Kristoffer Holt
Department of Media and Journalism
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Kristoffer Holt, Ph.D. (2008). Professor in Media and Communication at the Dept. of Media and Journalism (MJ), Linnæus University, Kalmar/Växjö, Sweden.
Find me on Academia and Research gate.
Teaches Method, Media and society, Bachelor theses (supervisor) etc.
My field of research includes, alternative media, media ethics, media criticism as well as media and populism, political communication and participatory and citizen media and media and religion. My work has appeared in journals such as the European Journal of Communication, Journal of Mass Media Ethics and New Media & Society among others.
Research leader, Department of Media and Journalism (MJ).
My ongoing research projects
Project: Alternative Media Logic Alternative Media Logic examines the appeal and impact of alternative media on the Swedish media landscape and the conditions of democratic discourse. "Media logic"…
Project: Young Citizens and the Quality of News. Construals, Emotions and Strategies In this project, we investigate how young adult citizens construe (perceive, comprehend and interpret) and…
My completed research projects
Project: Immigration critical alternative media and public discourse. Comparing Sweden, France and Germany The aim of this research project is to outline the interplay between new and established…
Project: Information, Desinformation and Media System Change This research project aims to analyze and describe present changes in media and journalism. Given the diversity of the field, the…
Selected publications
Frischlich, L., Eldridge, S.A., Figenschou, T.U., Ihlebæk, K.A., Holt, K., et al. (2023). Contesting the Mainstream : Towards an Audience-Centered Agenda of Alternative News Research. Digital Journalism. 11 (5). 727-740.
Status: Published - Holt, K. (2023). Right-wing alternative news media and digital politics. Handbook of Digital Politics. Edward Elgar Publishing. 436-448.
Holt, K. (2023). Kulturkrig och populism: Vilken roll spelar de journalistiska medierna?. Ikaros. 2023 (3). 6-11.
Status: Published -
Ihlebæk, K.A., Figenschou, T.U., Eldridge, S.A., Frischlich, L., Cushion, S., et al. (2022). Understanding Alternative News Media and Its Contribution to Diversity. Digital Journalism. 10 (8). 1267-1282.
Status: Published - Holt, K., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media and Modalities – News Media. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 86-99.
- Holt, K. (2020). Right-wing alternative media. London; New York, Routledge.
- Holt, K. (2020). Populism and Alternative Media. Perspectives on Populism and the Media : Avenues for Research. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 201-214.
- Elliot, M., Holt, K. (2020). Freedom of Expression, Democratic Discourse and the Social Media. Lisbon, Cogitatio. 55.
Elliot, M., Holt, K. (2020). Editorial: Freedom of expression and the online abyss. Media and Communication. 8 (4). 107-109.
Status: Published -
Haller, A., Holt, K. (2019). Paradoxical populism: how PEGIDA relates to mainstream and alternative media. Information, Communication and Society. 22 (12). 1665-1680.
Status: Published -
Haller, A., Holt, K., De La Brosse, R. (2019). The 'other' alternatives : Political right-wing alternative media. Journal of alternative and community media. 4 (1). 1-6.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Ustad Figenschou, T., Frischlich, L. (2019). Key Dimensions of Alternative News Media. Digital Journalism. 7 (7). 860-869.
Status: Published - Holt, K. (2019). Medieanvändares delaktighet i nyhetsproduktion. Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 393-404.
- Holt, K. (2019). Externa utmaningar för journalistiken. På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 313-336.
- De La Brosse, R., Holt, K. (2019). Media and Journalism in an Age of Terrorism. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 201.
- De La Brosse, R., Holt, K. (2019). Introduction. Media and Journalism in an Age of Terrorism. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. xi-xvi.
Holt, K. (2018). Alternative Media and the Notion of Anti-Systemness : Towards an Analytical Framework. Media and Communication. 6 (4). 49-57.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Haller, A. (2017). What Does ‘Lügenpresse’ Mean? : Expressions of Media Distrust on PEGIDA’s Facebook Pages. Tidsskriftet Politik. 20 (4). 42-57.
Status: Published - Karlsson, M., Holt, K. (2016). Journalism on the web. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.
- Holt, K. (2016). ”Alternativmedier”? : En intervjustudie om mediekritik och mediemisstro. Migrationen i medierna : Men det får en väl inte prata om?. Stockholm, Institutet för mediestudier. 113-149.
- Holt, K. (2016). Journalistik bortom redaktionerna?. Människorna, medierna och marknaden : Medieutredningens forskningsantologi om en demokrati i förändring Stockholm (SOU 2016:30). Stockholm, Wolters Kluwer. 403-428.
Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2015). “Random acts of journalism?” : How citizen journalists tell the news in Sweden. New Media and Society. 17 (11). 1795-1810.
Status: Published - Holt, K. (2015). The Religious Dimension of Kierkegaard's Media Criticism : “Authentic Fait" vs “The Phantom Public”. Mediatization of Religion : Historical and Functional Perspectives. Moscow, Moscow State University Press. 30-49.
- Karlsson, M., Holt, K. (2015). Is anyone out there? : Assessing Swedish citizen-generated community journalism. Community journalism midst media revolution. Routledge. 52-68.
Karlsson, M., Holt, K. (2014). Is Anyone out There? : Assessing Swedish citizen-generated community journalism. Journalism Practice. 8 (2). 164-180.
Status: Published - Holt, K. (2014). Mediekritik bortom medierna : Om filosofi som mediekritisk resurs. Mediekritik. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 23-36.
Holt, K., Shehata, A., Strömbäck, J., Ljungberg, E. (2013). Age and the effects of news media attention and social media use on political interest and participation : Do social media function as leveller?. European Journal of Communication. 28 (1). 19-34.
Status: Published -
Holt, K. (2012). Authentic Journalism? : A Critical Discussion about Existential Authenticity in Journalism Ethics. Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 27 (1). 2-14.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2011). Edited participation comparing editorial influence on traditional and participatory online newspapers in Sweden. Javnost - The Public. 18 (2). 19-35.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Krogh, T.V. (2010). The citizen as media critic in periods of media change. Observatorio (OBS*). 4 (4). 287-306.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Refereed)
Booker, N., Mutsvairo, B., Baliah, D., Adjin-Tettey, T.D., Holt, K., et al. (2024). Putting Forward Sustainability as a Model for Journalism Education and Training. Journalism Practice. 1-25.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Frischlich, L., Eldridge, S.A., Figenschou, T.U., Ihlebæk, K.A., Holt, K., et al. (2023). Contesting the Mainstream : Towards an Audience-Centered Agenda of Alternative News Research. Digital Journalism. 11 (5). 727-740.
Status: Published -
Ihlebæk, K.A., Figenschou, T.U., Eldridge, S.A., Frischlich, L., Cushion, S., et al. (2022). Understanding Alternative News Media and Its Contribution to Diversity. Digital Journalism. 10 (8). 1267-1282.
Status: Published -
Haller, A., Holt, K. (2019). Paradoxical populism: how PEGIDA relates to mainstream and alternative media. Information, Communication and Society. 22 (12). 1665-1680.
Status: Published -
Haller, A., Holt, K., De La Brosse, R. (2019). The 'other' alternatives : Political right-wing alternative media. Journal of alternative and community media. 4 (1). 1-6.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Ustad Figenschou, T., Frischlich, L. (2019). Key Dimensions of Alternative News Media. Digital Journalism. 7 (7). 860-869.
Status: Published -
Holt, K. (2018). Alternative Media and the Notion of Anti-Systemness : Towards an Analytical Framework. Media and Communication. 6 (4). 49-57.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Haller, A. (2017). What Does ‘Lügenpresse’ Mean? : Expressions of Media Distrust on PEGIDA’s Facebook Pages. Tidsskriftet Politik. 20 (4). 42-57.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2015). “Random acts of journalism?” : How citizen journalists tell the news in Sweden. New Media and Society. 17 (11). 1795-1810.
Status: Published -
Karlsson, M., Holt, K. (2014). Is Anyone out There? : Assessing Swedish citizen-generated community journalism. Journalism Practice. 8 (2). 164-180.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Shehata, A., Strömbäck, J., Ljungberg, E. (2013). Age and the effects of news media attention and social media use on political interest and participation : Do social media function as leveller?. European Journal of Communication. 28 (1). 19-34.
Status: Published -
Holt, K. (2012). Authentic Journalism? : A Critical Discussion about Existential Authenticity in Journalism Ethics. Journal of Mass Media Ethics. 27 (1). 2-14.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2011). Edited participation comparing editorial influence on traditional and participatory online newspapers in Sweden. Javnost - The Public. 18 (2). 19-35.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Krogh, T.V. (2010). The citizen as media critic in periods of media change. Observatorio (OBS*). 4 (4). 287-306.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Elliot, M., Holt, K. (2020). Editorial: Freedom of expression and the online abyss. Media and Communication. 8 (4). 107-109.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Holt, K. (2023). Kulturkrig och populism: Vilken roll spelar de journalistiska medierna?. Ikaros. 2023 (3). 6-11.
Status: Published -
Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2014). Om journalistikens existentiella kris : behövs verkligen journalister när vem som helst kan bli publicist?. IKAROS tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen. 11 (3-4). 5-7.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Holt, K. (2020). Right-wing alternative media. London; New York, Routledge.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Holt, K. (2016). Gunn Enli. Mediated Authenticity. How the Media Constructs Reality. New York: Peter Lang, 2015, 164 p., ISBN: 9781433114854. Nordicom Review. Göteborg, De Gruyter Open. 37 (2). 131-132.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Holt, K. (2021). Makt, medier och metaversum : Carl-Gustav Lindén: Silicon Valley och makten över medierna. Nordicom 2020, 140 s.. Signum : katolsk orientering om kyrka, kultur, samhälle. 8. 53-55.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Holt, K. (2023). Right-wing alternative news media and digital politics. Handbook of Digital Politics. Edward Elgar Publishing. 436-448.
- Holt, K., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media and Modalities – News Media. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 86-99.
- Holt, K. (2020). Populism and Alternative Media. Perspectives on Populism and the Media : Avenues for Research. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 201-214.
- Holt, K. (2019). Medieanvändares delaktighet i nyhetsproduktion. Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 393-404.
- Holt, K. (2019). Externa utmaningar för journalistiken. På väg mot medievärlden 2030 : Journalistikens villkor och utmaningar. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 313-336.
- Karlsson, M., Holt, K. (2016). Journalism on the web. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.
- Holt, K. (2015). The Religious Dimension of Kierkegaard's Media Criticism : “Authentic Fait" vs “The Phantom Public”. Mediatization of Religion : Historical and Functional Perspectives. Moscow, Moscow State University Press. 30-49.
- Karlsson, M., Holt, K. (2015). Is anyone out there? : Assessing Swedish citizen-generated community journalism. Community journalism midst media revolution. Routledge. 52-68.
- Holt, K. (2011). Participatory culture and the church : Contrasting communicative ideals?. Religion and new media in the age of convergence : Reading materials on media and religion for students. Moscow, Moscow State University Press. 57-64.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Holt, K. (2024). Deltagarjournalistik och medborgarjournalistik. Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 421-434.
- Holt, K. (2022). Mediesatsningen som vann valet?. Snabbtänkt 2.0 22 : Reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall, Mittuniversitetet, Demicom. 85-85.
- De La Brosse, R., Holt, K. (2019). Introduction. Media and Journalism in an Age of Terrorism. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. xi-xvi.
- Holt, K., Berggren, L. (2017). Ivar Harrie, 1899–1973. Svenskt Översättarlexikon. Huddinge, Södertörns högskola.
- Holt, K. (2017). Mediemisstro : där ytterkanterna möts. Misstron mot medier. Stockholm, Institutet för mediestudier. 117-135.
- Holt, K. (2016). ”Alternativmedier”? : En intervjustudie om mediekritik och mediemisstro. Migrationen i medierna : Men det får en väl inte prata om?. Stockholm, Institutet för mediestudier. 113-149.
- Holt, K. (2016). Journalistik bortom redaktionerna?. Människorna, medierna och marknaden : Medieutredningens forskningsantologi om en demokrati i förändring Stockholm (SOU 2016:30). Stockholm, Wolters Kluwer. 403-428.
- Holt, K. (2016). Skilda verkligheter? : ”Internets undervegetation” vs ”PK-maffian”. Migrationen i medierna : Men det får en väl inte prata om?. Stockholm, Institutet för mediestudier. 150-172.
- Holt, K. (2015). Medieanvändare som nyhetsproducenter : Om medborgar- och deltagarjournalistik.. Handbok i journalistikforskning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 411-428.
- Holt, K. (2014). Mediekritik bortom medierna : Om filosofi som mediekritisk resurs. Mediekritik. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 23-36.
- Holt, K. (2012). The Hour och det journalistiska äkthetsidealet. Kulturaliseringens samhälle : Problemorienterad kulturvetenskaplig forskning vid Tema Q 2002–2012. Linköping, LiU-Tryck. 172-176.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Holt, K. (2018). Medierna som inte vann valet. Snabbtänkt : Reflektioner från valet 2018 av ledande forskare. Sundsvall, DEMICOM. 90-90.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Holt, K., Ezz El Din, M., Wahlberg, M., Nykvist, A., De La Brosse, R. (2022). Young citizens and the Quality of news. Attention, emotional reactions and quality assessments.. Presented to the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Conference 2022, Las Vegas, USA, April 23-26. 2nd prize winner in the BEA2022 Interest Division’s Top Paper Competition).
- Holt, K., Nykvist, A., Ezz El Din, M., Wahlberg, M., De La Brosse, R., et al. (2022). Young Citizens and the Quality of new : Measuring attention and emotional reactions in relation to quality assessments. Presented at the 72nd Annual ICA Conference "One World, One Network‽", Paris, 26-30 May, 2022.
- Holt, K., Haller, A. (2020). Alternative Journalists? : Journalistic Self-Conceptions of Right-Wing Online Media. .
- Holt, K. (2017). Shaking the foundations of the “corridor of opinion”? : Towards a framework for analysing Immigration Critical Alternative Media (ICAM) in Sweden. ECPR 2017 General Conference, Oslo : Oslo 6-9 September, 2017.
- Holt, K., De La Brosse, R. (2017). Médias antisystèmes et tentatives de ‘réinformation’ du public : Regards croisés sur les expériences suédoise et française. Presented at Les journalistes dans le débat démocratique Théofraste Network, Tunis, Tunisia 23-25 October 2017.
- Holt, K. (2017). Completely Different or Versions of the Same? : A comparison of mainstream media (MSM) and immigration-critical alternative media (ICAM) in Sweden. The 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association : Communication Research and Practice, San Diego, 25-29 May, 2017.
- Holt, K. (2016). Citizen journalism on the Swedish horizon. Presented at 2016 IAMCR Conference "Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward" Leicester, UK, 27-31 July 2016.
- Holt, K., Haller, A. (2016). The Populist Communication Paradox of PEGDIA : Between “Lying Press” and Journalistic Sources. Presented at the 66th annual ICA conference "Communicating with power". Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 june. Preconference: Populism in, by, and Against the Media.
- Holt, K. (2016). Media criticism and mistrust in Swedish anti-immigration alternative media. .
- Holt, K., Lundell, P. (2015). Mistrusting the media – now and then : A historical comparison of far right media criticism in Sweden. Political Agency in the Digital Age : Media, Participation and Democracy.
- Holt, K. (2015). Populism, metapolitics and media criticism : An analysis of identitarian construals of mainstream media. New Perspectives on Populist Political Communication : COST Early Stage Researchers Think Tank. Zurich (26-30 jan 2015)..
- Holt, K., Rinaldo, M. (2014). Exploring the dark side of participatory online media : Online participation, identitarian discourse and media criticism at Journalism in Transition: Crisis or opportunity?.
- Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2013). How are citizen journalists telling the news? : An inventory of Swedish online citizen journalism sites. Nordmedia 2013 : Defending Democracy.
- Holt, K., Grusell, M. (2013). What is unethical advertising? : An analysis of complaints to the Swedish Advertising Ombudsman 2009-2012.. .
- Holt, K., Shehata, A., Strömbäck, J., Ljungberg, E. (2012). Social Media as Leveller? : Effects of Traditional News Media Attention and Social Media Use on Political Participation Among Younger and Older Citizens. .
- Holt, K. (2012). New Media, New Participants – New Ethics? : Is there a chance for ethics in a world of prosumers?. .
- Holt, K., Shehata, A., Strömbäck, J., Ljungberg, E., Nord, L. (2012). Political Motivation and Participation : Social Media as Leveler?. .
- Holt, K., Von Krogh, T. (2011). Citizens as Media Critics in Changing Mediascapes. Communication @ the Center : The 61st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association Boston, USA 26-30 May 2011..
- Holt, K., Von Krogh, T. (2011). Citizens as Media Critics in Changing Mediascapes. Communication and citizenship : Rethinking Crisis and Change.
- Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2011). Participatory Journalism and Editorial Influence. Communication @ the Center : The 61st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Boston, USA 26-30 May 2011.
- Holt, K., Karlsson, M. (2010). Edited participation : A comparative study of editorial influence on three online news media in Sweden. .
- Holt, K. (2010). Participatory Culture and the Church : Contrasting Communicative Ideals?. The 2nd International Media Readings in Moscow Mass Media and Communications – 2010 : DIGITAL FRONTIERS: TRADITIONAL MEDIA PRACTICES IN THE AGE OF CONVERGENCE.
- Holt, K., Rosenqvist, C., Wessel, J. (2010). Photos on facebook : Photos on Facebook – 24 youths about social visual communication on Facebook. .
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Nykvist, A., Wahlberg, M., Holt, K., Dahlén, P., Ezz El Din, M. (2023). Measuring young citizens appreciation of news - between attention, emotional reactions and pertinent quality assessments. Presented at the NordMedia Conference 2023, Bergen, Norway, August 16-18, 2023.
- Holt, K. (2021). Can media and platforms be "true" or "false"? : ...and is this really the best question to ask?. "Trust Me!" Truthfulness andTruth Claims across Media : Book of Abstracts.
- Holt, K. (2021). Polarisation and populism in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. : Alternative media and Swedish Exceptionalism. IAMCR Rethinking borders and boundaries Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies. Nairobi, Kenya and wherever you are, 11-15 July 2021.
- Holt, K. (2017). Media distrust : A left-wing or right-wing specialty? : Historical perspectives on today’s debate about populism and the media. Perspectives on Right-Wing Populism and the Media: Scholarship, Journalism, Civil Society. 11 and 12 September 2017 Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), LMU Munich, Germany.
- Holt, K. (2015). Sentenced to the snipping–tool? : Some thoughts from a media scholar’s perspective on Big Data and online media criticism in far right counter-public spheres. Big Data: från hype till handling, 4 december, 2015.
- Holt, K. (2014). New media, new participants new ethics?. Social Media in a Changing Media Environment : Lessons from the Arab world.
- Holt, K., Rinaldo, M. (2014). Exploring the Dark Side of Participatory Online Media : A Case Study of Metapedia(dot)org. Communication & Mass Media Abstracts : 12th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media 12-15 May 2014, Athens, Greece. 63-63.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Elliot, M., Holt, K. (2020). Freedom of Expression, Democratic Discourse and the Social Media. Lisbon, Cogitatio. 55.
- De La Brosse, R., Holt, K. (2019). Media and Journalism in an Age of Terrorism. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 201.
Report (Other academic)
- Holt, K., Nykvist, A., Ezz El Din, M., Wahlberg, M., Dahlén, P. (2023). Young citizens and the quality of news : Construals, Emotions and Strategies. Gothenburg, Lindholmen Science Park. 29.
- Holt, K. (2011). Deltagarjournalistik i det digitala kaffehuset : En analys av Newsmill som kontext för deltagarjournalistik och debatt. Sundsvall, DEMICOM. 38.