Monika Filipsson
Senior lecturer
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Article in journal (Refereed)
Helmfrid, I., Ljunggren, S., Nosratabadi, R., Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., et al. (2019). Exposure of metals and PAH through local foods and risk of cancer in a historically contaminated glassworks area. Environment International. 131. 1-10.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Filipsson, M., Helmfrid, I., Berglund, M., et al. (2018). Challenges in assessing the health risks of consuming vegetables in metal-contaminated environments. Environment International. 113. 269-280.
Status: Published -
Alriksson, S., Filipsson, M. (2017). Risk perception and worry in environmental decision-making - a case study within the Swedish steel industry. Journal of Risk Research. 20 (9). 1173-1194.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Hogmalm, J., Filipsson, M. (2015). Metal uptake by homegrown vegetables : the relative importance in human health risk assessments at contaminated sites. Environmental Research. 138. 181-190.
Status: Published -
Filipsson, M., Ljunggren, L., Öberg, T. (2014). Gender differences in risk management of contaminated land at a Swedish authority. Journal of Risk Research. 17 (3). 353-365.
Status: Published -
Sahlin, U., Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2011). A risk assessment perspective of current practice in characterizing uncertainties in QSAR regression predictions. Molecular Informatics. 30 (6-7). 551-564.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. (2011). Climate change - an uncertainty factor in risk analysis of contaminated land. Science of the Total Environment. 409 (22). 4693-4700.
Status: Published -
Filipsson, M., Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. (2011). Variability and uncertainty in Swedish exposure factors for use in quantitative exposure assessments. Risk Analysis. 31 (1). 108-119.
Status: Published -
Filipsson, M., Henningsson, M., Peltola, P., Öberg, T. (2009). Exposure to contaminated sediments during recreational activities at a public bathing place. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 171 (1-3). 200-207.
Status: Published -
Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B., Filipsson, M. (2008). Catalytic effects by metal oxides on the formation and degradation of chlorinated aromatic compounds in fly ash.. Chemosphere. 71 (6). 1135-43.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Alriksson, S., Voxberg, E., Filipsson, M., Augustsson, A. (2017). Historical exposure to heavy metals in air. 26th SRA-E annual conference (SRA-E Lisbon 2017) : Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-21, 2017.
- Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Alriksson, S., Helmfrid, I., Berglund, M., et al. (2017). Challenges in assessing metal exposure around contaminated sites : the example of local vegetable consumption in the Swedish glassworks district. 26th SRA-E annual conference (SRA-E Lisbon 2017) : Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-21, 2017.
- Hultgren, S., Filipsson, M. (2017). Variability in frequency and quantity of used personal health care products by young people for use in quantitative exposure assessment. .
- Filipsson, M., Karlsson, A., Alriksson, S., Augustsson, A. (2017). Consumption of home-produced foods in south eastern Sweden : new data for use in exposure assessments. 26th SRA-E annual conference (SRA-E Lisbon 2017) : Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-21, 2017.
- Filipsson, M., Augustsson, A., Fagergren, M. (2013). Perception of uncertainties and quality in risk assessments by people working with risk assessments. Abstracts of the 2013 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).. Abstract Number : 3978.
- Filipsson, M., Augustsson, A., Nyholm, S. (2013). Consumption of vegetables and risk perception at contaminated glass works sites in Sweden. Abstracts of the 2013 Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), the International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).. Abstract Number: 3980.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Åström, M.E., Bergbäck, B. (2016). Hur kan boende i glasriket exponeras för metaller? : Studier över föroreningsspridning och exponering vid Miljöriskgruppen på LNU. .
- Filipsson, M., Fagerberg, M. (2015). Parents’ risk perception of toxic chemicals in children’s products at daycare centers. Presented at: Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty Research Networks (ESA) mid-term conference, Risk, Uncertainty and Transition. 8-10 April 2015, Stuttgart.
- Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Hogmalm, J., Filipsson, M. (2015). The variability in bioconcentration factors and the importance of bioconcentration factors in probabilistic risk assessments. The Future of Risk Analysis in the Nordic Countries : Lund, Sweden, 16-17 November 2015.
- Filipsson, M., Augustsson, A., Nyholm, S. (2014). Public Perception of Risks Associated with Contaminated Glassworks sites in South-Eastern Sweden. .
- Filipsson, M., Alriksson, S. (2012). Environmental decision-making within the steel industry: the role of individuals’ worries, knowledge and responsibility.
- Sahlin, U., Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2010). Characterization of variability and uncertainty from QSARs for probabilistic risk assessments within REACH. .
- Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2010). The aspect of climate change in risk assessment of contaminated land. .
- Filipsson, M., Samuelsson, L., Öberg, T. (2010). Variability between individuals when reviewing environmental risk assessments at a public authority. .
- Filipsson, M., Henningsson, M., Peltola, P., Öberg, T. (2009). Exposure to contaminated sediments during recreational activities at a public bathing place. Presentation vid SRA Europe annual meeting i Karlstad, 28 juni-1 juli 2009..
- Öberg, T., Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B. (2007). Exposure factors: How to characterize the data?. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, San Antonio, Texas, 9-12 december 2007.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Filipsson, M. (2009). Environmental Risk Assessment - Uncertainty, variability and statistical methods. Licentiate Thesis.
Report (Other academic)
- Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2008). Exponeringsfaktorer vid riskbedömning : Inventering av dataunderlag. Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket.
- Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2008). Undersökning och riskbedömning av Trekantens badplats : Riskkarakterisering. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar.
- Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2008). Exponeringsfaktorer vid riskbedömning. Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket.
- Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2008). Undersökning och riskbedömning av Trekantens badplats - Riskkarakterisering.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Filipsson, M. (2011). Uncertainty, variability and environmental risk analysis. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press.