Maria Mårtensson Hansson
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Nylinder, P. (2023). Public value accounting and the use of performance measurements as a management tool in a context of various assessments. Journal of Accouting & Organizational Change. 19 (4). 603-621.
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Svärdsten, F. (2021). Strategic management accounting in the public sector context : the case of the Swedish Transport Administration. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management. 33 (4). 468-486.
Status: Published -
Hasche, N., Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2021). Intra-organizational trust in public organizations - the study of interpersonal trust in both vertical and horizontal relationships from a bidirectional perspective. Public Management Review. 23 (12). 1768-1788.
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Thomson, K. (2021). Strategic management, management control practices and public value creation : The strategic triangle in the swedish public sector. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 34 (7). 1608-1634.
Status: Published -
Siegert, S., Caicedo, M.H., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2020). Boundaryless Twitter Use : On the Affordances of Social Media. Social Sciences. 9 (11).
Status: Published -
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2019). When calculative practices are no more : On the de-accountingization of the operational level of a public sector agency. Financial Accountability and Management. 35 (4). 373-389.
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2019). Entrepreneurship as a Strategic Management Tool for Renewal : The Case of the Swedish Public Employment Service. Administrative Sciences. 9 (4).
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Safari, A. (2019). The impact of types of trust in the public sector - a case study approach. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 32 (3). 247-263.
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Safari, A. (2018). Expectations and the performance of governance functions between a board, management and other stakeholders : the case of Robotdalen. Journal of Management and Governance. 22 (4). 805-827.
Status: Published -
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2018). The development of the management accountant's role revisited : an example from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Financial Accountability and Management. 34 (3). 240-251.
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Caicedo, M.H., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2018). A balance of strategic management and entrepreneurship practices : The renewal journey of the Swedish Public Employment Service. Financial Accountability and Management. 34 (4). 354-366.
Status: Published -
Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Svärdsten, F. (2018). Strategic Management in the Public Sector : How Tools Enable and Constrain Strategy Making. International Public Management Journal. 21 (5). 822-849.
Status: Published -
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2010). Extensions and intensions of management control—The inclusion of health. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 21 (8). 655-668.
Status: Published -
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Roslender, R. (2010). Managing and measuring employee health and wellbeing : a review and critique. Journal of Accouting & Organizational Change. 6 (4). 436-459.
Status: Published -
Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2010). The makings of a statement : accounting for employee health. Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting. 14 (4). 286-306.
Status: Published -
Mårtensson, M. (2009). Recounting Counting and Accounting : From Political Arithmetic to Measuring Intangibles and Back. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 20 (7). 835-846.
Status: Published -
Catasús, B., Mårtensson, M., Skoog, M. (2009). The Communication of Human Accounts : Examining models of sensegiving. Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting. 13 (2). 163-179.
Status: Published -
Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M., Matti, S. (2001). Measuring to Understand Intangible Performance Drivers. The European Accounting Review. 10 (3). 407-437.
Status: Published -
Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M., Matti, S. (2001). Mobilizing Change through the Management Control of Intangibles. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 26 (7/8). 715-733.
Status: Published -
Mårtensson, M. (2000). A critical review of knowledge management as a management tool. Journal of Knowledge Management. 4 (3). 204-216.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Nylinder, P. (2021). Performance measurement as a tool for performance management in politically governed healthcare – The case of Region Stockholm. Paper presented at the IRSPM Conference 2021: "Public Management, Governance and Policy in Extraordinary Times: Challenges and Opportunities", Online, April 20-23, 2021.
- Hasche, N., Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M. (2018). Reconstructing trust through a transformation process : The case of the Swedish Public Employment Service. XXII IRSPM Annual Conference 2018.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Siegert, S. (2018). Boundaryless Twitter use : on the affordances of social media. Presented at the 34th EGOS Collocium: "Surprise in and around Organizations: Journeys to the Unexpected", Tallinn, Estonia, July 5–7, 2018.
- Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M. (2018). Entrepreneurship a Managerial Tool for Renewal : The Case of the Swedish Public Employment Service. Presented at the 22nd Annual IRSPM Conference, Edinburgh, UK, April 11-13, 2018.
- Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2017). Co-production of governance practices : a collaboration between board, management and other stakeholders. Presented at the 21st Annual International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 19-21, 2017.
- Siegert, S., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2017). Give it all : boundary blurring on Twitter and running marathons. Boundariless Twitter use in the context of a Swedish governmental agency. WORK2017 - Work and Labour in the Digital Future 2017 : Conference Abstracts. 200-202.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Svärdsten, F. (2017). On strategy formation and the becoming of strategic management accounting in a public sector context. Presented at the 40th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Valencia, Spain, May 10-12, 2017.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M., Svärdsten, F. (2017). On strategy formation and the becoming of strategic management accounting in a public sector context. .
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). Coaching on demand : The role of the management accountant at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. .
- Axelsson, K., Mårtensson, M., Höglund, L. (2015). Entrepreneurship in a School Setting : Constructing a Generation of Self-Conducted Managers?. 29th RENT conference, 2015.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). Managing street-level bureaucrats in the aftermath of NPM : The every day life and work of case workers at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Presented at 23nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference.
- Axelsson, K., Mårtensson, M. (2015). Introducing Entrepreneurship in a School Setting - Entrepreneurial Learning as the Entrance Ticket. The 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development. 756-772.
- Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M., Safari, A. (2015). The impact of different types of trust : Interaction between an organization and its governing board. IRSPM2015. 1-19.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). Teamed up, not teaming up : Downsourcing responsibility through lean teams. .
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2014). From balanced scorecard to Lean – continuation or discontinuation of NPM?. Presented at EAA2014.
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2012). Harnessing plurality : On the managing accounting and control of a collaborative practice. 7th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing & Management in Public Sector Reforms.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2011). Styrning av samverkan : Exempel från två pågående samverkansinitiativ. Presented at Nordic Academy of Management Conference 2011.
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2008). Expanding the Borders of Management Control : The Inclusion of Health. Proceedings from 31th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 23-25, 2008..
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren, M. (2007). Extensions of Management Control : An Exploration Study of its Recent Developments into the Domain of Health. Proceedings from the 3rd Workshop on Visualising, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Ferrarra, Italy, October, 2007..
- Mårtensson, M. (2007). Health and Management Control? : Perspectives and ambiguities. Proceedings from 30th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Lisbon, Portugal, April 24-27, 2007..
- Mårtensson, M. (2007). Measuring Health? : Perspectives and Ambiguities. Proceedings from 30th Annual congress of the European Accounting Association, Lisbon, Portugal, April 24-27 2007..
- Nielsen, C., Dane-Nielsen, H., Mårtensson, M. (2007). Emergent Properties of Intellectual Capital. Proceedings (CD) from 3rd Workshop on Visualizing, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital.
- Mårtensson, M. (2006). Intellectual capital and political arithmetic in Sweden : Visions and aims revisited. Proceedings from 2nd Workshop on Visualizing and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital, Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 25-27, 2006..
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Eriksson, K., Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2024). Strategic management accounting for change and flexibility. The Routledge Handbook of Public Sector Accounting. Routledge. 111-123.
- Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M. (2018). Personalekonomi. Controllerhandboken. Liber. 586-606.
- Axelsson, K., Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M. (2018). Is what’s good for business good for society? : Entrepreneurship in a school setting. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Contexts. : Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar Publishing. 54-75.
- Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2015). Managing paradoxes in governance : tensions in the emergence of a new board. Contingency, behavioural and evolutionary perspectives on public and nonprofit governance. Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1-30.
- Thomson, K., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2014). The Quest for Public Value in the Swedish Museum Transition. Public value management, measurement and reporting. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 105-128.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2013). New Public Management : På jakt efter den perfekta styrningen. Företagsekonomin och samhället. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 107-140.
- Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M. (2013). Personalekonomi. Controllerhandboken. Liber. 544-565.
Report (Refereed)
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Höglund, L., Mårtensson, M., Svärdsten, F. (2016). Spänningar i styrningen : En strategisk angelägenhet - en fallstudie inom Trafikverket. Stockholm, Stockholm University. 56.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2014). Identifiering av parallella styrmodeller och deras olikheter : En studie av styrningens komplexitet. Stockholm, Stockholms universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen. 60.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Jonsson, L., Mårtensson, M. (2013). Förutsättningar för styrning av samverkan : En studie om etableringen av ett samverkansinitiativ mellan kommuner och högskola. Göteborg, Kommunforskning i Västsverige (KFi). 84.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Siegert, S., Sommar, C., Hedström, K., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2022). Sociala medier i skolan : Styrningslöshet i en värld av styrning. Organisation & Samhälle. (1). 60-65.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2021). Strategic Management and Public Value Creation in Extraordinary Times : The strategic triangle and the case of the Swedish Public Employment Service. .
- Siegert, S., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2017). Boundariless Twitter use : on the affordances of social media. Presented at the 31st Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, RMIT University City Campus, Melbourne, Australia, December 5-8, 2017.
- Siegert, S., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2017). Boundariless Twitter use : on the affordances of social media. Presented at the 31st Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, RMIT University City Campus, Melbourne, Australia, December 5-8, 2017.
- Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2017). When calculative practices are no more : on de-accountingization at the operative level of a public-sector agency. Presented at the New Public Sector (NPS) Seminar, Edinburgh, UK, November 2-3, 2017.
- Mårtensson, M., Höglund, L., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Svärdsten, F. (2016). Management accounting of control practices : a matter of and for strategy. Everyday life in public sector organizations.
- Andersson, G., Mårtensson, M., Vestman, C. (2015). Formaliserad samverkan mellan lärosäten och offentlig sektor. .
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2013). Management accounting and control practices within a public organization : reinforcing NPM or starting anew. 22nd Nordic Academy of management conference held at University of Iceland Reykjavík, 21-23 August, 2013 : Final Program and Abstracts : NFF 2013 On Practice and Knowledge Eruptions. 131-131.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M. (2011). Styrning av samverkan : Exempel från två pågående samverkansinitiativ. Presented at HSS 2011.
- Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M. (2009). Management Control of Intangibles in Universities. : A case study of cooperation between a university and the society. Presentated at the 32nd AIDEA Conference.
- Mårtensson, M. (2007). Measuring health : Perspectives and ambiguities. Paper presented at 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, June 10-12, 2007, Västerås, Sweden..
- Mårtensson, M. (2006). Intellectual Capital and Political Arithmetic in Sweden : Visions and ambitions revisited. Paper presented at Workshop XI, Ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning, February 2-3, 2006, Ronneby, Sweden..
- Dahlin, M., Mårtensson, M. (2005). Doubleness of Metaphors in management : Examples from BSC and CRM.. .
Book (Other academic)
- Almqvist, R., Holmgren Caicedo, M., Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M. (2012). Ansvarsfull verksamhetsstyrning. Malmö, Liber.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Almqvist, R., Mårtensson, M. (2011). Ekonomistyrning : från budgetering till mångdimensionell verksamhetsstyrning. Ledning av företag och förvaltningar : former, förutsättningar, förändringar. Stockholm, SNS förlag. 87-115.
- Mårtensson, M., Bjurström, E. (2010). Mer mätning bättre styrning?. Företagsekonomins frågor. Stockholm, SNS förlag. 164-171.
- Mårtensson, M. (2007). Measuring health? : Perspectives and ambiguities. Work Health and Management Control. Stockholm, Thomson Fakta. 337-352.
- Johanson, U., Mårtensson, M. (2006). Hälsobokslutsparadoxen. Hälsans styrning av arbetet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 199-221.
Report (Other academic)
- Höglund, L., Mårtensson Hansson, M. (2020). Hur utmanar styrningen det strategiska arbetet? : En studie av strategisk ledning och styrning i Region Stockholm åren 2017 - 2019. Stockholm, Stockholm University. 166.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). Controllerrollen i Försäkringskassans nya styrning. Stockholm, Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen (ISF). 76.
- Vestman, C., Mårtensson, M., Andersson, G. (2015). Med samverkan i fokus : Formaliserad samverkan mellan lärosäten och offentliga organisationer - ett lärprojekt 2014-2015. Stockholm, UniLink. 56.
- Holmgren Caicedo, M., Mårtensson, M., Tamm Hallström, K. (2015). När handläggaren blev teammedlem : Om autonomi, lärande och styrning i Försäkringskassan. Stockolm, Inspektionen för socialförsäkringen (ISF). 115.
- Mårtensson, M., Johanson, U. (2007). Effekter och lärdomar av tidiga insatser för att minska sjukfrånvaron..
- Almqvist, R., Mårtensson, M., Johanson, U. (2007). Den ansvarsfulla verksamhetsstyrningen : En idéskiss och några exempel från Västerås stad..
- Mårtensson, M., Dahlin, M. (2006). Lärande och erfarenheter inom växtkraft mål 3 - en förstudie..
Article, book review (Other academic)
Mårtensson, M. (2010). Visualising intangibles : Measuring and reporting in the knowledge economy, StefanoZambon (editor), Giuseppe Marzo (editor), 2007, Ashgate Aldershot, UK, xiv +282pages, $ 114.95, €72.37, ISBN 97820275462462820. International Journal of Accounting. Elsevier. 45 (4). 493-496.
Status: Published
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren, M., Johanson, U., Almqvist, R., Wennhall, J. (2009). Styrning för samproduktion : En kunskapsöversikt och ett förslag till en framtida forskningsagenda.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Mårtensson, M. (2007). Drömmar om något bättre : Om managementmodeller, mätningar och människor. Doctoral Thesis. Ekonomihögskolan, Mälardalens högskola.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Mårtensson, M., Holmgren Caicedo, M. (2008). Är svensk arbetslivsforskning prioriterad? : En studie av svenska lärosätens forskningsstrategier. Unpublished report commissioned by FAS 2008.