). Nordic Gothic New Media. Nordic Gothic. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 169-190.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Eugenics. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Jefferson, McFarland. 78-80.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Kipling, Joseph Rudyard. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Jefferson, McFarland. 134-135.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Mesmerism and Hypnotism. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Jefferson, McFarland. 157-158.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Wither the Present, Wither the Past : The Low-Budget Gothic Horror of Stockholm Syndrome Films. B-Movie Gothic : International Perspectives. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. 122-138.
- Höglund, J., Edwards, J.D. (2018). Introduction. B-Movie Gothic : International Perspectives. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. 1-14.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Steve Carella : Ed McBain (Evan Hunter) (1926–2005). 100 Greatest Literary Detectives. New York, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 39-40.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Imperial Adventure. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Jefferson, McFarland. 121-122.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Imperial Horror and Terrorism. The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 327-337.
- Höglund, J. (2018). The White Space of the Metropolitan Battlefield in The Avengers. Space Oddities : Difference and Identity in the American City. Münster, LIT Verlag. 65-88.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Henty, G. A. [George Alfred Henty]. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Jefferson, McFarland. 111-111.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Le Queux, William Tufnell. Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction. Jefferson, NC, McFarland. 139-140.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Mrs Musgrave’s Stain of Madness : Marsh and the Female Offender. Richard Marsh, Popular Fiction and Literary Culture, 1890-1915 : Rereading the Fin De SieCle. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 45-62.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Richard Marsh’s The Joss: A Reversion (1901) : Imperial Gothic. The Gothic : A Reader. Bern, Peter Lang Publishing Group. 17-23.
- Höglund, J. (2017). Can the Subaltern Speak Under Duress? : Voice, Agency, and Corporal Discipline in Zero Dark Thirty. Concurrent Imaginaries, Postcolonial Worlds : Towards Revised Histories. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 281-301.
- Höglund, J. (2016). Virtual War and the Nazi Zombie Gothic in Call of Duty. War Gothic in Literature and Culture. Oxon, Routledge. 176-191.
- Höglund, J. (2016). Consuming the Tropics : The Tropical Zombie Re-eviscerated in Dead Island. Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture : the Americas. Oxon, Routledge. 87-102.
- Höglund, J. (2015). Simian Horror in Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Animal Horror Cinema : Genre, History and Criticism. Palgrave Macmillan. 224-239.
- Gregersdotter, K., Hållén, N., Höglund, J. (2015). Introduction. Animal Horror Cinema : Genre, History and Criticism. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 1-18.
- Gregersdotter, K., Hållén, N., Höglund, J. (2015). A History of Animal Horror Cinema. Animal Horror Cinema : Genre, History and Criticism. Palgrave Macmillan. 19-36.
- Höglund, J. (2012). Militarizing the Vampire : Underworld and the Desire of the Military Entertainment Complex. Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires : Dark Blood. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 173-188.
- Höglund, J., Khair, T. (2012). Introduction : Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires. Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires : Dark Blood. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 1-9.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Edwards, J.D., Graulund, R., Höglund, J. (2022). Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth : The Gothic Anthropocene. University of Minnesota Press. 392.
- Holmgren Troy, M., Höglund, J., Leffler, Y., Wijkmark, S. (2020). Nordic Gothic. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 210.
- Höglund, J., Andersson Burnett, L. (2019). Nordic Colonialisms : Special Issue for Scandinavian Studies. University of Illinois Press.
- Edwards, J.D., Höglund, J. (2018). B-Movie Gothic : International Perspectives. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. 236.
- Gregersdotter, K., Höglund, J., Hållén, N. (2015). Animal Horror Cinema : Genre, History and Criticism. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 248.
- Khair, T., Höglund, J. (2012). Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires : Dark Blood. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 227.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Grgic, A., Höglund, J. (2024). Special issue introduction : representation of diasporic food cultures. Food, Culture, and Society : an international journal of multidisciplinary research. 27 (2). 293-296.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Höglund, J. (2021). Militarizing the Anthropocene: Hollywood, Climate Fiction and Security in Future Americas. .
- Höglund, J. (2019). Eating in the Anthropocene : Future Climate Migration and Food in Cinema. Ninth International Conference on Food Studies : Special Focus: Culinary Science: A New Foodway? 24-25 October 2019, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Microbial Gothic in the Anthropocene. The 14th International Gothic Association Conference Hosted by the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies Manchester, July 31st-August 3rd, 2018 : Gothic Hybridities : Interdisciplinary, Multimodal and Transhistorical Approaches.
- Höglund, J. (2018). Never Human : The Multispecies Body and Evolution in the Humanities. Beyond Anthropocentrism : New Directions in the Humanities.
- Höglund, J. (2017). American Military Imperial Horror. Imperial Cultures of the United States, University of Warwick, 5 May 2017.
- Höglund, J. (2017). Sápmi and the Questions of Scandinavian Postcolonial Literature. Rethinking Scandinavia, Lund University 14-17 juni 2017 : PANEL 3: "Rethinking the Colonial North".
- Höglund, J. (2017). The First Person Shooter : Narrating Your Own Imperial Adventure. International Society for the Study of narrative : 2017 Narrative Conference, Lexington Kentucky.
- Höglund, J. (2017). Wither the Past : The US Slasher and New Nordic Horror. The Twenty-Fifth Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies, SDU, Odense, May 22-24, 2017 : American Colors : Across the Disciplinary Spectrum.
- Höglund, J. (2017). Imperial Nostalgia in Post-9/11 US. Nostalgia in Contemporary European Culture.
- Höglund, J. (2016). Digital Humanities and Games Research Across the Disciplines. International Symposium on Digital Humanities : Växjö 7-8 November 2016 : Book of Abstracts. 35-36.
- Höglund, J. (2016). War, Adventure and the Spectacle of Masculine Whiteness in Call of Duty. European Association of American Studies : Biennial Confrence, Constanta, Romania, April 22-25, 2016.
- Höglund, J. (2014). “You’re a terrorist, that’s why I’m doing it to you” : Torture and Discipline in Zero Dark Thirty. .
- Höglund, J. (2014). Revenge of the Hulder : New Nordic (Post) Colonial Gothic. .
- Höglund, J. (2013). Please Kill Me : Euthanasia and the Imperial Gothic. .
- Höglund, J. (2012). Skirting Hybridity : Translating Racial Anarchy in Richard Marsh’s The Surprising Husband. .
- Höglund, J. (2012). The Discordant Aesthetics of the New Imperial Gothic in Justin Cronin’s The Passage. .
- Höglund, J. (2012). American Empire and Biological Apocalypse. .
- Höglund, J. (2011). Future Americas : Proleptic War in Call of Duty: Modern Weapons 2 and Homefront.
- Höglund, J. (2011). ”American neo-imperialism and the anxiety of reverse colonization”.
- Höglund, J. (2010). Catastrophic Transculturation and Gothic Modernity in Dracula and The Historian.
- Höglund, J. (2010). The Road to Moloch: Catastrophic Transculturation in the Post 9/11 War Gothic.
- Höglund, J. (2009). Imagining Future Ruin: The Decline and Fall of the British Empire in Late Victorian Narrative. .
- Höglund, J. (2008). Bodies of Mystery: Hereditary Criminality and Degeneracy in the Fiction of Richard Marsh. .
- Höglund, J. (2006). Electronic Empires: A New Virtual Orient in Cyberspace. .
- Höglund, J. (2005). The Conundrums of Riddick: American Empire and Hollywood's Gothic Cinema. .
- Höglund, J. (2004). Editing the Internet: Teacher Compiled Electronic Anthologies. Conference proceedings of the Ninth Nordic Conference for English Studies.
- Höglund, J. (2004). Producing Empire: American Imperialism and Popular Culture. .
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Höglund, J. (2023). British Union of Fascists. Encyclopedia of London's East End. Jefferson, McFarland. 40-41.
- Höglund, J. (2023). Murder by Decree. Encyclopedia of London's East End. Jefferson, McFarland. 160.
- Höglund, J. (2023). Limehouse Blues. Encyclopedia of London's East End. Jefferson, McFarland. 131.
- Höglund, J. (2023). Lost in Limehouse. Encyclopedia of London's East End. Jefferson, McFarland. 146.
- Höglund, J. (2023). Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde. Encyclopedia of London's East End. Jefferson, McFarland. 69.
- Höglund, J. (2023). The Nemesis of Neglect. Encyclopedia of London's East End. Jefferson, McFarland.
- Höglund, J. (2009). Introduction. A Spoiler of Men. Kansas City, Valancourt Books.
- Höglund, J. (2005). Gothic Haunting Empire. Memory, Haunting, Discourse. Karlstad, Karlstads universitet. 233-244.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Höglund, J. (1997). Mobilising the Novel: The Literature of Imperialism and the First World War. Doctoral Thesis.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Höglund, J. (2016). Boxcar Politics : The Hobo in US Culture and Literature 1869-1956. American Studies in Scandinavia. 48 (1). 107-109.
Status: Published
Other (Other academic)
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Höglund, J. (2020). Valet om ett vitt Amerika : Trump, Biden och rasismen. Stjärnspäckat : Reflektioner från amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall, Mittuniversitetet. 51-51.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Höglund, J. (2019). “How Are You?” : Well-being, the Pandemic and the Crises. EUniWell.