Magnus Boström

Magnus Boström

Senior lecturer
Kalmar Maritime Academy Faculty of Technology
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I work at Kalmar Maritime Academy since 2009, where I combine teaching and research. I mostly teach nautical subjects, primarily communication and maritime English. I try to introduce a gender awareness in my teaching; I am convinced that the way we talk and express ourselves is crucial if we want to create an including environment where everyone is provided equal opportunity to succeed. Before joining the Academy, I worked with high speed navigation in the Swedish Navy and as deck officer on merchant vessels.


My current research focus is organizational and social work environment. More specifically, I study ways to create a good work environment on board ships. The ship, as any workplace, should be free from bullying and harassment, a place where everyone feels welcome and thrives. When we attain such a workplace, the shipping business can recruit new seafarers and retain those currently employed within it.

During 2013-2020, I was enrolled as a PhD student in Maritime Science. The work was centered on icebreaker operations and the complexity created when people, on different ships, co-operate. A unique characteristic for such operations is the close proximity between the icebreaker and assisted vessels, something that leaves very little room for error. In complex situations communication is a key component. Verbal communication, often in a multi-lingual setting, affects the risk of misunderstandings and ultimately the safety of lives, vessels and the environment. A common thread through my research was the organization of work, and how safety and communication are interrelated.


I am safety representative for the Faculty of Technology (House Magna, Kalmar).


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Report (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)