Magnus Carlsson
Associate ProfessorAssociate professor in Economics
Magnus Carlsson is an Associate Professor of Economics. His research interests include labor economics, applied microeconomics, and political economy. A large part of his research aims at studying which factors are important in explaining observed differences in labor market outcomes, for example between women and men and individuals with different ethnic backgrounds.
His teaching is mainly focused on labor economics and empirical methods. Current teaching includes empirical methods in economics, supervising in Bachelor and Master's thesis courses, and supervising PhD students – both in Economics and Psychology.
He is an elected member of the faculty board since 2016, research director of the research group “Diversity in the labour market” ( funded by the Swedish Research Council, and has been director of study for the PhD program 2017-2022. He has been visiting researcher at the University College London.
CV Magnus Carlsson
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My research groups
My completed research projects
Selected publications
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H. (2024). Are Politicians Biased Against Ethnic Minority Candidates? : Experimental Evidence from Norway. Journal of Politics. 86 (1). 126-140.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2023). Do employers avoid hiring workers from poor neighborhoods? : Experimental evidence from the real labor market. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 125 (2). 376-402.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Reshid, A.A. (2022). Coworker Peer Effects on Parental Leave Take-up. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 124 (4). 930-957.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2021). Backlash in policy attitudes after the election of an extreme political party. Journal of Public Economics. 204.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H., Rafnsdóttir, G.L. (2021). Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? : Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region. European Sociological Review. 37 (3). 399-410.
Status: Published -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Bremer, A., Herlitz, J., Israelsson, J., et al. (2021). Discriminatory cardiac arrest care? : Patients with low socioeconomic status receive delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and are less likely to survive an in-hospital cardiac arrest. European Heart Journal. 42 (8). 861-869.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions : Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Labor Market. Labour Economics. 59. 173-183.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2015). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Review of Economics and Statistics. 97 (3). 533-547.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Evidence of ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labor market using experimental data. Labour Economics. 14 (4). 716-729.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Refereed)
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H. (2024). Are Politicians Biased Against Ethnic Minority Candidates? : Experimental Evidence from Norway. Journal of Politics. 86 (1). 126-140.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2023). Do employers avoid hiring workers from poor neighborhoods? : Experimental evidence from the real labor market. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 125 (2). 376-402.
Status: Published -
Heath, A.J., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2023). Is employer collection of diversity data attractive to potential job seekers? Ethnicity and sex differences and a UK-Sweden comparison. Personnel review. 52 (7). 1900-1915.
Status: Published -
Heath, A.J., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2023). What adds to job ads? The impact of equality and diversity information on organizational attraction in minority and majority ethnic groups. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 96 (4). 872-896.
Status: Published -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Erenel, A. (2023). The effect of social gender norms on parental leave uptake intentions : Evidence from two survey experiments on prospective fathers and mothers. Applied Economics. 55 (53). 6277-6293.
Status: Published -
Israelsson, J., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2023). A more conservative test of sex differences in the treatment and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest. Heart & Lung. 58. 191-197.
Status: Published -
Strinic, A., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2022). Occupational stereotypes : professionals' warmth and competence perceptions of occupations. Personnel review. 51 (2). 603-619.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Reshid, A.A. (2022). Coworker Peer Effects on Parental Leave Take-up. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 124 (4). 930-957.
Status: Published -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Bremer, A., Herlitz, J., Rawshani, A., et al. (2022). Treatment and survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest : does patient ethnicity matter?. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 21 (4). 341-347.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2021). Backlash in policy attitudes after the election of an extreme political party. Journal of Public Economics. 204.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H., Rafnsdóttir, G.L. (2021). Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? : Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region. European Sociological Review. 37 (3). 399-410.
Status: Published -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Bremer, A., Herlitz, J., Israelsson, J., et al. (2021). Discriminatory cardiac arrest care? : Patients with low socioeconomic status receive delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and are less likely to survive an in-hospital cardiac arrest. European Heart Journal. 42 (8). 861-869.
Status: Published -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Strinic, A. (2021). Intersected groups and discriminatory everyday behavior : Evidence from a lost email experiment. Social Psychology. 52 (6). 351-361.
Status: Published -
Strinic, A., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2021). Multiple group membership : warmth and competence perceptions in the workplace. Journal of business and psychology. 36. 903-920.
Status: Published -
Fumarco, L., Carlsson, M., Gibbs, B.G. (2020). Erasmus exchange program : a matter of (relatively) older students. The B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy. 20 (4). 1-14.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). In-group gender bias in hiring : real-world evidence. Economics Letters. 185. 1-3.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions : Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Labor Market. Labour Economics. 59. 173-183.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2018). Neighborhood signaling effects, commuting time, and employment : evidence from a field experiment. International journal of manpower. 39 (4). 534-549.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2018). Ethnic discrimination in hiring, labour market tightness and the business cycle : evidence from field experiments. Applied Economics. 50 (24). 2652-2663.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Stefan, E., Rooth, D. (2018). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. Manchester School. 86 (2). 219-247.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2017). Do attitudes expressed in surveys predict ethnic discrimination?. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 40 (10). 1739-1757.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2016). Employer Attitudes, the Marginal Employer, and the Ethnic Wage Gap. Industrial & labor relations review. 69 (1). 227-252.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2015). Ethnic discrimination in the London market for shared housing. Journal of ethnic and migration studies. 41 (8). 1276-1301.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2015). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Review of Economics and Statistics. 97 (3). 533-547.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2014). Discrimination in the rental market for apartments. Journal of Housing Economics. 23. 41-54.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2014). Does the design of correspondence studies influence the measurement of discrimination?. IZA Journal of Migration. 3 (11).
Status: Published -
Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2014). Testing for Backlash in Hiring : A Field Experiment on Agency, Communion, and Gender. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 13 (4). 204-214.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Revealing taste-based discrimination in hiring: a correspondence testing experiment with geographic variation. Applied Economics Letters. 19 (18). 1861-1864.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). The Power of Media and Changes in Discriminatory Behavior among Employers. Journal of Media Economics. 25 (2). 98-108.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M. (2012). Är förkunskaper verkligen viktiga för framgångsrika högre studier? : En analys av studieresultatet på en grundläggande högskolekurs i statistik. Högre Utbildning. 2 (1). 33-46.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M. (2011). Does Hiring Discrimination Cause Gender Segregation in the Swedish Labor Market?. Feminist Economics. 7 (3). 71-102.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M. (2010). Experimental Evidence of Discrimination in the Hiring of 1st and 2nd Generation Immigrants. Labour. 24 (3). 263-278.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M. (2009). Kan könsdiskriminering förklara yrkessegregeringen på den svenska arbetsmarknaden?. Ekonomisk Debatt. 37 (8). 38-48.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Etnisk diskriminering på svensk arbetsmarknad – resultat från ett fältexperiment. Ekonomisk debatt. 35 (3). 55-68.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Correspondence testing och etnisk diskriminering på svensk arbetsmarknad. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. (3). 375-382.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Evidence of ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labor market using experimental data. Labour Economics. 14 (4). 716-729.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2015). Backlash and hiring : A field experiment on agency, communion, and gender. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Ethnic discrimination in the London market for shared housing. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Ethnic discrimination in the London market for shared accommodation. 28th annual congress of the European Economic Association, Gothenburg, August 26-30, 2013.
- Carlsson, M. (2011). Employer Attitudes, the Marginal Employer and the Ethnic Wage Gap.. .
- Carlsson, M. (2009). The Impact of Being Monitored on Discriminatory Behavior among Employers : Evidence from a Natural Experiment. European Association of Labour Economists Conference, Tallin, Estland,2009.
- Carlsson, M. (2008). Is it Your Foreign Name or Foreign Qualifications?. European Association of Labour Economists Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Carlsson, M. (2007). Sex discrimination and segregation in the Swedish labour market : A field experiment. European Society of Population Economics Conference, Chicago, US.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Carlsson, M. (2010). Ethnic discrimination and attitudes towards immigrants : Conference on immigration and labor market integration, IFAU, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Carlsson, M. (2005). Survey response and test performance using economic incentive schemes. Finish Association of Experimental Economics Conference on Applied Microeconomics, Joensuu, Finland.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Manuscript (preprint) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Report (Other academic)
- Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H. (2024). Workplace Peer Effects in Turnout. Department of Economics and Statistics, Linnaeus University. 31.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2023). Language Proficiency and Hiring of Immigrants : Evidence from a New Field Experimental Approach. Växjö, Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik, Linnéuniversitetet. 56.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). In-group gender bias in hiring : real-world evidence. Linnaeus University Centre for Discrimination and Integration Studies. 11.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2018). Backlash in attitudes after the election of extreme political parties. Linnaeus University Centre for Discrimination and Integration Studies. 27.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2017). The effect of age and gender on labor demand : evidence from a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 34.
- Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2017). Neighborhood signaling effects, commuting time, and employment : evidence from a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 33.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2015). Do politicians change public attitudes?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 57.
- Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2015). Explaining the gender wage gap among recent college graduates : pre-labour market factors or empolyer discrimination?. Linnaeus University. 35.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2015). What can we learn from correspondence testing studies?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 14.
- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2015). Does labor market tightness affect ethnic discrimination in hiring?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 26.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 28.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Discrimination in the rental housing market for apartments. Linnéuniversitetet. 36.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Ethnic Discrimination in the Market for Shared Housing. Linnéuniversitetet. 20.
- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2013). Artifactual evidence of discrimination in correspondence studies? : A replication of the Neumark method. Linnéuniversitetet. 41.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2013). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Linnéuniversitetet. 41.
- Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2013). Testing for backlash in hiring : A field experiment on agency, communion,and gender. Linnéuniversitetet. 14.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2012). Do reported attitudes towards immigrants predict ethnic discrimination?. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 13.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Identifying preference-based employer discrimination : a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 6.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Can media attention about tests of ethnic discrimination change the employers’ behaviour?. Linnéuniversitetet. 10.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Employer attitudes, the marginal employer and the ethnic wage gap. Linnéuniversitetet. 23.
- Carlsson, M. (2010). The Measured Degree of Hiring Discrimination and the Level of Standardization of the Job Applicants´ Qualifications in Field Experiments.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2009). The Impact of Being Monitored on Discriminatory Behavior among Employers : evidence from a Natural Experiment. IZA. 12.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2008). Is It Your Foreign Name or Foreign Qualifications? An Experimental Study of Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring. IZA. 28.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2008). An Experimental Study of Sex Segregation in the Swedish Labour Market : Is Discrimination the Explanation?. IZA. 31.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Skedinger, P., Carlsson, M. (2011). Reglering eller diskriminering : vad hindrar etablering?. Stockholm, Fores. 97.