Mats Åström
ProfessorProfessor of environmental geochemistry, with a focus on the chemical state of the environment and how this is controlled by natural processes and affected by human activities.
Teaches in environmental geochemistry.
The topic of my research is geochemical processes and patterns in the boreal zone. In the surface environment focus is on acid sulfate soils and estuarine/marine sediments, while in the deep environment we are studying secondary minerals and groundwaters in bedrock fractures. Typically multielement determinations are made, but many studies also focus on selected elements such as the rare earth elements, beryllium or iron.
Funding is provided by Formas, The Swedish Research Council, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Geological Survey of Sweden, The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, and the EU Botnia-Atlantica program.
Is an expert in the KLIVA and STASIS projects, funded by EU´s interreg program Botnia-Atlantica.
My research groups
Environmental Geochemistry Our research group consists of environmental scientists working with issues related to environmental geochemistry, which is the study of how chemical processes and flows in…
Linnaeus University Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS) EEMiS is a centre for research excellence studying ecological and evolutionary interactions from land to sea.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Contamination of water resources in southern Sweden by iron and aluminium Contamination of water resources by metals is a matter of concern in areas where acid sulphate soils exist. Our…
Project: Geochemical, mineralogical, and microbiological characterization of acid sulfate soils Acid sulfate soils exist under farmland in the coastal areas and export large amounts of acidity and…
Project: Metal accumulation in the Baltic Sea sediments: implications for environmental monitoring programs and mitigation actions The load of trace metals to Baltic Sea waters and their accumulation…
Project: Mobilization and redox-cycling of uranium in two boreal sulfidic landscapes The overall aim of this project is to explore and investigate the biogeochemical processes that control the…
Project: Syntrophy and symbiosis as mechanisms for growth and survival in deep terrestrial biosphere fracture systems Despite being separated from the sun’s energy, life exists deep underground in…
Project: Technology-critical elements; soil-crop transfer, oral bioaccessibility and toxicity This project addresses a group of "new" metals, for which there is currently a dramatic increase in use…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Gal, A.O.O., Åström, M.E., Filipsson, M. (2025). A Review of Selected Alternative Remediation Methods for PFAS Contamination. Remediation Journal. 35 (2).
Status: Published -
Kononova, L., Johnson, A., Engblom, S., Sten, P., Yu, C., et al. (2025). Geochemical and microbial responses to limestone and peat treatment of incubated hypermonosulfidic sediments. European Journal of Soil Science. 76 (1).
Status: Published -
Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Kleja, D.B., Jarsjö, J., Fröberg, M., et al. (2024). Challenges in geochemical modelling of metal(loid) solubility and binding mechanisms along a soil profile at a multi-contaminated site. Applied Geochemistry. 170.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Luong, N.T., Hefni, M.E., Song, Z., Högfors-Rönnholm, E., et al. (2024). Storage and Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nutrients in Acidic Soils Developed on Sulfidic Sediments : The Roles of Reactive Iron and Macropores. Environmental Science and Technology. 58 (21). 9200-9212.
Status: Published -
Nyman, A., Boman, A., Johnson, A., Dopson, M., Åström, M.E. (2024). Easily mobilized metals and acidity in acid sulfate soils across the Swedish coastal plains. European Journal of Soil Science. 75 (6).
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Turner, S., Huotari, S., Chen, N., Shchukarev, A., et al. (2024). Manganese cycling and transport in boreal estuaries impacted by acidic Mn-rich drainage. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 365. 136-157.
Status: Published -
Johnson, A., Nyman, A., Åström, M.E., Dopson, M. (2024). Regional variation in Swedish acid sulfate soil microbial communities is influenced by temperature and geochemistry. European Journal of Soil Science. 75 (1).
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Johnson, A., Karlsson, A., Chernikov, R., Sjöberg, V., et al. (2024). Uranium Repartitioning during Microbial Driven Reductive Transformation of U(VI)-Sorbed Schwertmannite and Jarosite. Environmental Science and Technology. 58 (41). 18324-18334.
Status: Published -
Nyman, A., Johnson, A., Yu, C., Dopson, M., Åström, M.E. (2023). Multi-element features of active acid sulfate soils across the Swedish coastal plains. Applied Geochemistry. 152.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Petersson, M., Åström, M.E., Johansson, M. (2023). Physical environmental hazards associated with the Swedish death care industry. Safety Science. 165.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Högfors-Rönnholm, E., Stén, P., Engblom, S., Åström, M.E. (2023). Iron‑sulfur geochemistry and acidity retention in hydrologically active macropores of boreal acid sulfate soils : Effects of mitigation suspensions of fine-grained calcite and peat. Science of the Total Environment. 856 (Part 2).
Status: Published -
Nyman, A., Johnson, A., Yu, C., Sohlenius, G., Becher, M., et al. (2023). A nationwide acid sulfate soil study : A rapid and cost-efficient approach for characterizing large-scale features. Science of the Total Environment. 869.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Roos, P.M. (2023). Comments on Letter to the Editor by Ph. D. Jussi Sipila regarding our paper "Geochemistry of multiple sclerosis in Finland ". Science of the Total Environment. 859.
Status: Published -
Johnson, A., Högfors-Rönnholm, E., Engblom, S., Österholm, P., Åström, M.E., et al. (2022). Dredging and deposition of metal sulfide rich river sediments results in rapid conversion to acid sulfate soil materials. Science of the Total Environment. 813.
Status: Published -
Xie, S., Yu, C., Peng, B., Xiao, H., Zhang, W., et al. (2022). A re-assessment of metal pollution in the Dexing mining area in Jiangxi province, China : current status, hydro-geochemical controls, and effectiveness of remediation practices. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 19. 10707-10722.
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Åström, M.E., Yu, C., Lindquist, T., Djerf, H., et al. (2022). Extensive dispersion of metals from hemiboreal acid sulfate soil into adjacent drain and wetland. Applied Geochemistry. 136.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Roos, P.M. (2022). Geochemistry of multiple sclerosis in Finland. Science of the Total Environment. 841.
Status: Published -
Westmeijer, G., Mehrshad, M., Turner, S., Alakangas, L., Sachpazidou, V., et al. (2022). Connectivity of Fennoscandian Shield terrestrial deep biosphere microbiomes with surface communities. Communications Biology. 5 (1).
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Rahmati-Abkenar, M., Jaeger, L., Josefson, S., Djerf, H., et al. (2022). The response of metal mobilization and redistribution to reoxygenation in Baltic Sea anoxic sediments. Science of the Total Environment. 837.
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Åström, M.E., Josefsson, S., Apler, A., Ketzer, J.M. (2021). Background concentrations and extent of Cu, As, Co, and U contamination in Baltic Sea sediments. Journal of Sea Research. 176.
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Josefsson, S., Apler, A., Kalbitz, K., Åström, M.E., et al. (2021). Baltic Sea sediments record anthropogenic loads of Cd, Pb, and Zn. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 28. 6162-6175.
Status: Published -
Tillberg, M., Drake, H., Zack, T., Hogmalm, J., Kooijman, E., et al. (2021). Reconstructing craton-scale tectonic events via in situ Rb-Sr geochronology of poly-phased vein mineralization. Terra Nova. 33 (5). 502-510.
Status: Published -
Sjöberg, S., Yu, C., Stairs, C.W., Allard, B., Hallberg, R., et al. (2021). Microbe-Mediated Mn Oxidation - A Proposed Model of Mineral Formation. Minerals. 11 (10).
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Xie, S., Song, Z., Xia, S., Åström, M.E. (2021). Reply to comments by Thilo Rennert on “Biogeochemical cycling of iron (hydr-)oxides and its impact on organic carbon turnover in coastal wetlands: A global synthesis and perspective”. Earth-Science Reviews (2021) 103658. Earth-Science Reviews. 221.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Yu, C., Virtasalo, J.J., Österholm, P., Peltola, P., et al. (2020). Extensive accumulation of rare earth elements in estuarine sediments affected by leaching of acid sulfate soils. Boreal environment research. 25. 105-120.
Status: Published -
Tillberg, M., Drake, H., Zack, T., Kooijman, E., Whitehouse, M., et al. (2020). In situ Rb-Sr dating of slickenfibres in deep crystalline basement faults. Scientific Reports. 10 (1). 1-12.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Fröberg, M., Berggren Kleja, D., Åström, M.E., et al. (2020). Failure of generic risk assessment model framework to predict groundwater pollution risk at hundreds of metal contaminated sites : Implications for research needs. Environmental Research. 185. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Alakangas, L.J., Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E. (2020). Diverse fractionation patterns of Rare Earth Elements in deep fracture groundwater in the Baltic Shield - Progress from utilisation of Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films (DGT) at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 269. 15-38.
Status: Published -
Virtasalo, J.J., Osterholm, P., Kotilainen, A.T., Åström, M.E. (2020). Enrichment of trace metals from acid sulfate soils in sediments of the Kvarken Archipelago, eastern Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. Biogeosciences. 17 (23). 6097-6113.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Dideriksen, K., Tillberg, M., Song, Z., et al. (2020). A Combined X-ray Absorption and Mössbauer Spectroscopy Study on Fe Valence and Secondary Mineralogy in Granitoid Fracture Networks : Implications for Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels. Environmental Science and Technology. 54 (5). 2832-2842.
Status: Published -
Tillberg, M., Maskenskaya, O.M., Drake, H., Hogmalm, J.K., Broman, C., et al. (2019). Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements in Greisen and Hydrothermal Veins Related to A-Type Magmatism. Geofluids. 2019. 1-20.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Lopez-Fernandez, M., Whitehouse, M., Dopson, M., et al. (2019). Micro-scale isotopic variability of low-temperature pyrite in fractured crystalline bedrock ― A large Fe isotope fractionation between Fe(II)aq/pyrite and absence of Fe-S isotope co-variation. Chemical Geology. 522. 192-207.
Status: Published -
Christel, S., Yu, C., Wu, X., Josefsson, S., Lillhonga, T., et al. (2019). Comparison of Boreal Acid Sulfate Soil Microbial Communities in Oxidative and Reductive Environments. Research in Microbiology. 170 (6-7). 288-295.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Roberts, N.M.W., Heim, C., Whitehouse, M.J., Siljeström, S., et al. (2019). Timing and origin of natural gas accumulation in the Siljan impact structure, Sweden. Nature Communications. 10. 1-14.
Status: Published -
Uddh Söderberg, T., Berggren Kleja, D., Åström, M.E., Jarsjö, J., Fröberg, M., et al. (2019). Metal solubility and transport at a contaminated landfill site – From the source zone into the groundwater. Science of the Total Environment. 668. 1064-1076.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Berger, T., Drake, H., Song, Z., Peltola, P., et al. (2019). Geochemical controls on dispersion of U and Th in Quaternary deposits, stream water, and aquatic plants in an area with a granite pluton. Science of the Total Environment. 663. 16-28.
Status: Published -
Lopez-Fernandez, M., Åström, M.E., Bertilsson, S., Dopson, M. (2018). Depth and Dissolved Organic Carbon Shape Microbial Communities in Surface Influenced but Not Ancient Saline Terrestrial Aquifers. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Mathurin, F.A., Zack, T., Schäfer, T., Roberts, N., et al. (2018). Incorporation of Metals into Calcite in a Deep Anoxic Granite Aquifer. Environmental Science and Technology. 52 (2). 493-502.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Whitehouse, M.J., Heim, C., Reiners, P.W., Tillberg, M., et al. (2018). Unprecedented 34S-enrichment of pyrite formed following microbial sulfate reduction in fractured crystalline rocks. Geobiology. 16 (5). 556-574.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Yu, C., Peltola, P., Reynolds, J.K., Österholm, P., et al. (2018). Sources, transport and sinks of beryllium in a coastal landscape affected by acidic soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 232. 288-302.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Boily, J., Shchukarev, A., Drake, H., Song, Z., et al. (2018). A cryogenic XPS study of Ce fixation on nanosized manganite and vernadite: Interfacial reactions and effects of fulvic acid complexation. Chemical Geology. 483. 304-311.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Heim, C., Roberts, N.M.W., Zack, T., Tillberg, M., et al. (2017). Isotopic evidence for microbial production and consumption of methane in the upper continental crust throughout the Phanerozoic eon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 470. 108-118.
Status: Published -
Wu, X., Pedersen, K., Edlund, J., Eriksson, L., Åström, M.E., et al. (2017). Potential for hydrogen-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophic and diazotrophic populations to initiate biofilm formation in oligotrophic, deep terrestrial subsurface waters. Microbiome. 5.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Ivarsson, M., Bengtson, S., Heim, C., Siljeström, S., et al. (2017). Anaerobic consortia of fungi and sulfate reducing bacteria in deep granite fractures. Nature Communications. 8. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E. (2017). Cerium sequestration and accumulation in fractured crystalline bedrock : The role of Mn-Fe (hydr-)oxides and clay minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 199. 370-389.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Peltola, P., Nystrand, M.I., Virtasalo, J.J., Österholm, P., et al. (2016). Arsenic removal from contaminated brackish sea water by sorption onto Al hydroxides and Fe phases mobilized by land-use. Science of the Total Environment. 542. 923-934.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Virtasalo, J.J., Österholm, P., Burton, E.D., Peltola, P., et al. (2016). Manganese accumulation and solid-phase speciation in a 3.5 m thick mud sequence from the estuary of an acidic and Mn-rich creek, northern Baltic Sea. Chemical Geology. 437. 56-66.
Status: Published -
Nystrand, M.I., Österholm, P., Yu, C., Åström, M.E. (2016). Distribution and speciation of metals, phosphorus, sulfate and organic material in brackish estuary water affected by acid sulfate soils. Applied Geochemistry. 66. 264-274.
Status: Published -
Berger, T., Mathurin, F.A., Drake, H., Åström, M.E. (2016). Fluoride abundance and controls in fresh groundwater in Quaternary deposits and bedrock fractures in an area with fluorine-rich granitoid rocks. Science of the Total Environment. 569. 948-960.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Jarsjo, J., Åström, M.E., Olofsson, B., et al. (2016). The risk of overestimating the risk-metal leaching to groundwater near contaminated glass waste deposits and exposure via drinking water. Science of the Total Environment. 566. 1420-1431.
Status: Published -
Berger, T., Yu, C., Drake, H., Peltola, P., Svensson, D., et al. (2016). Fluorine geochemistry of quaternary deposits in a nemo-boreal catchment with elevated dissolved fluoride in surface waters and groundwater. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 170. 148-156.
Status: Published -
Wu, X., Holmfeldt, K., Hubalek, V., Lundin, D., Åström, M.E., et al. (2016). Microbial metagenomes from three aquifers in the Fennoscandian shield terrestrial deep biosphere reveal metabolic partitioning among populations. The ISME Journal. 10 (5). 1192-1203.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Åström, M.E., Bergbäck, B., Elert, M., Höglund, L.O., et al. (2016). High metal reactivity and environmental risks at a site contaminated by glass waste. Chemosphere. 154. 434-443.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Virtasalo, J.J., Karlsson, T., Peltola, P., Osterholm, P., et al. (2015). Iron behavior in a northern estuary : Large pools of non-sulfidized Fe(II) associated with organic matter. Chemical Geology. 413. 73-85.
Status: Published -
Maskenskaya, O.M., Drake, H., Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E. (2015). The role of carbonate complexes and crystal habit on rare earth element uptake in low-temperature calcite in fractured crystalline rock. Chemical Geology. 391. 100-110.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Åström, M.E., Heim, C., Broman, C., Åstrom, J., et al. (2015). Extreme C-13 depletion of carbonates formed during oxidation of biogenic methane in fractured granite. Nature Communications. 6.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Tullborg, E., Whitehouse, M., Sandberg, B., Blomfeldt, T., et al. (2015). Extreme fractionation and micro-scale variation of sulphur isotopes during bacterial sulphate reduction in deep groundwater systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 161. 1-18.
Status: Published -
Berger, T., Mathurin, F.A., Gustafsson, J.P., Peltola, P., Åström, M.E. (2015). The impact of fluoride on Al abundance and speciation in boreal streams. Chemical Geology. 409. 118-124.
Status: Published -
Alakangas, L.J., Mathurin, F.A., Faarinen, M., Wallin, B., Åström, M.E. (2014). Sampling and Characterizing Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater in Deep-Lying Fractures in Granitoids Under In Situ High-Pressure and Low-Redox Conditions. Aquatic geochemistry. 20 (4). 405-418.
Status: Published -
Lindell, L., Henningsson, M., Marquardt, K., Åström, M.E. (2014). Farmers´(local and colonists) perceptions of environmental changes in the forest frontier of the upper Amazon, Peru. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. 10 (4). 394-418.
Status: Published -
Mathurin, F.A., Drake, H., Tullborg, E., Berger, T., Peltola, P., et al. (2014). High cesium concentrations in groundwater in the upper 1.2 km of fractured crystalline rock - Influence of groundwater origin and secondary minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 132. 187-213.
Status: Published -
Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E., Drake, H., Maskenskaya, O.M., Kalinowski, B.E. (2014). REE and Y in groundwater in the upper 1.2 km of Proterozoic granitoids (Eastern Sweden) - Assessing the role of composition and origin of groundwaters, geochemistry of fractures, and organic/inorganic aqueous complexation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 144. 342-378.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Lavergren, U., Peltola, P., Drake, H., Bergbäck, B., et al. (2014). Retention and transport of arsenic, uranium and nickel in a black shale setting revealed by a long-term humidity cell test and sequential chemica extractions. Chemical Geology. 363. 134-144.
Status: Published -
Maskenskaya, O.M., Drake, H., Broman, C., Hogmalm, J., Czuppon, G., et al. (2014). Source and character of syntaxial hydrothermal calcite veins in Paleoproterozoic crystalline rocks revealed by fine-scale investigations. Geofluids. 14 (4). 495-511.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Åström, M.E., Tullborg, E., Whitehouse, M. (2013). Activity of sulfur reducing bacteria in deep bedrock fractures revealed by variability of δ34S in pyrite and dissolved sulphate. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. 7. 228-231.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Åström, M.E., Tullborg, E., Whitehouse, M., Fallick, A.E. (2013). Variability of sulphur isotope ratios in pyrite and dissolved sulphate in granitoid fractures down to 1km depth - Evidence for widespread activity of sulphur reducing bacteria. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 102. 143-161.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Åström, M.E., Mathurin, F.A. (2013). Cerium Sequestration in Fractures in the Upper Kilometer of Granitoids, SE, Sweden. Mineralogical magazine. 77 (5). 2568-2568.
Status: Published -
Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E., Laaksoharju, M., Kalinowski, B.E., Tullborg, E. (2012). Effect of tunnel excavation on source and mixing of groundwater in a coastal granitoidic fracture network.. Environmental Science and Technology. 46 (23). 12779-12786.
Status: Published -
Drake, H., Tullborg, E., Hogmalm, J., Åström, M.E. (2012). Trace metal distribution and isotope variations in low-temperature calcite and groundwaters in granitoid fractures down to 1 km depth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 84. 217-238.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Österholm, P., Gustafsson, J.P., Nystrand, M., Peltola, P., et al. (2012). Attenuation of rare earth elements in a boreal estuary. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 96. 105-119.
Status: Published -
Berger, T., Peltola, P., Drake, H., Åström, M.E. (2012). Impact of a Fluorine-Rich Granite Intrusion on Levels and Distribution of Fluoride in a Small Boreal Catchment. Aquatic geochemistry. 18 (2). 77-94.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Virtasalo, J., Öberg, T., Åström, M.E. (2011). Geochemistry of surface sediments in the Archipelago Sea, SW Finland: a multiparameter and multivariate study. Environmental Earth Sciences. 62 (4). 725-734.
Status: Published -
Boman, A., Fröjdö, S., Backlund, K., Åström, M.E. (2010). Impact of isostatic land uplift and artificial drainage on oxidation of brackish-water sediments rich in metastable iron sulfide. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74 (4). 1268-1281.
Status: Published -
Brun, C., Peltola, P., Åström, M.E., Johansson, M. (2010). Spatial distribution of major, trace and ultra trace elements in three Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands in boreal forests, Forsmark, Sweden. Geoderma. 159 (3-4). 252-261.
Status: Published -
Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Sarenbo, S. (2010). Effects of forest slash and burn on the distribution of trace elements in floodplain sediments and mountain soils of the Subandean Amazon, Peru. Applied Geochemistry. 25 (8). 1097-1106.
Status: Published -
Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Öberg, T. (2010). Land-use change versus natural controls on stream water chemistry in the Subandean Amazon, Peru. Applied Geochemistry. 25 (3). 485-495.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Nystrand, M., Gustafsson, J., Österholm, P., Nordmyr, L., et al. (2010). Lanthanoid behaviour in an acidic landscape. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74 (3). 829-845.
Status: Published -
Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Öberg, T. (2010). Land-use versus natural controls on soil fertility in the Subandean Amazon, Peru.. Science of the Total Environment. 408 (4). 965-975.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Bergbäck, B., Åström, M.E. (2009). Trace metals in recharge and discharge ground waters at two sites at the Baltic coast of Sweden. Applied Geochemistry. 24 (9). 1640-1652.
Status: Published -
Lavergren, U., Åström, M.E., Falk, H., Bergbäck, B. (2009). Metal dispersion in groundwater in an area with natural and processed black shale - Nationwide prespective and comparison with acid sulfate soils. Applied Geochemistry. 24 (3). 359-369.
Status: Published -
Lavergren, U., Åström, M.E., Bergbäck, B., Holmström, H. (2009). Mobility of trace elements in black shale assessed by leaching tests and sequential chemical extraction. Geochemistry : Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 9. 71-79.
Status: Published -
Fältmarsch, R., Österholm, P., Greger, M., Åström, M.E. (2009). Metal concentrations in oats (Avena sativa L.) grown on acid sulphate soils. Agricultural and Food Science. 18 (1). 45-56.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Peltola, P., Rönnback, P., Lavergren, U., Bergbäck, B., et al. (2009). Uranium in surface and ground waters in Boreal Europe. Geochemistry : Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 9. 51-62.
Status: Published -
Rönnback, P., Åström, M., Gustavsson, J.P. (2008). Concentrations and fractionation patterns of rare earth elements in surface waters and ground waters in a granite and till environment. Applied Geochemistry. 23. 1862-1880.
Status: Published -
Fältmarsch, R., Åström, M., Vuori, K. (2008). Effect of toxic metals mobilised from Finnish acid sulphate soils on terrestrial and aquatic biota: a literature review. Boreal environment research. 13. 444-456.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Brun, C., Åström, M., Tomilina, O. (2008). High K/Rb ratios in stream waters - Exploring plant litter decay, ground water and lithology as potential controlling mechanisms. Chemical Geology. 257 (1-2). 92-100.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Peltola, P., Virtasalo, J., Kotilainen, A., Salminen, R. (2008). Niobium in boreal stream waters and brackish-water sediments. Geochemistry : Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 8. 1-10.
Status: Published -
Nordmyr, L., Österholm, P., Åström, M. (2008). Estuarine behaviour of metal loads leached from coastal lowland Acid Sulphate soils. Marine Environmental Research. 66. 378-393.
Status: Published -
Österholm, P., Åström, M. (2008). Meteorological impacts on the water quality in the Pajuluoma acid sulphate soil area, W. Finland.. Applied Geochemistry. 23. 1594-1606.
Status: Published -
Brun, C., Åström, M., Peltola, P., Johansson, M. (2008). Trends in major and trace elements in decomposing needle litters during a long-term experiment in Swedish forests. Plant and Soil. 306.
Status: Published -
Nordmyr, L., Åström, M., Peltola, P. (2008). Metal pollution of estuarine sediments caused by leaching of acid sulphate soils. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 76 (1). 141-152.
Status: Published -
Boman, A., Åström, M., Fröjdö, S. (2008). Sulfur dynamics in boreal acid sulphate soils rich in metastable iron sulfide – The role of artificial drainage. Chemical Geology. 255 (1-2). 68-77.
Status: Published -
Fältmarsch, R., Peltola, P., Åström, M., Raitio, H. (2007). Abundance, correlations and spatial patterns of nutrients and metals in till, humus, moss and pine needles in a boreal forest, western Finland. Geochemistry : Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 7.
Status: Published -
Macdonald, B., White, I., Åström, M., Keene, A., Melville, M., et al. (2007). Discharge of weathering products from acid sulfate soils after a rainfall event, Tweed River, eastern Australia. Applied Geochemistry. 22. 2695-2701.
Status: Published -
Rönnback, P., Åström, M. (2007). Hydrochemical patterns of a small lake and a stream in an uplifting area proposed as a repository site for spent nuclear fuel, Forsmark, Sweden. Journal of Hydrology. 344. 223-235.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Österholm, P., Bärlund, I., Tattari, S. (2007). Hydrochemical effects of surface liming, controlled drainage and lime-filter drainage on Boreal acid sulfate soils. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 179. 107-116.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Åström, M. (2006). Can boron isotopes be used as a sedimentary marker for fire events? : a case study from a historic urban fire event in W Finland. Applied Geochemistry. 21 (6). 941-948.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Åström, M. (2006). Can boron and boron isotopes be used as a sedimentary marker for fire events? A case study from a historic urban fire event in W Finland”. Applied geochemistry. 21 (6). 941-948.
Status: Published -
Nordmyr, L., Boman, A., Åström, M., Osterholm, P. (2006). Estimation of leakage of chemical elements from boreal acid sulphate soils. Boreal environment research. 11 (4). 261-273.
Status: Published -
Roos, M., Åström, M. (2006). Gulf of Bothnia receives high concentrations of potentially toxic metals from acid sulphate soils. Boreal environment research. 11 (5). 383-388.
Status: Published -
Sundström, R., Åström, M. (2006). Characterization of the metal leakage from Finnish agricultural acid sulphate soils in the light of the European Water Framework Directive. Boreal environment research. 11 (4). 275-281.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Rönnback, K. (2005). Concentration levels and spatial distribution of sulphur and metals in fine-grained sediments in western Finland. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 14-23.
Status: Published -
Sundström, R., Åström, M. (2005). En miljörättslig granskning av dikning förorsakat syra- och metalläckage från finländsk jordbruksmark (Title in English: An environmental-juridical evaluation of the leakage of metals and acidic compounds from Finnish agricultural land). Juridiska Föreningens Tidskrift. 1. 216-229.
Status: Published -
Roos, M., Åström, M. (2005). Seasonal and spatial variations in major and trace elements in a regulated Boreal River (Esse River) affected by acid sulphate soils. River research and applications. 21 (4). 351-361.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Spiro, B. (2005). Sources of acidity and metals in a stream draining acid sulphate soil, till and peat, western Finland, revealed by a hydrochemical and sulphur isotope study. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 34-43.
Status: Published -
Backlund, K., Boman, A., Frojdo, S., Åström, M. (2005). An analytical procedure for determination of sulphur species and isotopes in boreal acid sulphate soils and sediments. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 70-82.
Status: Published -
Österholm, P., Åström, M., Sundström, R. (2005). Assessment of aquatic pollution, remedial measures and juridical obligations of an acid sulphate soil area in western Finland. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 44-56.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Sundström, R., Holmberg, M., Storberg, K. (2005). pH of streams in western Finland - a perspective from the Middle Ages into the mid 21st century. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 5-13.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Aaltonen, E.K., Koivusaari, J. (2005). Changes in leaching patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus after artificial drainage of a boreal forest - a paired catchment study in Lappajarvi, western Finland. Boreal environment research. 10 (1). 67-78.
Status: Published -
Roos, M., Åström, M. (2005). Hydrochemistry of rivers in an acid sulphate soil hotspot area in western Finland. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 24-33.
Status: Published -
Bärlund, I., Tattari, S., Yli-Halla, M., Åström, M. (2005). Measured and simulated effects of sophisticated drainage techniques on groundwater level and runoff hydrochemistry in areas of boreal acid sulphate soils. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 98-111.
Status: Published -
Österholm, P., Åström, M. (2004). Quantification of current and future leaching of sulphur and metals from Boreal acid sulphate soils, W. Finland. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 42. 547-551.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Deng, H. (2003). Assessment of the mobility of trace elements in acidic soils using soil and stream geochemical data. Geochemistry – exploration, environment, analysis. 3. 197-203.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Corin, N. (2003). Distribution of rare earth elements in anionic, cationic and particulate fractions in Boreal humus-rich streams affected by acid sulphate soils. Water Research. 37. 273-280.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Åström, M. (2003). Urban geochemistry: a multimedia and multielement survey of a small town in northern Europe. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 25. 397-419.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Åström, M. (2003). Urban geochemistry : a multimedia and multielement survey of a northern small-town urban area. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 25 (4). 397-419.
Status: Published -
Österholm, P., Åström, M. (2002). Spatial trends and losses of major and trace elements in agricultural acid sulphate soils distributed in the artificially drained Rintala area, W. Finland. Applied Geochemistry. 17. 1209-1218.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Åström, M. (2002). Concentations and leachability of chemical elements in estuarine sulfur-rich sediments, W. Finland. Science of the Total Environment. 284 (1-3). 109-122.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Aaltonen, E.K., Koivusaari, J. (2002). Impact of forest ditching on nutrient loadings of a small stream - a paired catchment study in Kronoby, W. Finland. Science of the Total Environment. 297. 127-140.
Status: Published -
Sundström, R., Åström, M., Österholm, P. (2002). Comparison of the metal content in acid sulphate soil runoff and industrial effluents in Finland. Environmental Science and Technology. 36. 4269-4272.
Status: Published -
Peltola, P., Åström, M. (2002). Concentrations and leachability of chemical elements in estuarine sulphur-rich sediments, W. Finland. Science of the Total Environment. 284. 109-122.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (2001). Abundance and fractionation patterns of rare earth elements in streams affected by acid sulphate soils. Chemical Geology. 175. 249-258.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (2001). Effect of widespread severely acidic soils on spatial features and abundance of trace elements in streams. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 73. 181-191.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (2001). The effect of acid soil leaching on trace element abundance in a medium-sized stream, W.Finland. Applied Geochemistry. 16. 387-396.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Aaltonen, E.K., Koivusaari, J. (2001). Effect of ditching operations on stream-water chemistry in a Boreal forested catchment. Science of the Total Environment. 279. 117-129.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Aaltonen, E.K., Koivusaari, J. (2001). Impact of ditching in a small forested catchment on concentrations of suspended material, organic carbon, hydrogen ions and metals in stream water. Aquatic Geochemistry. 57. 57-73.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (2001). Hydrological and soil geochemical controls of the abundance and fractionation patterns of rare earth elements in a periodically acidic Boreal stream. Geochemistry – exploration, environment, analysis. 1. 101-108.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Nylund, K. (2000). Impact of historical metal works on the concentration levels of major and trace elements in sediments: a case study in Finland. Applied Geochemistry. 15. 807-817.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Spiro, B. (2000). Impact of isostatic uplift and ditching of sulphidic sediments on the hydrochemistry of major and trace elements and sulphur isotope ratios in streams, Western Finland. Environmental Science and Technology. 34. 1182-1188.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Corin, N. (2000). Abundance, sources and speciation of trace elements in humus-rich streams affected by acid sulphate soils. Aquatic Geochemistry. 6. 367-383.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (1998). Mobility of Al, P and alkali and alkaline earth metals in acid sulphate soils in Finland. Science of the Total Environment. 215. 19-30.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (1998). Mobility of Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and V in sulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments exposed to atmospheric O2: an experimental study. Environmental Geology. 36. 219-226.
Status: Published -
Deng, H., Åström, M., Björklund, A. (1998). Geochemical and mineralogical properties of sulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments in Finland. Environmental Geology. 36. 37-44.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (1998). Partitioning of transition metals in reduced and oxidised zones of sulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments. Applied Geochemistry. 13. 697-617.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Björklund, A. (1997). Geochemistry and acidity of sulphide-bearing postglacial sediments of western Finland. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 19. 155-164.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Åström, J. (1997). Geochemistry of stream water in a catchment in Finland affected by sulphidic fine sediments. Applied Geochemistry. 12. 593-605.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Björklund, A. (1996). Hydrogeochemistry of a stream draining sulphide-bearing postglacial sediments in Finland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 89. 233-246.
Status: Published -
Åström, M., Björklund, A. (1995). Impact of acid sulphate soils on stream water geochemistry in western Finland. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 55. 163-170.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Drake, H., Heim, C., Whitehouse, M., Broman, C., Åström, M.E. (2017). Episodic microbial methanogenesis, methane oxidation and sulfate reduction in deep granite fractures at Forsmark, Sweden. 15TH WATER-ROCK INTERACTION INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, WRI-15. 702-705.
- Yu, C., Drake, H., Dideriksen, K., Frandsen, C., Åström, M.E. (2017). Iron speciation and valence in the upper 1 km of fractured crystalline bedrock on the Baltic shield. Goldschmidt2017 Abstracts.
- Tillberg, M., Drake, H., Zack, T., Hogmalm, J., Åström, M.E. (2017). In situ Rb-Sr dating of fine-grained vein mineralizations using LAICP-MS. 15TH WATER-ROCK INTERACTION INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, WRI-15. 464-467.
- Destouni, G., Asokan, S., Augustsson, A., Balfors, B., Bring, A., et al. (2014). Biogeochemical Transformation Pathways through the Land-water Geosphere. .
- Maskenskaya, O.M., Drake, H., Åström, M.E. (2013). Geochemistry of calcite veins : records of fluid mixing and fluid-rock interaction. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WATER-ROCK INTERACTION, WRI 14. 566-569.
- Yu, C., Åström, M.E., Peltola, P., Drake, H. (2011). Oxidative weathering of black shale: A long-term humidity cell test. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. 2231-2231.
- Berger, T., Peltola, P., Drake, H., Åström, M.E. (2011). Fluoride patterns in a boreal stream influenced by bedrock and hydrology. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2011. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75 (3). 517-517.
- Maskenskaya, O.M., Drake, H., Peltola, P., Åström, M.E. (2011). Geochemical variation of fracturecarbonates in crystalline bedrock. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2011. Mineralogical Magazine. 1421-1421.
- Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Öberg, T. (2009). Effects of land use change vs natural control on stream water chemistry in the subandean Amazon, Peru.. Proceedings of XII Brazilian Congress on Geochemistry and VIII International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Oct 18-22, Ouro Preto, Brazil..
- Lindell, L., Åström, M. (2008). Los Efectos de la Agricultura de Tala y Quema sobre la Fertilidad de los Suelos de la Amazonia Subandina, Perú. .
- Brun, C., Åström, M., Peltola, P., Johansson, M. (2007). Patterns in major and trace element dynamics during long-term decomposition of boreal forest litters. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 71 (15).
- Peltola, P., Åström, M., Virtasalo, J., Kotilainen, A., Salminen, R. (2007). Tracking mobile niobium in the boreal environment with a "multi-survey" approach. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 71 (15).
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Yu, C., Xie, S., Song, Z., Xia, S., Åström, M.E. (2021). Biogeochemical cycling of iron (hydr-)oxides and its impact on organic carbon turnover in coastal wetlands : A global synthesis and perspective. Earth-Science Reviews. Elsevier. 218.
Status: Published -
Forsman, A., Berggren, H., Åström, M.E., Larsson, P. (2016). To what extent can existing research help project climate change impacts on biodiversity in aquatic environments? : A review of methodological approaches. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 4 (4).
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Berger, T., Mathurin, F.A., Drake, H., Åström, M.E. (2013). Fluoride in groundwater of regolith and bedrock (0-900 meters depth) in a granitoidic setting, SE Sweden. Mineralogical magazine. 77 (5). 691-691.
Status: Published -
Åström, M. (2005). Environmental Science - Characteristics, environmental loading and remedial measures of boreal acid sulphate soils – Preface. Agricultural and food science. 14 (1). 3-4.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Jarsjö, J., Berggren Kleja, D., Fröberg, M., et al. (2016). Heavy metal transport at a contaminated glassworks site in southeast Sweden.. .
- Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Åström, M.E., Bergbäck, B. (2016). Hur kan boende i glasriket exponeras för metaller? : Studier över föroreningsspridning och exponering vid Miljöriskgruppen på LNU. .
- Berger, T., Gustafsson, J.P., Åström, M.E. (2012). Aluminium speciation in boreal catchments enriched in fluoride. .
- Berger, T., Åström, M.E., Peltola, P., Drake, H. (2010). High fluoride concentrations in surface water : example from a catchment in SE Sweden. Abstract Volume of COST Action 637- METEAU 4th International Conference. Kristianstad, Sweden, October 13-15, 2010.. 80-81.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Brun, C., Åström, M., Peltola, P., Johansson, M. (2007). Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the Environment: Environmental Protection, Remediation and Human Health.. Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the Environment: Environmental Protection, Remediation and Human Health., Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the Environment. Beijing, Tsinghua University Press. 588-589.
Report (Other academic)
- Destouni, G., Asokan, S.M., Augustsson, A., Balfors, B., Bring, A., et al. (2015). Needs and means to advance science, policy and management understanding of the freshwater system : A synthesis report. Stockholm University. 35.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Maskenskaya, O., Drake, H., Hogmalm, J., Fallick, A., Åström, M.E. Source and fractionation of rare earth elements and yttrium in Paleozoic multi-mineral veins in crystalline bedrock on the Baltic Shield.
- Maskenskaya, O., Drake, H., Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E. Rare earth elements in low-temperature calcite precipitates in fractures in the upper kilometre of Proterozoic crystalline rock.
- Maskenskaya, O., Drake, H., Hogmalm, J., Fallick, A., Åström, M.E. Abundance and fractionation of rare earth elements in Ca/Al silicate-, calcite-, and fluorite-bearing hydrothermal veins related to Mesoproterozoic anorogenic fluorine-rich granitic intrusions.
- Berger, T., Yu, C., Drake, H., Peltola, P., Svensson, D., et al. Fluorine geochemistry of Quaternary deposits in a nemo-boreal catchment with elevated dissolved fluoride in surface waters and groundwater.
- Berger, T., Mathurin, F.A., Drake, H., Åström, M.E. Geological, mineralogical and hydrological controls of fluoride in fresh groundwater in Quaternary deposits and bedrock fractures in a coastal area with Proterozoic granitoids.
- Wu, X., Pedersen, K., Edlund, J., Eriksson, L., Åström, M.E., et al. Hydrogen fed chemolithoautotrophic and diazotrophic populations initiate biofilm formation in oligotrophic, deep terrestrial subsurface waters.