Jonas Nordqvist

Jonas Nordqvist

Associate senior lecturer
Department of Mathematics Faculty of Technology
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I have extensive experience teaching at various levels within both bachelor's and master's programs, as well as the engineering program in technical mathematics. Additionally, I have many years of experience supervising thesis projects in both mathematics and computer science.

I'm always interested in taking on students for degree projects. Please feel free to contact me if you have an idea to discuss.


My primary research interest is dynamical systems, discrete mathematics and various aspects of machine learning and AI. In my thesis I studied iterations of power series giving rise to discrete dynamical systems. The iterated functions are studied both from a dynamical perspective and from a number theoretic point of view. The problem have lead to results in number theory, non-archimedean dynamics, and in complex dynamics. Nowadays my primary interest is machine learning and AI and I'm part of the research group AI and machine learning for optimization and operations research. Our most current project concerns developing new methods and algorithms for reinforcement learning.

I'm an assistant supervisor of five PhD-students. These are from mathematics and computer science and four of them are related to the project DIA.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)

Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)

Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)