My research groups
EdTechLnu The research within the EdTechLnu field of knowledge has three main strands: • Developing new technology to support education and learning. • Studying teaching and learning where students…
Research on pedagogical professions and practices (PEPP) The environment conducts research on teachers’ work and children’s/pupils’ everyday life and learning at preschool, preschool class, extended…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Educational Technology in Schools The project aims to change teachers' everyday practice and improve students' school results. This will be done by means of data-driven support and analysis…
Project: Home–preschool collaboration – transformed in the age of digitization? The overall aim of this project is to contribute with knowledge about how the conditions for cooperation between home…
My completed research projects
Seed project: Digital transformation of communication between school and home The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to investigate…
Seed project: Digital transformation of home-preschool communication The overall aim of the seed project within the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to contribute with…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Nordmark, S., Augustsson, H., Davidsson, M., Andersson-Gidlund, T., Holmberg, K., et al. (2024). Piloting Systematic Implementation of Educational Technology in Swedish K-12 Schools : Two-Years-In Report. Global Implementation Research and Applications. 4. 309-323.
Status: Published -
Rundquist, R., Holmberg, K., Rack, J., Mohseni, Z., Masiello, I. (2024). Use of Learning Analytics in K–12 Mathematics Education : Systematic Scoping Review of the Impact on Teaching and Learning. Journal of Learning Analytics. 11 (3). 174-191.
Status: Published -
Masiello, I., Fixsen, D.L., Nordmark, S., Mohseni, Z., Holmberg, K., et al. (2023). Digital transformation in schools of two southern regions of Sweden through implementation-informed approach : A mixed-methods study protocol. PLOS ONE. 18 (12).
Status: Published -
Knutes Nyqvist, H., Holmberg, K. (2023). Lärarutbildningen som demokratiskt rum : medvetet engagemang och erbjudanden om ömsesidighet. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning. 17 (1). 7-23.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K., Zimmerman Nilsson, M. (2017). Perversity of enjoyment? Preschool music activities go neoliberal. Teachers and Teaching : theory and practice. 23 (5). 583-595.
Status: Published -
Zimmerman Nilsson, M., Holmberg, K. (2017). Quality and Knowledge Content in Music Activities in Preschool : The Impact of Human Materiality Combinations. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 31 (1). 103-112.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K., Zimmerman Nilsson, M., Ericsson, C., Lindgren, M. (2016). Snacking on Knowledge and Feel Good : Challenging discourses on arts in education. European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education. 1 (1). 38-67.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K., Ranagården, L. (2016). Logics of “Good teaching” : Exploring Mathematics Education in Primary School in Sweden. Athens Journal of Education. 3 (3). 225-240.
Status: Published -
Möllenborg, E., Holmberg, K. (2014). Drama – viktig resurs eller hämmare för undervisningen i samhällskunskap?. Nordidactica : Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education. (2014:2). 97-115.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K., Zimmerman Nilsson, M. (2014). Cyborger och rhizom i förskolans musikverksamhet. Posthumanistiska begrepp i rörelse. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 19 (2-3). 193-212.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K. (2014). Den diffusa positionen – Analys och diskussion av perspektiv på musikens och konstens ontologi. Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning : Årbok. 15 (8). 297-315.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K. (2008). Grund, uppbyggnad och verktyg – diskurspsykologi som analysredskap i musikpedagogisk forskning. Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning : Årbok. 10. 113-134.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Rundquist, R., Holmberg, K., Rack, J., Mohseni, Z., Masiello, I. (2024). Use of Learning Analytics in K-12 Mathematics Education : Systematic Scoping Review of Impact on Teaching and Learning. .
- Holmberg, K., Andersson-Gidlund, T., Masiello, I., Rack, J., Mohseni, Z. (2023). Teachers' approaches to digital technology : when organizations' and teachers' practices are not constructively aligned. Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA): Digitalization and Technologies in Education Opportunities and Challenges 15 -17 March, 2023.
- Holmberg, K., Lagergren, A. (2018). The DILE Project : Children's Joy of Knowledge in Digital Learning Challenged by The Power of Parents. .
- Lagergren, A., Holmberg, K. (2017). Learning “theory and methodology of science” in professional education – a case study. INTED2017 Proceedings : 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference: March 6th-8th, 2017 — Valencia, Spain: Conference Proceedings. 6924-6929.
- Sjöberg, J., Lagergren, A., Holmberg, K. (2017). Seen but not heard?! Children's participation in research about digital technology in preschool. 27th EECERA Annual Conference : Social Justice, Solidarity and Children’s Rights’, Bologna, Italy, 29th August – 1st September 2017: Abstract Book. 45-45.
- Lagergren, A., Holmberg, K. (2017). Alternative perspectives on learning - entanglements of children, teachers and digital technology. Presented at EECERA2017.
- Knutes Nykvist, H., Holmberg, K., Aspán, M., Balldin, J. (2016). The imperfect - a prerequisite for democracy in teacher education?. .
- Brock, V., Holmberg, K. (2015). Dissolving Boundaries : Creative Activities in a communicative classroom. . 6-6.
- Holmberg, K., Brock, V. (2015). Dissolving Boundaries : English and the Arts in Teacher Education. . 9-9.
- Ericsson, C., Holmberg, K. (2015). Music instruments as creators of identity : a posthumanist approach. Abstract book. 197-197.
- Zimmerman Nilsson, M., Holmberg, K. (2015). Immanence, realism and construction : variations of posthumanistic subjects. Abstract book. 163-163.
- Zimmerman Nilsson, M., Holmberg, K. (2014). Students served at all costs and rescued from difficulties: consequences of neoliberal ideas in teacher education in Sweden. ICERI2014 : 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. 867-873.
- Holmberg, K., Ranagården, L. (2014). The Math Book as an Ideological Dilemma in Elementary School?. ATINER's Conference Paper Series EMS2014-1193 : Eighth Annual International Conference on Mathematics & Statistics: Education & Applications 30 June & 1-3 July 2014, Athens, Greece. 1-15.
- Zimmerman Nilsson, M., Holmberg, K. (2014). The Sounding iPad as a Resource for Teaching Children in Preschool. Minding the Sound – Sounding the Mind : Soundscapes Past and Present, Imagined and Real: 27-28 November 2014. 6-6.
- Holmberg, K., Zimmerman Nilsson, M. (2013). Music in preschool : ”A real f***ing hit song”. NZDC : New Zealand Discourse Conference: The Fourth Bienniel New Zealand Discourse Conference: Abstract Book: 2-4 December 2013. 35-35.
- Holmberg, K., Riesbeck, E. (2013). Students and teachers construction of mathematics and mathematics education in the light of the political solution “more of the same”. The 41st Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association : Disruptions and eruptions as opportunities for transforming education: Abstract book. 371-371.
- Holmberg, K. (2012). Teacher students’ subject-positions in Web based discussions about educational science. NORDISCO 2012 : Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction, Linköping, Sweden, 21-23 November : Abstracts. 43-43.
- Holmberg, K. (2011). Democracy in instrumental teaching : a threat to Western classical music in late modernity?. The Seventh International Conference for Research in Music Education : Summaries & abstracts. 1 s..
- Holmberg, K. (2011). The community school of music and art in late modernity : Reservation or market?. .
- Holmberg, K., Zimmerman Nilsson, M.H., Ericsson, C., Lindgren, M. (2011). Arts education and discourse analysis in Sweden : perspectives and contexts of application. Third New Zealand Discourse Conference, Engaging with Discourse, 5–7 December 2011.
- Holmberg, K., Ericsson, C. (2010). What comes out of a marriage between discourse psychology and discourse theory when studying music teacher identity?. .
- Holmberg, K. (2009). How can theories of modernity explain changed teaching conditions at Swedish music and culture schools?. The Sixth International Conference for Research in Music Education : Summary Papers & Abstracts. 57-59.
- Holmberg, K. (2009). What can discourse psychology say about teachers’ music talk and their teaching strategies?. Proceedings of the 7th Triennial Conference of European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM 2009) Jyväskylä, Finland. 187-192.
- Holmberg, K. (2007). Discourse Analysis — A Critical or Relativistic Perspective in Music Education?. Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF) : Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland, 1-3 February, 2007. 1-4.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Lagergren, A., Holmberg, K. (2019). Barn och förskollärare i digitala aktiviteter.. Lek och lärande i digitala aktiviteter i nordiska förskolor : Erfarenheter från två Nordplus-projekt 2015-2019. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerråd. 15-34.
- Holmberg, K., Lagergren, A. (2019). Diskursiv kamp kring barn och digital teknik. Lek och lärande med digitala verktyg i nordiska förskolor : Erfarenheter från två Nordplus-projekt 2015-2019.. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerråd. 95-108.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Holmberg, K., Lagergren, A., Hjartarson, T., Bøen, E. (2019). Lek och lärande med digitala verktyg i nordiska förskolor : Erfarenheter från två Nordplus-projekt 2015-2019. Copenhagen, Nordisk Ministerråd. 113.
Conference paper (Other academic)
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Holmberg, K. (2010). Musik- och kulturskolan i senmoderniteten : reservat eller marknad?. Doctoral Thesis. Malmö, Malmö Academy of Music. 232.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Pramling Samuelsson, I., Magnusson, L.O., Kjällander, S., Palmer, A., Eidevald, C., et al. (2024). 27 forskare i upprop mot skärmfri förskola. Förskolan.
Status: Published -
Holmberg, K. (2023). Forskare: Lärares ökade digitala kompetenser ger oväntade konsekvenser. Smålandsposten. (2023-05-04).
Status: Published -
Kjällander, S., Walan, S., Nilsen, M., Petersen, P., Caiman, C., et al. (2023). ”Förskolan behöver en digitaliseringsstrategi”. Svenska Dagbladet. (2023-06-18).
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Holmberg, K. (2011). Hårdrock på klarinett. Perspektiv på populärmusik och skola. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 105-121.