Karin Lagergren
Associate professorKarin Lagergren is associate professor in musicology and Research Associate at the Alamire Foundation, Leuven University. I teach mainly music history and ethnomusicology. My research is primarily focused on early music and Gregorian chant, which in the latter case concerns the whole genre until present times. I have in particular conducted research in the Order of St. Birgitta of Sweden (ca 1303-1373), from its foundation in the 14th century up to its most recent developments. In 2024 my monograph 'Birgittine Chantscapes. Chant and Liturgy in the Order of St Birgitta of Sweden 14th-21st century' will be published by IRILIS, Amsterdam. I am also educated music teacher and singer, and am active as freelance as musician and pedagogue in the area of early vocal music. I frequently give lectures and workshops outside academia related to early music, chant, and St Birgitta.
Examples of larger research projects:
2013-2015 'The Transmission of the Cantus Sororoum in the Low Countries'. International postdoc, Swedish Research Council. Linnaeus University and Leuven University/Alamire Foundation (BE).
2016-2020 'The Musical World of the Birgittine Order - A comparative study of four Birgittine abbeys'. Research project funded by The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences. Linnaeus University.
2017-2020 'Multisensory Vadstena in the Late Middle Ages'. Interdisciplinary research project funded by the Swedish Research Council. Uppsala University.
Board member of Cantus Planus: a study group of the International Musicological Society dedicated to research on sacred song – or chant. It brings together scholars, performers and other interested parties from around the globe.
Member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Music
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Lagergren, K. (2022). Benedicamus Domino tropes in the Birgittine Order : embellishing everyday liturgy. Early music. 50 (4). 465-476.
Status: Published -
Autio, H., Barbagallo, M., Ask, C., Bard Hagberg, D., Lindqvist Sandgren, E., et al. (2021). Historically Based Room Acoustic Analysis and Auralization ofa Church in the 1470s. Applied Sciences : APPS. 11 (4).
Status: Published -
Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2018). The Invitatory antiphons in Cantus sororum : A unique repertoire in a world of standard chant. Plainsong and Medieval Music. 27 (2). 121-142.
Status: Published -
Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2016). The Birgittine Mass Liturgy Through Five Centuries : A Case Study of the Uden Sources. Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft. 57. 49-71.
Status: Published -
Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2015). 'Save us from plague, sudden death, and every tribulation' : The Antiphon Hec est preclarum vas in the Birgittine Context. Journal of the Alamire Foundation. 7 (2). 101-116.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Lagergren, K. (2023). The Birgittine liturgical music – team work or the ouvre of a genious mind? : A new hypothesis for an old question. Birgittine Circles : People and saints in the medieval world. 159-175.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2020). The Birgittine Abbey of Maria Refugie : Five hundred years of manuscript production. Ims Study Group, Cantus Planus : Papers read at the XVII meeting, Venice, Italy, 28 July - 1 August 2014. 61-71.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Musikhandskrifter. Kodex : Boken i medeltidens Sverige. Lund, Mediehistoriskt arkiv. 368-375.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2018). O Birgitta, du som talat med all vishet : Musikens makt i den heliga Birgittas klosterorden. Musikens makt : RJ:s årsbok 2018. Stockholm, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. 145-160.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2017). Placing the Torstuna Missal in the Dominican Sphere. The Torstuna Missal : A Dominican manuscript produced in 14th century France and its fate in Sweden. Stockholm, Riksarkivet. 15-18.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2015). [ Inventory of ] Tongeren Onze-Lieve-Vrouwebasiliek : Ms. 001 (olim III) & Ms. 002 (olim II). Antiphonaria. A Catalogue of Notated Office Manuscripts Preserved in Flanders (c. 1100 -c. 1880) : Volume I. Averbode, Dendermonde, Geel, Ghent, Tongeren. Turnhout, Brepols. 101-103.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Lagergren, K. (2023). The Birgittine Liturgical Music – Teamwork or the Product of a Single Genious Mind? : A New Hypothesis for an Old Question. Birgittine Circles : People and Saints in the Medieval World. 159-175.
- Lagergren, K. (2023). St. Botvid of Botkyrka : a local saint and his two Offices. .
- Lagergren, K. (2023). Studying and researching early music in Sweden. .
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Monastic Chant through 600 Years : A Case Study of the Order of the Birgittines. IMS 2022 : 21st Quinquennia lCongress of the International Musicological Society. 228-229.
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Double liturgies – : the case of the Order of the Birgittines. .
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Sång i den heliga Birgittas klosterorden : ett chantscape. .
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Källor för att rekonstruera Vadstenaliturgin – möjligheter och omöjligheter. .
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Why was the Birgittine Order so popular in the Low Countries?. .
- Lagergren, K. (2022). Double liturgies – the case of the Order of the Birgittines. .
- Lagergren, K. (2021). How can databases for chant scholars be a useful research tool?. .
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2019). Divided but united : the Birgittine double abbey liturgy. 47th Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference 2019 (MedRen) : Basel, 3 to 6 July 2019. Program. 60-60.
- Bygdéus, P., Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2019). Legitimitet och närvaro i klostersång. Musikforskning idag 2019, Göteborgs universitet, 12–14 juni 2019 : Program och abstrakt. 12-12.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2018). The Invitatory Antiphons in the Birgittine Office Cantus sororum. Abstracts, Cantus Planus 2018 : August 7-12 – Linnaeus University, Växjö. 34-34.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2018). The Torstuna Missal : A New Source to Dominican Chant. Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, MedRen 2018, Maynooth.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2018). Remembering Birgitta with music. Presented at the International Medieval Congress 2018, Leeds, 2-5 July : Special Thematic Strand: ‘Memory’.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2013). Monastic liturgical singing after the Second Vatican Council. Papers read at the 15th meeting of the IMS study group Cantus Planus : Dobogókő/Hungary, 2009, Aug. 23-29.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2017). A reformed Cantus Sororum in Maria Refugie around 1800. Continuity and change : papers from the Birgitta Conference at Dartington 2015. Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 325-337.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2013). Kommentar till transkription av sekvensen Hec est dies dominus. Fragment ur arkiven : festskrift till Jan Brunius. Stockholm, Riksarkivet. 158-161.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2012). Musiken i Torstunamissalet. Härnevi kyrka och socken : perspektiv på ett uppländskt lokalsamhälle under medeltiden. Stockholm, Stockholm University. 86-98.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2012). Medeltida kyrkomusik i Skara stift : forskningsöversikt och källpresentation. Kyrka, kultur, historia : en festskrift till Johnny Hagberg. Skara, Skara stiftshistoriska sällskap. 419-438.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2011). Några preliminära iaktagelser kring hymnerna i Psalterium Scarense. Melos och Logos : festskrift till Folke Bohlin. Skellefteå, Artos & Norma bokförlag. 337-349.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2009). Ordet blev sång : liturgisk sång i katolska kloster 2005-2007. Doctoral Thesis. Skellefteå, Artos & Norma bokförlag. 410.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Lagergren, K. (2023). Avhandlingsrecension av Hellsten, Laura : Through the bone and marrow: re-examining theological encounters with dance in Medieval Europe. Svenskt Gudstjänstliv. Skellefteå, Artos och Norma Bokförlag. (98). 175-179.
Status: Published -
Lagergren, K. (2023). Avhandlingsrecension Helen Rossil: Kingotone og Brorsonsang– folkelig salmesang i Danmark. Svenskt Gudstjänstliv. Skellefteå, Artos och Norma Bokförlag. 98. 184-190.
Status: In press
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Lagergren, K. (2021). Sången i den heliga Birgittas kloster. Tidig musik: magasinet för musik från medeltid, renässans och barock. (4). 28-30.
Status: Published -
Lagergren, K. (2020). Sånger till sankt Sigfrid : Smålands och Sveriges äldsta kyrkomusik. Tidig musik: magasinet för musik från medeltid, renässans och barock. (3). 32-34.
Status: Published -
Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2009). Re-gregorianisering : Gregoriansk renässans i katolska kloster. Noterat. (17). 95-113.
Status: Published -
Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2009). Enstämmigt kulturarv skapar känsla av samhörighet. Tvärsnitt. Humanistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning. (4). 34-37.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Lagergren, K. (2015). Musikaliska sällskapets i Visby notsamling på Landsarkivet i Visby. Festskrift till Musikaliska sällskapet i Visby 1815-2015. Visby, Musikaliska Sällskapet i Visby. 68-89.
- Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2010). Dagsländor, halvkändisar och kanoniserade genier. Från borg till julmarknad - slott och herrgårdar i Västergötland. Skara, Västergötlands fornminnesförening. 99-104.
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Lagergren, K. (2021). Music for a plague.
- Lagergren, K. (2020). S:t Sigfrids officium : Celebremus karissimi. Sterling Records CDA 1840-2.
Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2018). Maria! Maria! : 400 Years of Chant in the Birgittine Order. Stockholm, Sterling Records.
Album by Ensamble Gemma, containing 37 songs.
CDA 1828-2
EAN 7393338182825
. - Strinnholm Lagergren, K. (2015). The Torstuna Missal : Dominican Chant from the 14th Century. Stockholm, Runica et medievalia.
- Lagergren, K. (2003). Fikon, fiddlor och finlir. : En musikalisk smak av 1300-talet..
- Lagergren, K. (2002). Ende hier omme swighic sachte. Atlas.