Jørgen Bruhn
ProfessorJørgen Bruhn (1968) has done research on Marcel Proust, M.M. Bakhtin, medieval French literature (Chrétien de Troyes), literary theory and history of the novel. Bruhn's earlier books include Proust. En Introduktion til På sporet efter den tabte tid (1998), M.M. Bakhtin - Romanens tænker (1998), Lovely Violence. The Critical Romances of Chrétien de Troyes (2010), and (with Anne Gjelsvik and Eirik Frisvold Hanssen as co-editors) Adaptation Studies. New Approaches, New Challenges (Bloomsbury 2013).
For several years now, Bruhn's work has focused on questions of intermediality and interart and he has published several articles and edited volumes in Swedish, Danish and English on intermedial questions. His work has been translated into Portuguese and Chinese.
His book Intermediality and Narrative Literature: Medialities Matter, which includes case studies of Nabokov, Carver, Tobias Wolff and Jennifer Egan, was published in 2016 and he co-edited a Danish volume Litteratur mellem Medier [Literature between Media] in 2017 (with Tore Rye Andersen et al), and, co-written with Anne Gjelsvik, he published the monograph, Cinema between Media. An Intermediality Approach (2018).
In 2022 Bruhn co-edited with Beate Schirrmacher Intermedial Studies. An Introduction to Meaning across Media and with Ida Bencke he co-edited Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices (2022). Bruhn, Camilla Brudin Borg and Rikard Wingård gave out the Swedish anthology Ekokritiska metoder (2022) - the ecocritical volume was edited with additional chapters into an English version under the title Contemporary Ecocritical Methods in 2024.
He is currently leading the Linnæus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies in Växjö and he has in recent years been intensely occupied with the pathways between intermedial studies and contemporary ecocriticism, including the notion of the Anthropocene. With colleagues from the research cluster IMS Green he is trying to establish a methodological and theoretical approach, Intermedial Ecocriticism, which will enable researchers to describe, analyse, and compare media products across media types, including scientific articles, feature and documentary film, literature, popular science communication and of course literature and the arts.
Bruhn's most recent publications are Intermedial Ecocriticism. The Climate Crisis in Arts and Media (a monograph co-written with Niklas Salmose, 2023), and Palgrave Handbook in Intermediality (2024 - co-edited with Vieira and Lopez-Varela, 2024).
My research groups
Center for Studies in Popular Culture (PoCuS) Center for Popular Culture Studies (PoCuS) is a center for research, education, and collaboration with popular culture at its center. We regard popular…
Centre for Climate Emergency Studies We live in a state of planetary climate emergency. This is becoming increasingly clear in all aspects of life. But what is meant by the terms "climate" and…
Digital Humanities Digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study that represents a bridge between the arts and humanities and information technology.
Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) The Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) is an interdisciplinary research centre that takes a…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Communication across Media Borders: The Limitations and Possibilities of Transmediation The project investigates how meaning is changed – corrupted or enhanced – when travelling among…
Project: Intermedial Ecocriticism: Transmediating the Anthropocene This project responds from a humanities perspective to an urgent societal challenge: how can the Anthropocene ecological crisis be…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Bruhn, J. (2023). Towards an Intermedial Theory of Medial Agency : Environing Media. European Review. 31. S132-S147.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J., Hart, H. (2020). Melting, Blurring, Moaning. Annihilation as Narrative Adaptation to Planetary Crisis?. Diegesis. 9 (2). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2020). Intermedial økokritik : Repæsentationer af økokrisen i forskellige medier. Samlaren : Tidskrift för forskning om svensk och annan nordisk litteratur. 141. 137-164.
Status: Published -
Hohlfeldt, A., Munari, A.C., Martins, M.D.L., Bruhn, J. (2020). Práticas de intermidialidade. Letras de Hoje. 55 (1).
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2020). Intermedial Ecocriticism : The Anthropocene Ecological Crisis across Media and the Arts. Ekphrasis : Images, Cinema, Theory, Media. 24 (2). 5-18.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2018). Ecology as pre-text ? : The paradoxical presence of ecological thematics in contemporary Scandinavian quality TV. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture. 10 (2). 66-73.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2016). Introduction to the Anthropocene theme. Ekfrase : Nordisk Tidsskrift for Visuell Kultur. 7 (1-2). 7-9.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2015). Ginsberg’s Animating Typewriter : Mixing Senses and Media in Howl (2010). Word and Image. 30 (4). 348-361.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2015). ”’Seeing without Understanding’ : Mediality aspects of Literature and Memory in Vladimir Nabokov’s ”Spring in Fialta”. Orbis Litterarum. 70 (5). 380-404.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2015). Å lese, se og høre film : En intermedial analyse av Dag Johan Haugeruds Som du ser meg. Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning. (4). 265-281.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2013). David Simon’s Novel Cop Show. New Review of Film and Television Studies. 11 (2). 133-153.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2013). Now a Major Soundtrack! – Madness, Music, and Ideology in Shutter Island. Adaptation. 6 (3). 320-337.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2013). Post-Medium Literature? Two examples of Contemporary Scandinavian "Literature". Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica. 5 (1). 79-94.
Status: Published -
Andersson, R., Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2012). The Wire og kriminalitetens afkroge. Passage. (68).
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2012). “Jan Troell’s Fleeting Still Moments”. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 2 (1). 55-72.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A., Thune, H. (2011). Parallel worlds of possible meetings in Let The Right One In. Word and Image. 27 (1). 2-14.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2010). Medium, intermedialitet, heteromedialitet. Kritik. (198).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Bruhn, J. (2011). Keynoteföreläsning: Scandinavian Misanthropology.
- Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A., Thune, H. (2009). Crossing the Windows of Perception. .
- Bruhn, J. (2009). On Heteromediality. .
- Bruhn, J. (2009). keynoteföreläsning: The Borders of Aesthetics in Cultural History. .
- Bruhn, J. (2009). A Bakhtinian Reading of Torso. .
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Proust on film.
Book (Refereed)
- Salmose, N., Bruhn, J. (2024). Intermedial Ecocriticism : The Climate Crisis Through Art and Media. Lexington Books.
- Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2018). Cinema Between Media : An Intermediality Approach. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
- Bruhn, J. (2016). The Intermediality and Narrative Literature : Medialities Matter. London, Palgrave Pivot.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N. (2024). Intermedial Ecocriticism. Contemporary Ecocritical Methods. Lanham, Lexington. 223-242.
- Bruhn, J., Azcárate, A.L., De Paiva Vieira, M. (2024). Introduction to the Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan. 1-10.
- Bruhn, J., Azcárate, A.L., De Paiva Vieira, M. (2023). Introduction to the Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan. 1-10.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2023). Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies and the Legacy of Lars Elleström. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bruhn, J., Davidsson, M., Salmose, N. (2023). The Ecological Crisis and Intermedial Studies. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media combination, transmediation and media representation. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 100-105.
- Bruhn, J., Lutas, L., Salmose, N., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media Representation : Film, Music and Painting in Literature. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 162-193.
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N. (2022). Intermedial ekokritik. Ekokritiska metoder. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 233-258.
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N., Schirrmacher, B., Tornborg, E. (2022). Truthfulness and truth claims as transmedial phenomena. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 225-254.
- Bruhn, J., Gutowska, A., Tornborg, E., Knust, M. (2022). Transmediation. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning across Media. New York, Routledge. 138-161.
- Bruhn, J. (2021). Intermediala studier : en kort introduktion. Favorit i repris! : bruk och återbruk inom barnkulturen. Stockholm University. 16-25.
- Bruhn, J. (2020). O que é midialidade, e (como) isso importa? : Termos teóricos e metodologia. A intermidialidade e os estudos interartes na arte contemporânea. Editora FGV.
- Bruhn, J. (2020). “We’re Doomed – Now What?” : Transmediating Temporality Into Narrative Forms. Transmediations : Communication Across Media Borders. London, Routledge. 217-234.
- Bruhn, J. (2020). Mind the Gap : Naturvetenskaplig kunskap och litteraturundervisning. Didaktiska perspektiv på hållbarhetsteman : i barn- och ungdomslitteratur. Natur och kultur.
- Bruhn, J. (2020). Towards an Intermedial Ecocriticism. Beyond Media Borders, Volume 2 : Intermedial Relations among Multimodal Media. London, Palgrave Macmillan. 117-148.
- Bruhn, J. (2020). Sammenløbsmuseum : C.Y. Frostholms intermediale økopoetik. Att skriva med ljus : 13 essäer om litteratur och fotografi. Makadam Förlag. 291-309.
- Bruhn, J., Rossholm, A.S. (2019). Mellan artefakt och arkefakt. Apropå Eric M. : en antologi om Eric M. Nilssons filmer. Röstånga, Trollrumma. 167-174.
- Bruhn, J., Thune, H. (2018). In between Life and Death : Sophie Calle’s Rachel, Monique (2014). The Power of the In-Between : Intermediality as a Tool for Aesthetic Analysis and Critical Reflection. Stockholm, Stockholm University Press. 25-48.
- Bruhn, J. (2018). “Visionary Cartography” : The Aesthetic Mediation of the Anthropocene in Kaspar Colling Nielsen’s Mount Copenhagen. Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment : Ecocritical Approaches to Northern European Literatures and Cultures. Lexington, Lexington Books.
- Bruhn, J. (2017). Afterword : Notes on a pedagogical experiment – and on Superpowers of Ten. Intermedial Mediations of the Anthropocene. Belo Horizonte, Viva Voz. 79-90.
- Bruhn, J. (2016). Mikhael Bachtin. Kulturteori og kultursociologi. København, Hans Reitzels Forlag. 253-280.
- Bruhn, J. (2016). Adaption: et litterært grænsefænomen. Litteratur mellem medier. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Andersson, R., Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2015). The Corners of Crime. The Wire and America's Dark corners : Critical Essays. New York, McFarland. 81-94.
- Bruhn, J. (2015). Representation : Courtly Love as a Problem of Literary Sense-Representation. The Saturated Sensorium : Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages. Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 112-129.
- Bruhn, J. (2014). Meeting the Other in a Medieval Literary Chivalric Novel. Europe and its Interior Other(s). Aarhus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 23-35.
- Bruhn, J. (2013). Dialogising Adaptation Studies : From One-way transport to a Dialogic Two-way process. Adaptation Studies : New Challenges, New Directions. Bloomsbury Academic. 69-88.
- Bruhn, J. (2013). ”La lettre au cinéma n’est pas une excellente solution” : A Heteromedial analysis of Chantal Akerman’s Proust Adaptation. The Art of the Text : Visuality in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literary and Other Media. University of Wales Press. 201-215.
- Gjelsvik, A., Bruhn, J. (2012). Listen Carefully : The Wires opgør med politiserien. Fjernsyn for viderekomne : Amerikanske tv-serier. Aarhus, 16:9. 115-129.
- Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A. (2012). It’s not Television, It’s DVD : New and Old Ways of Representing in The Wire. Film in the Post Media Age. Cluj Napoca, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 343-356.
- Bruhn, J. (2012). On the Borders of Art and Poetry. The Borders of Europe : hegemony, aesthetics and border poetics. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 217-230.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Bruhn, J., López-Varela Azcárate, A., De Paiva Vieira, M. (2024). The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan. 1262.
- Bencke, I., Bruhn, J. (2022). Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices. Punctum Books. 324.
- Brudin Borg, C., Bruhn, J., Wingård, R. (2022). Ekokritiska metoder. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 315.
- Bruhn, J., Lutas, L. (2020). Ekphrasis. Images, Cinema, Theory, Media : Vol. 24, Issue 2/2020, The Anthropocene and Intermedial Ecocriticism. Universitatea Babes-Bolyai. 63.
- Bruhn, J., Löwe, C., Lutas, L., Rossholm, A.S., Salmose, N., et al. (2016). Ekfrase : Nordisk Tidsskrift for Visuell Kultur. Bergen, Universitetsforlaget. 100.
Article, book review (Refereed)
Bruhn, J. (2016). Stacy Alaimo : Exposed : Environmental politics & pleasures in posthuman times. Ekfrase : Nordisk Tidsskrift for Visuell Kultur. (1-2). 78-80.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
He, C., Bruhn, J. (2023). Introduction to Re-considering Intermediality across Disciplines : New Directions. European Review. 31. S1-S6.
Status: Published -
Elleström, L., Bruhn, J. (2022). ”Ikonicitet” TfL 2008:1 : Med författarens kommentar, tretton år senare, och inledning av Jørgen Bruhn. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap. 51 (3-4). 118-140.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2021). Ur led er sinnet. 20tal. 4-5. 94-100.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2009). Besat af besættelsen : Matador, von Triers juuropa og Hasles fiktive historieskrivning. Humanetten. (24). 27-29.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2008). Intermedialitet : framtidens humanistiska grunddisciplin?. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap. 21 (1). 21-39.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Bruhn, J. (2010). Rethinking Adaptation. .
- Bruhn, J. (2010). Intermedialitet/Heteromedialitet : Key Note föreläsning.
- Bruhn, J. (2009). För intermedialiteten?. .
Book (Other academic)
- Bruhn, J. (2010). Lovely Violence. The Critical Romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2024). Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies and the Legacy of Lars Elleström. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 185-202.
- Bruhn, J., Davidsson, M., Salmose, N. (2024). The Ecological Crisis and Intermedial Studies. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 1033-1059.
- Bencke, I., Bruhn, J. (2022). Introduction. Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices. Punctum Books. 9-20.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Intermedial Studies. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 3-27.
- Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A., Hanssen, E.F. (2013). "There and Back Again'" : New challenges and new directions in adaption studies. Adaption studies : new challenges, new directions. Bloomsbury Academic. 1-16.
- Bruhn, J. (2012). Litterær medialitetsanalyse. Medialitet, intermedialitet og analyse. Akademiet for Æstetikfaglig forskeruddannelse. 50-68.
- Eriksson, K.L., Bruhn, J. (2011). Intermediala perspektiv på Stefan och Herodes. Intermediala perspektiv på medeltida ballader. Möklinta, Gidlunds förlag. 146-178.
- Bruhn, J. (2010). Heteromediality. Media, Modalities, and Modes. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bruhn, J. (2009). From reference to deferment: ekphrasis, authority, and fiction in Chrétien de Troyes. Negotiating Heritage : Memories of the middle ages. Turnhout, Belgien, Brepols. 81-103.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Tristan Transformed. Bodies and Media in the Historical Transformation of the Tristan and Isolde-Myth. Changing Borders. Contemporary Positions in Intermediality. Lund Intermedia Press. 20.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Brudin Borg, C., Wingård, R., Bruhn, J. (2024). Contemporary Ecocritical Methods. Lexington Books. 289.
- Bruhn, J., Nilsson Skåve, Å., Posti, P.K., Salomonsson, A. (2022). Litteraturen i arbete : Vänskrift till Peter Forsgren. Växjö, Trolltrumma. 198.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 354.
- Bruhn, J., Arbex, M., Flores Nogueira Diniz, T. (2017). Aletria : Revista de Estudos de Literatura : Literatura e arte : as fronteiras em discussão. Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. 60.
- Bruhn, J., Gjelsvik, A., Frisvold Hanssen, E. (2013). Adaptation Studies : New Challenges, New Directions. Bloomsbury Academic. 292.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Bruhn, J. (2021). James Tweedie, Moving Pictures, Still Lives: Film, New Media and the Late Twentieth Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 304 pp.. Screen. Oxford University Press. 62 (1). 116-118.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2011). Steen Klitgård Povlsen: Forfatterens billede. : Portræt af en genre. Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning. (1). 98-100.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2010). Litterær kulturturisme? : om Steen Kiltgård Povlsen, Forfatterens billede. Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning. (4).
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2010). Inter-hvad for noget? : Recension av: Medie- og kommunikationsleksion. Humanetten. Växjö, lnu.
Status: Published -
Bruhn, J. (2009). Recension av Christer Johanssson, Mimetisk syskonskap. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap. (3-4). 131-133.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bruhn, J. (2008). En samtida Hamlet?: Daniel Boyacioglu.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). The Intermediality of Astrid Lindgren.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Bachtin mellem medier.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Imre Kertèsz: a Post-Derridean Writer.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Bachtin og intermedial teori.
- Bruhn, J. (2008). Heteromedialitet og androgynitet: Woolf, Potter, Banks.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Conference proceedings (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bruhn, J., Askander, M. (2010). Ekelöf mellan konstartarna : fyra essäer. Lund, Lund intermedia press. 73.