Linda Reneland-Forsman is an Associate Professor at the Linnaeus University. She is also the head of Section Higher Education Development at the University Library. Her research has focused the influence of meditational means and social talk for student learning and meaning making processes. She has studied the influence of academic disciplinary discourse for integrating ICT in HE and is continuing her research on student meaning making and active knowledge building as didactical models for course design in higher education. Recent research problematize the increased risk of social exclusion for older persons due to the digitization of society.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Reneland-Forsman, L., Forsman, A. (2024). From taking decisions to receiving information : Changes in board meeting minutes at Swedish universities. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education. 6 (4). 70-96.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L., Magnusson, M. (2019). Supporting scholarly thinking in a Nordic teacher education webinar practice. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 16 (2). 1-14.
Status: Published -
Wernholm, M., Reneland-Forsman, L. (2019). Children's representation of self in social media communities. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 23. 1-15.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2018). ‘Borrowed access’ : the struggle of older persons for digital participation. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 37 (3). 333-344.
Status: Published -
Willén-Lundgren, B., Reneland-Forsman, L. (2017). Värderelationell reflektion med stöd av digital spegling. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning. 11 (1). 34-46.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2017). Designing for active supportive learning cultures. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning. 11 (1). 48-63.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2016). Participating with Experience : A Case Study of Students as Co-Producers of Course Design. Higher Education Studies. 6 (1). 15-23.
Status: Published -
Creelman, A., Reneland-Forsman, L. (2013). Completion Rates – A False Trail to Measuring Course Quality? : Let’s Call in the HEROEs Instead. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. 16 (2). 40-49.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2013). Students' web-based actions when linking theory and practice. International Journal of Web Based Communities. 9 (4). 448-464.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2012). Toward a broader understanding of social talk in Web-based courses. Text & Talk. 32 (3). 349-369.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2011). Problematisk frånvaro av digital kompetens i lärarutbildningen. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning. 5 (1). 16-33.
Status: Published -
Reneland-Forsman, L., Ahlbäck, T. (2007). Collaboration as Quality Interaction in Web-based Learning. Advanced Technology for Learning: Technology för Collaborative Learning. 4 (1).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Reneland-Forsman, L., Forsman, A. (2024). Training doctoral supervisors to train researchers of tomorrow : a Swedish example. INTED2024 Proceedings. 2928-2932.
- Magnusson, M., Reneland-Forsman, L. (2018). Mångfald-en nyckel till vetenskapligt tänkande i lärarutbildning. .
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2017). A student oriented course design model for higher education. NERA 2017 Abstracts, 23-25 March 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark : Learning and education - material conditions and consequences.
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2016). Guiding principles for course design. INTED 2016: The 10th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference.. 6557.
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2013). Arenas For Learning : Enhancing Student Interaction In Online Education. .
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2012). Designing for social : – the role of social in web-based learning environments. DESIGNS FOR LEARNING 2012, 3rd International ConferenceExploring Learning Environments, 25-27 April 2012Copenhagen, Denmark : CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. 54-55.
- Nilsson, M.E., Wihlborg, M., Reneland-Forsman, L. (2007). Will this be on the exam? : The tension between use value and exchange value in higher education and its relation to forms of learning. .
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2023). Pedagogiskt arbete : kända vetenskapliga problem på ny arena?. Pedagogiskt arbete : I de yngre årens pedagogisk praktiker. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 47-59.
- Ahlbäck, T., Reneland-Forsman, L. (2005). Let´s think about it : considering the strengths of Web-based collaboration. ICT in Teacher Education : Challenging Prospects. Jönköping, Jönköping University Press & Encell. 100-111.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Reneland-Forsman, L. (2019). Risk för ofrivilligt utanförskap. Äldre i centrum. (1). 44-47.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2015). Vad kan göra skillnad för studenter? : Om guidande principer och verktyg för kursdesign. Symposium. Nystart Linné : Guiding principles and tools for course design..
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2010). Mediated meaning in web-based educational practice.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2023). Mötet med ”den andra” i en pedagogisk praktik : en betraktelse över pedagogikämnets relation till biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap. Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapvid Linnéuniversitetet : En jubileumsskrift vid ämnets 20-årsjubileum. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 17-23.
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2011). Socialt prat i nätbaserad utbildning. Mer om nätbaserad utbildning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 147-159.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2009). A Changing Experience : communication and meaning-making in web-based teacher training. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 157.
Report (Other academic)
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2013). Vad kan pedagogiken bidra med för att motverka digitalt utanförskap? : Om hur frivilliga initiativ arbetar för digital delaktighet. Rapport Näringsdepartementet N2013/249/ITP.. 42-45.
- Reneland-Forsman, L. (2005). Kan man vaccinera studenter mot utebliven återkoppling? En utvärdering av distansutbildningsverksamhet vid Högskolan i Dalarna”. Falun, Högskolan Dalarna. 33.