Kristina Gustafsson
Associate ProfessorIn my research, I am interested in encounters in welfare settings and especially the use of interpreting and translation. I mainly work with issues of linguistic diversity, social justice and democratic practice with a focus on professional meetings where the parties do not share a language. My background is in ethnology and cultural sciences, where I did my dissertation in 2004 with a thesis on Muslim independent schools and basic values within schools. Since 2008, I have been active as a researcher and teacher in social work.
I have taught mostly on professionally oriented courses and programs at universities since 1997. The emphasis has been on courses on migration and integration as well as scientific theory, research ethics and qualitative methods. For the past ten years, I have mainly given courses in ethnographic method, research ethics and social work with children, young people and families at master's and postgraduate level, both national and international programs.
From 2008 to 2012, I participated in two linked research projects, The Interpreter a Cultural Mediator (RJ) and The Significance of Interpretation for Legal Security and Integration (European Refugee Fund III), which has since continued to shape my research and interest in migration, diversity, social justice and meanings of language. Together with colleagues at Lund University, supported by a large number of interpreters and other actors, we mapped what we call interpreting services in Sweden and the result was, among other things, a book on Interpreted Encounters (2014/2020). The research eventually led to multilingualism and interpreting in social work when we were commissioned by the National Board of Health and Welfare to survey the use of children as interpreters in social services and health and medical care (2018). Another related area that I have also researched is parenting training programs aimed at parents with a foreign background.
Important issues that cut through these studies deal with discrimination, power asymmetries and trust-building practices. Theoretically, I am guided by political and moral philosophy and postcolonial theory, which together enable critical analyzes of Sweden and the welfare society's role as recipients of refugees and migrants in a global world. In recent years, I have had an increasing focus on the relationship between linguistic rights and social justice. In a recently completed project (2020-2022) on Interpreters' skills, Linguistic Justice and Equal Welfare Service (AMIF), we have particularly explored how the unique knowledge of welfare meetings that interpreters have can be used to increase quality and trust in professional meetings where the actors do not share language. In autumn 2023, we will set up a research environment with Linnaeus University as a residence in collaboration with Åbo Akademi in Finland and the West University and Södertörn University. Within the framework of The Nordic Research Environment on Language, Justice and the Welfare State, we conduct a multidisciplinary project (2023 – 2027) Linguistic justice, global migration and the Nordic Welfare State (VR).
I am a member of the Linnaeus University Center for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies steering group and of the Social Work and Migration research group. Together with Jesper Andreasson I am leading the Ethnographic Forum. Since 2014 I have been a member of the Ethics Review Authority, department of other research in Linköping and since 2019 a scientific secretary in the same department. 2023- 2026 I represent Linnaeus university in the board of the Swedish Emigrant Institute
My research groups
Cluster for Migration, Citizenship, and Belonging The cluster focuses on questions of belonging and difference in multicultural societies in the wake of (de-) colonisation and globalisation.
Cluster for Nordic Colonialism The Research Cluster for Nordic Colonialism within the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies investigated how the European…
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial…
Social Work and Migration In the research group Social Work and Migration, we study opportunities and challenges that social work faces in relation to migration and migration’s consequences on…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Asylum interviews in South Africa and Sweden: Experiences, interpretations, and negotiations This project seeks to investigate and compare the asylum procedure in two countries, South Africa…
Project: Global social work and human mobility This EU project's main objective is to consolidate an international and inter-sectorial network of comparative and collaborative research and training on…
Project: Interpreters' knowledge: language justice and equal public service The purpose of this project was to make use of interpreters' unique experiences from meetings with staff and clients in…
Project: Linguistic justice, global migration and the Nordic welfare state This project sets out to investigate linguistic justice in Nordic welfare institutions in a context of global migration. The…
My completed research projects
Project: A worthy reception? Social work with of refugees and migrants. Asylum reception is characterized by rapidly changing conditions as well as by a complex structure of receiving actors and…
Project: Communication with non-Swedish speaking clients and patients The purpose of the study is to map how primary care and social services staff handle communication with patients who have…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ottosson, L., Angu, P., Gustafsson, K. (2024). Mismanagement and misinterpretations in asylum interviews : Perspectives from South Africa and Sweden. The Journal of Refugee Studies.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Åberg, L. (2023). Social workers as targets for integration. Nordic Social Work Research. 13 (4). 550-562.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Åberg, L. (2022). The right to an interpreter : A guarantee of legal certainty and equal access to public services in Sweden?. Just. Journal of Language Rights & Minorities, Revista de Drets Lingüístics i Minories. 1 (1-2). 165-192.
Status: Published -
Nordstedt, M., Gustafsson, K. (2022). From experience to text : Issues of representation, disclosure, and understanding in ethnographic social work research. Ethics and social welfare. 16 (3). 274-289.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2020). Selective parenting programs for parents with foreign backgrounds : Cultural imperialism or democratic practicies in social work. Nordic Social Work Research. 10 (4). 317-329.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Höglund, P. (2019). Language interpreting and brokering in Swedish public service institutions: the use of children for multilingual communication. Revista de Llenguia i Dret, Journal of language and law. 71. 13-26.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K., Johansson, J. (2018). A Worthy Reception? Ambivalences in Social Work with Refugees and Migrants in Sweden. Advances in Social Work. 18 (3). 983-1004.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2017). Expectations and experiences of cultural activity among professionals in care for older people. Ethnologia Scandinavica. 47. 42-56.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Fioretos, I. (2012). Community Interpreter Training in Spoken Languages in Sweden. International Journal of Interpreter Education. 4 (2). 24-38.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2012). Between empowerment and powerlessness : Separated minors in Sweden. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 2012 (136). 65-77.
Status: Published -
Norström, E., Fioretos, I., Gustafsson, K. (2012). Working conditions of community interpreters in Sweden : Opportunities and shortcomings. Interpreting. 14 (2). 242-260.
Status: Published -
Norström, E., Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I. (2011). Interpreters in Sweden : A tool for Equal Rights?. Gramma. Journal of Theory and Criticism. 19. 59-75.
Status: Published -
Norström, E., Gustafsson, K. (2010). To Receive with Grace : The Reception of Separated, Asylum-Seeking Minors Arriving in Sweden. Diskurs Jugend- und Kindheitsforschung. 5 (2). 169-180.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2000). En debatt om en muslimsk friskola. Nord nytt - Nordisk tidsskrift for folkelivsforskning. 78. 5-25.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Gustafsson, K., Åberg, L., Gruber, S., Norström, E. (2023). Social work in a multilingual world. Nordic Social Work Research. 13 (4). 501-509.
Status: Published -
Gruber, S., Gustafsson, K., Sköld, J. (2022). Deltagande forskning i socialt arbete. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 29 (3-4). 259-268.
Status: Published -
Gruber, S., Gustafsson, K. (2022). Tid, process och progression : Att gå från nybörjare till forskare i en (tidspressad) forskarutbildning. Högre Utbildning. 12 (3). 31-37.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2021). Barntolkning - en fråga om diskriminering?. Barnbladet. (4). 17-20.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2008). En muslimsk friskola : Förutsättningar och praktik. Religion och livsfrågor. (4). 15-17.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2012). Att tolka för barn : Tolkars erfarenhet. Barnbladet: Tidskrift för Sveriges Barnsjuksköterskor. 37 (1). 18-20.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). Att få vara en person. I&M, Invandrare & minoriteter. (5-6). 48-51.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2006). Likhet inför skollagen?. I&M, Invandrare & minoriteter. (5). 29-32.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Fioretos, I., Gustafsson, K., Norström, E. (2020). Tolkade möten : tolkningens betydelse för rättssäkerhet och integration. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Fioretos, I., Gustafsson, K., Norström, E. (2014). Tolkade möten : Tolkningens betydelse för rättssäkerhet och integration. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Gustafsson, K., Åberg, L., Norström, E. (2024). A project for making interpreters’ silent knowledge heard. Toward Inclusion and Social Justice in Institutional Translation and Interpreting : Revealing Hidden Practices of Exclusion. New York, Routledge. 130-152.
- Gustafsson, K. (2023). The ambiguity of interpreting : Ethnographic interviews with public service interpreters. The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. Abingdon, Routledge. 32-45.
- Gustafsson, K. (2022). Tolk i barnförhör. Barnförhör : Att få vetenskap och juridik att fungera i praktiken. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 129-149.
- Angu, P., Gustafsson, K. (2022). The politics of interpreting during asylum interviews. Processes, challenges and the implications for the legitimacy of claims for asylum in South Africa. Language and the law : Global perspectives in forensic lingustics from Africa and beyond. Stellenboch, SUN PReSS. 63-76.
- Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Åberg, L. (2022). Towards critical intercultural training for public service interpreters. Interculturality in Higher Education : Putting Critical Approaches into Practice. Routledge.
- Gustafsson, K. (2021). Child language brokering in Swedish welfare institutions : a matter of structural complicity?. Translating asymmetry - rewriting power. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company. 125-144.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2013). Att få vara den man är. Barndom och migration. Umeå, Boréa Bokförlag. 277-302.
- Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Fioretos, I. (2013). The interpreter : a cultural broker?. Interpreting in a changing landscape : Selected papers from Critical Link 6. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company. 187-202.
- Gustafsson, K. (2009). "As a researcher it is really important to actually deal with one´s own privileged situations and positions". Borders as Experience. Halmstad, Högskolan i Halmstad. 21-31.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Di Matteo, C., Elsrud, T., Gustafsson, K., Johansson, J., Lalander, P., et al. (2023). 1.4 Migration and Asylum Policy in Sweden. Guide on conceptual and methodological issues in social work research in the field of human mobility. Granada, Spain, Global-ANSWER Network “Social Work and Human Mobility”. 42-50.
- Gustafsson, K., Johansson, J. (2021). Bortom vardagsrasismen : kritisk reflektion om vardagsrasism som metod för ett antirasisitiskt socialt arbete inom flyktingmottagande. Rasism, antirasism och socialt arbete i spåren av migration. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 153-183.
- Bråten, B., Gustafsson, K., Sønsterudbråten, S. (2020). Guiding migrant parents in Nordic welfare states. Cases from Norway and Sweden. Family life in transition : Borders, transnational mobility , and welfare society in Nordic countries. London, Routledge. 23-35.
- Fioretos, I., Gustafsson, K., Norström, E. (2014). Kommunikation med stöd av tolk. Kommunikation med barn och unga i vården. Stockholm, Liber. 201-213.
- Gustafsson, K. (2009). The Paradox of Migration and Patriotism : A comment on Per-Olof Grönberg. Borders as Experience. Halmstad, Halmstad University. 108-116.
- Gustafsson, K. (2007). Den gäckande kulturen. Religiösa friskolor i Sverige : Historiska och nutida perspektiv. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 189-210.
- Gustafsson, K. (2003). Vinna eller försvinna? : Fostran till humankapital i 2000-talets skola. Kunskapssamhällets marknad. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 57-86.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Norström, E., Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I. (2013). Tolkars roll och tolkars yrkesetik. Från ett språk till ett annat : Om översättning och tolkning. Falun, Norstedts Förlag. 249-261.
- Gustafsson, K. (2006). Muslimsk friskola i Jönköping : Ett möte mellan skilda ideal. Småländska kulturbilder. Jönköping, Jönköpings läns museum. 105-120.
Report (Refereed)
- Gustafsson, K. (2015). Vad kultur gör : Om kultur, möten, förväntningar och förändring inom äldreomsorg. Halmstad, Halmstad university press. 63.
Report (Other academic)
- Fungmark, J., Gustafsson, K. (2021). Pappa kom hem 3.0 : En utvärdering av ett föräldraskapsstöd riktad till utrikesfödda män. Linnéuniversitetet. 28.
- Gustafsson, K., Gruber, S. (2020). Etnografiskt socialt arbete. Fält, analys och text.. 110.
- Gruber, S., Gustafsson, K. (2018). Etnografisk forskning i praktiken. Reflektioner från pågående avhandlingsprojekt.. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 90.
- Gustafsson, K., Rosén, A. (2015). En jämförande studie av föräldraprogrammen Att vara förälder i Sverige och Ur barnens perspektiv. Kalmar/Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för socialt arbete. 70.
- Gustafsson, K. (2008). Barnen och det goda boendet : En studie om barn, barnfamiljer och boende i hyreslägenheter. Halmstad, Sektionen för humaniora, Högskolan i Halmstad. 74.
- Eklund, M., Gustafsson, K. (2008). Värdegrundsarbetets förutsättningar : En utvärdering av Resurscentrum för mångfaldens skolas insatser i tre Malmöskolor. Halmstad, Högskolan i Halmstad. 125.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Gustafsson, K., Norström, E., Fioretos, I., Höglund, P. (2018). Barn och andra anhöriga som översätter och medlar inom socialtjänst och hälso-och sjukvård. Stockholm, Socialstyrelsen. 76.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Gustafsson, K. (2023). (Review of] Language Discordant Social Work in a Multilingual World: The Space Between,Buzungu, Hilde Fiva. (2023). London, Routledge, ISBN 9781032394596. Nordic Social Work Research. Taylor & Francis Group. 13 (4). 612-615.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2022). Ambulatory Schoolteachers and Literacy in Norway : [Review of] Gry Heggli, Omgangsskolelæreren i allmue-skolen. Leseopplæring mellom tekster og talemål. Scandinavian Academic Press, Oslo 2021. 195 pp. Ill. ISBN 978-82-3040-286-3.. Ethnologia Scandinavica. Lund, The Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish Folk Culture. 52. 263-264.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2022). [Review of] Elisabeth Bergdahl och Fia Andersson (red.) 2022. Deltagarbaserad aktionsforskning - tillsammans för kunskap, lärande och förändring. Studentlitteratur. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. Linköping University. 29 (3-4). 404-408.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2021). The Gender of violence : Gabriella Nilsson & Inger Lövkrona, Våldets kön. Kulturella föreställningar, funktioner och konsekvenser. (Andra uppdaterade upplagan.) Studentlitteratur, Lund 2020. Ethnologia Scandinavica. Lund, Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien. 51. 349-352.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2019). Charles L. Glenn, ed. 2018.: Muslim Educators in American Communities. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society. Akademika forlag. 32 (1). 94-96.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2015). Identity negotiating in Scandinavia : Negotiation identity in Scandinavia: Women, migration and the diaspora. Haci Akman (ed.). Ethnologia Scandinavica. 45. 216-217.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2015). Ann-Charlotte Münger: Stockholms sommarkolonier under 130 år. En behovsprövad välfärdstjänst eller en fritidsverksamhet för alla?. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. (4). 220-223.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2012). Recension av: Christina Douglas: Kärlek per korrespondens. Två förlovade par under andra hälften av 1800-talet. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria. 95 (3). 174-178.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2011). Recension av Lena Kåreland: Ett sällsamt dubbelliv: Gurli Linders memoarer om åren med S. A. Andrée. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria. 94 (4). 241-244.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2011). At the Hither Side of the Future – René LeónRosales. Ethnologia Scandinavica. Lund, Folklivsarkivet. 41. 168-170.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2010). Recension av: Bäckman, Maria, Miljonsvennar: omstridda platser och identiteter. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria. (1). 53-55.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2010). Recension av: Severinsson, Susanne, Unga i normalitetens gränsland. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria. (4). 230-233.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2010). Recension av: Söderlind, Ingrid oxh Engwall Kristina, Barndom och arbete. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria. (3). 182-185.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2009). Recension av: Olwig, Karen Fog och Paerregaard, Karstenn(red): Integration: Antropologiske perspektiver och av: Pedersen, Marianne Holm och Rytter, Mikkel (red) Den stille integration.. Ethnologia Scandinavica. Lund, Folklivsarkivet. 39. 202-206.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2009). Globala familjer. Transnationell migration och släktskap. Marita Eastmond och Lisa Åkesson (red.). RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Stockholm, Svenska teknologföreningens förlag. 92 (3). 180-183.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2008). Orienten i Sverige. Samtida möten och gränssnitt. Simon Ekström och Lena Gerholm (red.). RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Stockholm, Svenska teknologföreningens förlag. 91 (3). 173-176.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2007). Recension av: Båtshake, Helene: Lena lär lyda. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria. 90 (2). 101-104.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2002). Recension av: Almgren, Suzanne Mason, Life in the Labyrinth: A reflexive exploration of research and politics.. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Stiftelsen för svensk kulturhistoria. (3). 223-226.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Gustafsson, K. (2015). Jenny Ask: Lyssna till ditt hjärta. Muslimska moderskap och modrandets villkor i Sverige. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Stockholm, Stockholms universitet. 98 (1). 31-34.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2014). Recensioner: Folkhemmets rum 1-5. Kristina Lund (red.). RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Institutionen för etnologi, religionshistoria och genusvetenskap, Lunds universitet. 97 (1). 48-51.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, K. (2012). Recension. Rosa den farliga färgen av Fanny Ambjörnsson. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Lund, Föreningen för Svensk Kulturhistoria. 95 (4). 252-254.
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Gustafsson, K. (2004). Muslimsk skola, svenska villkor : Konflikt, identitet och förhandling. Doctoral Thesis. Umeå, Boréa Bokförlag. 244.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Gustafsson, K., Johansson, J. (2018). Negotiated reception of refugees and migrants. Mixed reference group interviews as a source of knowledge production about social work in times of migration. .
- Gustafsson, K., Johansson, J. (2017). A worthy reception? : Ambivalences in social work with refugees and migrants. .
- Gustafsson, K. (2016). Parenting programs for parents with foreign background: opportunities and shortcomings.. .
- Gustafsson, K. (2015). The reception of separated minors in Sweden : To receive with grace and knowledge. Participation, Integration, and Recognition : Changing Pathways to Immigrant Incorporation. 111-124.
- Gustafsson, K. (2012). To receive unaccompanied children with grace and knowledge. .
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Johansson, J., Gustafsson, K. (2016). Towards a worthy reception of refugees and migrants. : Social work in times of tirning points in Swedish migration policy. .
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). Behind closed doors : The significance of interpreting for guaranteeing legal security and integration. Abstracts of paper presentations.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). Separated Minors in Sweden. THE BOOK OF PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). Working conditions of interpreters and the responsibility of the government. Abstracts of paper presentations.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). The community interpreter, a cultural broker : The role of the interpreter and the issue of representation. Abstracts of paper presentations.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). Working with combined methods. Abstracts of paper presentations.
- Gustafsson, K., Fioretos, I., Norström, E. (2010). Educational programs for interpreters. Abstracts of paper presentations.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Angu, P., Masiya, T., Gustafsson, K., Mulu, N. (2022). South African-based African migrants' responses to COVID-19 : Strategies, opportunities, challenges and implications. Bamenda, Langaa RPCIG. 206.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ahmadi, F., Andréasson, F., Andreasson, J., Bayati, Z., Bečević, Z., et al. (2019). Remissyttrande över utkast till lagrådsremiss : Förlängning av lagen om tillfälliga begränsningar av möjligheten att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige (Dnr Ju2019/00509/L7). 8.