Magnus Perninge
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Technology
Hello! I am an Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering at LNU. Before my present position at LNU I did my undergraduate and PhD studies at KTH and spent time as a postdoc and a researcher at Lund University.
At the moment I teach:
- Automatic control, basic course
- Automatic control, advanced course
- Electric power systems
- Electrical machines
I am also the main supervisor for one PhD student in Mathematics, Alexander Marcial.
My research focuses on optimal control of stochastic systems with specific applications in electrical energy systems. I am also interested in using artificial intelligence to solve large-scale optimization problems in energy systems, and I aim to integrate these two areas to improve efficiency and sustainability in the energy industry.
My research groups
AI and machine learning for optimization and operations research Under this research theme, we develop both mathematical theory and applications for artificial intelligence and machine learning in…
Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Processes The researchers of this group focus on analytical and numerical aspects of solutions to stochastic differential equations (SDE’s and SPDE’s) and stochastic…
Waves, Signals and Systems The research in waves, signals and systems deals primarily with acoustic and electromagnetic direct and inverse problems, with engineering and industrial applications.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Efficient planning of hydropower systems In a future scenario, Sweden's production of electricity will consist of a larger share of intermittent types of energy production. Based on this,…
Project: Optimization for sustainable energy supply and food production in rural areas The project is about how energy systems on farms can be optimized to realize the potential that farms have to be…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Perninge, M. (2024). Infinite horizon impulse control of stochastic functional differential equations driven by Lévy processes. Stochastics : An International Journal of Probablitiy and Stochastic Processes. 96 (3). 1241-1281.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2024). Optimal stopping of BSDEs with constrained jumps and related zero-sum games. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 173.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2024). A note on reflected BSDEs in infinite horizon with stochastic Lipschitz coefficients. Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 42 (5). 945-962.
Status: Published -
Marcial, A., Perninge, M. (2024). Finding a closest saddle-node bifurcation in power systems : An approach by unsupervised deep learning. Electric power systems research. 235.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2023). Probabilistic representation of viscosity solutions to quasi-variational inequalities with non-local drivers. ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations . 29.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2023). Zero-sum stochastic differential games of impulse versus continuous control by FBSDEs. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 527 (1).
Status: Published -
Jönsson, J., Perninge, M. (2023). Finite Horizon Impulse control of Stochastic Functional Differential Equations. SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization. 61 (2). 924-948.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2023). Non-Markovian Impulse Control Under Nonlinear Expectation. Applied mathematics and optimization. 88 (3).
Status: Published -
Martyr, R., Moriarty, J., Perninge, M. (2022). Discrete-time risk-aware optimal switching with non-adapted costs. Advances in Applied Probability. 54 (2). 625-655.
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Perninge, M. (2022). Sequential Systems of Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Application to Impulse Control. Applied mathematics and optimization. 86 (2).
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2021). On the Finite Horizon Optimal Switching Problem with Random Lag. Applied mathematics and optimization. 84. 355-397.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2020). A two-scale scheme for finite horizon switching problems with delays. Automatica. 112. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2020). A finite horizon optimal switching problem with memory and application to controlled SDDEs. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 91. 465-500.
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Perninge, M. (2018). A limited-feedback approximation scheme for optimal switching problems with execution delays. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 87 (3). 347-382.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2018). Frequency Control in Power Systems Based on a Regulating Market. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 26 (1). 27-37.
Status: Published -
Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2016). An importance sampling technique for probabilistic security assessment in power systems with large amounts of wind power. Electric power systems research. 131. 11-18.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2015). Approximating the parameter-space stability boundary considering post-contingency corrective controls. Electric power systems research. 121. 313-324.
Status: Published -
Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2015). A computational framework for risk-based power system operations under uncertainty : Part II: Case studies. Electric power systems research. 119. 66-75.
Status: Published -
Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2015). A computational framework for risk-based power systems operations under uncertainty : Part I: Theory. Electric power systems research. 119. 45-53.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2014). Irreversible investments with delayed reaction : an application to generation re-dispatch in power system operation. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. 79 (3). 195-224.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2014). Stochastic optimal power flow by multi-variate Edgeworth expansions. Electric power systems research. 109. 90-100.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Hamon, C. (2013). A stochastic optimal power flow problem with stability constraints : Part II: the optimization problem. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 28 (2). 1849-1857.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M. (2013). Approximating the loadability surface in the presence of SNB–SLL corner points. Electric power systems research. 96. 64-74.
Status: Published -
Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2013). A stochastic optimal power flow problem with stability constraints : Part I: Approximating the stability boundary. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 28 (2). 1839-1849.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2012). A stochastic control approach to manage operational risk in power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 27 (2). 1021-1031.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2012). Optimal activation of regulating bids to handle bottlenecks in power system operation. Electric power systems research. 83 (1). 151-159.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2012). Analysis of transfer‐limit induced power system security by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. European transactions on electrical power. 22. 140-151.
Status: Published -
Perninge, M., Lindskog, F., Söder, L. (2012). Importance sampling of injected powers for electric power system security analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 27 (1). 3-11.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Marcial, A., Perninge, M. (2023). Production Planning of Cascaded Hydropower Stations using Approximate Dynamic Programming. IFAC-PapersOnLine : 22nd IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023. 10069-10076.
- Marcial, A., Perninge, M. (2023). An Unsupervised Neural Network Approach for Solving the Optimal Power Flow Problem. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 1: ICINCO. 214-220.
- Marcial, A., Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2022). Risk-Averse Hydropower Planning for Bidding into Sequential Electricity Markets. 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, CCTA 2022. 151-158.
- Jönsson, J., Perninge, M. (2021). A case of optimal switching with signed costs. 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2020Cambridge, United Kingdom. 642-646.
- Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2020). Performance bounds for continuous trading on balancing power markets. 21th IFAC World Congress : Berlin, Germany, 12-17 July 2020. 13149-13154.
- Perninge, M. (2018). A Numerical Approximation Scheme for Large-Scale Optimal Switching Problems with Reaction Delays. 2018 IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL (CDC). 5807-5812.
- Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2018). Market based Frequency Control in Power Systems : The Multi-Period Problem. IFAC Papersonline : 10th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems CPES 2018 Tokyo, Japan, 4–6 September 2018. 468-473.
- Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2017). Optimal Tertiary Frequency Control in Power Systems with Market-Based Regulation. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 4374-4381.
- Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2016). Applying stochastic optimal power flow to power systems with large amounts of wind power nd detailed stability limits. 2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid (IREP).
- Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2016). A stochastic control formulation of the continuous-time power system operation problem. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC).
- Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2014). Efficient importance sampling technique for estimating operating risks in power systems with large amounts of wind power. Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Large-scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants.
- Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2013). The value of using chance-constrained optimal power flows for generation re-dispatch under uncertainty with detailed security constraints. 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC).
- Hamon, C., Perninge, M., Söder, L. (2013). Stochastic optimal power flow problem with stability constraints. 2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES).
- Perninge, M., Lavenius, J., Vanfretti, L. (2013). Approximating a post-contingency stable operation region in parameter space through time-domain simulation. Proceedings of IREP Symposium: Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid, IREP 2013.
- Perninge, M., Eriksson, R. (2012). Using a fixed point method to compute the parameter space distance to the surface of constant critical energy. EEEIC 2012 - Conference Proceedings 11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering.