Malin Tillmar
ProfessorMalin Tillmar is professor of entrepreneurship and carries out research on conditions for entrepreneurship in different types of organisations and contexts. A general theme is in what contexts there is room for entrepreneurship and in what contexts structures – material, social or discursive – are more decisive.
One of Tillman's interests is to highlight entrepreneurship that is characteristic of our time but which does not get much attention in current research. Entrepreneurship and organisational change in emerging markets, in particular in East Africa, are examples of this. Opportunities and conditions for women's enterprising is another focus area. Together with three other researchers she is a member of the national excellence centre EMBLA dealing with questions relating to the research field 'gender and entrepreneurship'. Together, the researchers in the EMBLA group carries out studies of women's enterprising on the countryside, with funding from the Kamprad Family Foundation.
Societal entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial organisation between different sectors within society (private, public, civil society) is another example of a research field in which Tillmar leads a research project. The project is a collaboration between Linnaeus University and the research centre HELIX ( at Linköping University, where Tillmar also works part-time.
Interactive research in collaboration with the surrounding society is another field of research linking the entrepreneurship research led by Tillmar at Linnaeus University with the research being carried out within the frame of HELIX.
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My ongoing research projects
Project: FLIARA – Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas FLIARA is a Horizon2020 project with 15 partners across Europe. In our project, we will elevate innovative women, as well as…
Project: InKuiS – Innovative Cultural Entrepreneurship in Collaborative Co-creative Research Thinking and acting entrepreneurially requires creativity, innovation, and an ability to take existing…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Pettersson, K., Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Tillmar, M. (2024). Paying lip service to gender inequality - EU rural development policy in Sweden. Gender, Place and Culture : A Journal of Feminist Geography.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2024). Women's contributions to rural development : implications for entrepreneurship policy. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. 30 (7). 1652-1677.
Status: Published -
Berglund, K., Ahl, H., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2023). Conceptualising feminist resistance in the postfeminist terrain. Gender in Management. 38 (2). 183-199.
Status: Published -
Al-Dajani, H., Bang, N.P., Basco, R., Calabro, A., Cheng, J.C.Y., et al. (2023). A multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research : expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2022). Working from the heart - cultivating feminist care ethics through care farming in Sweden. Gender, Place and Culture : A Journal of Feminist Geography. 29 (10). 1446-1466.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M., Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K. (2022). The gendered effects of entrepreneurialism in contrasting contexts. Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in the Global Economy. 16 (5). 808-828.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M., Sköld, B., Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K. (2022). Women's rural businesses : for economic viability or gender equality? – a database study from the Swedish context. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 14 (3). 323-351.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M., Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K. (2022). Neo-liberalism translated into preconditions for women entrepreneurs – two contrasting cases. Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in the Global Economy. 16 (4). 603-630.
Status: Published -
Högberg, L., Sköld, B., Tillmar, M. (2018). Contextualising the coevolution of (dis)trust and control : a longitudinal case study of a public market. Journal of Trust Research. 8 (2). 192-219.
Status: Published -
Berglund, K., Ahl, H., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2018). Women's entrepreneurship, neoliberalism and economic justice in the postfeminist era : a discourse analysis of policy change in Sweden. Gender, Work and Organization. 25 (5). 531-556.
Status: Published -
Pettersson, K., Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Tillmar, M. (2017). In the name of women? : Feminist readings of policies for women's entrepreneurship in Scandinavia. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 33 (1). 50-63.
Status: Published -
Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2016). From feminism to FemiInc.ism : On the uneasy relationship between feminism, entrepreneurship and the Nordic welfare state.. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 12 (2). 369-392.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M. (2016). Gendering of commercial justice : experience of self-employed women in urban Tanzania. Journal of Enterprising Communities : People and Places in the Global Economy. 10 (1). 101-122.
Status: Published -
Nählinder, J., Tillmar, M., Wigren, C. (2015). Towards a gender aware understanding of innovation : a three-dimensional route. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 7 (1). 66-86.
Status: Published -
Sköld, B., Tillmar, M. (2015). Resilient gender order in entrepreneurship : the case of Swedish welfare industries. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 7 (1). 2-26.
Status: Published -
Berglund, K., Tillmar, M. (2015). To play or not to play: that is the question : Entrepreneuring as gendered play. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 31 (2). 206-218.
Status: Published -
Achtenhagen, L., Tillmar, M. (2013). Studies on women's entrepreneurship from Nordic countries and beyond. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 5 (1). 4-16.
Status: Published -
Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2010). Masculinisation of the public sector : Local level studies of public sector outsourcing in elder care. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 2 (1). 49-67.
Status: Published -
Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2010). Är det något särskilt med offentlig sektor? : Is there something special about the public sector?. Nordiske organisasjonsstudier. 12 (4). 3-17.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M. (2009). Societal entrepreneurs in the health sector : crossing the frontiers. Social Enterprise Journal. 5 (3). 282-298.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M. (2009). No Longer So Strange? (Dis)Trust in Municipality-Small Business Relationships. Economic and Industrial Democracy. 30 (3). 401-428.
Status: Published -
Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2008). A Nurse and a Civil Servant changing institutions : Entrepreneurial processes in different public sector organizations. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 24 (2). 113-124.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M. (2007). Gendered small-business assistance : lessons from a Swedish project. Journal of European Industrial Training. 31 (2). 84-99.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M., Lindkvist, L. (2007). Cooperation against all odds : finding reasons for trust where formal institutions fail. International Sociology. 22 (3). 343-366.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M. (2006). Swedish tribalism and Tanzanian entrepreneurship : preconditions for trust formation. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 18 (2). 91-107.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Högberg, L., Tillmar, M. (2017). Multisectoral organizing in the Swedish welfare system : Understanding the complexity. Paper presented at the EGOS conference July 2017 in Copenhagen.
- Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Sköld, B., Tillmar, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship in rural areas : The role of women?. Paper presented at: 31st RENT Conference, Lund, 16-17 NOV 2017. 1-20.
- Högberg, L., Sköld, B., Tillmar, M. (2017). The multilevel coevolution of (dis)trust and control in a high-trust welfare context : Cases from a Swedish customer-choice market. Paper presented at the EGOS conference July 2017 in Copenhagen.
- Ahl, H., Tillmar, M. (2015). Swedish welfare state retrenchment and the call for women’s entrepreneurship to fill the void. The 4th European Conference on Politics and Gender 2015 June 11-13 Uppsala, Sweden. 1-19.
- Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2014). Can governments support both women and entrepreneurship?. Diana International Research Conference 2014 : Stockholm, June 15-17 2014.
- Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2014). Is institutional support for women’s entrepreneurship feminist?. Gender, Work & Organization : Abstracts 1-376. 142-142.
- Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2013). Entrepreneurship for Equality?. The International Helix conference 2013, Linköping, Sweden, June.
- Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2012). Will business ownership support gender equality?. .
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2011). Pushed into Serial Entrepreneurship. The 56th ICSB World Conference : Stockholm, Sweden 15th-18th of June 2011.
- Berglund, K., Tillmar, M. (2010). To play or not to play : that is the question : Gender perspectives on entrepreneurship and innovation. Gender, Work and Organization, 6th international interdisciplinary conference, 21st - 23rd June, 2010 : Conference stream : Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Growth: Gender perspectives.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2008). Trust in New Public Management : Municipalities and business in cooperation. Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, Tallin, Estonia, 21-23 May 2008.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Ahl, H., Tillmar, M., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K. (2023). Entrepreneurship as a losing proposition for women : Gendered outcomes of neo-liberal entrepreneurship policy in a nordic welfare state. Women's Entrepreneurship Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. 75-102.
- Berglund, K., Alexandersson, A., Jogmark, M., Tillmar, M. (2021). An alternative entrepreneurial university?. A Research Agenda for the Entrepreneurial University. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 7-28.
- Tillmar, M. (2020). Practicing participant observations : capturing entrepreneurial practices. Research handbook on entrepreneurial behavior, practice and process. Edward Elgar Publishing. 168-181.
- Tillmar, M. (2019). Socialt entreprenörskap och utveckling av landsbygder. Entreprenörskap för en levande landsbygd : 15 texter om landsbygdsutveckling och entreprenörskap i Norrland. Växjö, Familjen Kamprads Stiftelse. 221-240.
- Tillmar, M. (2016). The lack of business dispute resolution in Africa : an unresolved impediment to SME development?. Entrepreneurship and SME management across Africa : context, challenges, cases. Singapore, Springer. 51-64.
- Tillmar, M. (2016). The gendered contextualization of SME cooperation in urban East Africa. Women's entrepreneurship in global and local context. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 105-123.
- Tillmar, M. (2016). Self-employed women's everyday innovations in East Africa. Research handbook on gender and innovation. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 91-106.
- Gawell, M., Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship invited into the (social) welfare arena. Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises : Nordic perspectives. Routledge. 215-231.
- Högberg, L., Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2015). New forms of organization : new ways to organize. Sustainable development in organizations : studies on innovative practices. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 169-184.
- Johannisson, B., Johansson, A.W., Sundin, E., Berglund, K., Rosell, E., et al. (2015). Organizing Societal Entrepreneurship : A Cross-Sector Challenge. Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Research. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 130-154.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Gashi Nulleshi, S., Tillmar, M. (2022). Rural proofing entrepreneurship in two fields of research. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 28 (9). 332-356.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Berglund, K., Ahl, H., Tillmar, M., Pettersson, K. (2023). Genusperspektiv på entreprenörskap : från kvinnors företagande till feministisk aktivism. Organisation & Samhälle. Mars 23.
Status: Published -
Tillmar, M. (2005). Våffer gör di på detta viset? Villkor för småföretagande inom omsorgen ur ett institutionellt perspektiv. Kommunal ekonomi och politik. 9 (3). 31-53.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Rosell, E., Tillmar, M. (2019). Spacing and pacing across sectors in public entrepreneuring. Presented at the 4th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference, Nantes, France, April 3-6, 2019.
- Tillmar, M., Pettersson, K. (2019). The embodied multifunctional practices of rural entrepreneuring : the case of green care on farms in Sweden. Presented at the 4th Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference, Nantes, France, April 3-6, 2019.
- Elg, M., Berglund, M., Ellström, P., Kock, H., Tillmar, M., et al. (2018). Sustainable working life development through interactive research. PIN-C Conference Proccedings : 2018 Eskilstuna, Sweden. 1-5.
- Tillmar, M. (2018). Beating the headwind to tackle fraud : on local gendered practices of business-dispute resolution. Presented at the 3rd Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference & PhD Consortium, Växjö, Sweden, April 17-20, 2018, 2018.
- Rosell, E., Tillmar, M. (2018). Intertwining of practices in multi-sector entrepreneuring for welfare. Presented at the 3rd Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference & PhD Consortium, Växjö, Sweden, April 17-20, 2018.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2008). Creative Destruction or Destruction of Creativity. Nordic Small-Business Research Conference 2008.
- Tillmar, M. (2005). From employment to self-employment through New Public Management : The role of trust. Conference of European Sociological Association 2005.
- Tillmar, M. (2005). Våffer gör di på detta viset? : Villkor för småföretagande inom omsorgen ur ett institutionellt perspektiv. Nordisk Företagsekonomisk Förenings konferens 2005.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Jogmark, M., Karlsson, M., Rosenlund, J., Tillmar, M. (2022). Entreprenörskap för socio-ekologisk omställning på landsbygden. Förnyelse på småländska : Berättelser om utvecklingsarbete i vardagen. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 130-133.
- Jogmark, M., Karlsson, M., Rosenlund, J., Tillmar, M. (2022). Reflektioner kring vägar och vägval för socio-ekologisk omställning. Förnyelse på småländska : Berättelser om utvecklingsarbete i vardagen. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 156-162.
- Tillmar, M. (2022). Att hålla sig på vägen: Mötesplats Häradsbäck. Förnyelse på småländska : Berättelser om utvecklingsarbete i vardagen. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 141-145.
- Tillmar, M. (2018). Foreword : teaching entrepreneurship is walking a tightrope. Revitalizing entrepreneurship education : adopting a critical approach in the classroom. Routledge. xiii-xiv.
- Elg, M., Ellström, P., Klofsten, M., Tillmar, M. (2015). Sustainable development in organizations. Sustainable development in organizations : studies on innovative practices. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-15.
- Tillmar, M. (2012). Sectoral Intertwining at the grass root level. Societal entrepreneurship : positioning, penetrating, promoting. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 33-59.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2011). Kvinnors företagande i spåren av den offentliga sektorns omvandling. Kvinnors företagande - mål eller medel?. Stockholm, SNS förlag. 187-214.
- Tillmar, M. (2011). Cross-Cultural comparative case studies : a means of uncovering dimensions of trust. Handbook of research methods on trust. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 102-109.
- Axelsson, K., Tillmar, M., Wihlborg, E. (2010). Kundval – dilemman i gränssnittet mellan privata och offentliga organisationer. Samtal pågår… : från forskare till politiker och tjänstemän i kommuner. Linköping, Linköpings universitet. 9-19.
- Tillmar, M. (2009). Societal entrepreneurs in the health sector : frontiers crossing combiners. Entrepreneurship in the name of society : reader's digest of a swedish research anthology. Stockholm, Knowledge Foundation. 25-29.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2008). Kvinnors entreprenörskap i och genom offentlig sektor : Möjlighetsexploatering eller självexploatering?. Perspektiv på förnyelse och entreprenörskap i offentlig verksamhet. Örebro, Forum för småföretagarforskning.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2008). Kvinnors företagande i spåren av offentliga sektorns omvandling. Sesam öppna dig! : Forskarperspektiv på kvinnors företagande. Stockolm, Vinnova. 87-96.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2007). Organisational Entrepreneurs in the Public Sectors : Social Capital and Gender. Women, Entrepreneurship and Social Capital : A Dialogue and Construction. Köpenhamn, Copenhagen Business School Press. 95-120.
- Tillmar, M. (2006). Villkor för eget företag inom vård- och omsorg : En fråga om förtroende. När anställda blir företagare : studier om företagande i ett strukturomvandlings- och arbetsmarknadsperspektiv. Stockholm, Arbetslivsinstitutet. 165-186.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2006). Organiserandet och det fria företagandet : exemplet Friskolornas riksförbund. Den oavsedda organisationen. Lund, Academia adacta. 21-46.
- Tillmar, M. (2005). Breaking out of Distrust : Preconditions for Trust and Cooperation between Small Businesses in Tanzania. Trust under Pressure : Empirical Investigations of Trust and Trust Building in Uncertain Circumstances. Edward Elgar Publishing. 54-79.
- Tillmar, M. (2004). Laila Jahansson : Entreprenören som hjälpte andra att starta eget. Den offentliga sektorns entreprenörer : En porträttbok. Stockholm, Kommentus. 66-78.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Tillmar, M. (2002). Swedish tribalism and Tanzanian agency : preconditions for trust and cooperation in a small-business context. Doctoral Thesis. Linköping, Linköpings universitet. 325.
Report (Other academic)
- Pettersson, K., Tillmar, M. (2019). Att jobba med hjärtat : en studie av grön omsorg ur genus- och entreprenörskapsperspektiv. SLU Framtidens djur natur och hälsa. 66.
- Sköld, B., Tillmar, M., Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K. (2018). Kvinnors företagande i landsbygdskommuner med fokus på Småland och Öland : en kvantitativ kartläggning inom ramen för forskningsprojektet "Kvinnors företagande för en levande landsbygd". Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 59.
- Tillmar, M., Gustavsson, M., Högberg, L., Rosell, E., Svensson, L. (2018). Sektorsöverskridande samverkan : en studie av organisering för välfärd mellan olika samhällssektorer. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 97.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M., Renstig, M. (2010). Varför ska kvinnor starta eget inom vård och omsorg?. Stockholm, Tillväxtverket. 40.
- Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2010). Uppföljning av "Eget val" i hemtjänsten i Linköpings kommun : Utförarperspektiv. Linköping, FoU Centrum för vård, omsorg och socialt arbete. 56.
- Hård, U., Sundin, E., Tillmar, M. (2007). Kvinnors företagande - arbetsmarknadsbeteende och organisatorisk lösning. Stockholm, ALI. 25.
- Tillmar, M. (2004). Att stödja kvinnors företagande : Lärdomar från projektet DISA. Stockholm, Arbetslivsinstitutet. 61.
- Tillmar, M. (2004). Är det möjligt? : Om villkor för småföretagande inom vård- och omsorgssektorn. Stockholm, NUTEK. 120.
- Tillmar, M. (2001). Breaking out of Distrust : A case study of Small-Business Cooperation in Tanzania. Linköping, Linköpings universitet. 134.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Elg, M., Ellström, P., Klofsten, M., Tillmar, M. (2015). Sustainable Development in Organizations : Studies on Innovative Practices. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 392.