We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Bredmar, K., Melin, U. (2021). The Intertwined Functions of Advanced Information Systems and Management Control Practice in a Municipal Context. Business Systems Research Journal. 12 (2). 160-171.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2017). Digitalisation of enterprises brings new opportunities to traditional management control. Business Systems Research Journal. 8 (2). 115-125.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2015). What about municipal strategic management and performance measurement. Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law. Special Issue (2). 7-20.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2015). Transforming environmental uncertainty to risk - managing risk and management control. Global Business and Management Research. 7 (3). 44-54.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K., Ask, U., Frisk, E., Magnusson, J. (2014). Accounting Information Systems Implementation and Management Accounting Change. Business Systems Research Journal. 5 (2). 125-138.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, V., Nordström, J., Bredmar, K. (2014). The need for liquidity and the capital structure of Swedish Banks following the financial crisis. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies. 3 (2). 10-27.
Status: Published -
Ask, U., Magnusson, J., Bredmar, K., Frisk, E. (2014). Held together by the bark : performance measurement and management as propagated by industry analysts. International Journal of Business Performance Management. 15 (3). 192-206.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2012). The act of interpretation : accounting reports and management control action. Business Management Dynamics. 2 (4). 30-38.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2012). The meaning and development of the concept of Management Control : an etymological study. International Journal of Management. 29 (2). 476-491.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2011). Performance measurement - does ERP systems measure up?. Problems & Perspectives in Management. 9 (3). 33-41.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2011). The Relevance of Theoretical Concepts in Practice : A Study of Management Accounting Concepts in 130 Large Swedish Companies. Business and Economics Research Journal. 2 (2). 1-22.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2011). Theoretical foundations of the concept of management control : A references analysis. International Journal of Management. 28 (3). 412-426.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2011). Management Control: A Process that Creates Organizational Meaning. Global Business and Management Research. 3 (2). 106-118.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Bredmar, K. (2023). Data visualisation - the case of digitalisation driving organisational sense-making for management control. Presented at the 12th International Management Control Association Conference, Durham, UK, June 20-21, 2023.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2019). Digital Transformation of SMEs : capturing complexity. 32nd Bled eConference Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society : June 16 – 19, 2019, Bled, Slovenia: Conference Proceedings. 523-541.
- Bredmar, K. (2010). The meaning of the concept Management Control and its development : An etymological study.
- Bredmar, K. (2009). ERP systems ability to support modern management control and performance management.
- Bredmar, K. (2001). Understanding management control as a process that creates organizational meaning.
- Bredmar, K. (1998). Identifying information need through critical success factors - a methodology approach.
- Bredmar, K. (1998). Accounting information in an internal communication perspective : To make the company visible.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Bredmar, K. (2022). AIS as a catalyst for change. The Routledge handbook of accounting information systems. New York, Taylor & Francis. 63-74.
- Bredmar, K. (2018). Change management. The Routledge companion to accounting information systems. Oxon, Routledge. 55-66.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Ask, U., Magnusson, J., Bredmar, K. (2016). Big Data use in performance measurement and management : a call for action. Journal of Business and Economics. 7 (3). 402-417.
Status: Published -
Jaha, V., Nawrocki, M., Bredmar, K. (2013). Changing the game - financial crisis, the Swedish financial supervisory authority and reward systems in Swedish banks. International Journal of Finance and Accounting. 2 (1). 24-29.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2013). Asking the right question : the craft of formulating a purpose and an aim for a research paper. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 4 (2). 21-28.
Status: Published -
Karamehmedovic, L., Bredmar, K. (2013). Sales Channel as a Strategic Choice : SME Managers Seeking Profitability. International Business Research. 6 (7). 1-13.
Status: Published -
Bredmar, K. (2013). How CFO's communicate financial information : a pedagogical task in theory and practice. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting. 3 (1). 162-181.
Status: Published -
Emilsson, L., Classon, M., Bredmar, K. (2012). CSR and the quest for profitability : using Economic Value Added to trace profitability. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences. 2 (3). 43-54.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Bredmar, K. (2024). Data visualisation - the case of digitalization driving organizational sense-making for management control. Presented at Nordisk Workshop i Ekonomistyrning, NWES XXVII, Stockholm, Sweden, January 11-12, 2024.
- Bredmar, K. (2024). Understanding how digital initiatives such as AI could augment management control functions : a narrative literature review. Presented at the Management control association online workshop, Online, February 16, 2024.
- Bredmar, K. (2024). Understanding AI-driven augmented management control through a narrative literature review. Presented at the 27th Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, August 14-17, 2024.
- Bredmar, K. (2023). Data visualisation - the case of digitalization driving organizational sense-making for management control. Presented at the 6th Trends in Accounting Research Conference (TARC), Kalmar, Sweden, October 4-6, 2023.
- Sjöstrand, G., Gunnarsson, E., Bredmar, K. (2022). Digitalisering och kompetens – nationella förväntningar och företags behov av digital spetskompetens. .
- Bredmar, K. (2010). The relevance of the theoretical concepts in an applied context : A study fo the management accounting concept in 130 large Swedish companies.
- Bredmar, K. (2010). The meaning of the concept Management Control and its development - an etymological study.
- Bredmar, K. (2005). The relevance of the theoretical concepts in an applied context : A study of the Management Accounting concept in 130 large Swedish companies.
- Bredmar, K. (2003). Tracing the theoretical roots of Management Control: a references analysis.
- Bredmar, K. (1999). Using a holistic, process perspective to define information need or what information do we need?.
- Bredmar, K. (1998). Redovisningens kommunikativa dimension.
- Bredmar, K. (1998). Critical Success Factors or the search for relevant information.
Book (Other academic)
- Bredmar, K. (2018). Ekonomistyrning från grunden. Stockholm, Sanoma utbildning.
- Bredmar, K. (2016). Understanding management control and organisational sense-making. Oxford, Chartridge Books Oxford.
- Bredmar, K. (2011). Meningsskapande verksamhetsstyrning : En funktion under utveckling. Kalmar, Talanton Academic Press.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Bredmar, K. (2002). Att skapa organisatorisk mening : En studie av management control-processer på mellannivå i tre företag. Doctoral Thesis. Göteborg, BAS Ek. För.. 263.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Bredmar, K. (2000). Tillämpad ekonomistyrning. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar. 111.
Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bredmar, K. (2015). Strategisk ekonomistyrning : att leda för långsiktig tillväxt. Stockholm, Sanoma Utbildning.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Gunnarsson, E., Sjöstrand, G., Bredmar, K. (2023). Att bygga upp digital kompetens och spetskompetens i små och medelstora företag : Utmaningar och möjligheter. Linnéuniversitetet. 40.
- Gunnarsson, E., Sjöstrand, G., Bredmar, K. (2022). Digital kompetens och spetskompetens i Kronoberg : En delrapport inom projektet – behovsanalys. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 50.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2021). Företagets digitala katalysatorer. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 29.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2021). Företagets digitala avtryck. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 41.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2021). När en bransch digitaliseras. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 47.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2020). Digitala möjligheter & företagets verklighet. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 33.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2020). Regional digital barometer. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 21.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2019). Bilder av digital transformation. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 45.
- Jeansson, J., Bredmar, K. (2018). Företagets digitala resa. Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 22.
- Bredmar, K. (1998). Evox Rifa - Internal Critical Success Factors. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar.