I am a professor of Education and responsible for the research environment LINNAEUS-SITE (Studies in Teaching, Curriculum and Evaluation).
My area of research interest is curriculum theory, educational policy, and pedagogy (didactics). Against a backdrop of globalization in for example economical, communicative and everyday domains, I am interested in transnational policy discourses and comparative studies. More specifically, my research interests revolve around the following areas:
- curriculum theory in a transnational and national perspectives
- classroom studies in a curriculum theory perspective
- educational policy
- pedagogy/ didactics; general didactics; didactics with a focus on literacy, civics and mathematics
- educational philosophy; pragmatism (Dewey), ethics (cosmopolitanism)
Member of The John Dewey Society Board 2024-
Published books:
Wahlström, N. (Ed.) (2022). Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum: Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Routledge. Open access: https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/id/3815f351-2454-46dc-a2d4-25fb7c152eb8/9781000571653.pdf
Wahlström, N. & Sundberg, D. (2018). Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices: The new meaning of teaching. London: Routledge.
Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D. & Sundberg, D. (Eds.) (2018). Teachers Matter – But How? Routledge.
Keynote speaker at the European Conference on Education Research, ECER, Geneva, 2021. See link:
Research projects:
A new location-independent entrepreneurship in rural areas (2022-2025)
See more: https://lnu.se/en/research/research-projects/project-a-new-location-independent-entrepreneurship-in-rural-areas/
Exploring the elusive teaching gap – Equity and knowledge segregation in teaching processes (2018-2021)
This project examines the factors that affect knowledge segregation in school beyond the socioeconomic and residential factors. The PISA 2015 reported that the importance of the family's socioeconomic background in terms of results in science and reading increased during the 2000s. Likewise, the difference in performance between schools also sharpened. We know from the NAE reports that there is an established correlation between socioeconomic factors and students' academic performance. We also know about the organizational factors that promote successful schools. However, such factors are partially located outside the educational domain.
What we do not know in the Swedish context is how the actual teaching can promote or impede the school success of different groups in relation to standards-based curricula. A foundational and genuine educational question relates to how different classroom discourses and concepts of knowledge affect students' access to "powerful" knowledge. Our hypothesis, based on previous studies, is that both classroom discourses and concepts of knowledge differ between low- and high-performance classrooms. The overarching question of gaining access to powerful knowledge includes three key areas:
- What patterns of classroom discourses characterize the teaching offered to students in high-performance and low-performance classrooms?
- What is considered powerful knowledge for high-performing and low-performing students?
- How does a standards-based curriculum affect the teaching process for these two groups?
Research result reported in: Wahlström, Ninni (Ed.) (2022). Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum: Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Routledge. Open access: https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/id/3815f351-2454-46dc-a2d4-25fb7c152eb8/9781000571653.pdf
Understanding Curriculum Reforms – A Theory-Oriented Evaluation of the Swedish Curriculum Reform Lgr 11
A four-year research project Understanding Curriculum Reforms – A Theory-Oriented Evaluation of the Swedish Curriculum Reform Lgr 11, financed by the Swedish Research Council, 2014-2017. The project will answer crucial questions on how transnational and national influences formed the Lgr 11, how the recontextualisation processes have shaped the Lgr 11 reform at the local level, and in what ways and to what extent the Lgr 11 has transformed teaching patterns and practices at the classroom level. The aim is to theoretically and methodologically develop the former Swedish theory-oriented pedagogical evaluation tradition, from a national state-centered understanding of education towards a framework taking 2010's transnational influences into account.
Resaerch result reported in: Wahlström, N. & Sundberg, D. (2018). Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices: The new meaning of teaching. London: Routledge.
Local Authorities – Independent Policy Players in Education Reforms?
An evaluation project financed by Institute of Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, IFAU, 2016 – 2017, Local Authorities – Independent Policy Players in Education Reforms?, with a focus on how local authorities, as mandators of the provision of schooling, relate to questions of the meaning of the curriculum reform Lgr 11, teachers’ professional practice, norms of teaching repertoires, standards and assessment practices in their implementation and enforcement of the curriculum Lgr 11.
Report in Swedish: http://www.ifau.se/globalassets/pdf/se/2017/r-2017-21-kommuner-som-aktorer-i-utbildningsreformer.pdf
The project "Research Based Teacher Education", financed by the Swedish Research Council, 2014-2015, explores how research is introduced and used in the Swedish teacher education. The study includes document analyses and a survey with teacher educators and teacher students as informants. More specifically, the study aims both to identify and analyze the base of research at a number of teacher education programs, and to provide an overview of the factors that are viewed as important in regarding teacher education as research based.
Report in Swedish:https://publikationer.vr.se/produkt/forskningsbasering-av-lararutbildningen/
Theory-Based Evaluation of the Curriculum Lgr 11
An evaluation project financed by Institute of Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy, IFAU, 2013 – 2015, “Theory-Based Evaluation of the Curriculum Lgr 11”, with a focus on transnational and national concepts of curricula and knowledge and how teachers conceive the curriculum Lgr 11. Intentions, implementation and consequences of the curriculum reform for compulsory school, Lgr 11, are at the center of this mix-method project, including text analyses, questionnaires addressed to teachers in Year 6 and Year 9, as well as interviews with teachers.
Report in English:http://www.ifau.se/sv/Forskning/Publikationer/Working-papers/2015/Theory-based-evaluation-of-the-curriculum-Lgr-11
Ongoing research cooperation in Nordic, European and international research networks on policy and curriculum research:
- Member of the member of the Scientific council at the Swedish Institute for Educational Research 2019-2025
- Member of the member of the Scientific council at the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market an Education Policy 2020-2026
- Associate editor of Journal of Curriculum Studies
My ongoing research projects
Project: A new location-independent entrepreneurship in rural areas The overall aim of this project is to, in cooperation with municipalities in rural areas, investigate the conditions for rural…
Project: Exploring the elusive teaching gap – equity and knowledge segregation in teaching processes This project examines the factors that affect knowledge segregation in school beyond the…
Project: Understanding Curiculum Reforms Project Members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding Organizations: Vetenskapsrådet Timeframe: 2015 - 2018 Faculty/Department: Faculty of Social…
My completed research projects
Project: Local authorities – Independent Policy Players in Education Reforms? This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Ninni Wahlström, Daniel Sundberg Funding…
Project: Theory-based evaluation of the national curriculum Lgr 11 This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding organizations: IFAU…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Wahlström, N., Schmidt, C. (2024). Considering critical moments, co-authoring and active engagement in learning. Educational Research. 66 (3). 279-294.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Nordin, A. (2024). The OECD and the nation-state : an interdependent but ambivalent relationship. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. 10 (2). 114-125.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2024). The triggering of communicative discourses in Sweden : technicalities in the PISA survey and social tensions in society. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 68 (6). 1261-1274.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2023). Curriculum policy, teaching, and knowledge orientations. Teachers and Teaching : theory and practice. 29 (3). 259-275.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2022). Medborgarna och skolan efter trettio år med valfrihet : maktutredningens medborgar-undersökning i 2020 års version. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 27 (2). 7-27.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2022). School and democratic hope : The school as a space for civic literacy. European Educational Research Journal. 21 (6). 994-1008.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Nordin, A. (2022). Policy of suspiciousness : mobilization of educational reforms in Sweden. Discourse. Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 43 (2). 251-265.
Status: Published -
Sundström Sjödin, E., Wahlström, N. (2021). Reading in the wing chair: the shaping of teaching and reading bodies in the transactional performativity of materialities.. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 53 (9). 920-930.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2020). Democracy and curriculum — the task still before us. European Educational Research Journal. 19 (4). 351-363.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2020). Tracing Implications of Transnational Policy in Curriculum Events. Curriculum Journal. 31 (4). 587-604.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Adolfsson, C., Vogt, B. (2020). Making Social Studies in Standards-Based Curricula. Journal of Social Science Education. 19 (SI). 66-81.
Status: Published -
Tahirsylaj, A., Wahlström, N. (2019). Role of transnational and national education policies in realisation of critical thinking : the cases of Sweden and Kosovo. Curriculum Journal. 30 (4). 484-503.
Status: Published -
Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2019). Transnational policy discourses on ‘teacher quality’ : an educational connoisseurship and criticism approach. Policy Futures in Education. 17 (3). 438-454.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2018). Where is ‘the political’ in curriculum research?. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 50 (6). 711-723.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2018). Discursive institutionalism : towards a framework for analysing the relation between policy and curriculum. Journal of education policy. 33 (1). 163-183.
Status: Published -
Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). Research-based teacher education? Exploring the meaning potentials of Swedish teacher education. Teachers and Teaching : theory and practice. 24 (4). 332-349.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2018). When transnational curriculum policy reaches classrooms - teaching as directed exploration. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 50 (5). 654-668.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D., Wermke, W. (2018). Living in an era of comparisons : comparative research on policy, curriculum and teaching. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 50 (5). 587-594.
Status: Published -
Bergh, A., Wahlström, N. (2018). Conflicting goals of educational action : a study of teacher agency from a transactional realism perspective. Curriculum Journal. 29 (1). 134-149.
Status: Published -
Sundström Sjödin, E., Wahlström, N. (2017). Enacted realities in teachers’ experiences : bringing materialism into pragmatism. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 49 (1). 96-110.
Status: Published -
Alvunger, D., Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2017). Teachers Matter - But How? : Introduction. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 49 (1). 1-6.
Status: Published -
Lilliedahl, J., Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2016). Teoribaserad utvärdering som svar på det tidiga 2000-talets frågor om utbildningsreformer. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 21 (1-2). 9-29.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2016). A third wave of European education policy : Transnational and national conceptions of knowledge in Swedish curricula. European Educational Research Journal. 15 (3). 298-313.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2016). Vad krävs av en demokratisk skola? John Deweys Demokrati och utbildning i ett läroplansteoretiskt nutidsperspektiv. Utbildning och Demokrati. 25 (3). 51-67.
Status: Published -
Erixon, E., Wahlström, N. (2016). In-service training programmes for mathematics teachers nested in transnational policy discourses. European Journal of Teacher Education. 39 (1). 94-109.
Status: Published -
Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2016). Exploring European Education Policy through the Lens of Dewey’s Democracy andEducation. European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. 8 (1). 36-59.
Status: Published -
Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N. (2016). Curriculum on the European policy agenda : Global transitions and learning outcomes from transnational and national points of view. European Educational Research Journal. 15 (3). 271-278.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2016). Cosmopolitanism as communication? : On conditions for educational conversations in a globalized society. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 60 (1). 32-47.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2015). Transnational policy discourses on teacher education : A cosmopolitan perspective. Policy Futures in Education. 13 (6). 801-816.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2014). Equity: policy rhetoric or a matter of meaning of knowledge? : Towards a framework for tracing the 'efficiency-equity' doctrine in curriculum documents. European Educational Research Journal. 13 (6). 731-743.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2014). Utbildningens villkor II - en denationaliserad utbildningskonception. Utbildning och Demokrati. 23 (3). 77-94.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2014). Toward a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Cosmopolitanism on the Ground. Curriculum inquiry. 44 (1). 113-132.
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2012). Standards-based Curricula in a Denationalised Conception
of Education : the Case of Sweden. European Educational Research Journal. 11 (3). 342-356.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2011). Utbildningens villkor : globalisering och lokal mångfald. Utbildning och Demokrati. 20 (3). 29-49.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2010). Do we need to talk to each other? : How the concept of experience can contribute to an understanding of Bildung and democracy. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 42 (3). 293-309.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2010). Learning to communicate or communicating to learn? : A conceptual discussion on communnication, meaning, and knowledge. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 42 (4). 431-449.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2010). A European space for education looking for its public. European Educational Research Journal. 9 (4). 432-443.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2009). The Struggle for the Right to Education in the European Convention on Human Rights. Journal of Human Rights. 8 (2). 150-161.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2009). Understanding the universal right to education as jurisgenerative politics and democratic iterations. European Educational Research Journal. 8 (4). 520-533.
Status: Published -
Englund, T., Quennerstedt, A., Wahlström, N. (2009). Education as a Human and a Citizenship Right - Parents' Rights, Children's Rights, or...? : The Necessity of Historical Cotextualization. Journal of Human Rights. 8 (2). 133-138.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Erlandson, P., Kjellsdotter, A., Wahlström, N., Bossér, U. (2023). Rural Education in the Late Modern Metrocentric World – Challenges and Possibilities.. .
- Wahlström, N. (2023). A search for truth in national deliberations on education based on a PISA result. .
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2023). The interdependence between the OECD and the nation-state in legitimizing educational reforms. .
- Wahlström, N. (2023). Standards-based Curriculum and Teachers' Understanding of Knowledge - A Critical Exploration. .
- Karseth, B., Wahlström, N., Pizmony-Levy, O. (2023). Tracing Policy Networks in Education Reforms : A Comparative Study of Norway andSweden. .
- Wahlström, N. (2022). The role of the PISA for the formation of national discourse coalitions of education policies.. .
- Wahlström, N., Schmidt, C., Vetter, A. (2022). Examining critical moments during classroom conversations in two literacy classrooms. .
- Wahlström, N. (2022). The role of PISA in national educational deliberations and its implications for curriculum. .
- Wahlström, N. (2021). Approaches to knowledge and qualification in standards-based teaching. .
- Wahlström, N. (2021). School and the Democratic Hope : The School as a Space for Civic Literacy. .
- Wahlström, N. (2021). The Public and citizenship education today. .
- Wahlström, N. (2019). School Reforms Based on “International Standards” : an Ideal Imbued with National Adaptations. .
- Wahlström, N. (2019). “International standards” and the implications for educational equality in national school reforms. .
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Adolfsson, C. (2019). Making Social Studies in Standards-Based Curricula. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2019). Reform of 2015/2018 in Sweden: A gathering for school - national strategy for knowledge and equivalence. NERA 2019, Education in a Global World, 6-8 March, Uppsala, Sweden : Abstract book, 2019-03-06. 813-814.
- Wahlström, N. (2019). Standards-based curriculum: implications for teaching content and classroom discourses. .
- Dvorak, D., Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Dempsey, M., O'neill, N., et al. (2019). Curriculum Making and Subject Traditions : Curriculum Reforms in Social Studies and Physics and the Concept of Knowledge. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2019). Reform of 2015/2018, the renewal entitled: A gathering for school - national strategy for knowledge and equivalence. Presented at CIES 2019.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2019). Exploring the elusive teaching gap : Equity and knowldege segregation in teaching processes. .
- Wahlström, N., Sundström Sjödin, E. (2018). The Wing Chair: Where is the Critical in Literacy?. .
- Wahlström, N., Nordin, A., Hallbäck, M. (2018). Externalisation as standardisation? : Examining the use of references in the Swedish school commission. NERA 2018 - 46th CONGRESS Educational Research: Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges : Abstracts. 101-102.
- Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). Understanding transnational curriculum policies on local municipal and school arenas in Sweden. CESE: Compatative Education Society in Eureope : Identities and Education: Comparative Perspectives in an Age of Crisis. 155.
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2018). Teacher Quality Beyond Measurability : a Connoisseurship and Criticism Approach. .
- Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N. (2018). Localizing Global Discourses in School Education Policies : a comparison of Norway and Sweden by a discursive institutional approach. .
- Nordin, A., Uljens, M., Hardy, I., Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N., et al. (2018). Examining Educational Change Within and Between National Policy Spaces Using Discursive Institutionalism. .
- Wahlström, N. (2018). Creative Democracy? The Task Before Us in Times of Populism.. .
- Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). Understanding transnational curriculum policies on local municipal arenas. .
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2017). Local authorities : Independent policy players in education reforms?. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2017). Using Discursive Institutionalism for analysing the relation between policy and curriculum. Presented at The ECER Conference, Copenhagen, March 23-25, 2017, Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N. (2017). Curriculum and leadership: A discursive – institutionalist approach. .
- Wahlström, N. (2017). Dewey, Democracy and the Nation State Education : Paper presented at the symposium Postnationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Implications for Leadership and Curriculum-Making. .
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2017). Local authorities – independent policy players in education reforms?. .
- Wahlström, N. (2017). When policy reaches classrooms. .
- Wahlström, N. (2017). Curriculum events: Class room discourses as part of curriculum discourse and regulation. .
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2016). Exploring the Democratic Potential in European Education Policy within today's Crisis Discourse : a Deweyan reading. ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, 22-26 August, 2016.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2016). Exploring transnational standards-based curricula in classroom settings : the Swedish case. ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, August 22-26, 2016.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2016). Exploring Mixed Methods Designs in Theory-Based Evaluations of Educational Reforms. Presented at: AERA 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington, April 8-12.
- Wahlström, N., Nordin, A. (2016). Exploring European Education Policy Through the Lens of Dewey's Democracy and Education. Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies, AERA 2016, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington D.C., April 8-12, 2016.
- Wahlström, N., Sivesind, K. (2015). Comparing School Leadership: A Discursive Approach to School Leadership and Curriculum Policy. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2015). Curriculum change in Sweden : A theory-based evaluation of the Swedish curriculum, Lgr11. Abstract book. NERA 2015, 43rd Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, Gothenburg, March 4-6, 2015..
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2014). The last frontier of standards-based curriculum reforms : Exploring Swedish teachers under performativity pressures. ECER 2014 "The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe" : Network:23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Wahlström, N., Bergh, A. (2014). Teacher agency from a perspective of transactional realism. .
- Wahlström, N. (2014). A third-wave of European education policy : Transnational and national conceptions of knowledge in Swedish curricula. Online repository. The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy, The American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 3-7, 2014.
- Wahlström, N., Sundström-Sjödin, E. (2014). What counts as reality in teachers’ experiences : bringing materialism into pragmatism. .
- Wahlström, N. (2014). Transnational policy discourses on teacher education : A cosmopolitan perspective. Abstracts. NERA 42nd Congress, Education for Sustainable Development, N 5. The Curriculum Research Network.
- Wahlström, N. (2013). Teachers’ curriculum work from a ‘capability approach’. ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research: Network: 03. Curriculum Innovation, 2013.
- Wahlström, N. (2013). The curriculum for secondary school viewed through the lens of transnationalism and equality : the Humanities and the subject of Swedish. ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research: Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education, 2013.
- Wahlström, N. (2013). Who is the 'dreamteacher'? : teacher education policy from a critical cosmopolitan perspective. .
- Wahlström, N. (2013). National and transnational conceptions of knowledge in Swedish curricula. .
- Wahlström, N., Skoog, M. (2012). A 'pluralistic literacy' - is there a need for such a didactic concept?. .
- Wahlström, N. (2012). Educational cosmopolitanism : making meaning through reflective conversations. .
- Wahlström, N. (2012). A communicative understanding of educational cosmopolitanism. .
- Wahlström, N. (2012). Creating cosmopolitan meaning through conversation. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2012). Standards-based Curricula in a Denationalised Conception of Education : the Case of Sweden. ECER 2012, The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All : Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Wahlström, N. (2011). Some comments on the relation between curriculum content and assessment from a perspective of literacy. .
- Wahlström, N. (2011). Will democratic iterations always end up 'right'?. .
- Wahlström, N. (2011). The role of public education. ECER 2011, Urban Education : Network: 13. Philosophy of Education - Standard submissions.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Karseth, B., Wahlström, N. (2023). Contemporary trends in curriculum research. International Encyclopedia of Education, Fourth edition. Elsevier. 74-84.
- Karseth, B., Wahlström, N. (2023). Volume 7: Approaches to the curriculum and its politics. International Encyclopedia of Education. Elsevier. xix-xxi.
- Sundström Sjödin, E., Wahlström, N. (2022). Assembled teaching : A sensitized conceptualisation of didactics. Comparative and international education (re)assembled : Examining a scholarly field through an assemblage theory lens. Bloomsbury Academic. 183-200.
- Wahlström, N. (2022). The resistance to getting used to one another. Critical approaches toward a cosmopolitan education. Routledge. 224-237.
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2022). The Complexity of Context in Legitimating National School Reforms : The Case of Sweden. Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy : A Comparative Network Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan. 227-251.
- Schmidt, C., Wahlström, N., Vetter, A. (2022). The situational in critical literacy. The handbook of critical literacies. New York, Routledge. 419-427.
- Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2021). Understanding Transnational Curriculum Policies and Curriculum Making in Local Municipal Arenas - The Case of Sweden. Curriculum Making in Europe : Policy and Practice Within and Across Diverse Contexts. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 223-245.
- Wahlström, N. (2020). Current School Reforms in Transnational Policy Landscapes. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Wahlström, N. (2011). Om rätten till undervisning : diskursiva omförhandlingar inom tre arenor i svensk utbildningspolitik. Utbildning som medborgerlig rättighet : föräldrarätt eller barns rätt eller… ?. Göteborg, Daidalos. 143-167.
Report (Refereed)
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2017). Kommuner som aktörer i utbildningsreformer : implementeringen av läroplansreformen Lgr 11. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering. 77.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). Theory-based evaluation of the curriculum Lgr 11. Uppsala, The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU). 85.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D., Sundberg, D. (2018). Teachers matter - but how?. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 114.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Wahlström, N., Bossér, U., Vogt, B. (2023). Teaching as a pedagogical responsibility : an introduction. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 55 (1). 1-7.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2022). Makten över argumenten : Om skolan i maktutredningen och 2020 års skolundersökning. Surveyjournalen. 9 (1). 2-15.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N. (2016). Demokrati - en fråga om det genetiska eller det kosmopolitiska? : Kommentar till Jakob Klitmøller & Dion Sommer: Turboladet globalisering og den fremtidsparate skole - en vision.. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk & kritikk. 2. 26-28.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Bossér, U., Erlandson, P., Kjellsdotter, A., Wahlström, N. (2024). Expanding rural youth’s prospects in a digitized world for the benefit of individuals and community. Nordic Ruralities – New paths to sustainable transitions? The 6th Nordic Conference for Rural Research, Kiruna, 3-5 Dec 2024.
- Vogt, B., Wahlström, N. (2022). A re-conceptualization of schooling and teaching : the renewed interest in Bildung and transactional realism. Education between Hope and Happening – Developing Powerful Curriculum Theorizing in Challenging Times, 9:e Nordiska Läroplansteorikonferensen, Linnéuniversitetet, 20-21 oktober 2022, Abstracts. 3-4.
- Wahlström, N. (2020). Curriculum theory - a driving force for school equality? A re-scaling and re-theorizing of equality. .
- Nordin, A., Wahlström, N. (2019). Reform of 2015/2018 in Sweden, the renewal entitled: A gathering for school – National strategy for knowledge and equivalence. NERA 2019 Education in a Globalized World, 6-8 March 2019, Uppsala, Sweden : Abstract Book 2019-03-06.
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Adolfsson, C. (2019). How to express knowledge: Knowledge concepts for measurement in Swedish curriculum. NERA 2019 Education in a Globalized World, 6-8 March 2019, Uppsala, Sweden : Abstract Book 2019-03-06.
- Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N. (2018). Globalization and interactive power relations in school leadership policy: comparing Norway and Sweden through the lenses of an institutional-discursive approach. .
- Tahirsylaj, A., Wahlström, N. (2018). Role of learning environments and policy contexts in realization of dispositional learning outcomes in Europe. .
- Wahlström, N. (2017). När utbildningspolicy når klassrummet. .
- Wahlström, N. (2016). Early childhood education : Economy and pedagogy in a perfect combination?. Abstract book. Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education. NERA 2016, 44th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Helsinki, 9-11 March, 2016. 225-226.
- Wahlström, N. (2015). Recontextualization processes of policy into national curriculum from a perspective of equity and citizenship education – a Swedish perspective. Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research. ECER 2015, European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest, September 7-11, 2015.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). Att förstå klassrumsdiskurser - ett läroplansteoretiskt och didaktiskt pesrpektiv. Curriculum and national identity - Nordic divergences? 6:e Nordiska läroplanskonferensen, Örebro universitet, 21-22 oktober, 2015.
- Wahlström, N., Sundström-Sjödin, E. (2015). What counts as reality in teachers’ experiences? : Bringing materialism into pragmatism. ECER 2015, Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research, Network: 28. Sociologies of Education..
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2015). Curriculum change from a transnational perspective : Exploring the new Swedish curriculum , Lgr 11. Linnaeus-Humboldt Research Forum on Comparative and International Education, Humboldt University, May 27-28, 2015..
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). The last frontier of standards-based curriculum reforms : A study of Swedish teachers in transnational performance pressure - a case study. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2015). Teachers’ professional agency within policy discourses : Transformation, adaptation and resistance in recent Swedish reforms. Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research. ECER 2015, European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest, September 7-11, 2015.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2014). Curriculum change from a teacher perspective : Exploring the new Swedish curriculum, Lgr11. NERA 42nd Congress, Education for Sustainable Development, Lillehammer, Norway 5-7 March, 2014.
- Wahlström, N. (2013). Embedded in a transnational context of curriculum formation - a turn towards a denationalized - instrumental conception of education in Sweden. .
- Wahlström, N. (2010). The child in the public sphere : early literacy education in the intersection between the generalized and the concrete other. .
Book (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N. (2023). Läroplansteori och didaktik. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Wahlström, N. (2019). Didaktik - ett professionsbegrepp. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Wahlström, N. (2016). Läroplansteori och didaktik. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Wahlström, N. (2015). Läroplansteori och didaktik. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Wahlström, N. (2009). Mellan leverans och utbildning : om lärande i en mål- och resultatstyrd skola. Göteborg, Daidalos.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N. (2022). Didaktik – att utbilda demokratiska medborgare. Didaktikens språk : Om skolundervisningens mål, innehåll och form. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 21-36.
- Wahlström, N. (2022). Introduction : The Role of the School as the Promotion of Knowledge, Equity and Democratic Norms. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 1-13.
- Frank, J., Schmidt, C., Sundberg, D., Vogt, B., Wahlström, N. (2022). Knowledge, Curriculum and Teaching on Matters That Concern : A Concluding Discussion. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 141-155.
- Wahlström, N. (2022). Policy, Knowledge and Promoting a Democratic Stance. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 14-29.
- Wahlström, N. (2022). Equity in Education : Equal Opportunities for What?. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 30-45.
- Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D., Schmidt, C., Sundberg, D., Vogt, B. (2019). Coding scheme for analysing classroom discourse and conceptualisations of knowledge. Classroom research : Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 39-43.
- Wahlström, N. (2019). Introduction : Understanding classroom and knowledge discourses from a curriculum theory and didactic perspective. Classroom research : Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 3-8.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2018). Transnational curriculum standards, curriculum reforms and classroom practices – an introduction.. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 1-14.
- Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). Den evidensbaserade skolan : en introduktion. Den evidensbaserade skolan : Svensk skola i skärningspunkten mellan forskning och praktik. Natur och kultur. 9-30.
- Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). Lärarutbildningens forskningsbasering. Den evidensbaserade skolan : Svensk skola i skärningspunkten mellan forskning och praktik. Natur och kultur. 101-134.
- Wahlström, N. (2018). Pedagogik, policy och skolans uppdrag. Pedagogik som vetenskap : en inbjudan. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 113-125.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). From transnational curriculum standards to classroom practices : the new meaning of teaching. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 133-150.
- Höstfält, G., Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). The Recontextualisation of Policy Messages : The Local Authority as a Policy Actor. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 67-82.
- Wahlström, N. (2018). The travelling reform agenda : the Swedish case through the lens of the OECD. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 15-30.
- Wahlström, N. (2018). A theoretical framework : from policy to curriculum and comparative classroom studies. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 31-47.
- Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N. (2017). Curriculum and leadership in transnational reform policy : A Discursive-Institutionalist Approach. Bridging educational leadership, curriculum theory and Didaktik. Non-affirmative theory of education. Cham, Springer. 439-462.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2016). Den svenska läroplansutvecklingen : Begrepp och tendenser. Att ta utbildningens komplexitet på allvar : En vänskrift till Eva Forsberg. Uppsala, Uppsala universitet. 271-284.
- Wahlström, N. (2014). Lyssnandets utmaningar : Om dissonans, splittring och kreativitet. Den reflekterade erfarenheten : John Dewey om demokrati, utbildning och tänkande. Huddinge, Södertörn högskola. 79-97.
- Wahlström, N. (2014). The changing Role of the State in a Denationalised Educational Policy Context. Transnational Policy Flows in European Education : the making and governing of knowledge in the education policy field. Oxford, Symposium Books. 159-182.
- Wahlström, N. (2012). Om kommunikation som grunden för mening och kunskap - i en värld som vi delar med andra. Vad räknas som kunskap? : Läroplansteoretiska utsikter och inblickar i lärarutbildning och skola. Stockholm, Liber. 162-178.
- Wahlström, N. (2012). Från olikhet till valfrihet. Uppdrag lärare : en antologi om status, yrkesskicklighet och framtidsdrömmar. Stockholm, Lärarförbundets Förlag.
- Wahlström, N. (2012). Den effektiva läraren : om konstruktionen av den goda läraren på en internationell utbildningsarena. Föreställningar om den goda läraren. Göteborg, Daidalos. 247-270.
- Wahlström, N., Quennerstedt, A. (2011). I mellanrummet mellan universell rätt och nationell lag : en teoretisk inramning. Utbildning som medborgerlig rättighet : föräldrarätt eller barns rätt eller… ?. Göteborg, Daidalos. 129-141.
- Wahlström, N. (2011). Internationella konventioner och debatten om fristående skolor i Sverige. Utbildning som medborgerlig rättighet : föräldrarätt eller barns rätt eller… ?. Göteborg, Daidalos. 87-127.
- Wahlström, N. (2011). Rätten till undervisning : Europakonventionens svåra fråga. Utbildning som medborgerlig rättighet : föräldrarätt eller barns rätt eller... ?. Göteborg, Daidalos. 33-52.
- Wahlström, N. (2010). Budget och bildning : om villkor som formar folkhögskolerektorns uppdrag. Folkhögskolans praktiker i förändring II. Örebro, Örebro universitet. 103-134.
- Wahlström, N. (2008). Likvärdighet och kunskap : en diskussion utifrån två mångtydiga begrepp. Vadå likvärdighet? : Studier i utbildningspolitisk språkanvändning. Göteborg, Daidalos. 120-146.
Report (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N. (2024). Kunskap,kompetens och kvalifikation : Om EU:s nyckelkompetenser ochnationella styrdokument. 66.
- Jarl, M., Kornhall, P., Wahlström, N. (2020). Tre rapporter om skolan : Bakgrundsrapport till Jämlikhetskommissionen. Stockholm, Jämlikhetskommissionen. 211.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). En teoribaserad utvärdering av läroplanen Lgr 11. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering. 24.
- Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D. (2015). Forskningsbasering av lärarutbildningen : Delrapport från SKOLFORSK-projektet. Stockholm, Vetenskapsrådet. 62.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N. (2022). Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Routledge. 170.
- Wahlström, N. (2019). Classroom research : Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 43.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2018). Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 154.
- Alvunger, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). Den evidensbaserade skolan : svensk skola i skärningspunkten mellan forskning och praktik. Natur och kultur. 231.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Wahlström, N. (2010). Ett nytt språk om skola? : Recensionsessä. Utbildning och Demokrati. 19 (2). 113-118.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Wahlström, N. (2018). Läroplaner. Att bli lärare. Stockholm, Liber. 195--199.