Maarten Manse
ResearcherI am originally from the Netherlands where I did my PhD (Leiden University, 2021), on colonial governance and taxation in Indonesia. My research is about the history of Southeast Asia, but I have also taught courses on European history, the history of ideas, international relations and world history.
Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Linnaeus University in the project 'Imperial Expansion and Intercultural Diplomacy' (
I have previously taught various courses at Leiden University, Utrecht University and the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. In the autumn semester of 2023, I will be teaching at Linnaeus University in courses on 'Imperialism and the Making of the Modern World' and 'Theoretical Traditions.'
My research interests cover the history of colonialism and decolonization of Southeast Asia, in particular mechanisms of colonial governance, state-formation and state-society interaction. I currently participate in a research project on Treaty Making in Southeast Asia (
My recent publications include:
- ‘Compromise and adaptation in colonial taxation: fiscal ideology, policy, practice and inequality in colonial Indonesia, ca. 1870-1920’, in: G.K. Bhambra and J. McClure (eds.), Imperial Inequalities: The politics of economic governance across European empires (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2022), 177-197.
- ‘Two sides of the same coin: direct taxation, governance and negotiating the state in colonial Indonesia’, Journal of Social History 56:2 (2022).
- ‘From headhunting to head taxes: colonial fiscal policy and violence on Seram, ca. 1860-1920’, in: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 177:4 (2021) [open access].
Article in journal (Refereed)
Manse, M. (2024). The plural legacies of legal pluralism : local practices and contestations of customary law in late colonial Indonesia. Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Manse, M. (2023). Coerced labour and colonial governance in nineteenth and twentieth century Indonesia. Labor history. 64 (5). 496-513.
Status: Published -
Manse, M. (2023). Koloniale gebreken Ongelijkheid en exploitatie in Nederlands-Indië vanuit praktisch-bestuurlijk perspectief verklaard. Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis. 136 (3). 212-232.
Status: Published -
Manse, M. (2022). Two Sides of the Same Coin: Direct Taxation and Negotiated Governance in Colonial Indonesia. Journal of social history. 56 (2). 411-438.
Status: Published -
Manse, M. (2021). From Headhunting to Head Taxes : Colonial fiscal policy and violence on Seram, ca. 1860-1920. Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 177 (4). 524-558.
Status: Published -
Manse, M., Tetteroo, S., Raben, R. (2020). Changing Perspectives on the Hidden Giant : An Interview with Robert Cribb. Itinerario : International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction. 44 (1). 1-17.
Status: Published -
Manse, M. (2016). Making Money in the Margins of War : An International Weapons Smuggling Case during the Indonesian War of Independence, 1948-1949. Leidschrift. 31 (3). 125-147.
Status: Published -
Manse, M. (2013). Kennis is macht : de veelzijdige expedities van botanicus Pieter Willem Korthals (1807-1892). Studium : Tijdschrift voor Wetenschaps- en Universiteits-Geschiedenis. 6 (1). 42-50.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Manse, M., Vording, H. (2023). Metropolitan views, colonial practices : Tax policy and taxation in the Netherlands and Dutch East Indies. Studies in the History of Tax Law Volume 11. Oxford, Hart Publishing Ltd. 235-256.
- Manse, M. (2022). Compromise and adaptation in colonial taxation : Political economic governance and inequality in Indonesia. Imperial Inequalities : The politics of economic governance across European empires . Manchester, Manchester University Press.
- Manse, M., Arendsen, R. (2021). Koloniaal compromis : Belastingheffing in Nederlands-Indië in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Nederland in last : Vijfhonderd jaar overheidsfinanciën in de Lage Landen, 1500-2000. Leiden, Primus Books. 251-272.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Manse, M. (2022). Belofte, schijn en pragmatisme : Belastingheffing in Nederlands-Indië tussen 1870 en 1940. Maandblad Belasting Beschouwingen. 91 (6). 26-35.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Manse, M. (2015). A Letter for the Great Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah I (r. 1707 – 1712) : Courtesy and Coalition forming at an Islamic Court, 4 October 1709. The diplomatic correspondence between Asian rulers and Batavia Castle during the 17th and 18th centuries : The digital reconstruction of a lost treasure. Jakarta, Archives & Museum Informatics.