Professor of Swedish as a Second Language.
The Swedish Science Foundation funded project Recently arrived students in Swedish upper secondary school – a multidisciplinary study on language development, disciplinary literacy and social inclusion (2018-2022) investigates newly arrived migrants students’ linguistic and academic development and social inclusion in upper-secondary school.
Newly arrived students who start their schooling in upper secondary school usually begin in a Language Introduction (LI) program, which offers Swedish as a second language as the main subject. The rationale behind the program is that in order to be able to follow instruction in Swedish in the mainstream class, students need to learn Swedish. Education in the LI program is also to be individually adapted to each student’s needs, competences and capabilities according to an individual study plan conducted after screening of the students’ prior subject knowledge. It may thus, also include education in other academic and vocational subjects, both at compulsory school level and at the level of upper secondary school.
Hence, the introductory program is intended to be transitional and the students are supposed to quickly move on to one of the national programs. In the LI classroom, students who have started their schooling in compulsory school but are not qualified to start at a national program in upper secondary school study alongside students who have just arrived in Sweden. The result is a heterogeneous student body with varying profiles in terms of years in Sweden, school background, grounds for staying in Sweden, country of origin, future plans and proficiency in Swedish, factors known to co-variate with school success.
Research questions
- What content is taught in LI?
- How is the content taught in LI?
- What kind of Swedish as a second language development can be seen during the time the students are enrolled in LI?
- What kind of academic development, measured in terms of grades passed, can be seen during the time the students are enrolled in LI?
- What kind of instructional support is offered to the students in LI?
- What are the opportunities for inclusion in the mainstream for recently arrived students?
The data analysed is collected through ethnographic methods (participant observation, classroom recordings, linguistic landscaping), written documentation of the students’ development, texts written by the students, policy documents, interviews, formative assessment protocols and surveys.
To analyse qualitative data we apply several qualitative methods and to analyse language data we apply systemic functional linguistics and basic linguistic theory. In quantitative analyses standard statistical methods are applied. The data is collected in a large city and two minor municipalities in different parts of Sweden.
Participants in the project represent three different Higher Education institutions (Linnaeus University, Stockholm University and Dalarna University) as well as different scientific disciplines (educational linguistics, bi/multilingualism research, educational sociology, pedagogic work) with different theoretical and methodological approaches (e.g. language development, disciplinary literacy, inclusion). The team has ample experience of research within their respective areas of expertise, as well as collaboration over disciplinary boarders.
The research is conducted in close collaboration with practitioners in order to collaboratively create new knowledge that can contribute to the development of the education of newly arrived students in upper-secondary school, as well as to develop the organisation of schooling.
Visiting Professor of Swedish at Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Kautokeino, Norway.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Uddling, J., Svensson, S., Juvonen, P., Bergh Nestlog, E. (2024). Flerspråkighet som villkorad resurs : en studie om hur mellanstadielärare talar om flerspråkande i skolarbete. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 29 (1-2). 97-121.
Status: Published -
Paulsrud, B., Juvonen, P., Schalley, A.C.C. (2023). Attitudes and beliefs on multilingualism in education : voices from Sweden. International Journal of Multilingualism. 20 (1). 68-85.
Status: Published -
Rehman, K., Juvonen, P. (2022). Att undervisa nyanlända ungdomar för att utveckla både ämneskunskaper och språk – en historielärares värderingar om sitt uppdrag. HumaNetten. (48). 168-197.
Status: Published -
Bunar, N., Juvonen, P. (2022). ‘Not (yet) ready for the mainstream’ – newly arrived migrant students in a separate educational program. Journal of education policy. 37 (6). 986-1008.
Status: Published -
Juvonen, P. (2016). Nyanländ i den svenska skolan : om mottagning, utbildning och forskning. Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning. 11 (2). 93-114.
Status: Published -
Juvonen, P. (1989). Repair in Second-Language Instruction. Nordic Journal of Linguistics. 12 (2). 183-204.
Status: Published -
Linell, P., Gustavsson, L., Juvonen, P. (1988). Interactional dominance in dyadic communication : a presentation of initiative-response analysis. Linguistics. 26 (3). 415-442.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Axelsson, M., Juvonen, P. (2016). Inledning : nyanlända barn och ungdomar i de nordiska länderna. Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning. 11 (2). 5-12.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Juvonen, P., Parkvall, M. (2010). Vad är ett ord? Egentligen!?. Språktidningen. (februari). 56-59.
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Juvonen, P. (2000). Grammaticalizing the definite article : a study of definite adnominal determiners in a genre of spoken Finnish. Doctoral Thesis. Stockholm, Stockholm University. 218.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Källkvist, M., Juvonen, P. (2021). Engaging teachers and researchers in classroom research : Issues of fluidity and time in two multi-sited projects. Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. Bristol, Multilingual Matters. 37-55.
- Juvonen, P., Källkvist, M. (2021). Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. An Introduction. Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. Bristol, Multilingual Matters. 1-6.
- Juvonen, P., Eisenchlas, S.A., Roberts, T., Schalley, A.C. (2020). Researching social and affective factors in home language maintenance and development : A methodology overview. Handbook of Home Language Maintenance and Development : Social and Affective Factors. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter. 38-58.
- Juvonen, P. (2016). Making do with minimal lexica : light verb constructions with make/do in pidgin lexica. The Lexical Typology of Semantic Shifts. Mouton de Gruyter. 223-248.
- Juvonen, P., Nikunlassi, A. (2015). Temperature adjectives in Finnish. The linguistics of temperature. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company. 491-536.
- Juvonen, P. (2008). Complexity and simplicity in minimal lexica : the lexicon of Chinook Jargon. Language complexity : typology, contact, change. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company. 321-340.
- Juvonen, P. (2006). Articles, definite and indefinite. Encyclopedia of language & linguistics : Volume One. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 484-487.
- Juvonen, P. (2005). On the pragmatics of indefinite determiners in spoken Finnish. Minimal reference : the use of pronouns in Finnish and Estonian discourse. Helsinki, Finnish Literature Society. 190-211.
- Juvonen, P., Parkvall, M. (2003). Den flerspråkiga världen i siffror. Låt mig ha kvar mitt språk : den tredje SUKKA-rapporten : Antakaa minun pitää kieleni : kolmas SUKKA-raportti. Umeå, Institutionen för moderna språk, Umeå universitet. 13-32.
- Juvonen, P. (2003). Tilastollinen metodi ja yksilöllinen vaihtelu puhekielisen aineiston kuvauksessa : [ Statistical method and individual variation in the description of spoken language ]. Låt mig ha kvar mitt språk : den tredje SUKKA-rapporten = Antakaa minun pitää kieleni : kolmas SUKKA-raportti. Umeå, Inst. för moderna språk, Umeå universitet. 151-166.
- Juvonen, P. (2000). Om bestämdhetsmarkering i svenska och finska : Har finskan en bestämd artikel?. Denna - den här - den där : om demonstrativer i tvärspråklig belysning : en minnesskrift till Elsie Wijk-Andersson. Uppsala, ASLA. 57-92.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Juvonen, P., Bergh Nestlog, E., Svensson, S., Uddling, J. (2024). Utvecklingsarbete i språkligt heterogena skolor : erfarenheter av ett projekt. Mångfaldens möten : Interkulturalitet, utbildning och lärande. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 141-157.
- Bergh Nestlog, E., Juvonen, P., Svensson, S., Jenny, U. (2023). Flerspråkiga klassrum i Växjös skolor : Ett utvecklings- och forskningsprojekt. Språk, reflektion och vetenskap i lärarutbildningen. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 51-66.
- Juvonen, P., Udding, J. (2022). Språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbete i språkligt heterogena klassrum. Didaktikens språk : Om skolundervisningens mål, innehåll och form. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 121-136.
- Juvonen, P. (2015). Lärarröster om direktplacering av nyanlända elever. Nyanlända och lärande : mottagning och inkludering. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 139-176.
- Juvonen, P., Viberg, Å. (2013). Tvåspråkighet i skolan : användandet av konnektorer och lexikala val på finska och svenska - en tillbakablick. Profession, politik och passion : Inger Lindberg som andraspråksforskare - en vänbok. Göteborg, Göteborgs universitet. 89-120.
- Juvonen, P. (2013). Så lika men ändå så olika : om kanssa, kans och kaa i talad finska. Keelemees Raag Raimo 60.. Tallinn, Eesti Keele Sihtasutus. 33-49.
- Juvonen, P. (1993). Bilinguals at School : The Use of Connectors in Finnish Oral Production. Problem, Process and Product in language learning : Papers from the Stockholm-Åbo Conference, 21-22 October 1992. Stockholm, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm university. 71-86.
- Lindberg, I., Juvonen, P., Viberg, Å. (1990). Att berätta på två språk. Samtal och språkundervisning : Studier till Lennart Gustavssons minne. Linköping, Tema kommunikation, Linköpings universitet. 160-192.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bergh Nestlog, E., Juvonen, P., Svensson, S., Uddling, J. (2023). Flerspråkiga klassrum i Växjösskolor – ett utvecklings- ochforskningsprojekt. Språk, reflektion och vetenskap i lärarutbildningen. Växjö, Institutionen för didaktik och lärares praktik, Linnéuniversitetet. 51-66.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
- Juvonen, P. (2009). Språk och lärande : Rapport från ASLA:s höstsymposium, Stockholm, 7-8 november 2008 : Language and Learning : Papers from the ASLA Symposium in Stockholm, 7-8 November, 2008. Uppsala, Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée. 203.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Juvonen, P., Källkvist, M. (2021). Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. Bristol, Multilingual Matters. 288.
- Juvonen, P., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M. (2016). The Lexical Typology of Semantic Shifts. Mouton de Gruyter. 600.
- Axelsson, M., Juvonen, P. (2016). Nordand : Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning. Årgång 11, Nr. 2-2016 : Temanummer : Nyanlända barn och ungdomar i de nordiska länderna. Fagbokforlaget. 182.
Selected publications
Peer reviewed articles and chapters
Axelsson, M. and Juvonen, P. 2016. Inledning: Nyanlända barn och ungdomar i de nordiska länderna. [Introduction: Recently arrived children and adolescents in the Nordic countries]. In Axelsson, M. and Juvonen, P. (eds) [Nyanlända barn och ungdomar i de nordiska länderna]. Nordand – Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning 16 (11:2): 5–12.
Bunar, N. and Juvonen, P. 2021. ‘Not (yet) ready for the mainstream’ – newly arrived migrant students in a separate educational program, Journal of Education Policy, DOI: 1080/02680939.2021.1947527.
Juvonen, P. 2005. On indefinite determiners in spoken Finnish. I: Laury, R. (red.)
Minimal reference. The use of pronouns in Finnish and Estonian discourse. Studia Fennica Linguistica (SFLIN) 12: 190-211. Helsinki: SKS.
Juvonen, P. 2006. Articles, Definite and Indefinite. I: Brown, K. (Editor-in-Chief): Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition: 484-487. Elsevier.
Juvonen, P. 2008. Complexity and simplicity in minimal lexica: the lexicon of Chinook Jargon. I: Karlsson, Fred, Matti Miestamo and Kaius Sinnemäki (eds) Language Complexity: Typology, Contact, Change. 321-340. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Juvonen, P. 2016a. Making do with minimal lexica. Light verb constructions with make/do in pidgin lexica. In Juvonen, P. and M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds) The lexical typology of semantic shifts. [Cognitive Linguistics Research 58].Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Juvonen, P. 2016b. Nyanlända elever i den svenska skolan – mottagande, utbildning och inkludering. [Newly arrived migrant students in Swedish schools - reception, education and inclusion] I Axelsson, M. and Juvonen, P. (eds) [Temanummer: Nyanlända barn och ungdomar i de nordiska länderna]. Nordand – Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning 16 (11:2): 93–114.
Juvonen, P., Eisenchlas, S.A., Roberts, T. and Schalley, A.C. 2020. Researching social and affective factors in home language maintenance and development: A methodology overview. In Schalley, A.C. and Eisenchlas, S.A. (eds.) Handbook of Home Language Maintenance and Development. Social and Affective Factors, [Handbooks of Applied Linguistics [HAL] 18]. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 38–58.
Juvonen, P. and Källkvist, M. 2021. Pedagogical Translanguaging: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives - An Introduction. In Juvonen, P. and Källkvist, M. (eds) Pedagogical Translanguaging: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. Multilingual Matters: Bristol, UK.
Juvonen, P. and Nikunlassi, A. 2015 Temperature Adjectives in Finnish. I: Koptjevskaja Tamm, M. (red.) The linguistics of temperature, ss. 491-536. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Källkvist, M. and Juvonen, P. 2021. Engaging Teachers and Researchers in Classroom Research: Issues of Fluidity and Time in Two Multi-sited Projects. In Juvonen, P. and Källkvist, M. (eds) 2021. Pedagogical Translanguaging: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Linell, P., Gustavsson, P and Juvonen, P. 1988. Interactional dominance in dyadic communication: a presentation of initiative-response analysis. Linguistics 26, 415–442.
Juvonen, P. 2000a. Grammaticalizing the definite article. A study of definite adnominal determiners in a genre of spoken Finnish. PhD thesis, Dept of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
Edited volumes
Axelsson, M. and Juvonen, P. (eds) 2016. [Temanummer: Nyanlända barn och ungdomar i de nordiska länderna]. Nordand – Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning 16 (11:2).
Juvonen, P. (ed) 2009. Språk och lärande – Language and Learning. Stockholm: ASLA.
Juvonen, P. and M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds) 2016. The lexical typology of semantic shifts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Juvonen, P. and Källkvist, M. (eds) 2021. Pedagogical Translanguaging: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.