I am a registered nurse with further education in district nursing. I started working as an lecturer at the Department of Health and Care Sciences in 2017. In 2019, I began my doctoral studies in the project Continuity of care for persons with complex care needs.
My research focuses on continuity of care for patients with complex care needs, where many healthcare providers are involved and the person's ability to actively participate in their own care is central. The goal of the research is to investigate what patients with complex care needs need in order to experience continuity in their care and to evaluate and develop measures to assess the patient's experience of continuity. In my dissertation, I developed and evaluated the Patient-Experienced continuity of care questionnaire (PECQ), which measures patients' experience of continuity and can be used to drive quality improvements in primary care. Furthermore, the results show that continuity is multidimensional, with several important aspects that work in synergy but vary over time depending on the patient's own resources, needs, and circumstances.
Read my thesis: Patients’ experiences of continuity of care: What is needed and how can it be measured?