Jorge Luis Zapico
Senior lecturer
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology
Faculty of Technology
Jorge is a researcher looking at the intersection of ICT and sustainability, with focus on how we can use computers to create, share and visualize sustainability data.
My research groups
Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies The research in the subject Media Technology at Linnaeus University revolves a lot around mobility, social media and learning, and is mainly carried out…
Engineering Resilient Systems (EReS) The Engineering Resilient Systems (EReS) Research Lab conducts research in the area of system resilience. It focuses on investigating (and experimenting with)…
Smart Industry Group Smart Industry Group (SIG) is an interdisciplinary research group featuring expertise from computer science and mechanical engineering. SIG's focus is making production and…
My ongoing research projects
Project expert competence: Smart Industry, phase 2 The goal of the project is to develop courses at advanced level linked to Smart Industry based on the skills needs of industry. The project's target…
Project: Climate neutral Växjö 2030 This project is a research collaboration with Växjö municipality for achieving a climate neutral Växjö in 2030 and how digital technologies can support this goal…
Project: Designing digital technologies for supporting energy-related behavior change in the kitchen This project aims to design, develop and evaluate digital behavioral change tools. The goal is to…
Project: OptiForValue Optimising forest operations for sustainable forest management and high-value applications.
Project: Smart storage solutions in the fridge of the future to reduce food waste About one third of the food production in the world is thrown away, which is one of the largest single sources of…
My completed research projects
Project: Smart Cities – Ready project The Ready project is a five year (2014-2019) international research project financed by the European Commission, focusing on implementing advanced energy…
Seed project: Data-intensive tools for effective carbon mitigation in forestry The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Kanyama, A.C., Zapico, J.L., Holmberg, C., Wikman-Svahn, P. (2024). "The Greatest Benefit Is to Think Differently" : Experiences of Developing and Using a Web-Based Tool for Decision-Making under Deep Uncertainty for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise in Municipalities. Sustainability. 16 (5).
Status: Published -
Katzeff, C., Milestad, R., Zapico, J.L., Bohne, U. (2020). Encouraging Organic Food Consumption through Visualization of Personal Shopping Data. Sustainability. 12 (9). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Hedin, B., Zapico, J.L. (2018). What Can You Do with 100 kWh? : A Longitudinal Study of Using an Interactive Energy Comparison Tool to Increase Energy Awareness. Sustainability. 10 (7).
Status: Published -
Zapico, J.L., Turpeinen, M., Guath, M. (2011). Kilograms or cups of tea : Comparing footprints for better CO2 understanding. PsychNology Journal. 9 (1). 43-54.
Status: Published -
Zapico, J.L., Brandt, N., Turpeinen, M. (2010). Environmental metrics : The Main Opportunity from ICT for Industrial Ecology. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 14 (5). 703-706.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Stojanov, M., Pargman, D., Hazas, M., Comber, R., Zapico, J.L. (2023). How do we arrive at constraints? : Articulating limits for computing. LIMITS, Ninth Computing within Limits 2023.
- Zapico, J.L., Ahlgren, F., Zennaro, M. (2022). Insect biodiversity in agriculture using IoT : opportunities and needs for further research. IEEE Global Communications Conference, 7-11 December 2021, Madrid, Spain : Connecting Cultures around the Globe. 1-5.
- Katzeff, C., Carlsson Kanyama, A., Zapico, J.L. (2019). Share or waste? : Using an ICT-platform to share food on a university campus. ICT for Sustainability : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 10-14, 2019. 1-7.
- Zapico, J.L., Maja, S. (2018). Transparent farmers : how farmers are using technology for new ways of selling and communicating with consumers. ICT4S2018, 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainability. 398-409.
- Zapico, J.L., Hedin, B. (2017). Energy Weight : Tangible Interface for Increasing Energy Literacy. 2017 Fifth IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT 2017). 97-99.
- Hedin, B., Zapico, J.L. (2017). – Increasing Energy Awareness Using an Interactive Energy Comparison Tool. Persuasive Technology : Development and Implementation of Personalized Technologies to Change Attitudes and Behaviors. 175-185.
- Svenfelt, Å., Zapico, J.L. (2016). Sustainable food systems with ICT?. 4th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2016). 194-201.
- Zapico, J.L., Katzeff, C., Ulrica, B., Rebecka, M. (2016). Eco-feedback Visualization for Closing the Gap of Organic Food Consumption. Proceedings of the NordiCHI '16 : The 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction : Game Changing Design.
- Bohne, U., Zapico, J.L., Katzeff, C. (2015). The EcoPanel : designing for reflection on greener grocery shopping practices. Proceedings of Enviroinfo and ICT for Sustainability 2015. 221-228.
- Zapico, J.L. (2014). Blinded by data : The risks of the implicit focus on data in ICT for Sustainability. ICT4S. 148-154.
- Zapico, J.L., Pargman, D., Ebner, H., Eriksson, E. (2013). Hacking sustainability : Broadening participation through Green Hackathons. .
- Zapico, J.L., Sayan, B., Bonanni, L., Turpeinen, M., Young, S. (2011). Footprinted. org : experiences from using linked open data for environmental impact information. Proceedings of the 25th EnviroInfo Conference – Innovations in Sharing Environmental Observations and Information..
- Bonanni, L., Ebner, H., Hockenberry, M., Sayan, B., Brandt, N., et al. (2011). Sourcemap. org : First Application of Linked and Open LCA Data to Support Sustainability. .
- Zapico, J.L., Turpeinen, M., Brandt, N. (2010). Greenalytics : a tool for mash-up life cycle assessment of websites. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Aachen, Germany.
- Zapico, J.L., Kjelkerud, D., Berggren, H., Turpeinen, M., Brandt, N. (2010). : improving the understanding of carbon dioxide information. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection..
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Zapico, J.L. (2014). Green Hackathon : Hacking for sustainable food. 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability 2014, ICT4S-WS 2014, Co-Located with ICT4S 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, 24 August 2014 through 27 August 2014.
- Bonanni, L., Ebner, H., Hockenberry, M., Sayan, B., Zapico Lamela, J.L., et al. (2010). The Open Sustainability Project : A Linked Data Approach to LCA. LCA X, Bridging Science, Policy, and the Public 2-4 November 2010, Portland, Oregon.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Zapico, J.L. (2013). The Hacker Ethic, Openness, and Sustainability. The Open Book. London, The Finnish Institute. 40-44.
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ståhl, Å., Snodgrass, E., Hruza, S., Zapico, J.L., Gustafsson, D., et al. (2024). Holding Surplus House hosting Regenerative Energy Communitie and Solar Internet that collaboratively present Windternet : Part of Sun in My Backyard exhibition at Vandalorum.
Tiny House on Wheels, prototype, material experimentation, Mycelium windturbine, solar panel
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Zapico, J.L. (2012). ICT and Environmental Sustainability, Friend or Fœ?. Information Technologies & International Development. Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. 8 (3). 99-101.
Status: Published