Michael Strand
Professor, head of department
Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology
Faculty of Technology
My ongoing research projects
Project: Climate neutral Växjö 2030 This project is a research collaboration with Växjö municipality for achieving a climate neutral Växjö in 2030 and how digital technologies can support this goal…
Project: Development of an innovative centrifugal condensation scrubber The project is aiming to optimize and demonstrate a techno-economic solution to efficiently reduce particulate matter emission,…
Project: Radioactivity – NORM contamination of LNG fuel systems In this project, we study if liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel systems are contaminated by natural occurring radioactive material (NORM).…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ahmad, W., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2024). Investigation of different configurations of alumina packed bed reactor for coke free conversion of benzene. Chemical engineering research & design. 201. 433-445.
Status: Published -
Ahmad, W., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2023). Coke-free conversion of benzene at high temperatures. Journal of the Energy Institute. 109.
Status: Published -
Ahmad, W., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2022). Benzene conversion using a partial combustion approach in a packed bed reactor. Energy. 239 (Part C).
Status: Published -
Razmjoo, N., Hermansson, S., Morgalla, M., Strand, M. (2019). Study of the transient release of water vapor from a fuel bed of wet biomass in a reciprocating-grate furnace. Journal of the Energy Institute. 92 (4). 843-854.
Status: Published -
Pettersson, J., Andersson, S., Bäfver, L., Strand, M. (2019). Investigation of the Collection Efficiency of a Wet Electrostatic Precipitator at a Municipal Solid Waste-Fueled Combined Heat and Power Plant Using Various Measuring Methods. Energy & Fuels. 33 (6). 5282-5292.
Status: Published -
Morgalla, M., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2018). Benzene conversion in a packed bed loaded with biomass char particles. Energy & Fuels. 32 (1). 554-560.
Status: Published -
Morgalla, M., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2018). Benzene Conversion in a Packed Alumina Bed Continuously Fed with Woody Char Particles. Energy & Fuels. 32 (7). 7670-7677.
Status: Published -
Morgalla, M., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2017). Decomposition of benzene using char aerosol particles dispersed in a high-temperature filter. Energy. 118. 1345-1352.
Status: Published -
Finnerman, O., Razmjoo, N., Guo, N., Strand, M., Ström, H. (2017). Reactor modelling assessment for urea-SNCR applications. International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow. 27 (7). 1395-1411.
Status: Published -
Razmjoo, N., Sefidari, H., Strand, M. (2016). Measurements of temperature and gas composition within the burning bed of wet woody residues in a 4 MW moving grate boiler. Fuel processing technology. 152. 438-445.
Status: Published -
Morgalla, M., Lin, L., Seemann, M., Strand, M. (2015). Characterization of particulate matter formed during wood pellet gasification in an indirect bubbling fluidized bed gasifier using aerosol measurement techniques. Fuel processing technology. 138. 578-587.
Status: Published -
Karlsson, S., Ali, S., Limbach, R., Strand, M., Wondraczek, L. (2015). Alkali salt vapour deposition and in-line ion exchange on flat glass surfaces. European Journal of Glass Science and Technology. Part A: Glass Technology. 56 (6). 203-213.
Status: Published -
Yang, J., Lin, L., Morgalla, M., Gebremedhin, A., Strand, M. (2015). High-Temperature Characterization of Inorganic Particles and Vapors in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Cofiring Wood and Rubber Waste. Energy & Fuels. 29 (2). 863-871.
Status: Published -
Lin, L., Strand, M. (2014). Online investigation of steam gasification kinetics of biomass chars up to high temperatures. Energy & Fuels. 28 (1). 607-613.
Status: Published -
Sefidari, H., Razmjoo, N., Strand, M. (2014). An experimental study of combustion and emissions of two types of woody biomass in a 12-MW reciprocating-grate boiler. Fuel. 135. 120-129.
Status: Published -
Razmjoo, N., Sefidari, H., Strand, M. (2014). Characterization of hot gas in a 4 MW reciprocating grate boiler. Fuel processing technology. 124. 21-27.
Status: Published -
Yang, J., Gebremedhin, A., Strand, M. (2013). Characterization of Particles and Inorganic Vapors through High-Temperature Extraction in a Biomass-Fired Grate Boiler. Energy & Fuels. 27 (10). 5915-5922.
Status: Published -
Lin, L., Strand, M. (2013). Investigation of the intrinsic CO2 gasification kinetics of biomass char at medium to high temperatures. Applied Energy. 109 (SI). 220-228.
Status: Published -
Pettersson, J., Strand, M., Lin, L. (2012). Charging and removal efficiency of an ESP in a 250 kW biomass boiler. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 6 (3). 204-209.
Status: Published -
Lin, L., Gustafsson, E., Strand, M. (2011). Aerosol-based method for investigating biomass char reactivity at high temperatures. Combustion and Flame. 158 (7). 1426-1437.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, E., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2011). Characterization of particulate matter in the hot product gas from atmospheric fluidized bed biomass gasifiers. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35 (Supplement 1). 71-78.
Status: Published -
Bäck, A., Grubbström, J., Ecke, H., Strand, M., Pettersson, J. (2011). Operation of an Electrostatic Precipitator at a 30 MWth Oxyfuel Plant. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 5 (2). 141-145.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, E., Lin, L., Seemann, M.C., Rodin, J., Strand, M. (2011). Characterization of Particulate Matter in the Hot Product Gas from Indirect Steam Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasification of Wood Pellets. Energy & Fuels. 25 (4). 1781-1789.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, E., Strand, M. (2010). Method for High-Temperature Particle Sampling in Tar-Rich Gases from the Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass. Energy & Fuels. 24 (3). 2042-2051.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, E., Strand, M., Sanati, M. (2007). Physical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosol Particles Formed during the Thermochemical Conversion of Wood Pellets Using a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier. Energy Fuels. 21 (6). 3660-3667.
Status: Published -
Strand, M. (2007). Reduction and oxidation kinetics of Mn3O4/Mg–ZrO2 oxygen carrier particles for chemical-looping combustion. Chemical Engineering Science. 62 (23). 6556-6567.
Status: Published -
Lutic, D., Strand, M., Sanati, M. (2007). Catalytic properties of oxide nanoparticles applied in gas sensors. TOPICS IN CATALYSIS. 45 (1-4). 105-109.
Status: Published -
Strand, M. (2007). Particulate and CO Emissions from a Moving-Grate Boiler Fired with Sulfur-Doped Woody Fuel. Energy & Fuels. 21 (6). 3653-3659.
Status: Published -
Sanati, M., Strand, M. (2006). Nanocrystalline ruthenium oxide and ruthenium in sensing applications – an experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 8 (6). 899-910.
Status: Published -
Sanati, M., Strand, M. (2006). New Materials for Chemical and Biosensors. Material and Manufacturing Processes. 21 (3). 275-278.
Status: Published -
Strand, M., Sanati, M. (2006). Metal oxide nanoparticles as novel gate materials for field-effect gas sensors. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 21 (3). 275-278.
Status: Published -
Strand, M., Sanati, M. (2005). Particle emissions from district heating units operating on three commonly used biofuels. Atmospheric Environment. 39 (1). 139-150.
Status: Published -
Salomonsson, A., Somenath, R., Aulin, C., Cerdà, J., Käll, P., et al. (2005). Nanoparticles for long-term stable, more selective MISiCFET gas sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical. 107 (2). 831-838.
Status: Published -
Saqnati, M., Strand, M., Lillieblad, L. (2005). Hygroscopic behaviour of aerosol particles emitted from biomass fired grate boilers. Aerosol Science and Technology. 39 (91). 919-930.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Razmjoo, N., Strand, M. (2017). In-bed combustion characteristics of wet wood chips and sawdust in a full-scale grate boiler. Proceedings 13th International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment.
- Razmjoo, N., Strand, M. (2017). Investigation of moist fuel bed combustion in grate furnaces. Proceedings of Nordic Flame Days, 10-11 October, 2017, Stockholm.
- Lin, L., Morgalla, M., Strand, M. (2015). Study on char fragmentation during biomass gasification in bubbling fluidized bed. 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria. 652-655.
- Razmjoo, N., Hermansson, S., Strand, M. (2015). Characterization of the fuel bed combustion of wood residues in a 4 MW grate boiler. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. 741-744.
- Razmjoo, N., Sefidari, H., Strand, M. (2015). Experimental investigation of fuel bed combustion in an industrial grate boiler. .
- Morgalla, M., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2015). Characterization Of Particulate Matter In Biomass Gasification. Proceedings for the 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 664-667.
- Ali, S., Strand, M. (2013). Melting Characteristics and Morphology of Bottom Ash and Filter Ash of the Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Danmark, 3rd-7th June, 2013. 1189-1191.
- Lin, L., Strand, M. (2013). Further development and application of aerosol-based method for on-line investigation of char reactivity in steam. Proceedings for 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 875-878.
- Razmjoo, N., Sefidari, H., Strand, M., Yang, J. (2013). Gas measurements and characterization of wood combustion in a traveling grate boiler. Proceedings for 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 591-594.
- Yang, J., Gebremedhin, A., Strand, M. (2013). Particle characterization at high temperature in a 5 MW moving grate biomass boiler. Proceedings for 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 1132-1135.
- Pettersson, J., Strand, M., Lin, L. (2011). Charging- and removal efficiency of an ESP in a 250 kW biomass boiler. International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation XII, ICESP Nürnberg 2011.
- Strand, M., Gustafsson, E., Lin, L., Yang, J. (2011). High-Temperature extraction of aerosol particles from biomass combustion and gasification. European Aerosol Conference 2011.
- Parsland, C., Strand, M. (2010). Catalytic Cracking of Biomass Tars : a Model-Study of Naphtalene Cracking with Mineral Based Catalysts. 18th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: From Research to Industry and Market.
- Gustafsson, E., Lin, L., Strand, M. (2010). Characteristics of aerosol particles from steam and oxygen gasification of various biofuels. 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : From resarch to industry and markets. 900-902.
- Lin, L., Gustafsson, E., Strand, M. (2010). High-temperature Kinetics of Fine Biomass Char Particles in Air and CO2. 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : From Research to Industry and Markets.
- Lin, L., Strand, M. (2009). Investigation on the oxidation kinetics of biomass char particles. Book of Proceeding-Bioenergy 2009 : Sustainable Bioenergy Business 4th International Bioenergy Conference. 933-939.
- Gustafsson, E., Strand, M. (2009). Sampling of particles from biomass gasification : a method for testing the tar adsorption capacity of a bed ofgranular activated carbon. Book of Proceedings- Bioenergy 2009 : Sustainable Bioenergy Business4th International Bioenergy Conference. 645-649.
- Gustafsson, E., Strand, M. (2008). Further development and testing of a method for characterization of particles from biomass gasification using a laboratory scale gasifier. 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition : From research to industry and markets. 1037-1040.
- Strand, M. (2008). METHOD FOR SAMPLING OF PARTICLES IN THE PRODUCT GAS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES IN A BIOMASS GASIFIER. 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 934-936.
- Strand, M., Sanati, M. (2007). Fly ash elementary composition in a moving grate boiler fired with sulphur-doped woody fuel. 15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 1468-1469.
- Gustafsson, E., Strand, M., Sanati, M. (2007). Measurement of Aerosol Particles from Steam and Oxygen Blown Gasification of Wood Pellets in a 20 kW Atmospheric Bubbling Fluidised Bed (ABFB) Gasifier. 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition : From Research to Market Deployment. 1128-1130.
- Strand, M. (2005). Fine and ultrafine particles from combustion sourses - investigation with in-situ techniques.. Proceedings of the Nordic Aerosol Society, NOSA, 2005, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Strand, M. (2005). Metal distribution in particles from grate combustion of woody fuels.. Proceedings European Aerosol Conference 2005. 365-366.
- Strand, M. (2005). Effects on CO and particle emissions by fuel sulphur addition in a moving grate boiler fired with forest residues.. Proceedings IFRF Swedish-Finnish Flamedays. 185-192.
- Strand, M. (2005). Nanoparticles as sensing material for selective and stable SiC-FET gas sensors.. Proceedings European Aerosol Conference 2005. 735.
- Strand, M. (2005). Particle removal in electrostatic precipitators after biomass fired district heating plant.. 14th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 2005, Paris, France..
- Strand, M. (2005). In2O3 particle films as gate material for MISiC-capacitor sensors.. Proceedings of the Nordic Aerosol Society, NOSA, 2005, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Strand, M. (2005). RuO2 and Ru nanoparticles for MISIc-FET gas sensors.. Nanotech 2005 (NSTI), Anaheim, USA, 8-12 May. 269-272.
Report (Refereed)
- Biollaz, S., Calbry-Muzyka, A., Rodriguez, S., Sárossy, Z., Ravenni, G., et al. (2018). Gas analysis in gasification of biomass and waste : Guideline report: Document 1. International Energy Agency (IEA). 161.
- Biollaz, S., Calbry-Muzyka, A., Rodriguez, S., Sárossy, Z., Ravenni, G., et al. (2018). Gas analysis in gasification of biomass and waste : Guideline report: Document 2 - Factsheets on gas analysis techniques. International Energy Agency (IEA). 141.
- Brandin, J., Strand, M., Ali, S. (2016). Aerosolkatalysatorer för industriell gasrening. Energiforsk. 87.
- Karlsson, S., Ali, S., Strand, M. (2014). Chemical strengthening of flat glass by vapour deposition and in-line alkali metal ion exchange. Glafo - the Glass Research Institute. 26.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Bäck, A., Grubbström, J., Ecke, H., Pettersson, J., Strand, M. (2011). Operation of an Electroctrostatic Precipitator at a 30 MWth oxyfuel plant.
- Pettersson, J., Strand, M. (2010). Cost Efficient Precipitation of Sub Micron Particles in Flue Gases Formed by Thecombustion of Solid Biofuel. 18th European Biomass Conference : From Research to Industry and Markets. 1296-1300.
- Strand, M., Lutic, D., Sanati, M. (2006). Catalyst properties of oxide nanoparticles applied in gas sensors manufacturing. 12th Nordic Symposium in Catalysis-May 28-30-Trondheim-Norway. 167-168.
Report (Other academic)
- Hermansson, S., Backéus, S., Bohman, C., Gulliksson, H., Larsson, S., et al. (2014). Testbädd Mellanskalig Biorbränsleförbränning - en förstudie. Borås, SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. 28.
- Andersson, S., Bäfver, L., Davidsson, K., Pettersson, J., Schmidt, H., et al. (2012). Skrubberintegrerat vått elfilter, WESP. Stockholm, Värmeforsk Service AB. 49.
- Pettersson, J., Strand, M., Lin, L. (2011). Kostnadseffektiv partikelavskiljning i mindre närvärmeanläggningar. Energimyndigheten. 35.
- Gustafsson, E., Lin, L., Strand, M., Simeone, E., De Jong, W., et al. (2010). Report of Particle Size and Composition Classificationduring Atmospheric Pressure Gasification. 65.
- Strand, M., Gustafsson, E. (2010). Final Report on the Recommended General Design andDevelopment of Gas and Aerosol Particle Sampling Probes. 15.
- Strand, M., Carrasco, J., Esteban, L., Koch, T., De Jong, W., et al. (2008). CHRISGAS Intermediate report. 54.
- Strand, M. (2005). Aerosol formation and effect in biomass combustion and gasification.