Kristina Myrvold
Associate ProfessorKristina Myrvold is Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Religious Studies with focus on Indian religions and cultures. In her research she has specialized in Sikhism, focusing on religious beliefs, ritual practices and historiography, as well as Sikh migration, integration processes and identity formations in the diaspora. She has conducted extensive fieldwork in India and in Sweden.
Myrvold’s doctoral dissertation in History of Religions, Inside the Guru’s Gate: Ritual Uses of Texts Among the Sikhs in Varanasi (Lund University, 2007), investigated how local Sikhs in Varanasi perceive, use and interact with the scriptural content and body of Guru Granth Sahib through a wide spectrum of practices.
After pursuing her doctoral degree Myrvold worked on a research project about production and use of Sikh katha - “storytelling” or expositions of Sikh doctrines, collective history and Guru Granth Sahib – in Punjab and in the Swedish diaspora. The project was funded by the Swedish Research Council (2009-2012).
For four years, between 2009 and 2013, she was the principal investigator and a researcher of the Nordcorp project Sikh Identity Formation: Generational Transfer of Traditions in the Nordic Countries, which was carried out in cooperation with researchers in Denmark, Finland and Norway and funded by The Councils for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS).
In 2012 and 2013 she was also the Director of the Nordic Centre in India (NCI) which is a consortium of universities in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden that aims to facilitate cooperation in research and higher education between the Nordic countries and India.
From 2015 she works on the project Religion in the Trenches which investigates the production, distribution, and use of religious scriptures and artefacts for Indian soldiers from Punjab who fought for the British Army at the Western front during World War I. The project is based on archival research and funded by the Swedish Research Council (2015-2018). Myrvold is also one of the editors of Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism.
2019/20: (forthcoming, tentative title) Religious Comforts for Indian Soldiers in the First World War: Symbols, Scriptures, and Spaces
2007: Inside the Guru's Gate: Ritual Uses of Texts among the Sikhs in Varanasi. Lund: Media-Tryck, Lund Studies in African and Asian Religions.
Edited Books and Journal Issues
2019: (forthcoming) Miniature Books: The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts (together with Dorina Miller Parmenter), Equinox.
2019: (forthcoming) Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism Vol. 2 (together with Knut A. Jacobsen, Gurinder Singh Mann and Eleanor Nesbitt), Brill.
2018: (forthcoming) Miniature Books (together with Dorina Miller Parmenter), special issue of Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, Vol. 9/2-3, Equinox.
2018: Religion and Technology in India: Spaces, Practices and Authorities (together with Knut A. Jacobsen), Routledge.
2017: India: Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University (together with Soniya Billore), Makadam förlag.
2017: Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Vol. 1 (together with Knut A. Jacobsen, Gurinder Singh Mann and Eleanor Nesbitt), Brill.
2015: Young Sikhs in a Global World: Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities (together with Knut A. Jacobsen), Ashgate/Routledge.
2014: Objects of Worship in South Asian Religions: Forms, Practices, and Meanings (together with Knut A. Jacobsen and Mikael Aktor), Routledge.
2012: Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs (together with Knut A. Jacobsen). Continuum.
2011: Sikhs in Europe: Migration, Identities and Representations (together with Knut A. Jacobsen), Ashgate/Routledge.
2010: The Death of Sacred Texts: Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in World Religions, Ashgate/Routledge.
2005: Chakra-tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 4. Tema: Rituell praktik (together with Katarina Plank).
2005: Chakra-tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 3. Tema: Moderna medier (together with Katarina Plank).
2004: Chakra-tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 2. Tema: Medicin och terapi (together with Katarina Plank).
2004: Chakra-tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 1. Tema: Kvinnliga gestalter (together with Katarina Plank).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
2019: (forthcoming) "Mite Qurans for Indian Markets: David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century." In Miniature Books: The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts, Kristina Myrvold and Dorina M. Parmenter (eds.), Equinox Publishing.
2019: (forthcoming) "Print Culture in Colonial Punjab." In Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Vol. 2., Brill.
2019: (forthcoming) "Miniature Qurans in the First World War: Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers" (together with Andreas Johansson). In Miniature Books: The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts, Kristina Myrvold and Dorina M. Parmenter (eds.), Equinox Publishing.
2019: (forthcoming) "Religious Miniature Books: Introduction and Overview" (together with Dorina M. Parmenter). In Miniature Books: The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts, Kristina Myrvold and Dorina M. Parmenter (eds.), Equinox Publishing.
2018: (forthcoming) "Hindu Soldiers in Europe during the First World War: Religious Books, Symbols, and Practices." In Handbook of Hinduism in Europe, Knut A. Jacobsen and Ferdinando Sardella (eds.), Brill.
2018: "Visualizing Sikh Warriors, Royalties, and Rebels: Photography in Colonial Punjab." In Religion and Technology in India: Spaces, Practices and Authorities, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), Routledge.
2018: "Mite Qurans for Indian Markets: David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century." In Postcripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, Vol. 9/2-3, Equinox Publishing.
2018: "Miniature Qurans in the First World War: Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers" (together with Andreas Johansson). In Postcripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, Vol. 9/2-3. Equinox Publishing.
2017: "'Orientalizing' Bibles in Punjab: Christian Missionaries and Book Printing in Nineteenth Century India." In India: Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University, Kristina Myrvold and Soniya Billore (eds.). Göteborg: Makadam.
2017: "Introduction" (together with Soniya Billore). In India: Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University, Kristina Myrvold and Soniya Billore (eds.). Göteborg: Makadam.
2017: "Guru Granth: Ceremonial Treatment." In Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Vol. 1., Knut A. Jacobsen, Gurinder Mann, Kristina Myrvold, and Eleanor Nesbitt (eds.), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
2017: "Sweden (Sikhs in)." In Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Vol. 1., Knut A. Jacobsen, Gurinder Mann, Kristina Myrvold, and Eleanor Nesbitt (eds.), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
2016: "Nam Simran in the Sikh Religion." In Asian Traditions of Meditation, Halvor Eifring (ed.), Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press.
2016: "Sketches of Sikhs in the 1880s: The Swedish Vanadis Expedition and Hjalmar Stolpe's Ethnographical Collection from Travels in Punjab." In Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, Vol. 12: 1, Routledge.
2015: "Forskningsbaserat lärande: Reflektioner kring undervisning och examination." In Religionsdidaktiska studier, Torsten Löfstedt (ed.), Växjö: Linnaeus University Press.
2015: "Sikher och sikhism: religiöst liv, representation och traditionsförmedling." In Det mångreligiösa Sverige: ett landskap i förändring, Daniel Andersson and Åke Sander (eds.), Lund: Studentlitteratur.
2015: "Punjabi across Generations: Language Affiliation and Acquisition among Young Swedish Sikhs." In Young Sikhs in a Global World: Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), Farnham: Ashgate.
2015: "Introduction: Young Sikhs in a Global World." In Young Sikhs in a Global World: Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), Farnham: Ashgate.
2014: "Sikhism and Its Changing Social Structure" (together with Surinder S. Jodhka). In Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia, Bryan S. Turner and Oscar Salemink (eds.), London: Routledge.
2014: "The Scripture as a Living Guru: Religious Practices among Contemporary Sikhs." In Objects of Worship in South Asia Religions: Forms, Practices and Meanings, Knut A. Jacobsen, Kristina Myrvold and Mikael Aktor (eds.), London: Routledge.
2014: "Material Objects of Worship in the Lived Religions of South Asia" (together with Knut A. Jacobsen and Mikael Aktor). In Objects of Worship in South Asia Religions: Forms, Practices and Meanings, Knut A. Jacobsen, Mikael Aktor and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), London: Routledge.
2014: "Sikhs in Mainland European Countries." In The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies, Pashaura Singh and Louis E. Fenech (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2013: "Translating the Guru's Words to Local and Global Contexts: Contemporary Katha in the Sikh Religion." In Sikh Diaspora: Theory, Agency, and Experience, Michael Hawley (ed.), Leiden: Brill.
2013: "Engaging with the Guru: Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib." In Iconic Books and Texts, James W. Watts (ed.), Sheffield: Equinox.
2012: "Swedish Case Study: Indian Migration and Population in Sweden." In CARIM: Developing a Knowledge Base for Policymaking on India-EU Migration, Vol 6.
2012: "Making Pilgrimage Places of the Gurus in Varanasi: Countering Hindu Narratives in Local Sikh Historiography." In South Asian History and Culture, Vol. 3/1.
2012: "Introduction: Transnational European Sikhs." In Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), London: Bloomsbury.
2012: "Transnational Sikh Preachers: Local Training and Global Aspiration of Kathavacaks in Punjab." In Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), London: Bloomsbury.
2012: "Contesting and Confirming Religious Authority in the Diaspora: The Dasam Granth Controversy and Sikh Identity in the Nordic Countries" (together with Knut A. Jacobsen, Ravinder Kaur and Laura Hirvi). In Sikhs Across Borders: Transnational Practices of European Sikhs, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), London: Bloomsbury.
2011: "Introduction: Sikhs in Europe." In Sikhs in Europe: Migration, Identities and Representations, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
2011: "The Swedish Sikhs: Community Building, Representation, and Generational Change". In Sikhs in Europe: Migration, Identities and Representations, Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold (eds.), Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
2011: "Sikhism." In Mänskliga rättigheter och religion, Dan-Erik Andersson and Johan Modée (eds.), Malmö: Liber.
2010: "Engaging with the Guru: Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib." In Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, Vol. 6.
2010: "Textbruk." In Människor och makter: En introduktion till religionsvetenskap, Stefan Arvidsson and Jonas Svensson (eds.), Halmstad: E-bok.
2010: "Introduction." In The Death of Sacred Texts: Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions, Kristina Myrvold (ed.), Farnham: Ashgate.
2010: "Making the Scripture a Person: Re-inventing Death Rituals of Guru Granth Sahib in Sikhism." In The Death of Sacred Texts: Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions, Kristina Myrvold (ed.), Farnham: Ashgate.
2009: "I guruns fotspår: pilgrimsresor och platser i samtida sikhism." In Heliga platser, pilgrimsfärder och andliga resor i vår samtid, Bodil Liljefors and Emma Hall (eds.), Föreningen lärare i religionskunskap årsbok.
2009: "Sikher och sikhism: med gurun installerad på en tron och svenska poliser i turban." In Det mångreligiösa Sverige: ett landskap i förändring (second edition), Daniel Andersson and Åke Sander (eds.), Lund: Studentlitteratur.
2008: "Personifying the Sikh Scripture: Ritual Processions of the Guru Granth Sahib in India." In South Asian Religions on Display: Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora, Knut A. Jacobsen (ed.), London: Routledge.
2008: "Sikhism". In Religion i Sverige, Ingvar Svanberg and David Westerlund (eds.), Stockholm: Dialogos.
2006: "Sikhism and Death". In Death and Religion in a Changing World, Kathleen Garces-Foley (ed.), NY: ME Sharpe.
2005: "Sikhism i Sverige: Att bygga guruns tron genom hängivenhet och osjälvisk tjänst." In Det mångreligiösa Sverige: ett landskap i förändring, Daniel Andersson and Åke Sander (eds.), Lund: Studentlitteratur.
2005: "Osjälvisk tjänst av sikherna". In Chakra- tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 3.
2005: "Hymner från Guru Granth i norsk översättning: poetisk vägledning till kunskap sikhisk religiös utövning." Review of Sanger fra Adi Granth by Knut A. Jacobsen in Chakra- tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 4. Lund.
2004: "Wedding ceremonies in the Punjab." In Journal of Punjab Studies, Vol. 11:2.
2004: "Med Guruns ord mot demoner: Vadbhag Singh i sikhisk healingtradition." In Chakra- tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 2.
2004: "Genus och yoga i nyandlig vridning – kvinnliga röster från Yogi Bhajans sikhism." Review of Graceful Women: Gender and Identity in an American Sikh Community by Constance Waeber Elsberg in Chakra- tidskrift för indiska religioner, Vol. 1. Lund.
Popular Science Articles
2018: "Soldater räddade av fickbiblar: berättelser om kristet textbruk under första världskriget." Religion, Vol.1.
2017: "Dera Sacha Sauda: oroligheter i Indien när religiös ledare döms för våldtäkt." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2017-08-30.
2017: "Religiös praktik för sikhiska skrifter i brittiskt arkiv." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2017-04-06.
2016: "Talande ting i 1800-talets objektberättelser." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2016-02-09.
2016: "Miniature Scriptures for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I." In Miniature Book Society Newsletter, 101.
2014: "Pocketbiblar som räddade soldaters liv i skyttegravar." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2014-08-11.
2013: "Eco Ganesha: miljömedvetande och förändrade hinduiska högtider i Indien." Sydasien, 2013-11-04.
2012: "Asiaterna är de nya svenskarna" (together with Katarina Plank). Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2012-09-17.
2012: "Strukturell diskriminering när asiatiska religioner utestängs från ökade statsbidrag till trossamfund" (together with Katarina Plank). Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2012-09-15.
2012: "Sikherna i Portugal." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2012-08-11.
2012: "Sikher hjälteförklarar den amerikanska polisen." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2012-08-07.
2012: "Sikhernas reaktioner på masskjutningarna i Wisconsin." Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer, 2012-08-06.
2012: "Sikhs in Portugal." Sikhs-in-Europe Network, 2012-08-05.
2011: "Tänk långsiktigt med religionsvetenskap" (together with Brita Ahlenius). Nya Wermlandstidningen, 2010-06-28.
2011: "Bristande universitetstänkande i religionsvetenskap" (together with Brita Ahlenius). Nya Wermlandstidningen, 2010-06-14.
2010: "Growing Academic Interest in European Sikhs" (together with Laura Hirvi). Sikh Foundation, 2010-08-30.
2004: "De blåklädda helgonkrigarna: sikhiska traditionsbärare i moderniseringsprocess." Religionsvetenskaplig Internetskrift (RIT), Nr. 7.
2003: "Sikher stoppar diskriminerande TV-spel." Sydasien, Nr. 1.
2002 : "Sikhisk återfödelse mellan två textläsningar: reflektioner kring textbruk i Varanasi." Religionsvetenskaplig Internetskrift (RIT), Nr. 4.
2002: "Värdigt slut för gudomliga ord." Sydasien, Nr. 4.
2002: "Guds namn går att låna på banken i Varanasi". Sydasien, Nr. 2.
2000: "Ökat intresse för punjabisk kultur." Sydasien, Nr. 3.
1999: "Turbanen mer än religiös symbol." Sydasien, Nr. 3.
1999: "Bibi Jagir Kaur bryter manlig dominans inom sikhismen". Sydasien, Nr. 3.
1999: "Möte med Namdhari-sikhernas andliga överhuvud Satguru Jagjit Singh ji." Sydasien, Nr. 3.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Myrvold, K. (2016). Sketches of Sikhs in the 1880s : The Swedish Vanadis Expedition and Hjalmar Stolpe's Ethnographical Collection from Travels in Punjab. Sikh Formations : Religion, Culture, Theory. 12 (1). 1-27.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2013). Mite Qur’ans for Indian Markets : David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century. Postscripts. 9 (2-3 (Special Issue: Miniature Iconic Books)). 169-193.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K., Johansson, A. (2013). Miniature Qur’ans in the First World War : Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers. Postscripts. 9 (2-3). 125-151.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2012). Making Pilgrimage Places of the Gurus in Varanasi : Countering Hindu Narratives in Local Sikh Historiography. South Asian History and Culture. 3 (1). 97-115.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2010). Engaging with the Guru : Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib. Postscripts. 6 (1-3). 201-224.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2005). Osjälvisk tjänst av sikherna. Chakra : tidskrift för indiska religioner. 3. 42-48.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2004). Wedding Ceremonies in Punjab. Journal of Punjab Studies. 11 (2). 155-170.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2004). Med Guruns ord mot demoner : Vadbhag Singh i en sikhisk healingtradition. Chakra - tidskrift för indiska religioner. 2 (2). 98-116.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Myrvold, K., Johansson, A. (2015). Religion in the Trenches : Miniature Scriptures and Artifacts for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I. .
- Myrvold, K. (2015). Drinking the Guru’s Transformative Words : Uses of Amrit in Sikh Religious Practices. IAHR World Congress, August 23-29, Erfurt, 2015.
- Myrvold, K. (2014). Entextualization of Sikh texts in religious historiographies and performances. .
- Hirvi, L., Jacobsen, K.A., Myrvold, K. (2014). Young Sikhs in the Nordic countries : negotiating identities, traditions and authorities. .
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Myrvold, K. (2022). Sikh Ways of Dying : Religious Ceremonies in Changing Deathscapes. Death and Religion in a Changing World. Routledge. 153-179.
- Myrvold, K. (2020). Hindu Soldiers in Europe during the First World War : Religious Books, Symbols, and Practices. Handbook of Hinduism in Europe. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 174-203.
- Myrvold, K. (2019). Mite Qurans for Indian Markets : David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century. Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts. Sheffield, Equinox Publishing. 108-131.
- Myrvold, K., Johansson, A. (2019). Miniature Qurans in the First World War : Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers. Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts. Sheffield, Equinox Publishing. 132-157.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Myrvold, K. (2018). Introduction. Religion and Technology in India : Spaces, Practices, and Authorities. London, Routledge. 1-7.
- Myrvold, K. (2018). Visualizing Sikh Warriors, Royalties, and Rebels : Photography in Colonial Punjab. Religion and Technology in India : Spaces, Practices and Authorities. London, Routledge. 43-74.
- Myrvold, K. (2017). Guru Granth : Ceremonial Treatment. Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Volume 1 : History, Literature, Society, Beyond Punjab. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers.
- Myrvold, K. (2017). "Orientalizing" Bibles in Punjab : Christian Missionaries and Book Printing in Nineteenth Century India. India : Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 100-130.
- Myrvold, K. (2017). Sweden. Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Volume 1 : History, Literature, Society, Beyond Punjab. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers.
- Myrvold, K. (2016). Nām Simran in the Sikh religion. Asian Traditions of Meditation. Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press. 103-121.
- Myrvold, K. (2014). Sikhs in mainland European countries. The Oxford Handbook of Sikh Studies. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 513-523.
- Jodhka, S.S., Myrvold, K. (2014). Sikhism and its changing social structure. Routledge handbook of religions in Asia. London, Routledge. 63-75.
- Myrvold, K. (2014). The scripture as a living guru : religious practices among contemporary Sikhs. Objects of worship in South Asian religions : forms, practices and meanings. London, Routledge. 163-181.
- Myrvold, K. (2013). Engaging with the Guru : Sikh Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib. Iconic Books and Texts. Equinox Publishing.
- Myrvold, K. (2013). Translating the Guru's Words to Local and Global Contexts : Katha for Contemporary Sikh Communities. Sikh Diaspora : Theory, Agency, and Experience. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 321-349.
- Myrvold, K., Jacobsen, K.A., Kaur, R., Hirvi, L. (2012). Contesting and Confirming Religious Authority in the Diaspora : Transnational Communication and the Dasam Granth Controversy in the Nordic Countries. Sikhs across Borders : Transnational Practices of European Sikhs. Bloomsbury Academic. 232-250.
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Transnational Sikh Preachers : Local Training and Global Aspiration of Kathavacaks in Punjab. Sikhs Across Borders : Transnational Practices of European Sikhs. Bloomsbury Academic. 193-210.
- Myrvold, K. (2011). The Swedish Sikhs : Community Building, Representation, and Generational Change. Sikhs in Europe : Migration, Identities and Representations. Ashgate. 63-94.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). Textbruk. Människor och makter 2.0 : En introduktion till religionsvetenskap. Högskolan i Halmstad. 174-178.
- Myrvold, K. (2006). Sikhism and Death. Death and Religion in a Changing World. M.E. Sharpe Inc.. 178-204.
- Myrvold, K. Print Culture in Colonial Punjab. Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Vol. II. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Myrvold, K., Parmenter, D.M. (2019). Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts. Sheffield, Equinox Publishing. 246.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Myrvold, K. (2018). Religion and Technology in India : Spaces, Practices and Authorities. London, Routledge. 240.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Mann, G.S., Myrvold, K., Nesbitt, E. (2017). Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Volume 1 : History, Literature, Society, Beyond Punjab. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Myrvold, K. (2015). Young Sikhs in a Global World : Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities. Farnham, Ashgate.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Aktor, M., Myrvold, K. (2014). Objects of worship in South Asian religions : forms, practices and meanings. London, Routledge. 272.
- Myrvold, K., Jacobsen, K.A. (2012). Sikhs Across Borders : Transnational Practices of European Sikhs. Bloomsbury Academic. 266.
- Myrvold, K., Jacobsen, K.A. (2011). Sikhs in Europe : Migration, Identities and Representations. Ashgate. 360.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). The Death of Sacred Texts : Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions. Ashgate. 182.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. (2005). Chakra : Tidskrift för indiska religioner, 4 : Tema : Rituell praktik. Lund, Föreningen Chakra.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. (2005). Chakra : Tidskrift för indiska religioner, 3 : Tema : Moderna medier. Lund, Föreningen Chakra.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. (2004). Chakra : Tidskrift för indiska religioner, 2 : Tema : Medicin och terapi. Lund, Föreningen Chakra.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. (2004). Chakra : Tidskrift för indiska religioner, 1 : Tema : Kvinnliga gestalter. Lund, Föreningen Chakra.
- Myrvold, K., Jacobsen, K.A., Mann, G.S., Nesbitt, E. Brill's Encyclopedia of Sikhism : Vol. II. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Myrvold, K., Miller Parmenter, D. (2013). Religious Miniature Books : Introduction and Overview. Postscripts. 9 (2-3 (Special Issue: Miniature Iconic Books)). 93-103.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K. (2016). Physiological Engagements with a Scriptural Guru : Ritualized Transactions between the Sikhs and Guru Granth Sahib. "Seeing, Touching, Holding and Tasting Sacred Texts" at Ruhr University Bochum.
- Myrvold, K., Johansson, A. (2016). Religion in the Trenches : Miniature Scriptures for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers during WW1. Presented at Miniature Books: Production, Print and Practice, October 5-6, Linnaeus University.
- Myrvold, K. (2015). I’m a Punjabi Speaking Swedish Sikh. The Punjabi Diaspora's Linkages to Host Societies, Punjabi University, Patiala, India, January 20-22, 2015.
- Myrvold, K. (2015). The Materiality of Religious Texts : Miniature Scriptures for Indian Soldiers in World War I. Classical Texts in Global Contexts, University of Stavanger, 14-16 December.
- Myrvold, K. (2014). Religion in the trenches : miniature scriptures for Sikh soldiers in the British army during World War I. .
- Myrvold, K. (2013). Transforming society with the gurus’ teaching : Sikh preachers and Katha in transnational spaces. .
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Young Sikhs in Sweden. .
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Making the Book a Living Guru : Ritual Practices among Contemporary Sikhs. .
- Myrvold, K. (2010). Remembering the Divine Name : Religious Perceptions and Practices of Nam Simran in the Sikh Religion.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). Engaging with the Guru : Contemporary Beliefs and Practices of Guru Granth Sahib.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). The Sikhs in Sweden : Migration, Representation and Generational Change.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K., Parmenter, D.M. (2019). Religious Miniature Books : Introduction and Overview. Miniature Books : The Format and Function of Tiny Religious Texts. Sheffield, Equinox Publishing. 1-11.
- Myrvold, K., Billore, S. (2017). Introduction. India : research on cultural encounters and representations at Linnaeus University. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 21-27.
- Myrvold, K. (2015). Forskningsbaserat lärande : Reflektioner kring undervisning och examination. Religionsdidaktiska studier. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 51-65.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Myrvold, K. (2015). Introduction : Young Sikhs in a Global World. Young Sikhs in a Global World : Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities. Farnham, Ashgate. 1-11.
- Myrvold, K. (2015). Sikher och sikhism : religiöst liv, representation och traditionsförmedling. Det mångreligiösa Sverige : ett landskap i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 263-310.
- Myrvold, K. (2015). Punjabi across Generations : Language Affiliation and Acquisition among Young Swedish Sikhs. Young Sikhs in a Global World : Negotiating Traditions, Identities and Authorities. Farnham, Routledge. 71-96.
- Jacobsen, K.A., Aktor, M., Myrvold, K. (2014). Material objects of worship in the lived religions of South Asia. Objects of worship in South Asian religions : forms, practices and meanings. New York, Routledge. 1-13.
- Myrvold, K., Jacobsen, K.A. (2012). Transnational European Sikhs. Sikhs Across Borders : Transnational Practices of European Sikhs. Bloomsbury Academic. 1-8.
- Myrvold, K. (2011). Sikhism. Mänskliga rättigheter och religion. Liber. 139-151.
- Myrvold, K., Jacobsen, K.A. (2011). Introduction : Sikhs in Europe. Sikhs in Europe : Migration, Identities, and Representations. Ashgate. 1-15.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). Making the Scripture a Person : Re-inventing Death Rituals of Guru Granth Sahib in Sikhism. The Death of Sacred Texts : Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions. Ashgate. 125-146.
- Myrvold, K. (2010). Introduction. The Death of Sacred Texts : Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in the World Religions. Ashgate. 1-9.
- Myrvold, K. (2009). I guruns fotspår : pilgrimsresor och platser i samtida sikhism. Heliga platser, pilgrimsfärder och andliga resor i vår samtid. Föreningen lärare i religionskunskap. 31-42.
- Myrvold, K. (2009). Sikher och sikhism : med gurun installerad på en tron och svenska poliser i turban. Det mångreligiösa Sverige : ett landskap i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 285-338.
- Myrvold, K. (2008). Sikhism. Religion i Sverige. Dialogos Förlag. 289-293.
- Myrvold, K. (2008). Personifying the Sikh Scripture : Ritual Processions of the Guru Granth Sahib in India. South Asian Religions on Display : Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora. Routledge. 140-156.
- Myrvold, K. (2005). Sikher och sikhism : religiöst liv, representation och traditionsförmedling. Det mångreligiösa Sverige : ett landskap i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur. 263-310.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K. (2007). Inside the Guru's Gate : Ritual Uses of Texts among the Sikhs in Varanasi. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Lunds universitet, Media Tryck. 536.
Report (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Swedish Case Study : Indian Migration and Population in Sweden. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute. 41.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K., Billore, S. (2017). India : Research on cultural encounters and representations at Linnaeus University. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 280.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Myrvold, K. (2005). Hymner från Guru Granth i norsk översättning : vägledning till kunskap om sikhisk religiös utövning. Chakra : tidskrift för indiska religioner. Föreningen Chakra. 4. 77-84.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2004). Genus och Yoga i nyandlig vridning : Kvinnliga röster från Yogi Bhajans sikhism. Chakra : tidskrift för indiska religioner. Föreningen Chakra. 1 (1). 126-131.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Myrvold, K. (2018). Soldater räddade av fickbiblar : berättelser om kristet textbruk under första världskriget. Religion. 1 (1). 24-27.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2016). Miniature Scriptures for Muslim and Sikh Soldiers in the British Army during World War I. Miniature Book Society Newsletter. (101). 15-17.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2013). Eco Ganesha : miljömedvetande och förändrade hinduiska högtider i Indien. Sydasien. (november).
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K., Ahlenius, B. (2011). Bristande universitetstänkande i religionsvetenskap. Nya Wermlandstidningen. (14 juni).
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K., Ahlenius, B. (2011). Tänk långsiktigt med religionsvetenskap. Nya Wermlandstidningen. (28 juni).
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2010). Growing Academic Interest in European Sikhs. The Sikh Foundation.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2004). De blåklädda helgonkrigarna : sikhiska traditionsbärare i moderniseringsprocess. RIT: Religionsvetenskaplig Internet Tidskrift. 7.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2003). Sikherna stoppar diskriminerande TV-spel. Sydasien. 27 (1). 28-29.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2002). Värdigt slut för gudomliga ord. Sydasien. 26 (4). 20-23.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2002). Sikhisk återfödelse mellan två textläsningar : reflektioner kring textbruk i Varanasi. RIT: Religionsvetenskaplig Internet Tidskrift. 4.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2002). Guds namn går att låna på banken i Varanasi. Sydasien. 26 (2). 16-17.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (2000). Viktigt att veta vilka vi är. Sydasien. 24 (4). 19.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (1999). Möte med Namdhari-sikhernas andliga överhuvud SatGuru Jagjit Singh ji. Sydasien nätupplaga. 23 (3).
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (1999). Turbanen mer än religiös symbol. Sydasien. 23 (3). 20-23.
Status: Published -
Myrvold, K. (1999). Bibi Jagir Kaur bryter manlig dominans inom sikhismen. Sydasien. 23 (3). 24.
Status: Published
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Myrvold, K. (2017). Religiös praktik för sikhiska skrifter i brittiskt arkiv.
Myrvold, K. (2017). Dera Sacha Sauda : oroligheter i Indien när religiös ledare döms för våldtäkt.
Blog post at Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer.
. - Myrvold, K. (2016). Talande ting i 1800-talets objektberättelser. Religionsvetenskapliga kommentarer.
- Myrvold, K. (2014). Pocketbiblar som räddade soldaters liv i skyttegravar.
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Sikhernas reaktion på masskjutningarna i Wisconsin. Blogg: Religionsvetenskaplig omvärldsanalys.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. (2012). Strukturell diskriminering när asiatiska religioner utestängs från ökade statsbidrag till trossamfund. Blogg: Religionsvetenskaplig omvärldsanalys.
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Sikher hjälteförklarar den amerikanska polisen. Blogg: Religionsvetenskaplig omvärldsanalys.
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Sikhs in Portugal. Academic network: Sikhs-in-Europe.
- Myrvold, K., Plank, K. (2012). Asiaterna är de nya svenskarna. Blogg:Religionsvetenskaplig omvärldsanalys.
- Myrvold, K. (2012). Sikherna i Portugal. Blogg: Religionsvetenskaplig omvärldsanalys.