My research groups and projects
Project: Child-Parent Psychotherapy – a Feasibility Study for Children in Foster Care The aim of the study is to investigate the feasibility of Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) for children in foster…
Project: Evaluation of group interventions for children after exposure to violence toward a caregiver Exposure to violence toward a caregiver is associated with negative impact on children's health…
Project: Organizing for trust – coordinated efforts for children's best This research project aimed to contribute with knowledge-based support within the initiative ”Barnens bästa gäller! i Kronoberg”…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Child-Parent Psychotherapy – a Feasibility Study for Children in Foster Care The aim of the study is to investigate the feasibility of Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) for children in foster…
Project: Connected Children: Partnership for a knowledge-based and innovative prevention This project combines practice and research for the development of knowledge-based prevention. The aim is to…
Project: Evaluation of group interventions for children after exposure to violence toward a caregiver Exposure to violence toward a caregiver is associated with negative impact on children's health…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Pernebo, K., Alåsen, M., Axhed, A., Massoudi, P. (2024). Facilitators and barriers to the implementation and sustainability of child-parent psychotherapy in Sweden : Clinicians’ experiences. Children and youth services review. 159.
Status: Published -
Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K. (2023). Reduced Posttraumatic Stress in Mothers Taking Part in Group Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence. Violence and Victims. 38 (1). 130-147.
Status: Published -
Lindgren Fändriks, A., Almqvist, K., Hjärthag, F., Pernebo, K. (2023). Child health care nurses' experience of language screening for 2.5-year-old children : A qualitative study. Nursing Open. 10 (9). 6583-6591.
Status: Published -
Pernebo, K., Fridell, M., Almqvist, K. (2019). Reduced psychiatric symptoms at 6 and 12 months' follow-up of psychotherapeutic and psychoeducative group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence. Child Abuse & Neglect. 93. 228-238.
Status: Published -
Pernebo, K., Fridell, M., Almqvist, K. (2018). Outcomes of psychotherapeutic and psychoeducative group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence.. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect. 79. 213-223.
Status: Published -
Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K. (2017). Young Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence Describe their Abused Parent : A Qualitative Study. Journal of family Violence. 32 (2). 169-178.
Status: Published -
Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K. (2016). Young children's experiences of participating in group treatment for children exposed to intimate partner violence : A qualitative study. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 21 (1). 119-132.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K., Fridell, M. (2019). Six and 12-month follow-up of group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence. .
- Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K. (2019). Children with Experience of Intimate Partner Violence describe their Abused Parent.. .
- Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K. (2019). Description of how Child-Parent Psychotherapy was implemented in Sweden and Norway through a Clinical and Academic Training Collaborative, Research and the Formation of a Nordic Network.. .
- Pernebo, K., Fridell, M., Almqvist, K. (2018). Outcomes of group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence, 6- and 12-months follow-up of an effectiveness study. .
- Pernebo, K., Fridell, M., Almqvist, K. (2017). Outcomes of a psychotherapeutic and a psychoeducative group intervention for children exposed to intimate partner violence. .
- Pernebo, K., Fridell, M., Svensson, I., Almqvist, K. (2016). Utvärdering av två svenska gruppinterventioner för barn med erfarenhet av våld i föräldrarnas nära relation.. .
- Pernebo, K., Almqvist, K. (2015). Children with experience of intimate partner violence describe their abused parent: A qualitative study.. .
- Pernebo, K., Fridell, M., Almqvist, K. (2014). Young children’s experiences of participating in group treatment for children exposedto intimate partner violence: A qualitative study. .
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Pernebo, K. (2020). Barn utsatta för våld i sin familj. Barn & unga i utsatta livssituationer : perspektiv från forskning och praktik. Stockholm, Liber. 103-122.
Report (Other academic)
- Almqvist, K., Bäccman, C., Anderzén-Carlsson, A., Norlén, A., Pernebo, K., et al. (2018). iRiSk II: Utveckling av bedömningsinstrument och stödinsatser för våldsutsatta barn - rapport fråm två delprojekt. 34.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Pernebo, K. (2018). Children in group interventions after exposure to violence toward a caregiver : Experiences, needs, and outcomes. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Pernebo, K. (2021). Psykoterapeutisk behandling för små barn och deras omsorgspersoner efter svåra livshändelser. Svensk Familjeterapi. (1). 26-33.
Status: Published
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Pernebo, K., Ulmestig, R., Eriksson, S. (2010). Konsultationer från specialistnivå till basnivå : en utvärdering av ett projekt inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin. Växjö, FoU Kronoberg. 180.