Article in journal (Refereed)
Knief, U., Bregnballe, T., Alfarwi, I., Ballmann, M.Z., Brenninkmeijer, A., et al. (2024). Highly pathogenic avian influenza causes mass mortality in Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis breeding colonies across north-western Europe. Bird conservation international. 34.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K. (2023). Age and sex ratios of wintering Long-tailed Ducks Clangula hyemalis can be determined by analysis of photos of flying flocks at sea : A method description. Ornis Svecica. 33. 1-20.
Status: Published -
Boom, M.P., Jeugd, H.P., Steffani, B., Nolet, B.A., Larsson, K., et al. (2022). Postnatal growth rate varies with latitude in range‐expanding geese : The role of plasticity and day length. Journal of Animal Ecology. 91 (2). 417-427.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K. (2022). Age and sex ratios in the declining West Siberian/North European population of Long-tailed Duck wintering in the Baltic Sea : Implications for conservation. Ornis Fennica. 99 (4). 117-131.
Status: Published -
Dahlberg, A., Lundberg Chen, V., Larsson, K., Bergman, Å., Asplund, L. (2016). Hydroxylated and methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) and their main food, Baltic blue mussels (Mytilus trossulus x Mytilus edulis). Chemosphere. 144. 1475-1483.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Hajdu, S., Kilpi, M., Larsson, R., Leito, A., et al. (2014). Effects of an extensive Prymnesium polylepis bloom on breeding eiders in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Sea Research. 88. 21-28.
Status: Published -
Waldeck, P., Larsson, K. (2013). Effects of winter water temperature on mass loss in Baltic blue mussels : implications for foraging sea ducks. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 444. 24-30.
Status: Published -
Jonker, R., Kraus, R., Zhang, Q., Van Hooft, P., Larsson, K., et al. (2013). Genetic consequences of breaking migratory traditions in barnacle geese Branta leucopsis. Molecular Ecology. 22 (23). 5835-5847.
Status: Published -
Pauliny, A., Larsson, K., Blomqvist, D. (2012). Telomere dynamics in a long-lived bird, the barnacle goose. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 12.
Status: Published -
Anderholm, S., Waldeck, P., Van Der Jeugd, H.P., Marshall, R.C., Larsson, K., et al. (2009). Colony kin structure and host-parasite relatedness in the barnacle goose. Molecular Ecology. 18 (23). 4955-4963.
Status: Published -
Anderholm, S., Marshall, R.C., Van Der Jeugd, H.P., Waldeck, P., Larsson, K., et al. (2009). Nest parasitism in the barnacle goose: evidence from protein fingerprinting and microsatellites. Animal Behaviour. 78 (1). 167-174.
Status: Published -
Van Der Jeugd, H.P., Eichhorn, G., Litvin, K.E., Stahl, J., Larsson, K., et al. (2009). Keeping up with early springs : rapid range expansion in an avian herbivore incurs a mismatch between reproductive timing and food supply. Global Change Biology. 15 (5). 1057-1071.
Status: Published -
Feige, N., Van Der Jeugd, H.P., Van Der Graaf, A.J., Larsson, K., Leito, A., et al. (2008). Newly established breeding sites of the barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis in North-western Europe : an overview of breeding habitats and colony development. Die Vogelwelt : Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz. 129. 244-252.
Status: Published -
Ottvall, R., Larsson, K., Smith, H.G. (2005). Nesting success in redshank Tringa totanus breeding on coastal meadows and the importance of perches used by avian predators. Bird Study. 52 (3). 289-296.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Tydén, L. (2005). Effekter av oljeutsläpp på övervintrande alfågel Clangula hyemalis vid Hoburgs bank i centrala Östersjön mellan 1996/97 och 2003/04 : Effects of oil spills on wintering Long-tailed Ducks Clangula hyemalis at Hoburgs bank in central Baltic Sea between 1996/97 and 2003/04. Ornis Svecica. 15. 161-171.
Status: Published -
Ottvall, R., Höglund, J., Bensch, S., Larsson, K. (2005). Population differentiation in the redshank (Tringa totanus) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism.. Conservation Genetics. 6 (3). 321-331.
Status: Published -
Van Der Jeugd, H., Van Der Veen, I., Larsson, K. (2002). Kin clustering in barnacle geese : familiarity or phenotype matching?. Behavioral Ecology. 13 (6). 786-790.
Status: Published -
Olsson, O., Fransson, T., Larsson, K. (1999). Post-fledging migration of common murres Uria aalge in the Baltic Sea : management implications. Ecography. 22 (3). 233-239.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Van Der Jeugd, H.P., Van Der Veen, I., Forslund, P. (1998). Body size declines despite positive directional selection on heritable size traits in a barnacle goose population. Evolution. 52 (4). 1169-1184.
Status: Published -
Van Der Jeugd, H.P., Larsson, K. (1998). Pre-Breeding Survival of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in Relation to Fledgling Characteristics. Journal of Animal Ecology. 67 (6). 953-966.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Rattiste, K., Lilleleht, V. (1997). Heritability of head size in the common gull Larus canus in relation to environmental conditions during offspring growth. Heredity. 79 (2). 201-207.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K. (1996). Genetic and environmental effects on the timing of wing moult in the barnacle goose. Heredity. 76. 100-107.
Status: Published -
Forslund, P., Larsson, K. (1995). Intraspecific nest parasitism in the barnacle gooseFjärrlån IN : behavioural tactics of parasites and hosts. Animal Behaviour. 50 (2). 509-517.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Tegelström, H., Forslund, P. (1995). Intraspecific nest parasitism and adoption of young in the barnacle goose : effects on survival and reproductive performance. Animal Behaviour. 50 (5). 1349-1360.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Forslund, P. (1994). Population dynamics of the barnacle goose Branta leucopsis in the Baltic area : density-dependent effects on reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology. 63 (4). 954-962.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K. (1993). Inheritance of body size in the Barnacle Goose under different environmental conditions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 6 (2). 195-208.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Forslund, P. (1992). Genetic and social inheritance of body and egg size in the barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis). Evolution. 46 (1). 235-244.
Status: Published -
Forslund, P., Larsson, K. (1992). Age-related reproductive success in the barnacle goose. Journal of Animal Ecology. 61. 195-204.
Status: Published -
Forslund, P., Larsson, K. (1991). Breeding range expansion of the barnacle goose Branta leucopsis in the Baltic area. Ardea. 79 (2). 343-346.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Forslund, P. (1991). Environmentally induced morphological variation in the Barnacle Goose, Branta leucopsis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 4 (4). 619-636.
Status: Published -
Forslund, P., Larsson, K. (1991). The effect of mate change an new partner's age on reproductive success in the barnacle goose, Branta leucopsis. Behavioral Ecology. 2 (2). 116-122.
Status: Published -
Larsson, F.K., Larsson, K. (1989). Body size and nesting behaviour of the sand wasp Stictia heros (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 5 (1). 117-120.
Status: Published -
Larsson, K., Forslund, P., Gustafsson, L., Ebbinge, B.S. (1988). From the High Arctic to the Baltic : The successful establishment of a Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis population on Gotland, Sweden. Ornis Scandinavica. 19 (3). 182-189.
Status: Published -
Cederlund, G., Sandegren, F., Larsson, K. (1987). Summer movements of female moose and dispersal of their offspring. Journal of Wildlife Management. 51 (2). 342-352.
Status: Published -
Alatalo, R.V., Eriksson, D., Gustafsson, L., Larsson, K. (1987). Exploitation competition influences the use of foraging sites by tits : Experimental evidence. Ecology. 68 (2). 284-290.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Larsson, K., Karlsson, P. (2016). Population trends and threats from ship traffic to long-tailed ducks in the Baltic Sea. Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2015. 205-210.
- Larsson, K., Van Der Jeugd, H.P. (1997). Continuing growth of the Baltic barnacle goose population : Number of individuals and reproductive success in different colonies. Research on arctic geese : proceedings of the Svalbard Goose Symposium, Oslo, Norway, 23-26 September 1997. 213-219.
Book (Refereed)
- Black, J., Prop, J., Larsson, K. (2014). The Barnacle Goose. London, T & AD Poyser.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Larsson, K. (2017). The common eider, the great cormorant and the white-tailed eagle. Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea. Springer. 164-166.
- Larsson, K. (2017). Effects of shipping and recurrent oil spills. Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea. Springer. 556-557.
- Larsson, K. (2017). The Baltic Sea is an important wintering area for waterbirds. Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea. Springer. 438-439.
Report (Refereed)
- Andersson, M., Bensow, R., Glebe, D., Hassellöv, I., Lalander, E., et al. (2023). Management Measures to Reduce Continuous Underwater Noise from Shipping. Göteborg, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment. 83.
- Larsson, K. (2019). Oljeutsläpp från fartyg i Sveriges närområde : vad visar statistiken?. 38.
- Hassellöv, I., Larsson, K., Sundblad, E. (2019). Effekter på havsmiljön av att flytta över transporter från vägtrafik till sjöfart. Göteborg, Havsmiljöinstitutet. 69.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Larsson, K. (2016). Sjöfartens miljöpåverkan kan minskas. Havsutsikt. (2). 19-21.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Skov, H., Heinänen, S., Žydelis, R., Bellebaum, J., Bzoma, S., et al. (2011). Waterbird Populations and Pressures in the Baltic Sea. Nordisk Ministerråd.
- Black, J.M., Prop, J., Larsson, K. (2007). Wild goose dilemmas : Population consequences of individual decisions in Barnacle geese. Groningen, Branta Press.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Hammar, L., Larsson, K. (2017). Havsplanering kan minska konflikter och främja helhetssyn på miljön. Åtgärder för att minska sjöfartens påverkan på havsmiljön. Göteborg, Havsmiljöinstitutet. 18-19.
- Larsson, K., Eriksson, M. (2017). Regler, ekonomiska styrmedel och teknik kan minska påverkan på miljön. Åtgärder för att minska sjöfartens påverkan på havsmiljön. Havsmiljöinstitutets rapport 2017:2. Göteborg, Havsmiljöinstitutet. 4-6.
- Larsson, K., Hassellöv, I. (2014). Även lite olja kan göra stor skada i havsmiljön. Sjöfarten kring Sverige och dess påverkan på havsmiljön. Göteborg, Havsmiljöinstitutet. 8-9.
- Grimvall, A., Larsson, K. (2014). Intensiv trafik i haven runt Sverige. Sjöfarten kring Sverige och dess påverkan på havsmiljön. Havsmiljöinstitutet. 4-7.
- Herrmann, C., Bregnballe, T., Larsson, K., Zydelis, R. (2009). Birds. Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea : An Integrated Thematic Assessment of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation in the Baltic Sea. Helsinki Commission. 71-82.
Report (Other academic)
- Hassellöv, I., Larsson, K., Simopoulou, N., Sundblad, E. (2020). Use of port State control inspection data from the Paris MoU to assess pressure from shipping on the marine environment : A study of ships operating in the Baltic Sea region. Göteborg, Trafikverket. 56.
- Larsson, K., Karlsson, P. (2018). Fartygstrafik i och nära skyddade och känsliga havsområden runt Gotland och Öland. Visby, Länstyrelsen i Gotlands län. 48.
- Larsson, K. (2018). Sjöfåglars utnyttjande av havsområden runt Gotland och Öland : betydelsen av marint områdesskydd. Visby, Länsstyrelsen Gotlands län. 48.
- Larsson, K. (2016). Sjöfart och naturvärden vid utsjöbankar i centrala Östersjön. Havs- och vattenmyndigheten. 54.
- Larsson, K. (2012). Dynamic route planning in the Baltic Sea : How can the negative impacts of maritime traffic on sensitive or protected areas be reduced?. Världsnaturfonden, WWF. 20.
Other (Other academic)
- Larsson, K. (2021). Reducing discharges from chemical tankers. Pan-European Institute (PEI).
- Herrmann, C., Bregnballe, T., Larsson, K., Leivits, M., Rusanen, P. (2019). Population Development of Baltic Bird Species : Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis). HELCOM.
- Larsson, K. (2015). Ejder och alfågel : kan vi vända en nedåtgående trend., Svealands kustvattenvårdsförbund.
- Herrmann, C., Bregnballe, T., Larsson, K., Rattiste, K. (2014). Population Development of Baltic Bird Species: Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis). Helcom.
- Bellebaum, J., Larsson, K., Kube, J. (2012). Research on Sea Ducks in the Baltic Sea. 12.
- Herrmann, C., Gregersen, J., Larsson, R., Larsson, K., Elts, J., et al. (2011). Population Development of Baltic Bird Species: Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis Lath., 1787). Helcom.
- Ottvall, R., Larsson, K. (2005). Uppföljning av häckfåglars förekomst och utbredning på öländska sjömarker. Kalmar, Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län. 38.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Larsson, K. (2017). Oljekatastrofer påskyndar regelverk om fartygs utsläpp. Havet 1988. Göteborg, Havsmiljöinstitutet. 44-45.