Researcher in outdoor recreation and biology. Main areas of research includes health effects of outdoor recreation, recreational fishing, outdoor recreation behaviour, health effects of outdoor recreation and environmental awareness.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ahnesjö, J., Karlsson, P.S., Bergman, P. (2022). The effect of exercising in different environments on heart rate and power output among older adults–a randomized crossover study. PLOS ONE. 17 (11).
Status: Published -
Danielsson, T., Carlsson, J., Ten Siethoff, L., Ahnesjö, J., Bergman, P. (2020). Aerobic capacity predict skeletal but not cardiac muscle damage after triathlon : the Iron(WO)man study. Scientific Reports. 10 (1). 1-7.
Status: Published -
Ahnesjö, J., Danielsson, T. (2020). Organized recreational fishing in school, knowledge about nature and influence on outdoor recreation habits. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education. 23 (3). 261-273.
Status: Published -
Danielsson, T., Carlsson, J., Schreyer, H., Ahnesjö, J., Ten Siethoff, L., et al. (2017). Blood biomarkers in male and female participants after an Ironman-distance triathlon. PLOS ONE. 12 (6). 1-9.
Status: Published -
Fröberg, A., Alricsson, M., Ahnesjö, J. (2014). Awareness of current recommendations and guidlines regarding strength training for youth. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 26 (4). 517-523.
Status: Published -
Karlsson, M., Caesar, S., Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J. (2008). Dynamics of colour polymorphism in a changing environment: Fire melanism and then what?. Oecologia. 154 (4). 715-724.
Status: Published -
Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J., Caesar, S., Karlsson, M. (2008). A model of ecological and evolutionary consequences of color polymorphism. Ecology. 89. 34-40.
Status: Published -
Caesar, S., Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2007). Testing the role of co-adapted genes versus bet hedging for mating strategies in colour polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 90. 491-499.
Status: Published -
Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J., Caesar, S. (2007). Fitness benefits of diverse offspring in pygmy grasshoppers. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 9 (8). 1305-1318.
Status: Published -
Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2006). Differential habitat selection by pygmy grasshopper color morphs; interactive effects of temperature and predator avoidance. Evolutionary ecology. 20 (3). 235-257.
Status: Published -
Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2006). Pygmy grasshoppers (Tetrix sp.) – eye-catching variation. Entomologisk Tidskrift. 127. 145-150.
Status: Published -
Civantos, E., Forsman, A., Ahnesjö, J. (2005). “Developmental instability and immune function in colour polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Evolutionary ecology. 19 (1). 1-14.
Status: Published -
Civantos, E., Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2005). Immune function, parasitization and extended phenotypes in colour polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers. Biological journal of the Linnean Society. 85 (3). 373-383.
Status: Published -
Civantos, E., Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A., Martin, J., Lopez, P. (2004). Indirect effects of prey coloration on predation risk: grasshoppers versus lizards. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 6. 201-213.
Status: Published -
Hargeby, A., Johansson, J., Ahnesjö, J. (2004). Habitat-specific pigmentation in a freshwater isopod : Adaptive evolution over a small spatiotemporal scale. Evolution. 58 (1). 81-94.
Status: Published -
Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2003). Correlated evolution of color pattern and body size in polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers, Tetrix undulata.. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 16. 1308-1318.
Status: Published -
Forsman, A., Ringblom, K., Civantos, E., Ahnesjö, J. (2002). Coevolution of color pattern and thermoregulatory behavior in polymorphic pygmy grasshoppers, Tetrix undulata. Evolution. 56. 349-360.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ahnesjö, J., Karlsson, P.S., Bergman, P. (2019). Benefits of outdoor exercise and recovery outdoors in elderly. HEPA Europe, Odense, Denmark, August 28-30, 2019 : abstract book. 38-38.
- Ahnesjö, J., Bergman, P. (2018). Outdoor Exercise is More Efficient than Indoor Exercise in Senior Citizens. Physiological Evidence from the HERO Project. .
- Danielsson, T., Carlsson, J., Bergman, P., Ahnesjö, J. (2018). Peak oxygen uptake predicts finishing- and segment time in a full distance Ironman. Presented at the 23rd annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Dublin, Ireland, July 4-7, 2018.
- Ahnesjö, J., Bergman, P. (2016). Effects on white blood cells in senior citizens during post exercise recovery in three different environments (indoors, simulated outdoors and outdoors). .
Article in journal (Other academic)
Fröberg, A., Ahnesjö, J., Alricsson, M. (2011). Ledare tveksamma tillstyrketräningsråd för barn. Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning. (4). 47-50.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ahnesjö, J., Forsman, A. (2006). Torngräshoppor (Tetrix sp.) – iögonfallande variation. Entomologisk Tidskrift. 127. 145-150.
Status: Published