I am senior lecturer in business administration at the School of Business and Economics.
During 2023 I have a new assignment as vice dean for lifelong learning at the School of Business and Economics, where I manage the faculty’s work to develop our offerings in this category. Hence, I am part of the faculty’s management group.
My research has been focused on identity-creating aspects of work. In an earlier project, I have studied managers who have employed culture workers and artists to strengthen collaboration and creativity in their organization. I am part of the knowledge platform Leadership and Organizational Renewal (LOR) and take part in Centrum för ledarskap, among others in leadership development groups with companies and organisations. I am also partly involved in LEIS, Ledarskap och Entreprenörskap I Småland. During 2023, I will conduct empirical studies from these projects.
Previous assignments:
- Head of department of the department of marketing (from -22 including tourism studies), 2016-2022.
- Vice dean for education 2020-2022.
- Project manager of Kompetensutveckling för besöksnäringen, funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation 2020-2021.
- Project manager of Linnaeus University’s implementation of the service planning system Retendo 2017-2020.