Mosad Zineldin

Mosad Zineldin

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
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Dr. Mosad Zineldin is a Professor at Faculty of Health and Life Sciences-Department of Medicine and Optometry. He have a multidisciplinary background in Health Science, Psychology, sexology, medical, psychiatry studies, etc. His Major research interest was/is about how to reduce medical errors, improve medical and healthcare quality and increase patient safety. He is working at Linnaeus University-Sweden since 15 years and taught at Stockholm University for many years.  

His latest major research interests and publications are on Cognitive and Bran Reserve Interventions to reduce the risk of Dementia; Preventive medicine and Divorce on Physical and Mental Health; Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (BAVMs) and Endovascular Catheter Embolization; e-health and digitalization of medical and health education.

Has held many visiting professor appointments in several countries at many high ranked Universities such as George Town University in USA, Beijing Normal University and Shanghai Universities in China and Universities in France, Italy, Netherlands, etc. He is International Expert in university accreditation and establishing of higher education quality assurance systems.

He is head of an international academic group to develop a new master program in among others Applied Health Sciences in some Arab countries in cooperation with universities in Sweden, Italy, Slovakia and Czech Republic as well as a master program in Applications of Nano- Technologies.

Engaged in a considerable number of research and consulting activities. Responsible for a number of EU projects in medical and health sciences, quality assurance in higher education and curricula development. Has participated in different international conferences as a presenter and a keynote speaker. Organizer and chairman of different international conferences.

Wrote and published several books and numerous articles in many different international journals. He has invented new concepts, models and theories related to medical and health sciences such as 5qs model (5 qualities model) which is empirically tested and verified in medical and health sector and education sectors by many worldwide students, researchers and scholars at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Technologicalship relationships (e.everything) is a pioneer invention since 2000 there he was argues that almost all kind of relationships (e.g. between functions, people, organizations, patients and healthcare sittings, etc.) will be based on technology . His published work (2014) on new approaches of reducing medical errors has been awarded with highly rated and excellent scientific research. TRM is also another concept of his inventions  which is a holistic multifunctional perspectives of how to control and manage any kind of interrelations which are often impacted and impacting by different internal (controllable) and external (non-controllable) variables.

His articles have appeared in the following Journals:

Wrote and published several books and 100s of articles in many different international journals such as:

  1. Advances in Alzheimer's Disease 
  2. International Journal of preventive Medicine
  3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  4. International Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care,
  5. Clinical Governance: An International Journal
  6. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
  7. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health
  8. International Journal of Innovation in Education
  9. Quality Assurance in Education
  10. ACTA Neurology
  11. Journal of Hospital management
  12. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
  13. BioMed Central
  14. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Journal
  15. Journal of Hospital Administration
  16. International Journal of work organization and emotion
  17. BMC Health Services Research

His publications are highly cited according to google scholar with +5000 citations.

Some of the articles have been cited with the highest quality rating and others positioned in the top 10 list by EMERALD´s readers and reviewers. International Scientific Award for Dr. Zineldin from Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (by Editorial Team for Outstanding Paper selection) or as a Highly Commended Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.

He is/was editor in chief, associate editor, guest editor and member of editorial board and reviewer at:

  1. Psychiatry International Journal
  2. International Journal of Psychology (Psych)
  3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health'
  4. Current Advances in Ophthalmology
  5. Challenges- MDPI
  6. International journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
  7. Clinical Governance: An International Journal
  8. Journal of Hospital Management
  9. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
  10. BioMed Central
  11. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
  12. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Journal
  13. International Journal of work organization and emotion

He was/is leader of approx. 10 EU projects on Applied health Sciences, Health care quality management, medical curricula development etc. in cooperation with at least 40 worldwide partner universities.

Some Selected publications

  1. Mosad Zineldin & tamer Hassan (2020) Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (BAVMs) and Endovascular Catheter Embolization Treatment’s Safety and Complications, Acta Scientific Neurology 3 (2).
  2. Mosad Zineldin (2019), TCS is to Blame: The Impact of Divorce on Physical and Mental Health. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, (I J Prev Med.) 2019; 10: 141.
  3. Mosad Zineldin, Valentina Vasicheva (2019). Patient Emotional Support (PES) and Healthcare Organizational Performance and Effectiveness (HOPE), International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion (IJWOE), Vol. 10, No. 1, 2019
  4. Mosad Zineldin (2018), Cognitive and Bran Reserve Interventions to reduce the risk of Dementia and Increase quality of life. Advances in Alzheimer's Disease 07(04):93-102
  5. Mosad Zineldin, Valentina Vasicheva (2017). Technological Tools for Value-Based Sustainable Relationships in Health: Emerging Research and Opportunities: Emerging Research and Opportunities. IGI Global, 11(24).
  6. Mosad Zineldin (2017), Transformational leadership behaviour, emotions, and outcomes: Health psychology perspective in the workplace, Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health , Volume 32, 2017 - Issue 1
  7. M Zineldin, V Vasicheva (2017) Total Relationship Management of Knowledge and Information Technology for Innovation: A Total Knowledge Management (TKM) Perspective Learning Models for Innovation in Organizations: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer and Human Resources Management, IG Global
  8. Mosad Zienldin, and Valentina Vasicheva ( 2016) Marriage versus strategic alliance: soft and hard dissatisfaction and failure factors, 5(1)
  9. Mosad Zineldin , (2015) "Determinants of patient safety, satisfaction and trust : With focus on physicians-nurses performance", Clinical Governance: An International Journal, Vol. 20 Iss: 2, pp.82 – 90
  10. Mosad Zineldin, Mosad, Zineldin, Jonas (2014) Total Medical and Healthcare Quality, Satisfaction and Patient Safety (TMHQ). International Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Care, Vol. 2, no 9, 1-10 p. Research subject Health and Caring Sciences
  11. Mosad Zineldin · Jonas Zineldin · Valentina Vasicheva ·(2014). Approaches for reducing medical errors and increasing patient safety: TRM, quality and 5 Qs method, 26(1). DOI: 10.1108/TQM Journal-03-2012-0029, Research subject. Health and Caring Sciences Awards for Excellence - 2015 - Outstanding Papers - The TQM Journal - Winner Highly commended 4 Volume 26 number
  12. Mosad Zineldin · Hatice Camgöz-Akdağ · Valiantsina Vasicheva (2014), Measuring, evaluating and improving hospital quality parameters/ dimensions - An integrated healthcare quality approach. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 24(8):654-62 · October
  13. Zineldin, M. and Camgöz-Akdag (2010).Quality of health care and patient satisfaction: An exploratory investigation of the 5Qs model at Turkey", Clinical Governance: An International Journal, Vol. 15 Iss: 2, pp.92 – 101
  14. Mosad Zineldin (2006). The quality of health care and patient satisfaction: an exploratory investigation of the 5Qs model at some Egyptian and Jordanian medical clinics", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 19 No.1
  15. Mosad Zineldin (2017). Transformational Leadership Behaviour, Emotions and Outcomes- Health Psychology Perspective in the Workplace, Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health Pages 1-12 |
  16. Mosad Zineldina & Anders Hyttera (2012) , Leaders' negative emotions and leadership styles influencing subordinates' well-being, The International Journal of Human Resource Management , Volume 23, Issue 4
  17. Mosad Zineldin, Hatice Camgoz Akdag, Mohamed Belal (2012), Total Relationship Management (TRM) and 5 Qs Model as New Management Techniques: A Comparative Study for a Knowledge-Intensive Sector, V.4, N.1
  18. Mosad Zineldin, Hatice Camgoz Akdagb & Valentina Vasicheva (2011) Assessing quality in higher education: new criteria for evaluating students' satisfaction, Quality in Higher Education Volume 17, Issue 2
  19. Mosad Zineldin, Valentina Vasicheva, Mohamed Belal (2011), Innovation in higher education quality assurance: an empirical study of Sweden and Egypt, International Journal of Innovation in Education , Issue Volume 1, Number 3/2011
  20. Zineldin M. & Valaintisna (2008)"Cybernization Management in the Cyber World. A New Management Perspective", Problems and Perspectives in Management Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1

Selected Books and Book Chapters

  1. Technological Tools for Value-Based Sustainable Relationships in Health sector, Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGI Global. ISBN: 9781522540915 (2018)
  2. Chapter in the book Bridging Research and Good Practices towards Patients Welfare. Chapter Chapter Five Qualities (5Qs) and ergonomic approach – "Towards improved patient safety, medical and healthcare quality", CRC Press 2014 Pages 61–67, Print ISBN: 978-1-138-02716-9, Talyor & Francis, UK, 2015
  3. Health care quality Management, Joint European Program, proceedings (editor)2009
  4. Health care Quality, ISO 9001000& 5Qs Model, 2010.
  5. TRM, studentlitteratur, 2000
  6. Relationship Management for the future, studentlitteratur, 2012



Responsible for course:Writing a scientific essay ­ genre and methods, 7.5 ECTS

Main field of study
Medical Science, Psychology, Social Work, Social Psychology, Sociology, Caring Science

Developing a new Master/Doctoral course:

Medical/Healthcare Errors, Quality & Patient Safety (MEQS)
An Integrated Perspective.


His Google Scholar citations:
index          Alla                               Sedan 2015

Citat        4827                               1945

h-index       28                                  22

i10-index     40                                 32



Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Collection (editor) (Refereed)

Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)

Article in journal (Other academic)

  • Zineldin, M., Singh, S.K. (2016). Editorial. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion. 7 (3). 165-167.
    Status: Published

Conference paper (Other academic)

Chapter in book (Other academic)

Collection (editor) (Other academic)

Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))

Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))

Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))

Collection (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))

Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))