Lars Behrenz
Deputy vice-chancellor for Challenge-driven knowledge creation and analysis
Department of Economics and Statistics
School of Business and Economics
Lars Behrenz is Deputy Vice-chancellor. His research focuses on labour market economics and to some extent on sports-related issues.
Among other things, Lars has studied the following:
- employers' recruitment behaviour;
- the effects of increased staffing levels at the public employment service;
- the effects of local collaboration on labour market policies;
- the suitability of the Rehn-Meidner model in today's society;
- the situation of second-generation immigrants;
- the effects of collaboration between temporary work agencies and the public employment service;
- the socio-economic significance of the social economy; and
- dynamic efficiency analyses of the public employment service.
In recent years, he has also started to research the economic effects of sports in a study about the socio-economic value of various forms of sports.
Lars Behrenz is Deputy Vice-chancellor on half-time, responsible for knowledge environments and culture/communication. As Deputy Vice-chancellor, he is part of the university's management team.
Knowledge environments – our way of meeting societal challenges In order to meet current and future societal challenges, knowledge from a broader and larger perspective is needed. Therefore, we have…
University management The highest leadership at Linnaeus University consists of the vice-chancellor, pro vice-chancellor, and university director. In the absence of the vice-chancellor, the pro…
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University are accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; AACSB.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Behrenz, L., Månsson, J. (2023). Why don't employers hire long-term unemployed entitled to a wage subsidy? : The employer's perspective on subsidised employment. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 44 (1). 161-183.
Status: Published -
Karlsson, P.S., Behrenz, L., Shukur, G. (2019). Performances of model selection criteria when variables are ill conditioned. Computational Economics. 54 (1). 77-98.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Månsson, J. (2016). Is starting a business a sustainable way out of unemployment? : treatment effects of the Swedish start-up subsidy. Journal of Labor Research. 37 (4). 389-411.
Status: Published -
Althin, R., Behrenz, L., Färe, R., Grosskopf, S., Mellander, E. (2010). Swedish employment offices: A new model for evaluating effectiveness. European Journal of Operational Research. 207 (3). 1535-1544.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Hammarstedt, M., Månsson, J. (2007). Second-generation immigrants in the Swedish labour market. International Review of Applied Economics. 21 (1). 157-174.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Althin, R. (2005). Efficiency and productivity of employment offices: : evidence from Sweden. International journal of manpower. 26 (2). 196-206.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Althin, R. (2004). An Efficiency Analysis of Swedish Employment Offices. International review of applied economics. 18 (4). 471-482.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L. (2002). The Employment Service and Vacancy Durations. Evaluation review. 26 (6). 602-617.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L. (2001). Who Gets the Job and Why? : An Explorative Study of Employers´Recruitment Behaviour. Journal of Applied Economics. IV (2). 255-278.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Behrenz, L. (2013). The Economic Value of Elite Sports : The Case of Sweden. Sports: Economic, Management, Marketing & Social Aspects AbstractsThirteenth Annual International Conference on Sports: Economic, Management, Marketing & Social Aspects8-11 July 2013, Athens, Greece Edited by Gregory T. Papanikos. 11-11.
Report (Refereed)
- Behrenz, L., Månsson, J. (2022). Bakåtblick på vägen fram : - en ESO-rapport om etableringsprocessen på svensk arbetsmarknad. Stockholm, Regeringskansliet. 168.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Behrenz, L. (2009). Ökar Kalmar FF den svenska välfärden : Elitidrottens ekonomiska värde. Ekonomisk Debatt. 37 (2). 37-47.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Hammarstedt, M. (2002). Arbetsinkomster bland andra generationens invandrare. Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv. 8 (2). 81-93.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Månsson, J., Nyberg, E. (2002). Platsförmedling för arbetslösa invandrare : utvärdering av ett försök med samverkan mellan bemanningsföretag och arbetsförmedling. Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv. 8 (4). 273-286.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L. (2000). Låt inte det bästa bli det godas fiende : -om att utvärdera svensk arbetsmarknadspolitik. Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv. 6 (4). 271-274.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Althin, R. (1997). Svar till Karl-Martin Sjöstarnds "Några kommentarer till Althin-Behrenz..." . Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv. 3 (1). 49-52.
Status: Published -
Behrenz, L., Althin, R. (1996). Finns det skillnader i effektivitet mellan de svenska arbetsförmedlingskontoren?. Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv. 2 (3). 183-194.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Behrenz, L. (2012). Idrottens ekonomiska samhällsnytta. Är idrott nyttigt? : En antologi om idrott och samhällsnytta. Stockholm, SISU Idrottsböcker. 226-257.
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Niklasson, H. (2002). Can Sweden´s Rhen-Meidner model be put back on its feet?. Labour Markets, Gender and Institutional Change. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. 36-62.
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Niklasson, H. (2001). Towards an intensified local level cooperation in the design and implementation of labour market policies : The evaluation of Swedish reforms. Labour Market Policy and Unemployment : Impact and Process Evaluations in Selected European Countries. Edward Elgar. 256-292.
- Behrenz, L., Althin, R. (1998). A Technical Efficiency Analysis of Swedish Employment Offices. Benchmarking Employment Performance and Labour Market Policies . Berlin, I.A.S..
Report (Other academic)
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Frödin, O., Mathieu, C., Månsson, J., et al. (2015). Arbetsgivares perspektiv på subventionerade anställningar : en kartläggning. Linnaeus University. 92.
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Månsson, J. (2014). Utvärdering av Almis företagsrådgivning : Utvärdering av rådgivningsverksamhet till etablerade företag. Östersund, Tillväxtanalys. 58.
- Behrenz, L., Hammarstedt, M. (2014). Utvärdering av nystartsjobb i Växjö kommun : slutrapport. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 32.
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Månsson, J. (2013). Making the business case for Public Employment Services : Cost-benefit analysis and productive efficiency analysis. European Commission. 36.
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Månsson, J. (2013). The Public Employment Service : A Survey of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Productive Efficiency Analysis Studies. Linnéuniversitetet. 23.
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L., Månsson, J. (2012). Start-up Subsidies in Sweden : Treatment, Deadweight and Direct Displacement Effects.. Linnéuniversitetet. 27.
- Behrenz, L. (2009). Att studera Arbetsförmedlingens kostnadseffektivitet : working paper 2009:2. 57.
- Norgren, C., Johnreden, A., Johansson, M., Lundin, C., Gustafsson, C., et al. (2008). Stöd till start av näringsverksamhet : ett framgångsrikt program. Stockholm, Riksrevisionen. 94.
- Behrenz, L. (1997). The Total Fiscal Cost of Unemployment : An Estimation for Sweden. Bryssel, European Commission. 36.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Behrenz, L. (2007). Att byta land och landskap : En vänbok till Jan Ekberg. Växjö University Press.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Behrenz, L., Delander, L. (2011). Samordningsstöd till barn med funktionshinder : samhällsekonomiska och offentligfinansiella effekter. 49.
Collection (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Behrenz, L., Lundgren, S., Edquist, H., Flood, L. (2008). Vägar till full sysselsättning. SNS förlag. 109.