Linda Hiltunen, is a PhD student at the department of Sociology at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Her dissertation project focuses on increased levels of ill-health – specifically psychosomatic complains – among students in upper secondary school in Sweden. In her dissertation project, Linda combines survey data with a systematic analysis of approximately 500 essays written by young pupils. The students were asked to write brief stories about their subjective health status, and the analysis of these narratives complements surveys when Linda strives at advancing the understanding of ill-health among Swedish adolescents. In addition, some of these young pupils have also been interviewed. Apart from working on her dissertation, Linda has also been involved in an international research project focusing on young and unemployed people in the Barents region. Also, Linda has taken part in project where she evaluated the implementation of a cultural policy initiative on the Swedish west coast – the mobile art exhibition, HER, by Candice Breitz - in cooperation with Västra Götalandsregionen and Riksutställningar. In doing this, she also studied responses of different audiences to this mobile art exhibition.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Health Risk Outlooks by Social Partners (HEROS) In this project, we analyse health and safety policy interventions regarding Covid-19 by social partner organisations at both the national and…
Project: Who are given specialised care during the Covid-19 pandemic? (BioAge(in)Work) The project aims to deepen the knowledge of how publicly funded healthcare assesses the need for care…
Seed project: Mitigating Health Inequalities in the Kronoberg Region - A Transdisciplinary System Thinking Approach The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Weber, S., Bechter, B., Galetto, M., Guobaite, R., Blaziene, I., et al. (2023). Social partners and OSH : a multilevel and cross-country exploration in the hospital and social services sectors. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (ZSR). 69 (4). 253-277.
Status: Published -
Hiltunen, L., Kvillemo, P., Demetry, Y., Gripenberg, J., Elgán, T.H., et al. (2022). Risky drinking cultures among affluent youth in Sweden. Frontiers in Public Health. 10.
Status: Published -
Kvillemo, P., Hiltunen, L., Demetry, Y., Carlander, A., Hansson, T., et al. (2021). How to prevent alcohol and illicit drug use among students in affluent areas : a qualitative study on motivation and attitudes towards prevention. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy. 16.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Larsson, B., Hiltunen, L., Bechter, B., Blaziene, I., Galetto, M., et al. (2023). Decoupling in multilevel industrial relations systems : Health and safety communications from European to local level (and back). .
- Wemrell, M., Hiltunen, L. (2022). Complex expressions of power : Forms of inequality in violent intimate relationships in Sweden. .
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Hiltunen, L. (2023). Statistikens betydelse för kunskapsbaserad prevention bland barn och unga. Prevention med barn och unga : Teori och praktik för socialt och pedagogiskt arbete. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 175-196.
- Hiltunen, L. (2015). Psykisk ohälsa i skolan. När livet känns fel : Ungas upplevelser kring psykisk ohälsa. Stockholm, Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor. 218-239.
- Hiltunen, L. (2012). A waste and a burden? Young and unemployed in the Swedish Barents region. Rural futures? : Finding one's place within changing labour markets. Stamsund, Orkana Forlag.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Hiltunen, L. (2017). Lagom perfekt : Erfarenheter av ohälsa bland unga tjejer och killar. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Arkiv förlag. 338.
Report (Other academic)
- Hiltunen, L., Anderberg, M., Forkby, T. (2023). Att sätta hjulet i rullning : En lokal uppföljningsmodell av befintlig verksamhetsstatistik inom ramen för Barnets Bästa Gäller! I Kronoberg. 49.
- Hiltunen, L., Johansson, E. (2022). Barns och ungdomars hälsa och levnadsvanor i Kronobergs län 2021. Växjö, Region Kronoberg. 51.
- Hiltunen, L., Johansson, E., Edvardsson Aurin, I. (2020). En dålig dag eller en svår livssituation? : en studie om psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar i Kronobergs län. Växjö, Region Kronoberg. 64.
- Hiltunen, L., Johansson, E., Edvardsson Aurin, I. (2017). Tillitens villkor : Ungas röster om tillit och hur den kan stärkas i Kronobergs län. Växjö, Region Kronoberg. 63.
- Hiltunen, L. (2010). Candice Breitz´ HER : Internationell samtidskonst i Riksutställningars mobila rum. 72.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Trondman, M., Andersson, C., Barmark, M., Bouakaz, L., Hiltunen, L., et al. (2014). Ett utbildningspolitiskt dilemma : mångkulturell inkorporering och skolprestation. Resultatdialog 2014. Stockholm, Vetenskapsrådet. 218-228.