Article in journal (Refereed)
Conference paper (Refereed)
Berggren, E. , Perez, M. , Olteanu, C. , Sollervall, H. (2023). Praxeologies-in-action during struggle with problem-solving . Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) . 2267-2274.
Perez, M. (2020). Five roles of the designer . Sustainable mathematics education in a digitalized World : Proceedings of MADIF 12 . 31-40.
Perez, M. (2017). Validating theoretical seeding to support transformation of mathematics teaching . Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME41) .
Perez, M. (2015). Adaptive conceptual frameworks for professional development . 9th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9) . 151-161.
Perez, M. (2014). When Routines Strike Back : Developing ICT supported mathematics instructional practices . 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) . 406-410.
Perez, M. , Sollervall, H. (2014). Developing Mathematics Instruction with Adaptive Conceptual Frameworks . Proceedings of MADIF 9 .
Perez, M. (2012). Theoretical underpinnings for a co-design process for the learning of mathematics . .
Perez, M. (2012). Scaffolding Teachers’ Construction of A Learning Trajectory for Mathematics Supported by ICT . Doctoral Student Consortia Proceedings of the20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012 . 21-24.
Perez, M. (2012). Mathematical Knowledge Requirements for Learning Activity Design Supported by ICT . Proceedings of MADIF8 .
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
Mattsson, L., Häggström, J., Carlsen, M., Kilhamn, C., Palmér, H. , et al . (2022). The relation between mathematics education research and teachers’ professional development : Proceedings of MADIF13. The thirteenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Växjö, 2022 . Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF.
Conference paper (Other academic)
Chapter in book (Other academic)
Perez, M. (2015). Supporting teachers’ instrumental genesis . Mathematics and Science: The relationships and disconnections between researchand education : Papers from a doctoral course at the University of Copenhagen . Copenhagen, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen. 93-105.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Perez, M. , Salavati, S. , Tyrberg, B. (2022). Maker tour : Mot nya höjder, avslutande rapport från forskargruppen vid Linnéuniversitetet . Fakulteten för teknik, Linnéuniversitetet. 9.
Perez, M. , Tyrberg, B. , Salavati, S. (2020). Maker tour – Mot nya höjder : Analys av fem utmaningar . Fakulteten för teknik. Linnéuniversitetet. 19.
Salavati, S. , Tyrberg, B. , Perez, M. (2019). Maker tour – Mot nya höjder : En rapport om projektet och dess utveckling . 19.
Perez, M. , Salavati, S. , Tyrberg, B. (2019). Maker tour – Mot nya höjder : Forskningsrapportering juni 2019 . Linnéuniverstitetet. 37.