My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Napadow, M., Harmat, L. (2024). Memorizing song lyrics : Comparing the effectiveness of three learning formats. Psychology of Music. 52 (4). 489-499.
Status: Published -
Juslin, P.N., Harmat, L., Barradas, G., Omstedt, G., Redtzer, V. (2024). Rhythmic entrainment of heart rate as a mechanism for musical emotion induction : A plausible hypothesis in need of evidence?. Psychology of Music.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Peng, C., Liang, Y., Yuan, G., Xie, M., Mao, Y., et al. (2023). How servant leadership predicts employee resilience in public organizations : a social identity perspective. Current Psychology. 42 (35). 31405-31420.
Status: Published -
Juslin, P.N., Laukka, P., Harmat, L., Ovsiannikow, M. (2021). Spontaneous Vocal Expressions From Everyday Life Convey Discrete Emotions to Listeners. Emotion. 21 (6). 1281-1301.
Status: Published -
Horwitz, E.B., Harmat, L., Osika, W., Theorell, T. (2021). The Interplay Between Chamber Musicians During Two Public Performances of the Same Piece : A Novel Methodology Using the Concept of "Flow". Frontiers in Psychology. 11. 1-12.
Status: Published -
Wu, J., Xie, M., Lai, Y., Mao, Y., Harmat, L. (2021). Flow as a Key Predictor of Subjective Well-Being Among Chinese University Students : A Chain Mediating Model. Frontiers in Psychology. 12.
Status: Published -
Mao, Y., Yang, R., Bonaiuto, M., Ma, J., Harmat, L. (2020). Can Flow Alleviate Anxiety? : The Roles of Academic Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem in Building Psychological Sustainability and Resilience. Sustainability. 12 (7). 1-17.
Status: Published -
Harmat, L., Herbert, A. (2020). Complexity Thinking as a Tool to Understand the Didactics of Psychology. Frontiers in Psychology. 11. 1-17.
Status: Published -
Juslin, P., Harmat, L., Laukka, P. (2018). The wisdom of the body : Listeners' autonomic arousal distinguishes between spontaneous and posed vocal emotions. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 59 (2). 105-112.
Status: Published -
Takács, J., Bódizs, R., Przemyslaw Ujma, P., Horváth, K., Rajna, P., et al. (2016). Reliability and Validity of the Hungarian version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-HUN) : comparing psychiatric patients with control subjects. Sleep and Breathing. 20 (3). 1045-1051.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, H., Harmat, L., Theorell, T., Ullén, F. (2016). Similar but different : interviewing monozygotic twins discordant for musical practice. Musicae scientiae. 21 (3). 250-266.
Status: Published -
Harmat, L., De Manzano, Ö., Theorell, T., Högman, L., Fischer, H., et al. (2015). Physiological correlates of the flow experience during computer game playing. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 97 (1). 1-7.
Status: Published -
Juslin, P., Harmat, L., Eerola, T. (2014). What makes music emotionally significant? Exploring the underlying mechanism.. Psychology of Music. 42 (4). 559-623.
Status: Published -
Koenig, J., Jarczok, M., Warth, M., Harmat, L., Hesse, N., et al. (2013). Music listening has no positive or negative effects on sleep quality of normal sleepers : Results of a randomized controlled trial. Nordic journal of music therapy. 22 (3). 233-242.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Harmat, L., Olsson, B. (2019). Flow experience, creativity and synchronized interactions during group-based problem solving task. Flow Symposium, June 4–5, 2019, ArtLab Foyer : Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany. 10-10.
- Harmat, L., De Manzano, Ö., Ullén, F. (2018). Flow experience in music : practice and performance. .
- Olsson, B., Harmat, L. (2018). State flow, creativity and flow synchronization during group based problem solving task. PIN-C Conference Proceeding 2018 Eskilstuna Sweden. 146-153.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Herbert, A., Harmat, L. (2022). A dual model of mindfulness and flow, shared neural substrates : With a specific focus on individual sports performance. Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing. Routledge. 11-26.
- Magyaródi, T., Olsson, B.K., Harmat, L. (2022). Flow synchronisation and shared emotions towards understanding collective flow experience. Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing. Routledge. 27-45.
- Chemi, T., Brattico, E., Fjorback, L.O., Harmat, L. (2022). Conclusion : A beam of light to conclude with. Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing. Routledge. 285-287.
- Theorell, T., Harmat, L., Eriksson, H., Ullén, F. (2018). Talking about childhood music : a twin study. The arts and the brain : psychology and physiology beyond pleasure. Elsevier. 279-287.
- Ullén, F., Harmat, L., Theorell, T., Madison, G. (2016). Flow and individual differences : a phenotypic analysis of data from more than 10,000 twin individuals. Flow Experience : Empirical Research and Applications. Springer. 267-288.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Chemi, T., Brattico, E., Fjorback, L.O., Harmat, L. (2022). Arts and mindfulness education for human flourishing. Routledge. 306.
- Harmat, L., Ørsted Anderssen, F., Ullén, F., Wright, J., Sadlo, G. (2016). Flow Experience : Empirical Research and Applications. Springer. 392.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Peifer, C., Wolters, G., Harmat, L., Heutte, J., Tan, J., et al. (2022). A Scoping Review of Flow Research. Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Media S.A.. 13.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Chemi, T., Brattico, E., Fjorback, L.O., Harmat, L. (2022). Introduction : A gaze into a complex jigsaw. Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing. Routledge. 1-8.
- Harmat, L., De Manzano, Ö., Ullén, F. (2021). Flow in music and arts. Advances in Flow Research. Springer. 377-391.