Article in journal (Refereed)
Helmefalk, M., Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L. (2019). The role of mechanics in gamification : an interdisciplinary perspective. International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality. 3 (1). 18-41.
Status: Published
Sell, A., Walden, P., Jeansson, J., Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L. (2019). Go Digital : B2C Microenterprise Channel Expansions. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 20 (2). 75-90.
Status: Published
Helmefalk, M., Marcusson, L. (2019). Gamification in a servicescape context : a conceptual framework. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. 13 (1). 22-46.
Status: Published
Marcusson, L. (2018). The Sponsor’s Overview of an IT Project, According to IT Project Managers Opinion. Journal of Economics and Management Sciences. 1 (1). 65-77.
Status: Published
Allmér, H., Marcusson, L. (2018). Altruistic young elderly in Sweden : a pilot study. International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI). 7 (5). 66-79.
Status: Published
Marcusson, L. (2018). IT project managers' team role and sense of coherence : a pilot study in Sweden. Journal of Modern Project Management. 6 (1). 96-103.
Status: Published
Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L., Jeansson, J. (2017). Activity theory applied at channel expansions in small and medium enterprises. Problems of Management in the 21st Century. 12 (1). 20-38.
Status: Published
Jeansson, J., Nikou, S., Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L., Sell, A., et al. (2017). SMEs’ online channel expansion : value creating activities. Electronic Markets. 27 (1). 49-66.
Status: Published
Marcusson, L., Lundqvist, S. (2016). Swedish IT project managers’ personality traits mirrored in the Big five. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management. 7 (3). 1-14.
Status: Published
Marcusson, L., Lundqvist, S. (2015). Applying a core competence model on Swedish job advertisements for IT project managers. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management. 6 (2). 1-17.
Status: Published
Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L. (2015). Apply a Project Core View to Promote Project Success. Journal of Modern Project Management. 3 (1). 100-109.
Status: Published
Marcusson, L., Lundqvist, S. (2015). Why advertise the obvious? : Learning outcomes from analyzing advertisements for recruitment of swedish IS/IT project managers. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. 3 (4). 39-56.
Status: Published
Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L. (2014). Advertisements for ICT project managers show diversity between Swedish employers' and project management associations' views of PM certifications. Problems of Management in the 21st Century. 9 (1). 35-55.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Sell, A., Jeansson, J., Helmefalk, M., Allmér, H., Marcusson, L. (2023). Conceptualizing information systems as biological ecosystems - a ”new” vocabulary for speaking of information systems. 36th Bled eConference – Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability : June 25 – 28, 2023, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings. 647-662.
Helmefalk, M., Marcusson, L., Sell, A. (2020). “Who cares about fireworks?” : A study on digital coaching, gamification and exercise motivation. Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 1266-1275.
Sell, A., Walden, P., Carlsson, C., Helmefalk, M., Marcusson, L. (2019). Digital coaching to support university students’ physical activity. 32nd Bled eConference Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society, BLED 2019 : conference proceedings. 599-618.
Carlsson, C., Sell, A., Walden, C., Walden, P., Lundqvist, S., et al. (2017). Go Vendla Go! Creating a Digital Coach for the Young Elderly. INFORMATION SYSTEMS, EMCIS 2017. 204-209.
Jeansson, J., Nikou, S., Gustavsson, R., Lundqvist, S., Marcusson, L., et al. (2015). Understanding Online Channel Expansion in an SME Context : A Business Model Perspective. The 28th Bled eConference, #eWellBeing : Proceedings, Research Volume. 322-337.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
Marcusson, L. (2020). Gamification is. Utilizing gamification in servicescapes for improved consumer engagement. Hershey, IGI Global. 24-49.
Marcusson, L., Lundqvist, S. (2020). Teachers´ view of servicescape : experience from a gamified distance course. Utilizing gamification in servicescapes for improved consumer engagement. Hershey, IGI Global. 224-251.
Marcusson, L., Lundqvist, S. (2019). Core competencies' core context!. Advanced online education and training technologies. Hershey PA, USA, IGI Global. 75-95.
Gustafsson, R., Marcusson, L. (2015). Increasing energy efficiency by reducing losses and offering value propositions. Energy efficiency improvements in smart grid components. IntechOpen. 193-230.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Conference paper (Other academic)
Marcusson, L. (2007). Det beror på (tidigt val av projektmetod). .
Marcusson, L. (2006). Project storytelling. .
Marcusson, L. (2005). Processer på socialen!. .
Marcusson, L. (2004). IT-investeringens kärna – att gå från kronor och timmar till filosofi och pedagogik.. .
Marcusson, L. (2004). Knasiga beslut? Det finns en förklaring!. .
Marcusson, L. (2003). IT-investeringens kärna – att gå från kronor och timmar till filosofi och pedagogik. .
Marcusson, L. (2001). Teambuildning, en del av en akademisk utbildning. .
Marcusson, L. (2001). Frihet i tid och rum. .
Marcusson, L. (1998). Att släppa och behålla taget!. .
Marcusson, L. (1998). IT skapar dolda kostnader – hur omfattande är de i Ditt företag. .
Marcusson, L. (1998). Självplanerande grupper. .
Marcusson, L. (1997). Total Cost of Ownership i systemutveckling och systemförvaltning. .
Marcusson, L. (1997). IT skapar dolda kostnader – hur omfattande är de i Ditt företag?. .
Marcusson, L. (1996). Personliga nätverk och nya yrkesroller. .
Marcusson, L. (1996). MbCC, Management by Chaos Control. .
Marcusson, L. (1994). De verkliga kostnaderna för att använda PC i företaget. .
Marcusson, L. (1994). Projektledarrollen och dess framtid. .
Marcusson, L. (1993). En PC kostar mer än du tror!. .
Marcusson, L. (1992). En PC kostar mer än du tror. .
Book (Other academic)
Allmér, H., Marcusson, L. (2022). Storytelling : Strukturerat berättande från lägerelden till det digitala rummet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Marcusson, L., Ahlin, A., Arnesson, K. (2007). Råd om projekt : erfarenheter från projektarbete och projektledning. Kalmar, Tento.
Marcusson, L., Ahlin, A. (2002). Projektledaren i praktiken. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Marcusson, L. (2002). Filosofi-verksamhetsanalys-metod för tolkning och värdering av intervjuer med verksamhetsföreträdare. Kalmar, Baltic Business School, University of Kalmar [Handelshögskolan BBS, Högskolan i Kalmar],.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
Marcusson, L. (2007). Managers decision making in IT project in perspective of AT and ANT. Fundamental IS issues. Västerås, Mälardalens Högskola. 117-128.
Marcusson, L. (2003). Från kroppsspråk till 3G - Mänsklig syn- och hörselkommunikation genom tiderna. Computer epistemology : från Adam och Eva till Ada och e. Kalmar, BBS, Högskolan i Kalmar. 27-104.
Marcusson, L. (2002). Beslutsfattande i oöverblickbara system. Systems Science - A Theoretical Approach. Kalmar, BBS, Högskolan i Kalmar.
Marcusson, L. (2002). Better job analyzis with philosophy tools. The first symposium on systems analyzis. Kalmar, BBS, Högskolan i Kalmar. 23-32.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))