Jonas Ewald
Senior lecturerMy research and publications focus on the politics of democratisation, human rights inclusive development and peace processes in Eastern and Southern Africa with particular focus on Tanzania, Rwanda and the Great lakes conflict complex. This includes studies of local processes of democratisation, the role of media, civil society and political parties – and regional and international actors. He has also done studies on peace processes in South Africa and children's rights to health and education and regional mechanisms/organisations for conflict management, peacebuilding and human rights promotion in Africa, e.g., the African Commission for Human Rights. A second research interest has been the international political economy of extraction of natural resources, conflicts and inclusive, sustainable development, with a special focus on mining and gas extraction in Tanzania. He has participated in a large number of policy-related projects, like evaluations of various larger and smaller aid projects, programs, background studies for various aid programs and expert contribution on policy interventions in Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC and Kenya. He is currently involved in a research project on consequences of the shrinking political space in East Africa and future conflicts, as well as in another research/policy project on how to design aid interventions when the political space is shrinking, in order to promote human rights and peaceful development, with focus on the Swedish aid to East Africa, with Tanzania in the centre. I have semi-professional interest in African music, dance, film and literature. I have worked as Director for Centre for Africa Studies at Göteborg University and is also one of the founders of the LNU Africa Network.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ewald, J., Wohlgemuth, L. (2012). Challenges for the Opposition and Democratisation in Tanzania: A View from the Opposition. Africa Development. 37 (2). 63-95.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2014). Are democracy, good governance and development improving at the national and local level in Tanzania?. Nordic Africa Days, Uppsala, 2014.
Book (Refereed)
- Ewald, J. (2013). Challenges for the democratisation process in Tanzania. Moving towards consolidation years after independence?. Dar es Saalam, Tanzania, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Ewald, J., Wohlgemuth, L. (2022). Synen på utveckling, förändring och ägarskap i svensk biståndspolitik – en tillbakablick. Hur förändra världen? En antologi omförändringsteorier i biståndet. Stockholm, Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (EBA). 86-112.
- Ewald, J. (2018). Coffee and Music. Two positive examples of peace building, social cohesion and future challenges, some reflections from Rwanda and Tanzania. The time travel method – in the service of society and its development.. Kalmar, Kalmar Läns Museum. 56-63.
- Ewald, J. (2010). Challenges to the democratisation process in Tanzania. Tanzania in transition from Nyerere to Mkapa. Dar es Salaam ; Uppsala, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. 223-264.
- Ewald, J. (2008). Rwanda. Africa Yearbook 4 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2007. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 347-359.
- Ewald, J. (2007). Rwanda : Political, Economic and International development 2006. Africa Yearbook Volume 3 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 337-348.
- Ewald, J. (2006). Rwanda : Political, Economic and International development 2005. Africa Yearbook Volume 2 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2005. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 310-322.
- Ewald, J. (2005). Rwanda : Political, Economic and International development 2004. Africa Yearbook Volume 1 : Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2004. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 313-325.
- Ewald, J., Närman, A. (2004). Education and poverty in Tanzania: Some indications from reserach in Geita District. Education, Poverty and Inequality. Dar es Salaam, KAD Associates.
- Ewald, J., Mellander, L., Närman, A. (2001). A matter of choice - cost sharing and its implication for social development in Pangani District, Tanzania. Göteborg University in Africa. Africa at Göteborg University. Göteborg, Centre for Africa Studies, Göteborg University. 53-83.
- Ewald, J. (2001). The interface between democray and economic change. The case of structural adjustment and democracy in Tanzania. Göteborg University in Africa. Africa at Göteborg University.. Göteborg, Centre for Africa Studies, Göteborg University. 139-169.
Report (Refereed)
- Wohlgemuth, L., Ewald, J. (2020). Effective Partnerships : A study on development effectiveness and Swedish civil society organisations. Stockholm, ForumCiv. 32.
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2019). Recentralisation? Interrogating the state of local democracy, good governance and development in Tanzania. Visby, International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD). 44.
- Ewald, J., Thörn, H. (1994). Fredsövervakning i Sydafrika. Stockholm, Svenska FN-förbundet. 232.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Ewald, J. (2017). Raw material extraction, conflicts of interest and inclusive development. The case of gold mining and gas extraction in Tanzania : Paper presented at the7th European Conference on African Studies ECAS 2017 with the theme: Urban Africa - Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban, AEGIS. Basel 28-30 juni 2017. .
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2015). Leveraging Tanzania´s extractive sector for inclusive development : The case of gold mining in Geita - Tanzania. The Extractive Industries for African Development. A paradigm shift : Pennstate University, USA, March 27 2015.
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2015). Tanzania Local government reform - towards de-centralisation or recentralisation? (Abstract accepted for presentation in the panel Local State-making in Africa.. AEGIS V (Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies) Bi-annual Conference, Paris, July 7-8 2015.
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2015). Recentralisation? The missed opportunity to make a local turn of development, the case of the decentralisation reforms in Tanzania. .
- Ewald, J. (2011). Nine challenges for the transition to democracy in Tanzania. ECAS 4, the 4th European Conference on African Studies : 15–18 June 2011, Uppsala, Sweden : African Engagements: On Whose Terms?.
- Ewald, J. (2008). Post election violence and conflict management in Kenya in connection with the 2007 election. International Conference on The Great Lakes Region. Progress, Challenges and Opportunities.
- Ewald, J. (2005). Rwanda. A model for successful post-conflict transformation – or a freezing of underlying conflicts?. Nordic Africa Days. The panel Post-Conflict Transition, The State and Civil Society in Africa.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Ewald, J. (2001). The partnership between University of Dar es Salaam and Göteborg University. Göteborg University in Africa. Africa at Göteborg University.. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Ewald, J. (1999). Glocalisation and fragmegration. The interface between democracy and economic change, the linkage between the local and the global. The case of Tanzania.. Peace and development. Their interrealtionship in a the Globala System. : A festschrift in honour of Björn Hettne.. Göteborg, Padrigu Papers, Göteborg University. 30.
- Ewald, J., Lindholm-Schulz, H., Öjendal, J., Sköld, P. (1999). Democratization in a Global World. Peace and development. Their interrealtionship in a the Globala System. A festschrift in honour of Björn Hettne.. Göteborg, Padrigu, Göteborgs Universitet. 30.
- Ewald, J. (1996). Tanzania och Sydafrika - demokratisering på vems villkor?. Demokratins utmaningar : Folkstyretsproblem och möjligheter på lokal, regional, nationell och gränsöverskridande nivå. Göteborg, Padrigu. 75-109.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Ewald, J. (2011). Challenges for the democratisation process in Tanzania : Moving towards consolidation 50 years after independence?. Doctoral Thesis. Göteborg, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg. 375.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Ewald, J. (1997). The Political Economy of Structural Adjustment. The Case of Cotton, Coffee and Maize Production in Arumeru and Geita District, Tanzania.. Licentiate Thesis. Göteborg, Padrigu, Göteborgs Universitet. 200.
Report (Other academic)
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2015). A Democracy Profile of Tanzania - a background study : A Report presented to the EU-delegation in Tanzania. 91.
- Ewald, J. (2015). Are democracy, good governance and development improving at the national and local level in Tanzania? 25th of October 2015 : Progress report to COSTECH for the project with research clearance No: 2014-66-NA-2014-21. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology. 10.
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2015). Democratic Development in Tanzania. An analysis of the period 2010-2015.. Dar es Salaam, IDS, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 70.
- Dahnsdotter, N., Ewald, J. (2014). Det civila samhället och internationellt utvecklingssamarbete : Forskningsöversikt. Samhällsplanering och miljö.. Stockholm, Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF). 21.
- Ewald, J., Mellander, L., Mhamba, R., Shao, I.F. (2007). A Matter of Choice? Cost sharing in health and education from a rights of the child perspective in Pangani, Rombo and Geita Disticts in Tanzania : Final report to Sida/Sarec. Göteborg, Centre for Africa Studies, Göteborg University. 146.
- Ewald, J., Nilsson, A., Närman, A., Stålgren, P. (2004). A Strategic Conflict Analysis for the Great Lakes Region. Stockholm, Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA). 217.
- Ewald, J., Nilsson, A., Närman, A., Stålgren, P. (2004). Lake Victoria Region - a strategic conflict analysis. Stockholm, Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA). 75.
- Ewald, J., Booth, D., Berlin, A., Conway, T., Hanmer, L., et al. (2000). Fighting poverty strategically? : Lessons from Swedish Tanzanian Development cooperation 1997-2000.. Stockholm, Swedish International development cooperation agency (Sida). 131.
- Ewald, J., Thörn, H. (1994). Peace monitoring in South Africa. : An evaluation of a cooperation between Swedish and South African organisations. Stockholm, The Swedish UN association. 126.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ewald, J. (2015). Ökenhett valklimat – bakgrunden till årets dramatiska val. Habari. 47 (4). 7-9.
Status: Published -
Ewald, J. (2014). Turbulensen kring den konstitutionella processen. Habari : medlemsblad för Svensk tanzaniska föreningen. 46 (1). 19-20.
Status: Published -
Ewald, J. (2012). Demokratiseringens utmaningar i Tanzania. Habari : medlemsblad för Svensk tanzaniska föreningen. 44 (3). 8-9.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ewald, J. (2017). Swahili popular music- so rich and diverse! Some notes on its development an function from a Tanzanian perspectiv : Presented at the Swahili days, a seminar for cititzens from East Africa countries in Sweden arranged by the Kenyan Embassy, Stockholm 10th of June 2017. .
- Ewald, J. (2015). Fördjupas den demokratiska samhällsutvecklingen i Tanzania? Valen 2015.. .
- Ewald, J. (2013). Är demokrati och utveckling ömsesidigt förstärkande? Ett exempel från Tanzania. .
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ewald, J., Närman, A. (2001). A short background of the Centre for Africa Studies at Göteborg University. Göteborg University in Africa. Africa at Göteborg University.. Göteborg, Centre for Africa Studies, Göteborg University.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ewald, J., Mhamba, R. (2014). Will the up-coming elections rift democratic development in Tanzania? - Discussion on some risks and possibilities : A presentation at the Swedish Embassy, Dar es Salaam 2014-01-23. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Swedish Embassy. 20.
- Edman, S., Ewald, J. (2005). Maraba coffee - visar att det går! Succéhistorien om Abahuzamugambi Coffee Cooperative : Rättvis handel och ekologisk kaffeproduktion kan skapa landsbygdsutveckling och framtidshopp i Afrika. 1.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ewald, J., Johansson, K., Nilsson, A., Åkesson, G. (2014). Biståndspolitiska plattformen är starkt ideologiserad. Bistå, Föreningen för Utvecklingsstudier. 2.