Mahitab Ezz El Din

Mahitab Ezz El Din

Senior lecturer
Department of Media and Journalism Faculty of Arts and Humanities
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Mahitab Ezz El Din is an assistant professor, Department of Media and Journalism (MJ). Received her Ph.D. in Media and Communication studies from Örebro University, Sweden. Her research interest focuses on Journalism, media and democracy, media laws and regulations, media and society, media and migration/integration as well as media and conflict .
Her recent publications focus on news media racialization as well as diaspora media and her latest publication is on constructive forms for reporting migrants.

Currently leading a research project on the 2022 social media campaign against Swedish social services. Ezz El Din is a member in the research team studying Young citizens and quality of news.

She also received the research excellence grant for 2025 to study the Quran burning crisis: Sweden’s image in Arab news media.
Ezz El Din also has a journalistic experience in several media organisations, lately Ekot Radio Sweden.


Book (Refereed)

Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))